'Duck Dynasty' Under Fire Following Star's Incendiary Anti-Gay Remarks

The conservative outrage here is hilarious. Remember their reaction to the Dixie Chicks criticizing Bush 10 years ago?
This guy had every right to say what he said; those that choose to do so have every right to whine and cry about it.
Not sure what the issue is.
"His personal views in no way reflect those of A&E Networks, who have always been strong supporters and champions of the LGBT community. The network has placed Phil under hiatus from filming indefinitely."

'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E | Fox News

Translation: His personal views in no way reflect those of A&E Networks, which is run by a bunch of 1st Amendment-hating Liberal Asshats.
Its a sad state of affairs when one states his or her opinion and is curcified by the liberal pro gay community and media for a lack of compassion and sympathy for their own perversion.
What is more disturbing, he was only repeating what is written in the old testament, and as a man of God, and a citizen of this country he is within his rights to speak his mind.
As for missing the interview, dam, I would have gone duck hunting rather than sit and listen to that old self righteous hag.

He insulted more than the gay community with his opinions.
Get rid of the restrictions of a Muslim society due to religious dogma and let us see, until then it is conjecture on your part that people like to be oppressed.
Being a muslim and living in an Islamic country doesn't equate to oppression.

True story......... :cool:
"His personal views in no way reflect those of A&E Networks, who have always been strong supporters and champions of the LGBT community. The network has placed Phil under hiatus from filming indefinitely."

'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E | Fox News

Translation: His personal views in no way reflect those of A&E Networks, which is run by a bunch of 1st Amendment-hating Liberal Asshats.

I've never known the Hearst corp to be liberals.
This whole Duck Dynasty controversy is nothing more than a conflict manufactured by the media to distract people from the real problems going on out there. The bottom line is Phil Robertson has the freedom to express his personal opinions and A&E has the right to protect their property if they feel he is harming it. It's that simple. Get over it and move on. If people would simply live and let live and be more understanding of opposing view points we wouldn't be bombarded with this constant idiocy.
Its a sad state of affairs when one states his or her opinion and is curcified by the liberal pro gay community and media for a lack of compassion and sympathy for their own perversion.
What is more disturbing, he was only repeating what is written in the old testament, and as a man of God, and a citizen of this country he is within his rights to speak his mind.
As for missing the interview, dam, I would have gone duck hunting rather than sit and listen to that old self righteous hag.

He insulted more than the gay community with his opinions.

There is no right to not be offended.
There is no right to not be offended.

True, but since people are behaving that way, I'm going to behave in kind. Here's a copy of an e-mail I sent to cnn.com. Hope everyone will send a similar e-mail.

>'Duck Dynasty' Drama: Battle Lines Drawn Over Phil Robertson Suspension | Yahoo TV - Yahoo TV

Between Piers Morgan's views on the 2nd Amendment and his hateful comments about the P. Robertson, I am DONE with your network. Since it has become vogue to wage "war" when speech is heard that people don't approve of, I have decided that I will watch tonight, so I can ensure I've gotten a comprehensive list of your sponsors, and then will be informing them that I won't buy their products as long as they advertise on your network and will send such notifications out once a week until Morgan is no longer a part of your programming.<
A&E is learning a redneck lesson or two. No matter how tuff you think you are, there is always someone tuffer and some folks you just don't mess with.
The next target.
One of the members of the family featured on TV is the pro gay's next target because of their religious beliefs. It would be one thing if we are being made to chose politically correctness, or our beliefs.
But that is not the case. We are being made to choose political correctness instead of our beliefs. Or else.
While you watch the latest crucifixion of this family, remember that your next, unless........
another pinhead who knows nothing about how broadcasting works!

This isn't a broadcasting issue. It has been made into a broadcasting issue. This is an assault of a belief structure issue, as long as it is a Christian one. Are sponsors running from the Muslim belief concerning gays? Have we confronted Sammy Sheik on his views?

If Caesar dictates equal rights under the law, then that is Caesar's position and we are bound to keep the law. NEVERTHELESS, in this country the man being vilified this week, is a man that lives according to his beliefs, while doing no injury to the law.

And, there is a law that protects his right to do so. His protection under the fundamental Laws of this nation, and not the whim of any administration, has been politically correctly undermined by intolerant idealism and broadcasting.

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