Duck Dynasty?

From the same link:

The organization is also currently researching companies who use Robertson as a spokesperson.

“Silence is agreement in this case,” he said. “With such egregious anti-gay and racist comments, those companies that choose to be affiliated with this family need to speak out.”

Pathetic. GLAAD is now using the same crap tactics that Jesse Jackasson and Al Sharpie use.

That is the kind if fascism Paglia was trying to warn people about.
O.M.G!!! Now I know that you are just a talking point spewing sheeple. I thought you liberals thought you were the enlightened ones. Paglia is one of the preeminent lesbian/feminist/liberal thinkers in the US. LOL

Camille Paglia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think you have it confused. People that are capable of independent thought without having to be supported by an icon of their beliefs are usually enlightened. Those that get their views spoon fed to them via Rush Limbaugh are usually the ones lacking in enlightenment.
Ahhh. And repeating the same shit about Southerners that's spewed by others on the left is being "enlightened".

When you point at your own bigotry to prove a point, all you've proven is that you're a bigot.

No. I only pointed at his stupidity and amazement that we never heard of this card carrying liberal icon. Try and keep up.
You have no fucking idea what the majority of Americans think. All you have is the results of carefully worded polls asking about equality. They have nothing to do with the opinions in the OP, many Americans are in total agreement with him and many more are in partial agreement but no one has the balls to ask those questions. Fuck you and your holier than thou bullshit attitude.

332-206. That should be a clue as to what the Majority of Americans support.

Now we have the candyass chiming in. Has nothing to do with the subject at hand, even blue states voted not to allow fag marriage, and BTW your numbers are wrong.

In November, Americans were polled. The majority rejected the party of hate that refers to homosexuals as "fags". RE-JECT-ED. In case you missed it, the final electoral vote tally was 332-206.

As for your lone, pathetic, impotent claim about gay marriage...I present you with a cold hard dose of truth:


See that big blob of red getting bigger and bigger. That is called a trend. You'll notice the closer we get to 2014...the more red shows up. This doesn't bode well for you're being passed by...the world is leaving you behind and you are power-less to stop it.
Considering Duck Dynasty's season finale brought in 9.6 million viewers, I doubt the threat of 1 million boycotting A&E scares them much.

For every person of the one million who liked the Facebook A&E boycott, at least 10 more did not log on who agreed. So your numbers are deceiving just like the polls. I think A&E really needs to be worried...

President Romney agrees with the polls being wrong.
Well it seems that between Chick-Fil-A and now Duck Dynasty, there is a silent majority finally speaking out against the gay steamroller. All those election results that kept stumping strategists that relied on the "facts" discovered via selective and deceptive polling are now clearing up around the edges. >>This thread isn't about just Phil Robertson's right to free speech, it's about another topic: the numbers lining up behind him in support<<

Will the lukewarm "support" in the middle for gay agendas to usurp mainstream values finally see that keeping it in the bedroom is not what gays are up to?

They're up to quite a bit more. Why don't the numbers add up? Be careful in 2014 democrats...

WEST MONROE, La. (CBS Houston) — Over 1 million people support boycotting A&E following the suspension of “Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson.

As of Thursday evening, more than 1 million people have “liked” the “Boycott A&E Until Phil Robertson Is Put Back On Duck Dynasty” Facebook page.

“This page is to show support for the freedom of speech of Americans. Unless Phil is reinstated to the show, we refuse to watch the A&E Channel!” the page states.

The page exploded when it was launched Wednesday, breaking over 200,000 likes in less than six hours and 700,000 after 20 hours. The page received more than 1 million likes in less than 24 hours.

The administrator, who is named Michael, claims he was even banned from Facebook for 12 hours because the page was generating 4,500 likes in one hour.
“The administrator of this page was banned for next 12 hours because this page generated 4.5K likes in ‘1 hour.’ People you are getting the word out! Continue to spread that we will boycott A&E until Phil Robertson is put back Duck Dynasty,” the page states.

Thousands were voicing their support on the page.

“I am going to buy a duck call from Duck Commander. I have never owned a gun or gone hunting in my life,” Watson L. Clark stated.

Teddy NeSmith said: “I stand for the U.S. Constitution and the 1st. Amendment, Phil can say anything he wishes about his religion. “

On Twitter, hashtags such as “I Stand With Phil” and “Stand With Phil Robertson” have gone viral.

The patriarch of the Robertson family was suspended indefinitely after saying homosexuality is illogical in an interview with GQ magazine.
Over 1 Million Support Boycotting A&E Following ?Duck Dynasty? Star?s Suspension « CBS Houston




Cluck cluck.

Quack Quack...

Seem to remember the Dixie Chicks getting in trouble over their right to free speech once.
332-206. That should be a clue as to what the Majority of Americans support.

Now we have the candyass chiming in. Has nothing to do with the subject at hand, even blue states voted not to allow fag marriage, and BTW your numbers are wrong.

In November, Americans were polled. The majority rejected the party of hate that refers to homosexuals as "fags". RE-JECT-ED. In case you missed it, the final electoral vote tally was 332-206.

As for your lone, pathetic, impotent claim about gay marriage...I present you with a cold hard dose of truth:


See that big blob of red getting bigger and bigger. That is called a trend. You'll notice the closer we get to 2014...the more red shows up. This doesn't bode well for you're being passed by...the world is leaving you behind and you are power-less to stop it.

Right, the will of the people was over ridden in most of those states by judges that invented rights that did exist before. I sincerely hope those judges die a slow and miserable death for the destruction they wrongfully brought to this country. 3-4% of the population doesn't have the right to force their fucked up practices on the rest of us. I used to say live and let live but after some of the shit I've seen these fag activist pull, fuck-em they can all go to hell. You folks are producing more bigots than you will want to deal with with all that in your face bull shit and you keep getting in my face I will no longer remain calm or silent.
I think you have it confused. People that are capable of independent thought without having to be supported by an icon of their beliefs are usually enlightened. Those that get their views spoon fed to them via Rush Limbaugh are usually the ones lacking in enlightenment.
Ahhh. And repeating the same shit about Southerners that's spewed by others on the left is being "enlightened".

When you point at your own bigotry to prove a point, all you've proven is that you're a bigot.

No. I only pointed at his stupidity and amazement that we never heard of this card carrying liberal icon. Try and keep up.
Then you can't really claim to be enlightened, can you?
Right, the will of the people was over ridden in most of those states by judges that invented rights that did exist before. I sincerely hope those judges die a slow and miserable death for the destruction they wrongfully brought to this country. 3-4% of the population doesn't have the right to force their fucked up practices on the rest of us. I used to say live and let live but after some of the shit I've seen these fag activist pull, fuck-em they can all go to hell. You folks are producing more bigots than you will want to deal with with all that in your face bull shit and you keep getting in my face I will no longer remain calm or silent.

Well instead of helping repel the gay agenda, by using derogatory terms and vitrole you are actually giving them a leg up. When you want to calm down, join the rest of us who are going to tamp back the gay progress using the civil process of the courts. Keep your eye on this Utah thing. That judge citing the Windsor case in overturning a state's constitution without the permission of the governed means that that judge meant for this case to be heard by SCOTUS. Think about that for awhile. He meant for this case to go before SCOTUS and particularly to be examined in light of what was said in the Windsor Opinion.

What was said in the Windsor Opinion was that each state's broad-swath citizenry has had a constitutional right from the start of our country to present day to weigh in on consensus on the question of who may or may not marry within their boundaries. The Court cited Loving v Virginia and then went on to not guarantee gay marriage; saying it was only "allowed" "in some states". That was Them saying "we don't hold that the 14th applies to homosexual behaviors to the exclusion of other behaviors like polygamy, 13 year olds etc. marrying also" They even referred to these other "oddball" marriages as in the same class as gay marriage.

There has been no, zero, findings that gays have a federally protected right to marry, only a state-protected one and only in those states where it is allowed by consensus. You can rest easy knowing that as the Utah case marches forward, the trojan horse in the DOMA Opinion will be unveiled for all to see. And gay marriage will be defined as only valid in those states where a broad swath voted it in. There are three states only that qualify in this regard.
Hey Assclapias, you might want to educate yourself on the education, business acumen and wealth of said backwoods hillbillies.

There ain't no hills where they live so they ain't hillbillies. Just hygienically challenged white trash.

How many multi-million-dollar companies have YOU built from nothing?

Nothing shall come from nothing, I speak anon.~ King Lear

I built a business, but I never aspired to be filthy rich. You only need so much in life, too much is a sin.
The liberal echo chamber in full throttle.

I love seeing the Robertsons make absolute monkeys out of these libs.
I have no argument with Moonglow. We both agree they are mentally challenged, dirty, white trash. You said I should check out their business acumen and education as if that proves something. I just asked you why but you are avoiding the question for some reason.

As much as I've tried in the past, I just can't fix your stupid assclap. The men are college educated businessmen who built a multi-million dollar business from scratch. If you don't see the difference between what they actually are and your racist opinion that they are mentally challenged, dirty, white trash, then neither I or anyone else can open your tight little mind and make you see the light. Moron.

he is just envious. so is moonglow.
THEY have millions and fame, and they don't deserve it, being hillybillys :D

&#8230;20And he said to Him, "Teacher, I have kept all these things from my youth up." 21Looking at him, Jesus felt a love for him and said to him, "One thing you lack: go and sell all you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me." 22But at these words he was saddened, and he went away grieving, for he was one who owned much property.&#8230;

23And Jesus, looking around, said to His disciples, "How hard it will be for those who are wealthy to enter the kingdom of God!"&#8230;

&#8230;24The disciples were amazed at His words. But Jesus answered again and said to them, "Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! 25"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

Mark 20:25

Oh Phil is a good Christian that is lying to himself like all rich people that claim to be a Christian and think they are going to dwell in heaven..
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Your argument is with Moonglow and not me. He's the one who claims you have to have hills to be a hillbilly.

I have no argument with Moonglow. We both agree they are mentally challenged, dirty, white trash. You said I should check out their business acumen and education as if that proves something. I just asked you why but you are avoiding the question for some reason.

As much as I've tried in the past, I just can't fix your stupid assclap. The men are college educated businessmen who built a multi-million dollar business from scratch. If you don't see the difference between what they actually are and your racist opinion that they are mentally challenged, dirty, white trash, then neither I or anyone else can open your tight little mind and make you see the light. Moron.

The article in GQ mag has Phil referring to himself as poor white trash. Take it up with him if you have a problemo.
Ahhh. And repeating the same shit about Southerners that's spewed by others on the left is being "enlightened".

When you point at your own bigotry to prove a point, all you've proven is that you're a bigot.

No. I only pointed at his stupidity and amazement that we never heard of this card carrying liberal icon. Try and keep up.
Then you can't really claim to be enlightened, can you?

Of course I can silly rabbit. Its in my signature. Enlightened doesn't mean you know someone. Enlightened means you know things that matter. Whoever this person is does not matter. I'm sure she is nice since she is a liberal but she really doesn't matter to me.
Right, the will of the people was over ridden in most of those states by judges that invented rights that did exist before. I sincerely hope those judges die a slow and miserable death for the destruction they wrongfully brought to this country. 3-4% of the population doesn't have the right to force their fucked up practices on the rest of us. I used to say live and let live but after some of the shit I've seen these fag activist pull, fuck-em they can all go to hell. You folks are producing more bigots than you will want to deal with with all that in your face bull shit and you keep getting in my face I will no longer remain calm or silent.

Well instead of helping repel the gay agenda, by using derogatory terms and vitrole you are actually giving them a leg up. When you want to calm down, join the rest of us who are going to tamp back the gay progress using the civil process of the courts. Keep your eye on this Utah thing. That judge citing the Windsor case in overturning a state's constitution without the permission of the governed means that that judge meant for this case to be heard by SCOTUS. Think about that for awhile. He meant for this case to go before SCOTUS and particularly to be examined in light of what was said in the Windsor Opinion.

What was said in the Windsor Opinion was that each state's broad-swath citizenry has had a constitutional right from the start of our country to present day to weigh in on consensus on the question of who may or may not marry within their boundaries. The Court cited Loving v Virginia and then went on to not guarantee gay marriage; saying it was only "allowed" "in some states". That was Them saying "we don't hold that the 14th applies to homosexual behaviors to the exclusion of other behaviors like polygamy, 13 year olds etc. marrying also" They even referred to these other "oddball" marriages as in the same class as gay marriage.

There has been no, zero, findings that gays have a federally protected right to marry, only a state-protected one and only in those states where it is allowed by consensus. You can rest easy knowing that as the Utah case marches forward, the trojan horse in the DOMA Opinion will be unveiled for all to see. And gay marriage will be defined as only valid in those states where a broad swath voted it in. There are three states only that qualify in this regard.

I'm done playing nice with anyone I think is pushing an agenda that is bad for the country. These mf's want to level accusations of racism or bigotry fine I wonder how they would feel if we demonstrated REAL racism or bigotry. I've been calm for the last 40 years watching liberal policies destroy our society, I'm done being calm.
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Apparently Camille hasn't heard of "employment contracts".
You missed the entire point of her words. Was that deliberate or because you just couldn't figure it iut?

No actually I didn't. I'm basing my post on it. She talked of "people have the right to free thought and free speech" and "religious freedom". Which tells me she doesn't know what a morals clause is.

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