Duck Commander Sticks to Principles

Everyone in America has a right to hate anyone they want

Phil Robertson proves that

And as Secty Kerry said, in America, you have the right to be stupid.

His fans prove that.

But, really, none of this has been a surprise. Not his archaic, anti-christian beliefs or the reactions of our backward and anti-christian right wing.

Is there really anyone who expected better from either one?

Duck Dynasty is doomed

It is seeing a momentary resurgence as Conservative gay haters flock to prove they are right. But Robertsons days as a good ole boy from the swamps spouting folksy sayings are over.

He has doubled down on his anti-gay rhetoric and will become a spokesperson for the "God hates fags" crowd. He can probably earn a living in the bible belt but the days of Duck Dynasty are numbered
Guys a millionaire with a thriving business which will only get more profitable now. What the hell are you talking about?
Great question!

In my little world, especially because we're lucky enough to live in this country, we allow people to say what they're thinking, even if we don't like it.


Because it provides us with an excellent opportunity to engage that person in mature, civil public debate.

Why do we want to do that?

Well, two reasons: First, with patience, honesty and passion, we may be able to change their mind, or at least soften/alter it somewhat. But probably more importantly, if we can do it in public, we may be able to change/alter the minds of many others. And we did it organically, by truly changing hearts and minds, rather than exacerbating animosities through punishment, which just makes it take that much longer to change hearts and minds. We do it civilly and through the culture. Like adults.

For some reason you seem to think that I like racial and gay slurs. I do not, and I never use them. You will never see me do so, nor will you see me agreeing with someone who does. In fact, I may very well dislike them just as much as you. And unless I know who is thinking such thoughts, I'll never be able to change their hearts and minds -- sometimes through debate, sometimes through leading by example -- and progress is slowed.

Thanks for the question.

Does that make sense?


So what is wrong with pointing out that these slurs are not acceptable in our society? What makes that "political correctness" and not just simple human decency?

When alec baldwin really demeaned gays. Where were you? I didn't hear any outrage from you. So tell me is he a bigot?
I'm guessing selective panty bunching.
Great question!

In my little world, especially because we're lucky enough to live in this country, we allow people to say what they're thinking, even if we don't like it.


Because it provides us with an excellent opportunity to engage that person in mature, civil public debate.

Why do we want to do that?

Well, two reasons: First, with patience, honesty and passion, we may be able to change their mind, or at least soften/alter it somewhat. But probably more importantly, if we can do it in public, we may be able to change/alter the minds of many others. And we did it organically, by truly changing hearts and minds, rather than exacerbating animosities through punishment, which just makes it take that much longer to change hearts and minds. We do it civilly and through the culture. Like adults.

For some reason you seem to think that I like racial and gay slurs. I do not, and I never use them. You will never see me do so, nor will you see me agreeing with someone who does. In fact, I may very well dislike them just as much as you. And unless I know who is thinking such thoughts, I'll never be able to change their hearts and minds -- sometimes through debate, sometimes through leading by example -- and progress is slowed.

Thanks for the question.

Does that make sense?


So what is wrong with pointing out that these slurs are not acceptable in our society? What makes that "political correctness" and not just simple human decency?

When alec baldwin really demeaned gays. Where were you? I didn't hear any outrage from you. So tell me is he a bigot?

Was there a thread on it? I'll comment now. Baldwin used derogatory anti gay slurs, for which he apologized and yet was still fired. Baldwin is an avid and outspoken supporter of the gay community and of marriage equality. He should be, and was, censured for his language but he should not have been fired.

Martin Bashir used a valid story to describe the horrors of slavery because Sarah Palin was equating things nothing at all like slavery to slavery. Bashir went a step too far in his condemnation of Palin by wishing such atrocities be practiced on her. He made a very public apology, was censured (rightfully). He should not have been fired.

Duck Douche made comments offensive to the gay community. GLAAD which stands for Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation asked A&E to make a statement disavowing the DuckAss's comments. That's it. Nobody called for him to be fired or even for the asshole himself to apologize. He wasn't fired and, apparently, wasn't even suspended.
And for the record there is no such thing as the gay race since gays can be white, black, yellow, purple, etc.

The far left pundit did that in order to ask their far left question filled with their far left talking points and propaganda.

There's no such thing as a Christian race either, but that doesn't mean there can't be religious rights and freedoms.
Yes you have shown that the spin was started by you claiming that gays with race.

So yes you got caught (once again) in the far left propaganda talking points.

Just own up to it.

How is he bigoted? Like you are bigoted? Is this just a projection of your bigotry on others?

Sorry, but I'm done playing the game where you ask me questions (which I answer) while you play off my questions as "far left propaganda" and refuse to answer. He's a bigot because he equates consenting adult gays with things that actually do harm and do not involve consent. He's a bigot because he thinks blacks were happier before the Civil Rights Act.

Oh look I went and answered your questions again despite you still not having answered a single one of mine.

1. inborn; natural.

I said that sexual orientation is an innate trait like race or gender. I did not say gay is a race.

You are far left and a bigot.

And you are pathetically attempting to deflect from your inability to address anyone's points. When backed into a corner, out comes the "far left talking point" force field to deflect from your lack of a rational response. It works as well as this...

I'm all for pointing it out. You aren't getting it.

There's a difference between, on one hand, pointing it out and starting a conversation and on the other hand, shutting down the debate and punishing that person.

Surely you see the difference.


Who called for shutting down debate or punishing? Douche made douchie statement. GLAAD called A&E out, asking ONLY that that they, A&E, disavow his statements. Nobody I saw called for him to be "punished" in any way shape or form. Not a single group I saw called for his firing or even his suspension.

So, where's the "PC" you are always complaining about with this issue?
Why did GLAAD complain and why did A&E suspend Robertson? It was a breech of political correctness. Heaven forbid that anyone be offended.

We are turning into a nation of wimps and we have to ask ourselves if that and punishing people for their beliefs is what we really want.

Why was Glenn Beck fired from Foxnews?
Duck Commander Sticks to Principles
As he should, no one would expect him to do otherwise; he has every right to defend his hate and ignorance.

Otherwise, there’s no such thing as ‘political correctness,’ the objections to Robertson’s hate and ignorance were perfectly appropriate, having nothing to do with being ‘thin-skinned.’

Sorry.. believing an action and choice is wrong, is not hate or ignorance...

What is ignorant is the left whackaloon mentality that assumes hate
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And as Secty Kerry said, in America, you have the right to be stupid.

His fans prove that.

But, really, none of this has been a surprise. Not his archaic, anti-christian beliefs or the reactions of our backward and anti-christian right wing.

Is there really anyone who expected better from either one?

Duck Dynasty is doomed

It is seeing a momentary resurgence as Conservative gay haters flock to prove they are right. But Robertsons days as a good ole boy from the swamps spouting folksy sayings are over.

He has doubled down on his anti-gay rhetoric and will become a spokesperson for the "God hates fags" crowd. He can probably earn a living in the bible belt but the days of Duck Dynasty are numbered
Guys a millionaire with a thriving business which will only get more profitable now. What the hell are you talking about?

I have no question he will continue to thrive off of the "God hates fags" crowd

His Duck Dynasty persona is gone however. Every offensive statement he ever said will now be brought up. As the spokesperson for the "God hates Fags" movement he will continue to spout offensive statements

Duck Dynasty is no longer the show it used to be
Duck Commander Sticks to Principles
As he should, no one would expect him to do otherwise; he has every right to defend his hate and ignorance.

Otherwise, there’s no such thing as ‘political correctness,’ the objections to Robertson’s hate and ignorance were perfectly appropriate, having nothing to do with being ‘thin-skinned.’

Sorry.. believing an action and choice is wrong, is not hate or ignorance...

What is ignorant is the left whackaloon mentality assumes hate

People who are filled with hate usually seem to assume that others are, too.

A&E has now so poisoned the show that the entire family might not want to participate. It's not like they need it.
Duck Commander Sticks to Principles
As he should, no one would expect him to do otherwise; he has every right to defend his hate and ignorance.

Otherwise, there’s no such thing as ‘political correctness,’ the objections to Robertson’s hate and ignorance were perfectly appropriate, having nothing to do with being ‘thin-skinned.’

Sorry.. believing an action and choice is wrong, is not hate or ignorance...

What is ignorant is the left whackaloon mentality assumes hate


“…moral or social equality between the different races…does not in fact exist, and never can. The God of nature made it otherwise, and no human law can produce it, and no human tribunal can enforce it. There are gradations and classes throughout the universe. From the tallest archangel in Heaven, down to the meanest reptile on earth, moral and social inequalities exist, and must continue to exist throughout all eternity.”

The above is not a hateful or ignorant statement?

Yep, good for him. I don't care much for his views, but I'm glad to see him not letting the PC Police have their way. Even better to see all the pushback from around the country, which is clearly getting stronger every time something like this happens.

The PC Police want the power to pretend they're "offended" so that they can punish those with whom they disagree. It was very effective for a long time, but that's clearly changing. Finally.



Tell me something....what does it look like in your perfect little "non PC" world? Everyone walk around calling people the N word or the F word for gay man?

What is so wrong with being decent to your fellow human being? When did simple respect become "politically correct"?

it is mostly your brethren on the left who like the F word to be used right and left all the time - this board included - which shows what they really think on the issue, not what they say on it.

One of yours ( the leftist) yesterday even admitted that the main problem with PR was he ADMITTED to have the views he has. If he would just say the opposite - everything would be nice and peachy, no matter what he REALLY thinks.

Is it what you want to live with? constant lie?

I know what it is - it is actually not that difficult, when you officially say whatever the official ideology wants to hear and what you really believe you keep to yourself.
That is the real world of any socialist or fascist country, BTW.

Do you want it here?
Seawhch, baldwin is a liberal and can say anything he wants against gays and i'm good with it. Do you remember when trent lott lost the speaker job for being kind to an old man on his birthday? All he said was thurmond would've been a great president, and of couarse he was a racist by liberal standards. You are a hypocrite and a bigot. As long as your a liberal you can hate.
As he should, no one would expect him to do otherwise; he has every right to defend his hate and ignorance.

Otherwise, there’s no such thing as ‘political correctness,’ the objections to Robertson’s hate and ignorance were perfectly appropriate, having nothing to do with being ‘thin-skinned.’

Sorry.. believing an action and choice is wrong, is not hate or ignorance...

What is ignorant is the left whackaloon mentality assumes hate


“…moral or social equality between the different races…does not in fact exist, and never can. The God of nature made it otherwise, and no human law can produce it, and no human tribunal can enforce it. There are gradations and classes throughout the universe. From the tallest archangel in Heaven, down to the meanest reptile on earth, moral and social inequalities exist, and must continue to exist throughout all eternity.”

The above is not a hateful or ignorant statement?


Because physical, moral, social, and all kinds of inequalities exist AND WILL ALWAYS EXIST... knowing this, or even stating this, does not mean that the person HATES... or as ignoramus wrongwinger would states, belongs to the 'God hates fags' crowd... what wrongwinger spews is more filled with hate than what he is screaming about that he calls hate
Duck Commander Sticks to Principles
As he should, no one would expect him to do otherwise; he has every right to defend his hate and ignorance.

Otherwise, there’s no such thing as ‘political correctness,’ the objections to Robertson’s hate and ignorance were perfectly appropriate, having nothing to do with being ‘thin-skinned.’

Not once did he espoused hate unlike you

tapatalk post

Yep, good for him. I don't care much for his views, but I'm glad to see him not letting the PC Police have their way. Even better to see all the pushback from around the country, which is clearly getting stronger every time something like this happens.

The PC Police want the power to pretend they're "offended" so that they can punish those with whom they disagree. It was very effective for a long time, but that's clearly changing. Finally.



It isn't about PC in the long run. It is about promoting a lifestyle which many people find to be abhorrent. And they have the right to find that lifestyle abhorrent if they choose.

Yep, good for him. I don't care much for his views, but I'm glad to see him not letting the PC Police have their way. Even better to see all the pushback from around the country, which is clearly getting stronger every time something like this happens.

The PC Police want the power to pretend they're "offended" so that they can punish those with whom they disagree. It was very effective for a long time, but that's clearly changing. Finally.



Tell me something....what does it look like in your perfect little "non PC" world? Everyone walk around calling people the N word or the F word for gay man?

What is so wrong with being decent to your fellow human being? When did simple respect become "politically correct"?

Why do you feel compelled that you have the right to tell me what I can and cannot say?

tapatalk post
Seawhch, baldwin is a liberal and can say anything he wants against gays and i'm good with it. Do you remember when trent lott lost the speaker job for being kind to an old man on his birthday? All he said was thurmond would've been a great president, and of couarse he was a racist by liberal standards. You are a hypocrite and a bigot. As long as your a liberal you can hate.

Where did I say I was "good with it"? I said he should have been censured for his language and he was. He even apologized as he should. He used a epithet that far too many people, including gays, use. Baldwin does not believe that being gay is a sin. He does not say things like “It seems like, to me, a vagina—as a man—would be more desirable than a man’s anus." and supports marriage equality. Do you understand the difference?

Duckfuck shouldn't be fired anymore than Baldwin, Bashir, Limpballs, Rodeoclown Beck or anyone else should be. We should be able to point out that such language and disrespect isn't acceptable.

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