Duck Commander Sticks to Principles


Yep, good for him. I don't care much for his views, but I'm glad to see him not letting the PC Police have their way. Even better to see all the pushback from around the country, which is clearly getting stronger every time something like this happens.

The PC Police want the power to pretend they're "offended" so that they can punish those with whom they disagree. It was very effective for a long time, but that's clearly changing. Finally.



Tell me something....what does it look like in your perfect little "non PC" world? Everyone walk around calling people the N word or the F word for gay man?

What is so wrong with being decent to your fellow human being? When did simple respect become "politically correct"?

Why do you feel compelled that you have the right to tell me what I can and cannot say?

tapatalk post

Really? You can say horrible things about people and nobody can say "that's a horrible thing to say"? Where is the Free Speech in that?
Equating gays and lesbians with bestiality is not treating fellow humans with decency and respect and is deserving of public censure.

I see the far left reads what they want to read.

The "far left" reads what the douche bag said. He did it on more than one occasion so it wasn't just an accidental lumping in of "sins". He's a homophobic douche, but it's America and he has that right. Also in America we have the right to call him a homophobic douche. I love this country!

Ahh.........the tolerant and non judgmental left! :lol:
Sorry.. believing an action and choice is wrong, is not hate or ignorance...

What is ignorant is the left whackaloon mentality assumes hate


“…moral or social equality between the different races…does not in fact exist, and never can. The God of nature made it otherwise, and no human law can produce it, and no human tribunal can enforce it. There are gradations and classes throughout the universe. From the tallest archangel in Heaven, down to the meanest reptile on earth, moral and social inequalities exist, and must continue to exist throughout all eternity.”

The above is not a hateful or ignorant statement?


Because physical, moral, social, and all kinds of inequalities exist AND WILL ALWAYS EXIST... knowing this, or even stating this, does not mean that the person HATES... or as ignoramus wrongwinger would states, belongs to the 'God hates fags' crowd... what wrongwinger spews is more filled with hate than what he is screaming about that he calls hate

The above statement was used by the Georgia Supreme Court to keep anti-miscegenation laws in place. Still not hateful or ignorant?
“It seems like, to me, a vagina—as a man—would be more desirable than a man’s anus."

This offends you? Seriously. I've never spent any time in prison, but still...
Why did GLAAD complain and why did A&E suspend Robertson? It was a breech of political correctness. Heaven forbid that anyone be offended.

We are turning into a nation of wimps and we have to ask ourselves if that and punishing people for their beliefs is what we really want.

Why was Glenn Beck fired from Foxnews?
Don't know. Was he fudge packer?

Glenn Beck was not fired from Fox News.

Yep, good for him. I don't care much for his views, but I'm glad to see him not letting the PC Police have their way. Even better to see all the pushback from around the country, which is clearly getting stronger every time something like this happens.

The PC Police want the power to pretend they're "offended" so that they can punish those with whom they disagree. It was very effective for a long time, but that's clearly changing. Finally.



Tell me something....what does it look like in your perfect little "non PC" world? Everyone walk around calling people the N word or the F word for gay man?

What is so wrong with being decent to your fellow human being? When did simple respect become "politically correct"?

it is mostly your brethren on the left who like the F word to be used right and left all the time - this board included - which shows what they really think on the issue, not what they say on it.

One of yours ( the leftist) yesterday even admitted that the main problem with PR was he ADMITTED to have the views he has. If he would just say the opposite - everything would be nice and peachy, no matter what he REALLY thinks.

Is it what you want to live with? constant lie?

I know what it is - it is actually not that difficult, when you officially say whatever the official ideology wants to hear and what you really believe you keep to yourself.
That is the real world of any socialist or fascist country, BTW.

Do you want it here?

Yeah, that's it...let's all just go back to a time when it was okay to use the n word indiscriminately...back in the good old days when you could happily use wetback, ****, chink, slopehead, know, really tell people what you thought of them. Back when 'merika was 'merika!
“It seems like, to me, a vagina—as a man—would be more desirable than a man’s anus."

This offends you? Seriously. I've never spent any time in prison, but still...

"It seems like to me......."

That's the offensive part. Robertson is not allowed to have that preference. If he has it, he's not allowed to express it.
Why do you feel compelled that you have the right to tell me what I can and cannot say?

tapatalk post

Really? You can say horrible things about people and nobody can say "that's a horrible thing to say"? Where is the Free Speech in that?

What the f*** does that have to do with what I asked you? You stupid b**** I asked why do you feel the need to tell me what I can and cannot say is fascism you homosexuals keep practicing is tiresome

tapatalk post

Nobody is telling you what you can and cannot say. Nobody's free speech has been violated in any way shape or form. That's pure, unadulterated hyperbole. Guy makes statement some find offensive. Those that were offended called guy out on it. Isn't that how it's supposed to work? Just because YOU weren't offended by the comments, nobody else can be?
Tell me something....what does it look like in your perfect little "non PC" world? Everyone walk around calling people the N word or the F word for gay man?

What is so wrong with being decent to your fellow human being? When did simple respect become "politically correct"?

it is mostly your brethren on the left who like the F word to be used right and left all the time - this board included - which shows what they really think on the issue, not what they say on it.

One of yours ( the leftist) yesterday even admitted that the main problem with PR was he ADMITTED to have the views he has. If he would just say the opposite - everything would be nice and peachy, no matter what he REALLY thinks.

Is it what you want to live with? constant lie?

I know what it is - it is actually not that difficult, when you officially say whatever the official ideology wants to hear and what you really believe you keep to yourself.
That is the real world of any socialist or fascist country, BTW.

Do you want it here?

Yeah, that's it...let's all just go back to a time when it was okay to use the n word indiscriminately...back in the good old days when you could happily use wetback, ****, chink, slopehead, know, really tell people what you thought of them. Back when 'merika was 'merika!

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“It seems like, to me, a vagina—as a man—would be more desirable than a man’s anus."

This offends you? Seriously. I've never spent any time in prison, but still...

"It seems like to me......."

That's the offensive part. Robertson is not allowed to have that preference. If he has it, he's not allowed to express it.

Who hasn't allowed it? Was he imprisoned for his statement? Who even called for him to be fired from his job? (he wasn't)
Really? You can say horrible things about people and nobody can say "that's a horrible thing to say"? Where is the Free Speech in that?

What the f*** does that have to do with what I asked you? You stupid b**** I asked why do you feel the need to tell me what I can and cannot say is fascism you homosexuals keep practicing is tiresome

tapatalk post

Nobody is telling you what you can and cannot say. Nobody's free speech has been violated in any way shape or form. That's pure, unadulterated hyperbole. Guy makes statement some find offensive. Those that were offended called guy out on it. Isn't that how it's supposed to work? Just because YOU weren't offended by the comments, nobody else can be?

You most certainly are not only that but you wish it to be a crime I do believe is the word you call it is hate speech. That should be something like a death threat not saying homosexuality is a sin

tapatalk post
Last edited:

“…moral or social equality between the different races…does not in fact exist, and never can. The God of nature made it otherwise, and no human law can produce it, and no human tribunal can enforce it. There are gradations and classes throughout the universe. From the tallest archangel in Heaven, down to the meanest reptile on earth, moral and social inequalities exist, and must continue to exist throughout all eternity.”

The above is not a hateful or ignorant statement?


Because physical, moral, social, and all kinds of inequalities exist AND WILL ALWAYS EXIST... knowing this, or even stating this, does not mean that the person HATES... or as ignoramus wrongwinger would states, belongs to the 'God hates fags' crowd... what wrongwinger spews is more filled with hate than what he is screaming about that he calls hate

The above statement was used by the Georgia Supreme Court to keep anti-miscegenation laws in place. Still not hateful or ignorant?

Not inherently... because someone acknowledges that there are inherent inequalities does not automatically mean there is hate... even if you are against the actions and decisions of another.. the logical reality argument can be used by ones who do not hate as well

And yes, I had already googled your little trap quote
“It seems like, to me, a vagina—as a man—would be more desirable than a man’s anus."

This offends you? Seriously. I've never spent any time in prison, but still...

"It seems like to me......."

That's the offensive part. Robertson is not allowed to have that preference. If he has it, he's not allowed to express it.
I would think that that would ring true for the majority of men in the world. I guess openly expressing it is offensive to men who prefer men's anuses. :confused:
Tell me something....what does it look like in your perfect little "non PC" world? Everyone walk around calling people the N word or the F word for gay man?

What is so wrong with being decent to your fellow human being? When did simple respect become "politically correct"?

it is mostly your brethren on the left who like the F word to be used right and left all the time - this board included - which shows what they really think on the issue, not what they say on it.

One of yours ( the leftist) yesterday even admitted that the main problem with PR was he ADMITTED to have the views he has. If he would just say the opposite - everything would be nice and peachy, no matter what he REALLY thinks.

Is it what you want to live with? constant lie?

I know what it is - it is actually not that difficult, when you officially say whatever the official ideology wants to hear and what you really believe you keep to yourself.
That is the real world of any socialist or fascist country, BTW.

Do you want it here?

Yeah, that's it...let's all just go back to a time when it was okay to use the n word indiscriminately...back in the good old days when you could happily use wetback, ****, chink, slopehead, know, really tell people what you thought of them. Back when 'merika was 'merika!

Just because you cry when someone uses a WORD, does not mean that you get to prevent someone from their freedom of speech... a word only has power to offend if you let it.. sorry
I see the far left reads what they want to read.

The "far left" reads what the douche bag said. He did it on more than one occasion so it wasn't just an accidental lumping in of "sins". He's a homophobic douche, but it's America and he has that right. Also in America we have the right to call him a homophobic douche. I love this country!

Ahh.........the tolerant and non judgmental left! :lol:

Not to mention, all he did was state what his religion teaches him, that homosexuality is a sin. That is what the bible says, it doesn't make him a douche... perhaps SeaWytch is saying God's a homophobic douche?

I'd be careful with that one. Of course, anyone that doesn't accept everything put forth by the gay community is a homophobe, or so seems to be the narrative.

What the f*** does that have to do with what I asked you? You stupid b**** I asked why do you feel the need to tell me what I can and cannot say is fascism you homosexuals keep practicing is tiresome

tapatalk post

Nobody is telling you what you can and cannot say. Nobody's free speech has been violated in any way shape or form. That's pure, unadulterated hyperbole. Guy makes statement some find offensive. Those that were offended called guy out on it. Isn't that how it's supposed to work? Just because YOU weren't offended by the comments, nobody else can be?

You most certainly are not only that but you wish it to be a call hate speech I do believe is the word you call it hate speech to be something like I wanted to you it doesn't I believe homosexuality is a sin

tapatalk post

What? Could you please try and make some sense. He made an offensive statement and was called out by the people he offended. Were you offended by Bashir's comments? Do you believe he should have apologized? Been fired?

He didn't just leave it at "I think it's a sin". That wouldn't have offended anyone.
it is mostly your brethren on the left who like the F word to be used right and left all the time - this board included - which shows what they really think on the issue, not what they say on it.

One of yours ( the leftist) yesterday even admitted that the main problem with PR was he ADMITTED to have the views he has. If he would just say the opposite - everything would be nice and peachy, no matter what he REALLY thinks.

Is it what you want to live with? constant lie?

I know what it is - it is actually not that difficult, when you officially say whatever the official ideology wants to hear and what you really believe you keep to yourself.
That is the real world of any socialist or fascist country, BTW.

Do you want it here?

Yeah, that's it...let's all just go back to a time when it was okay to use the n word indiscriminately...back in the good old days when you could happily use wetback, ****, chink, slopehead, know, really tell people what you thought of them. Back when 'merika was 'merika!

Just because you cry when someone uses a WORD, does not mean that you get to prevent someone from their freedom of speech... a word only has power to offend if you let it.. sorry

Nobody IS being prevented from using such speech. You would not be jailed for using it, people would just call you an asshole. Aren't they supposed to? Honestly.
Tell me something....what does it look like in your perfect little "non PC" world? Everyone walk around calling people the N word or the F word for gay man?

What is so wrong with being decent to your fellow human being? When did simple respect become "politically correct"?

it is mostly your brethren on the left who like the F word to be used right and left all the time - this board included - which shows what they really think on the issue, not what they say on it.

One of yours ( the leftist) yesterday even admitted that the main problem with PR was he ADMITTED to have the views he has. If he would just say the opposite - everything would be nice and peachy, no matter what he REALLY thinks.

Is it what you want to live with? constant lie?

I know what it is - it is actually not that difficult, when you officially say whatever the official ideology wants to hear and what you really believe you keep to yourself.
That is the real world of any socialist or fascist country, BTW.

Do you want it here?

Yeah, that's it...let's all just go back to a time when it was okay to use the n word indiscriminately...back in the good old days when you could happily use wetback, ****, chink, slopehead, know, really tell people what you thought of them. Back when 'merika was 'merika!

oh, as I thought you KNOW you live in the world of lies and if someone just tells you that he/she approves you lifestyle - that will make your day, no matter is it true or is it just done because otherwise you might break the windows in his/her bakery.

LIES are the core essence of the left.

I know it.

Was not sure if you did.

Turns out you do and that is what you prefer - lies.
Nobody is telling you what you can and cannot say. Nobody's free speech has been violated in any way shape or form. That's pure, unadulterated hyperbole. Guy makes statement some find offensive. Those that were offended called guy out on it. Isn't that how it's supposed to work? Just because YOU weren't offended by the comments, nobody else can be?

You most certainly are not only that but you wish it to be a call hate speech I do believe is the word you call it hate speech to be something like I wanted to you it doesn't I believe homosexuality is a sin

tapatalk post

What? Could you please try and make some sense. He made an offensive statement and was called out by the people he offended. Were you offended by Bashir's comments? Do you believe he should have apologized? Been fired?

He didn't just leave it at "I think it's a sin". That wouldn't have offended anyone.

Are you honestly equating Bashir's comments with Robertson's? Please answer that with a "no".

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