Duck Commander Sticks to Principles

“It seems like, to me, a vagina—as a man—would be more desirable than a man’s anus."

This offends you? Seriously. I've never spent any time in prison, but still...

"It seems like to me......."

That's the offensive part. Robertson is not allowed to have that preference. If he has it, he's not allowed to express it.

Who hasn't allowed it? Was he imprisoned for his statement? Who even called for him to be fired from his job? (he wasn't)

No he was not imprisoned much to the disappointment of fascist like you. Instead they try to destroy him in the media his image . people like you were calling him a bigoted racist homophobe you don't even know who the hell he is. all you need for your little bigoted mind is the fact that he said homosexuality is a sin that's all you ever needed because all you ever care about is whether not man can suck dick and women eat the box. Nothing else matters to your myopic brain

tapatalk post
Both the current Pope and Duckfuck have said being gay is a sin...only Duckfuck offended people. Why is that? I know it's not because of the Pope's fabulous attire...

You know, you'd be taken a lot mores seriously if you didn't use the term DuckFuck... and btw, not that many people were offended by his remarks... the support has been overwhelming. It's the usual suspects who are offended by pretty much everything who are having a cow over this non-event and who for the most part, defended Bashir.
You most certainly are not only that but you wish it to be a call hate speech I do believe is the word you call it hate speech to be something like I wanted to you it doesn't I believe homosexuality is a sin

tapatalk post

What? Could you please try and make some sense. He made an offensive statement and was called out by the people he offended. Were you offended by Bashir's comments? Do you believe he should have apologized? Been fired?

He didn't just leave it at "I think it's a sin". That wouldn't have offended anyone.

Are you honestly equating Bashir's comments with Robertson's? Please answer that with a "no".

I'm equating people being offended with people being offended. Do you think Bashir should have been fired (and please don't pull the BS "he wasn't fired" crap)? I don't think Duckfuck should be fired and I don't even give a shit if he apologizes for his inarticulate language. I do believe that the public has a right to point out his inarticulate language. Don't you?
You most certainly are not only that but you wish it to be a call hate speech I do believe is the word you call it hate speech to be something like I wanted to you it doesn't I believe homosexuality is a sin

tapatalk post

What? Could you please try and make some sense. He made an offensive statement and was called out by the people he offended. Were you offended by Bashir's comments? Do you believe he should have apologized? Been fired?

He didn't just leave it at "I think it's a sin". That wouldn't have offended anyone.

Are you honestly equating Bashir's comments with Robertson's? Please answer that with a "no".

Lets look at Bashirs comments

He never said anything about Palin eating shit or piss. He said she should serve under a strict slavemaster before she equates things to slavery. Bashir was fired because the way he phrased it was crude and unworthy of a news person

Lets look at Robertsons comments. He was not just quoting the bible. He started speaking about anal sex, talking about gays and bestiality. He was not being biblical, he was being crude. Not the character A&E thought they had signed up

Bashir deserved to be fired, so did Robertson
What? Could you please try and make some sense. He made an offensive statement and was called out by the people he offended. Were you offended by Bashir's comments? Do you believe he should have apologized? Been fired?

He didn't just leave it at "I think it's a sin". That wouldn't have offended anyone.

Are you honestly equating Bashir's comments with Robertson's? Please answer that with a "no".

I'm equating people being offended with people being offended. Do you think Bashir should have been fired (and please don't pull the BS "he wasn't fired" crap)? I don't think Duckfuck should be fired and I don't even give a shit if he apologizes for his inarticulate language. I do believe that the public has a right to point out his inarticulate language. Don't you?

Why would anyone have to apologize for being inarticulate.. that's retarded. And yes, someone should apologize for saying someone should urinate and defecate in a woman's mouth. That's utterly disgusting and yes, he should have been fired for saying that on the air. Robertson's comments were not offensive... silly? Yes. But, face it, most people, including women would find a woman's genitalia more attractive than a man's anus.
I see the far left reads what they want to read.

The "far left" reads what the douche bag said. He did it on more than one occasion so it wasn't just an accidental lumping in of "sins". He's a homophobic douche, but it's America and he has that right. Also in America we have the right to call him a homophobic douche. I love this country!

And I get to call you a anti christian dyke douche bag. I love this country!

BTW I am not a christian but I dont hate them for thier beliefs like you and that other bull dyke bodey do.

I don't hate Christians. That would be silly and counterproductive. I certainly don't want to see them denied equal rights. I don't think they should be raising kids or teaching children in schools, but I'd never legislate such a thing. :lol:
So what is wrong with pointing out that these slurs are not acceptable in our society? What makes that "political correctness" and not just simple human decency?

When alec baldwin really demeaned gays. Where were you? I didn't hear any outrage from you. So tell me is he a bigot?

Was there a thread on it? I'll comment now. Baldwin used derogatory anti gay slurs, for which he apologized and yet was still fired. Baldwin is an avid and outspoken supporter of the gay community and of marriage equality. He should be, and was, censured for his language but he should not have been fired.

Martin Bashir used a valid story to describe the horrors of slavery because Sarah Palin was equating things nothing at all like slavery to slavery. Bashir went a step too far in his condemnation of Palin by wishing such atrocities be practiced on her. He made a very public apology, was censured (rightfully). He should not have been fired.

Duck Douche made comments offensive to the gay community. GLAAD which stands for Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation asked A&E to make a statement disavowing the DuckAss's comments. That's it. Nobody called for him to be fired or even for the asshole himself to apologize. He wasn't fired and, apparently, wasn't even suspended.

At least 5 or 6, funny you did not notice them...convient that.
The "far left" reads what the douche bag said. He did it on more than one occasion so it wasn't just an accidental lumping in of "sins". He's a homophobic douche, but it's America and he has that right. Also in America we have the right to call him a homophobic douche. I love this country!

And I get to call you a anti christian dyke douche bag. I love this country!

BTW I am not a christian but I dont hate them for thier beliefs like you and that other bull dyke bodey do.

I don't hate Christians. That would be silly and counterproductive. I certainly don't want to see them denied equal rights. I don't think they should be raising kids or teaching children in schools, but I'd never legislate such a thing. :lol:

There's that tolerance again.... but I'm sure you have no problem with atheists or gays teaching kids in schools, right?


Zero credibility there...
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“It seems like, to me, a vagina—as a man—would be more desirable than a man’s anus."

This offends you? Seriously. I've never spent any time in prison, but still...

"It seems like to me......."

That's the offensive part. Robertson is not allowed to have that preference. If he has it, he's not allowed to express it.

Who hasn't allowed it? Was he imprisoned for his statement? Who even called for him to be fired from his job? (he wasn't)

So no one found it offensive.

Phil Robertson only told the truth. All of it.
The "far left" reads what the douche bag said. He did it on more than one occasion so it wasn't just an accidental lumping in of "sins". He's a homophobic douche, but it's America and he has that right. Also in America we have the right to call him a homophobic douche. I love this country!

And I get to call you a anti christian dyke douche bag. I love this country!

BTW I am not a christian but I dont hate them for thier beliefs like you and that other bull dyke bodey do.

I don't hate Christians. That would be silly and counterproductive. I certainly don't want to see them denied equal rights. I don't think they should be raising kids or teaching children in schools, but I'd never legislate such a thing. :lol:

Lying comes easy to you just like bodey, maybe you two should hook up.
legal polygamy is right around the corner thanks to you fags.
What? Could you please try and make some sense. He made an offensive statement and was called out by the people he offended. Were you offended by Bashir's comments? Do you believe he should have apologized? Been fired?

He didn't just leave it at "I think it's a sin". That wouldn't have offended anyone.

Are you honestly equating Bashir's comments with Robertson's? Please answer that with a "no".

Lets look at Bashirs comments

He never said anything about Palin eating shit or piss. He said she should serve under a strict slavemaster before she equates things to slavery. Bashir was fired because the way he phrased it was crude and unworthy of a news person

Lets look at Robertsons comments. He was not just quoting the bible. He started speaking about anal sex, talking about gays and bestiality. He was not being biblical, he was being crude. Not the character A&E thought they had signed up

Bashir deserved to be fired, so did Robertson

Nah, he stated that homosexuality, according to the bible, is a sin just like bestiality, drunkenness etc. You may not like that, but he was right.. that is what the bible says. Get over it.
And I get to call you a anti christian dyke douche bag. I love this country!

BTW I am not a christian but I dont hate them for thier beliefs like you and that other bull dyke bodey do.

I don't hate Christians. That would be silly and counterproductive. I certainly don't want to see them denied equal rights. I don't think they should be raising kids or teaching children in schools, but I'd never legislate such a thing. :lol:

Lying comes easy to you just like bodey, maybe you two should hook up.
legal polygamy is right around the corner thanks to you fags.

You know, I think your position would be better served if you stopped using such language... just a thought.
Are you honestly equating Bashir's comments with Robertson's? Please answer that with a "no".

Lets look at Bashirs comments

He never said anything about Palin eating shit or piss. He said she should serve under a strict slavemaster before she equates things to slavery. Bashir was fired because the way he phrased it was crude and unworthy of a news person

Lets look at Robertsons comments. He was not just quoting the bible. He started speaking about anal sex, talking about gays and bestiality. He was not being biblical, he was being crude. Not the character A&E thought they had signed up

Bashir deserved to be fired, so did Robertson

Nah, he stated that homosexuality, according to the bible, is a sin just like bestiality, drunkenness etc. You may not like that, but he was right.. that is what the bible says. Get over it.

“Everything is blurred on what’s right and what’s wrong. Sin becomes fine," Robertson told GQ's Drew Magary about immorality. “Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men ... Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers -- they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”

Robertson gets right into how homosexuality "morphs" out from there.....first up....Bestiality
Equating gays and lesbians with bestiality is not treating fellow humans with decency and respect and is deserving of public censure.

Homosexuality is a paraphilia just like the other ones.

Was listed as such in the DSM until the homosexual political pressure of the 60's to remove it.

You're reinforcing my point. By all means lets make sure all Americans know what conservatives really feel about homosexuality.

That homosexuality is a paraphilia ?

“It seems like, to me, a vagina—as a man—would be more desirable than a man’s anus."

This offends you? Seriously. I've never spent any time in prison, but still...

Wanting a man's anus instead of a vagina is sick. My opinion.
It's definately weird, but that someone gets offended by someone else saying he finds a vigina more desirable than a man's anus is mind blowing.

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