Duck Commander Sticks to Principles

Great question!

In my little world, especially because we're lucky enough to live in this country, we allow people to say what they're thinking, even if we don't like it.


Because it provides us with an excellent opportunity to engage that person in mature, civil public debate.

Why do we want to do that?

Well, two reasons: First, with patience, honesty and passion, we may be able to change their mind, or at least soften/alter it somewhat. But probably more importantly, if we can do it in public, we may be able to change/alter the minds of many others. And we did it organically, by truly changing hearts and minds, rather than exacerbating animosities through punishment, which just makes it take that much longer to change hearts and minds. We do it civilly and through the culture. Like adults.

For some reason you seem to think that I like racial and gay slurs. I do not, and I never use them. You will never see me do so, nor will you see me agreeing with someone who does. In fact, I may very well dislike them just as much as you. And unless I know who is thinking such thoughts, I'll never be able to change their hearts and minds -- sometimes through debate, sometimes through leading by example -- and progress is slowed.

Thanks for the question.

Does that make sense?


So what is wrong with pointing out that these slurs are not acceptable in our society? What makes that "political correctness" and not just simple human decency?

I'm all for pointing it out. You aren't getting it.

There's a difference between, on one hand, pointing it out and starting a conversation and on the other hand, shutting down the debate and punishing that person.

Surely you see the difference.


Who called for shutting down debate or punishing? Douche made douchie statement. GLAAD called A&E out, asking ONLY that that they, A&E, disavow his statements. Nobody I saw called for him to be "punished" in any way shape or form. Not a single group I saw called for his firing or even his suspension.

So, where's the "PC" you are always complaining about with this issue?
Equating gays and lesbians with bestiality is not treating fellow humans with decency and respect and is deserving of public censure.

Homosexuality is a paraphilia just like the other ones.

Was listed as such in the DSM until the homosexual political pressure of the 60's to remove it.

You're reinforcing my point. By all means lets make sure all Americans know what conservatives really feel about homosexuality.
Tell me something....what does it look like in your perfect little "non PC" world? Everyone walk around calling people the N word or the F word for gay man?

What is so wrong with being decent to your fellow human being? When did simple respect become "politically correct"?

Phil was politically correct and did not use any "slurs" in what he said, but the way many on the far left are acting as if he did. Show's where the true hatred lies, it is in the far left.

Equating gays and lesbians with bestiality is not treating fellow humans with decency and respect and is deserving of public censure.

I see the far left reads what they want to read.
So what is wrong with pointing out that these slurs are not acceptable in our society? What makes that "political correctness" and not just simple human decency?

I'm all for pointing it out. You aren't getting it.

There's a difference between, on one hand, pointing it out and starting a conversation and on the other hand, shutting down the debate and punishing that person.

Surely you see the difference.


Who called for shutting down debate or punishing? Douche made douchie statement. GLAAD called A&E out, asking ONLY that that they, A&E, disavow his statements. Nobody I saw called for him to be "punished" in any way shape or form. Not a single group I saw called for his firing or even his suspension.

So, where's the "PC" you are always complaining about with this issue?

There's a new PC. It's the conservative version of political correctness that demands that no one criticize conservative bigotry on the grounds that it is their right to be bigoted.
So what is wrong with pointing out that these slurs are not acceptable in our society? What makes that "political correctness" and not just simple human decency?

I'm all for pointing it out. You aren't getting it.

There's a difference between, on one hand, pointing it out and starting a conversation and on the other hand, shutting down the debate and punishing that person.

Surely you see the difference.


Who called for shutting down debate or punishing? Douche made douchie statement. GLAAD called A&E out, asking ONLY that that they, A&E, disavow his statements. Nobody I saw called for him to be "punished" in any way shape or form. Not a single group I saw called for his firing or even his suspension.

So, where's the "PC" you are always complaining about with this issue?
Why did GLAAD complain and why did A&E suspend Robertson? It was a breech of political correctness. Heaven forbid that anyone be offended.

We are turning into a nation of wimps and we have to ask ourselves if that and punishing people for their beliefs is what we really want.
Mac gets very sensitive when he thinks his multi millionaire heroes are bring unjustly accused.

Of course, I think the old red neck is sly like a fox (or a duck) and this is nothing more than a way to increase brand awareness, keep the companies name in the spotlight and hopefully have increased sales of their shit.

Wouldn't be the first time a professed "Christian" used his religion to sell something.

I'd never heard of them till this happened. And when this blows over, if I never hear of them again, that will be cool with me.

Who really cares what a few multi millionaire red necks think about anything.

Besides you right wing nutters that is. You alls lubs you some redneck Christians that's for sure.
Phil was politically correct and did not use any "slurs" in what he said, but the way many on the far left are acting as if he did. Show's where the true hatred lies, it is in the far left.

Equating gays and lesbians with bestiality is not treating fellow humans with decency and respect and is deserving of public censure.

I see the far left reads what they want to read.

The "far left" reads what the douche bag said. He did it on more than one occasion so it wasn't just an accidental lumping in of "sins". He's a homophobic douche, but it's America and he has that right. Also in America we have the right to call him a homophobic douche. I love this country!
Tell me something....what does it look like in your perfect little "non PC" world? Everyone walk around calling people the N word or the F word for gay man?

What is so wrong with being decent to your fellow human being? When did simple respect become "politically correct"?

Phil was politically correct and did not use any "slurs" in what he said, but the way many on the far left are acting as if he did. Show's where the true hatred lies, it is in the far left.

You've just identified a fundamental difference between liberalism and conservatism.

Conservatives don't consider this a slur:

"Women with women. Men with men. They committed indecent acts with one another. And they received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. They're full of murder, envy, strife, hatred. They are insolent, arrogant God haters. They are heartless. They are faithless. They are senseless. They are ruthless. They invent ways of doing evil."

It is an opinion based on his faith, just like when you post things based on your far left faith.

Whether one agrees or disagrees with what he said it irrelevant to the far left, it is "hatred" and must be silenced.

And no it is not a slur based on his belief. Your belief it is, but the slurs you make against those that are to the right of you are not that much different.
I'm all for pointing it out. You aren't getting it.

There's a difference between, on one hand, pointing it out and starting a conversation and on the other hand, shutting down the debate and punishing that person.

Surely you see the difference.


Who called for shutting down debate or punishing? Douche made douchie statement. GLAAD called A&E out, asking ONLY that that they, A&E, disavow his statements. Nobody I saw called for him to be "punished" in any way shape or form. Not a single group I saw called for his firing or even his suspension.

So, where's the "PC" you are always complaining about with this issue?

There's a new PC. It's the conservative version of political correctness that demands that no one criticize conservative bigotry on the grounds that it is their right to be bigoted.

That's a delightful little straw man, but you may want to read post 14 for what I'm actually saying.

But I don't think you want to understand what I'm saying, because PC has been very effective for the Left, and you don't want to give it up.

That's your call, straw man dishonesty aside.

Equating gays and lesbians with bestiality is not treating fellow humans with decency and respect and is deserving of public censure.

I see the far left reads what they want to read.

The "far left" reads what the douche bag said. He did it on more than one occasion so it wasn't just an accidental lumping in of "sins". He's a homophobic douche, but it's America and he has that right. Also in America we have the right to call him a homophobic douche. I love this country!

I see the far left hatred is coming out in full force.

He talked about his belief. Just like you talk about yours and the slurs you use to describe those that you hate.

The hypocrisy of the far left on this thread is amazing!
I'm all for pointing it out. You aren't getting it.

There's a difference between, on one hand, pointing it out and starting a conversation and on the other hand, shutting down the debate and punishing that person.

Surely you see the difference.


Who called for shutting down debate or punishing? Douche made douchie statement. GLAAD called A&E out, asking ONLY that that they, A&E, disavow his statements. Nobody I saw called for him to be "punished" in any way shape or form. Not a single group I saw called for his firing or even his suspension.

So, where's the "PC" you are always complaining about with this issue?
Why did GLAAD complain and why did A&E suspend Robertson? It was a breech of political correctness. Heaven forbid that anyone be offended.

We are turning into a nation of wimps and we have to ask ourselves if that and punishing people for their beliefs is what we really want.

They complained because an asshole employed by A&E made an asshole comment about gays. They asked that A&E come out against the statement made by doucebag, that's it. Just a simple "the opinions of douchebag duck guy do not reflect the opinions of this station". Standard disclaimer stuff.
I see the far left reads what they want to read.

The "far left" reads what the douche bag said. He did it on more than one occasion so it wasn't just an accidental lumping in of "sins". He's a homophobic douche, but it's America and he has that right. Also in America we have the right to call him a homophobic douche. I love this country!

I see the far left hatred is coming out in full force.

He talked about his belief. Just like you talk about yours and the slurs you use to describe those that you hate.

The hypocrisy of the far left on this thread is amazing!

A lot of people believe that blacks are mud people and deserve to be subservient to whites. Does that mean if some douchenozzle says it on TV you shouldn't point out the douchiness of the statement?
Who called for shutting down debate or punishing? Douche made douchie statement. GLAAD called A&E out, asking ONLY that that they, A&E, disavow his statements. Nobody I saw called for him to be "punished" in any way shape or form. Not a single group I saw called for his firing or even his suspension.

So, where's the "PC" you are always complaining about with this issue?
Why did GLAAD complain and why did A&E suspend Robertson? It was a breech of political correctness. Heaven forbid that anyone be offended.

We are turning into a nation of wimps and we have to ask ourselves if that and punishing people for their beliefs is what we really want.

They complained because an asshole employed by A&E made an asshole comment about gays. They asked that A&E come out against the statement made by doucebag, that's it. Just a simple "the opinions of douchebag duck guy do not reflect the opinions of this station". Standard disclaimer stuff.

Yes the far left hatred is coming in to view and their hypocrisy on this subject just shows how they want to be the only voice of "hatred".
Who called for shutting down debate or punishing? Douche made douchie statement. GLAAD called A&E out, asking ONLY that that they, A&E, disavow his statements. Nobody I saw called for him to be "punished" in any way shape or form. Not a single group I saw called for his firing or even his suspension.

So, where's the "PC" you are always complaining about with this issue?
Why did GLAAD complain and why did A&E suspend Robertson? It was a breech of political correctness. Heaven forbid that anyone be offended.

We are turning into a nation of wimps and we have to ask ourselves if that and punishing people for their beliefs is what we really want.

They complained because an asshole employed by A&E made an asshole comment about gays. They asked that A&E come out against the statement made by doucebag, that's it. Just a simple "the opinions of douchebag duck guy do not reflect the opinions of this station". Standard disclaimer stuff.
What you mean in your own very inarticulate fashion is that it wasn't PC. Got it.
The "far left" reads what the douche bag said. He did it on more than one occasion so it wasn't just an accidental lumping in of "sins". He's a homophobic douche, but it's America and he has that right. Also in America we have the right to call him a homophobic douche. I love this country!

I see the far left hatred is coming out in full force.

He talked about his belief. Just like you talk about yours and the slurs you use to describe those that you hate.

The hypocrisy of the far left on this thread is amazing!

A lot of people believe that blacks are mud people and deserve to be subservient to whites. Does that mean if some douchenozzle says it on TV you shouldn't point out the douchiness of the statement?

Can you post without the obvious far left programmed overtones?

However I see that the far left sees gays as a race like they do "blacks" and thus must be subjugated under the far left religion.
I see the far left hatred is coming out in full force.

He talked about his belief. Just like you talk about yours and the slurs you use to describe those that you hate.

The hypocrisy of the far left on this thread is amazing!

A lot of people believe that blacks are mud people and deserve to be subservient to whites. Does that mean if some douchenozzle says it on TV you shouldn't point out the douchiness of the statement?

Can you post without the obvious far left programmed overtones?

However I see that the far left sees gays as a race like they do "blacks" and thus must be subjugated under the far left religion.

I've noticed that when you don't have an actual debate point, you fall back on "you're programmed by the far left". Have you been programmed with that response?
A lot of people believe that blacks are mud people and deserve to be subservient to whites. Does that mean if some douchenozzle says it on TV you shouldn't point out the douchiness of the statement?

Can you post without the obvious far left programmed overtones?

However I see that the far left sees gays as a race like they do "blacks" and thus must be subjugated under the far left religion.

I've noticed that when you don't have an actual debate point, you fall back on "you're programmed by the far left". Have you been programmed with that response?

I've noticed that when you don't have an actual debate point, you fall back on far left programmed talking points.

Do you see gays as a race like you do "blacks"?
Can you post without the obvious far left programmed overtones?

However I see that the far left sees gays as a race like they do "blacks" and thus must be subjugated under the far left religion.

I've noticed that when you don't have an actual debate point, you fall back on "you're programmed by the far left". Have you been programmed with that response?

I've noticed that when you don't have an actual debate point, you fall back on far left programmed talking points.

Do you see gays as a race like you do "blacks"?

Well, since I am gay and since I know without a shadow of a doubt that I was born this way, I'd have to say yes I do equate being gay with other innate traits like skin color.

Does it being innate change how you treat someone else? Do you think it's okay to treat gays with less respect than you would treat other minorities just because you believe they choose to be gay?
I've noticed that when you don't have an actual debate point, you fall back on "you're programmed by the far left". Have you been programmed with that response?

I've noticed that when you don't have an actual debate point, you fall back on far left programmed talking points.

Do you see gays as a race like you do "blacks"?

Well, since I am gay and since I know without a shadow of a doubt that I was born this way, I'd have to say yes I do equate being gay with other innate traits like skin color.

Does it being innate change how you treat someone else? Do you think it's okay to treat gays with less respect than you would treat other minorities just because you believe they choose to be gay?

So if someone is born with the sprit of the lord in them, why do you treat them differently than you do gays and "blacks"?
And for the record there is no such thing as the gay race since gays can be white, black, yellow, purple, etc.

The far left pundit did that in order to ask their far left question filled with their far left talking points and propaganda.

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