Duck Dynasty?

The majority of Americans don't support your view, Silhouette, as every day and week and month goes by so obviously show.

You have no fucking idea what the majority of Americans think. All you have is the results of carefully worded polls asking about equality. They have nothing to do with the opinions in the OP, many Americans are in total agreement with him and many more are in partial agreement but no one has the balls to ask those questions. Fuck you and your holier than thou bullshit attitude.

332-206. That should be a clue as to what the Majority of Americans support.

Now we have the candyass chiming in. Has nothing to do with the subject at hand, even blue states voted not to allow fag marriage, and BTW your numbers are wrong.
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On one hand, I thought that Phil Robertson's statements were disgusting and idiotic, however:

If you film a documentary, for instance, about wild tigers, don't be shocked or disgusted when a tiger kills an eats an antelope.

A&E chose to make a reality show about dumb ass rednecks. Why are they suddenly surprised when their dumb ass redneck acts like a dumb ass redneck? If they thought that his being a dumb ass redneck was all an act - that dumb ass rednecks don't really exist - then A&E are a bunch of dumb asses.

They bought a kangaroo, they paid for a kangaroo, and not surprisingly, they got a kangaroo. What's their problem?
Considering Duck Dynasty's season finale brought in 9.6 million viewers, I doubt the threat of 1 million boycotting A&E scares them much.

For every person of the one million who liked the Facebook A&E boycott, at least 10 more did not log on who agreed. So your numbers are deceiving just like the polls. I think A&E really needs to be worried...
On one hand, I thought that Phil Robertson's statements were disgusting and idiotic, however:

If you film a documentary, for instance, about wild tigers, don't be shocked or disgusted when a tiger kills an eats an antelope.

A&E chose to make a reality show about dumb ass rednecks. Why are they suddenly surprised when their dumb ass redneck acts like a dumb ass redneck? If they thought that his being a dumb ass redneck was all an act - that dumb ass rednecks don't really exist - then A&E are a bunch of dumb asses.

They bought a kangaroo, they paid for a kangaroo, and not surprisingly, they got a kangaroo. What's their problem?

See my last post. Surly not all 10 million who are in agreement with the Duck Dynasty guy are "dumbass rednecks". Way to alienate undecided voters.. Now who's the dumbass?
From the same link:

The organization is also currently researching companies who use Robertson as a spokesperson.

“Silence is agreement in this case,” he said. “With such egregious anti-gay and racist comments, those companies that choose to be affiliated with this family need to speak out.”

Pathetic. GLAAD is now using the same crap tactics that Jesse Jackasson and Al Sharpie use.
If that is not the stupidest thing I ever heard of. They are treating Phil Robertson as if he peddles cereal and has a Nike shoe named after him. Like he can be hurt in this way. Unbelievable simply delusional.

The show's sponsors already stand behind Robertson 100%. The only company that uses Robertson as a spokesman is his own. Good luck with complaints to Duck Commander.

Can people really be this stupid? Did their brains run out of all their asses? Surely his blowing off Barbra Walters gave GLAAD something of a clue as to what Phil Robertson thinks of pop culture.
Notice Phil Robertson didn't make the rounds apologizing. He didn't do the expected Paula Deen thing.

The Robertsons simply cannot be hurt by the likes of GLAAD! They are very wealthy, do not have a lavish lifestyle and there is only one of the product they sell and they have it. It's not like if someone wants a duck call they can get another kind. They have acres of land in the Louisiana backwoods. Maybe the gays will mince out there for a protest. Between the gators, snakes and hunting accidents one or two might get back.
Even as an atheist who fully supports gay rights, im still glad they are getting backlash. You can't ask for entire nation to have tolerance for your gay lifestyle, then turn around and not tolerate Christian lifestyles. Its fucking hypocritical. Yes the Bible is totally lame, but you have to learn to tolerate it.
Even as an atheist who fully supports gay rights, im still glad they are getting backlash. You can't ask for entire nation to have tolerance for your gay lifestyle, then turn around and not tolerate Christian lifestyles. Its fucking hypocritical. Yes the Bible is totally lame, but you have to learn to tolerate it.

Hey, I can appreciate the honesty, pal. Good on you, sir.
I can't put it into exact words but, this is rather ironic. I sat there imagining the looks on GLAAD's faces when they got buffeted by the backlash. I'm sitting there thinking "wow, even the liberals are behind this guy, GLAAD and A&E really stunk it up if even the liberals are supporting this guy."

It's absolutely hilarious to watch as everything GLAAD fought for is backfiring on them. This is the price they pay for their spitefulness and hypocrisy.
You dont need to have hills to be hill billies. Only a backwoods, redneck mentality. I still don't get why you wanted me to know about their business acumen?

Your argument is with Moonglow and not me. He's the one who claims you have to have hills to be a hillbilly.

I have no argument with Moonglow. We both agree they are mentally challenged, dirty, white trash. You said I should check out their business acumen and education as if that proves something. I just asked you why but you are avoiding the question for some reason.

Haters will always hate, and Assbitepiass will always have his head up his own ass.
Your argument is with Moonglow and not me. He's the one who claims you have to have hills to be a hillbilly.

I have no argument with Moonglow. We both agree they are mentally challenged, dirty, white trash. You said I should check out their business acumen and education as if that proves something. I just asked you why but you are avoiding the question for some reason.

As much as I've tried in the past, I just can't fix your stupid assclap. The men are college educated businessmen who built a multi-million dollar business from scratch. If you don't see the difference between what they actually are and your racist opinion that they are mentally challenged, dirty, white trash, then neither I or anyone else can open your tight little mind and make you see the light. Moron.

But, but, but day's Hill billeees!

Well said Camille, well said. :thup:

“I speak with authority here, because I was openly gay before the ‘Stonewall rebellion,’ when it cost you something to be so. And I personally feel as a libertarian that people have the right to free thought and free speech,” Paglia, a professor at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, said on Laura Ingraham’s radio show Thursday.

“In a democratic country, people have the right to be homophobic as well as they have the right to support homosexuality — as I one hundred percent do. If people are basing their views against gays on the Bible, again they have a right of religious freedom there,” she added.

“To express yourself in a magazine in an interview — this is the level of punitive PC, utterly fascist, utterly Stalinist, OK, that my liberal colleagues in the Democratic Party and on college campuses have supported and promoted over the last several decades,” Paglia said. “This is the whole legacy of free speech 1960’s that have been lost by my own party.”

“I think that this intolerance by gay activists toward the full spectrum of human beliefs is a sign of immaturity, juvenility,” Paglia said. “This is not the mark of a true intellectual life. This is why there is no cultural life now in the U.S. Why nothing is of interest coming from the major media in terms of cultural criticism. Why the graduates of the Ivy League with their A, A, A+ grades are complete cultural illiterates, etc. is because they are not being educated in any way to give respect to opposing view points.”

“There is a dialogue going on human civilization, for heaven sakes. It’s not just this monologue coming from fanatics who have displaced the religious beliefs of their parents into a political movement,” she added. “And that is what happened to feminism, and that is what happened to gay activism, a fanaticism.”

Read more: Paglia: Duck Dynasty uproar 'utterly fascist, utterly Stalinist' | The Daily Caller

I hate to disagree because you seem well intended. But the 'dialogue' ended about 50 years ago.

For ass kissers like you maybe, dipshit.
“To express yourself in a magazine in an interview — this is the level of punitive PC, utterly fascist, utterly Stalinist, OK, that my liberal colleagues in the Democratic Party and on college campuses have supported and promoted over the last several decades,” Paglia said. “This is the whole legacy of free speech 1960’s that have been lost by my own party.”

“I think that this intolerance by gay activists toward the full spectrum of human beliefs is a sign of immaturity, juvenility,” Paglia said. “This is not the mark of a true intellectual life. This is why there is no cultural life now in the U.S. Why nothing is of interest coming from the major media in terms of cultural criticism. Why the graduates of the Ivy League with their A, A, A+ grades are complete cultural illiterates, etc. is because they are not being educated in any way to give respect to opposing view points.”
While I like the idea of coming down hard on them all they represent are backwoods hill billies. They probably are funny to laugh at like that show with the overweight kid in the beauty pageants.

Hey Assclapias, you might want to educate yourself on the education, business acumen and wealth of said backwoods hillbillies.

There ain't no hills where they live so they ain't hillbillies. Just hygienically challenged white trash.

How many multi-million-dollar companies have YOU built from nothing?
GLAAD can often be overly sensitive. This is one of those times. They need to back away from this.

I hope they don't though.

I hope that they keep the pressure on A+E to keep Phil off the show, then the Robertsons leave for another network and really kick A+E in the nuts for being such cowards.

Should I?

O.M.G!!! Now I know that you are just a talking point spewing sheeple. I thought you liberals thought you were the enlightened ones. Paglia is one of the preeminent lesbian/feminist/liberal thinkers in the US. LOL

Camille Paglia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think you have it confused. People that are capable of independent thought without having to be supported by an icon of their beliefs are usually enlightened. Those that get their views spoon fed to them via Rush Limbaugh are usually the ones lacking in enlightenment.
Ahhh. And repeating the same shit about Southerners that's spewed by others on the left is being "enlightened".

When you point at your own bigotry to prove a point, all you've proven is that you're a bigot.

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