Duck Dynasty?

While I like the idea of coming down hard on them all they represent are backwoods hill billies. They probably are funny to laugh at like that show with the overweight kid in the beauty pageants.

Hey Assclapias, you might want to educate yourself on the education, business acumen and wealth of said backwoods hillbillies.

There ain't no hills where they live so they ain't hillbillies. Just hygienically challenged white trash.
And I'll note that the FRACAS is being spun up by the liberal media in order to deflect attention from the Epic Fail of ObamaCare.
The Scuttlebutt is such a clever creature.
You said libs want this silly assed show canceled and made illegal.


Name names or admit you don't have a friggen clue.

Fact is, no one really cares what some backward, ignernt redneck has to say about much of anything.

As for it being "fascist", I wish you fools would look up the meaning of the word and actually think for yourselves but that ain't gonna happen either.

Okay, you can go back to your poor little victim whining crap.

I said nothing of the sort. I said liberals are intolerant with those that disagree with them (you are a fine case in point) I said they do not hesitate to ban OPPOSING VIEWS...if you would read properly - you would see I was not talking specifically about the show.
You can go back to hating again.

Obviously it is fascist.
I may be a minority here by saying I have never seen the show, I have however seen various clips and comments by others in the media that A&E should not have been surprised as the guy has a history of being outspoken and "unfiltered" in his beliefs.
Therefore - what they did is the height of intolerance. However it is par for the course for liberals to be 100% intolerant of any and all opposing views. They have no problem banning it, shouting out others and even trying to make opposing views illegal...or give special rights to those that agree with them.
It is Stalanistic. She is not exaggerating.

Yes you did.


Have the nutters said this is a First Amendment issue yet?

They're wrong, of course, but I'll be that's coming.

As I said - if you could read properly. :cuckoo:
Well it seems that between Chick-Fil-A and now Duck Dynasty, there is a silent majority finally speaking out against the gay steamroller. All those election results that kept stumping strategists that relied on the "facts" discovered via selective and deceptive polling are now clearing up around the edges. >>This thread isn't about just Phil Robertson's right to free speech, it's about another topic: the numbers lining up behind him in support<<

Will the lukewarm "support" in the middle for gay agendas to usurp mainstream values finally see that keeping it in the bedroom is not what gays are up to?

They're up to quite a bit more. Why don't the numbers add up? Be careful in 2014 democrats...

WEST MONROE, La. (CBS Houston) &#8212; Over 1 million people support boycotting A&E following the suspension of &#8220;Duck Dynasty&#8221; star Phil Robertson.

As of Thursday evening, more than 1 million people have &#8220;liked&#8221; the &#8220;Boycott A&E Until Phil Robertson Is Put Back On Duck Dynasty&#8221; Facebook page.

&#8220;This page is to show support for the freedom of speech of Americans. Unless Phil is reinstated to the show, we refuse to watch the A&E Channel!&#8221; the page states.

The page exploded when it was launched Wednesday, breaking over 200,000 likes in less than six hours and 700,000 after 20 hours. The page received more than 1 million likes in less than 24 hours.

The administrator, who is named Michael, claims he was even banned from Facebook for 12 hours because the page was generating 4,500 likes in one hour.
&#8220;The administrator of this page was banned for next 12 hours because this page generated 4.5K likes in &#8216;1 hour.&#8217; People you are getting the word out! Continue to spread that we will boycott A&E until Phil Robertson is put back Duck Dynasty,&#8221; the page states.

Thousands were voicing their support on the page.

&#8220;I am going to buy a duck call from Duck Commander. I have never owned a gun or gone hunting in my life,&#8221; Watson L. Clark stated.

Teddy NeSmith said: &#8220;I stand for the U.S. Constitution and the 1st. Amendment, Phil can say anything he wishes about his religion. &#8220;

On Twitter, hashtags such as &#8220;I Stand With Phil&#8221; and &#8220;Stand With Phil Robertson&#8221; have gone viral.

The patriarch of the Robertson family was suspended indefinitely after saying homosexuality is illogical in an interview with GQ magazine.
Over 1 Million Support Boycotting A&E Following ?Duck Dynasty? Star?s Suspension « CBS Houston




Cluck cluck.

Quack Quack...
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While I like the idea of coming down hard on them all they represent are backwoods hill billies. They probably are funny to laugh at like that show with the overweight kid in the beauty pageants.

Hey Assclapias, you might want to educate yourself on the education, business acumen and wealth of said backwoods hillbillies.

There ain't no hills where they live so they ain't hillbillies. Just hygienically challenged white trash.

Tell it to Assclapias, he's the one who called them hillbillies and I'm the one who told him he might want to educate himself. It will save him from making his usual dumbassed comments.
Banning the show?

Who is calling for that?

WTF are you mumbling about?

You said libs want this silly assed show canceled and made illegal.


Name names or admit you don't have a friggen clue.

Fact is, no one really cares what some backward, ignernt redneck has to say about much of anything.

As for it being "fascist", I wish you fools would look up the meaning of the word and actually think for yourselves but that ain't gonna happen either.

Okay, you can go back to your poor little victim whining crap.

If you are too stoopid to read posts and follow links, perhaps you should sashay over to the gardening forum. Moron.
It could be that people are just tired of the gay tantrum. They can only close down so many bakers, put so many photographers out of business, end so many careers before someone noticed. I hope this is the start of a major backlash that only flickered during the Chick Fil A incident.
Hey Assclapias, you might want to educate yourself on the education, business acumen and wealth of said backwoods hillbillies.

There ain't no hills where they live so they ain't hillbillies. Just hygienically challenged white trash.

Tell it to Assclapias, he's the one who called them hillbillies and I'm the one who told him he might want to educate himself. It will save him from making his usual dumbassed comments.

You dont need to have hills to be hill billies. Only a backwoods, redneck mentality. I still don't get why you wanted me to know about their business acumen?
Hey Assclapias, you might want to educate yourself on the education, business acumen and wealth of said backwoods hillbillies.

There ain't no hills where they live so they ain't hillbillies. Just hygienically challenged white trash.

Tell it to Assclapias, he's the one who called them hillbillies and I'm the one who told him he might want to educate himself. It will save him from making his usual dumbassed comments.

The proper term now days is not hillbilly, but well groomed mountain man.
You have OpEd pieces by her condemning the boycott of the Dixie Chicks, the firings of Olbermann, Bashir, Baldwin and the suspension of Schultz?

Or are her charges of "fascism" only directed to this?

Thanks in advance.

Hey shitferbrains, take a gander at which forum this is posted in. I Know multiple syllable words might be too hard for you, but it's called CURRENT EVENTS.

That's fine poopferballs, but I want to make sure the writer is not a hypocrite.

Thus..I asked you for more material.

Also..were you as incensed by the other incidents I posted?
It could be that people are just tired of the gay tantrum. They can only close down so many bakers, put so many photographers out of business, end so many careers before someone noticed. I hope this is the start of a major backlash that only flickered during the Chick Fil A incident.

It's more than people being tired of the gay tantrum. People are legitimately becoming homophobes. For good reasons. In California it started with civil unions. Then it HAD to be marriage; even though it is still illegal in that state according to DOMA's protection of consensus on the question. From there it HAD to be children in school celebrating the serial pedophile [Harvey Milk] as a "gay hero"; even while sexualized curriculum is otherwise forbidden in schools around children according to APA guidelines. Then that wasn't enough; children molested as youths now are banned as a matter of law from seeking therapy on their own or with their parents help until they are 18 in CA to fend off unwanted homosexual compulsions even as a result of molestation. Still not enough. Now there are laws that make it possible for opposite gendered kids to enter each other's bathrooms at schools thanks to the transgender tweak. Still not sick of the agenda? There's more... Also now in California, it's acceptable and legal for parents and doctors to help a child fulfill a delusion that s/he is the opposite gender by drugging them with hormones to bring about that transformation to later be assited by surgery that amputates that child's healthy organs.

It's not just gays wanting to get married. The petri dish of California tells us that gays wanting to get married is merely the innoculation stage of the eventual cultural growth. People read the news and they are quite naturally and understandably shocked, stunned and yes, afraid of what is coming to their state as they watch the rapid moral decay of California reach straight into kindergarten. That there are strong correlations between homosexuals and child molestation is therefore, not a shocking surprise:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...
Mayo Clinic 2007

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child
This relationship is known as the &#8220;victim-to-abuser cycle&#8221;
or &#8220;abused-abusers phenomena.&#8221;

why the &#8220;abused abusers phenomena&#8221; occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

So homophobia as it turns out is a completely legitimate emotion. One should be afraid of that which so clearly and undeniably has advertised and executed its desires to reach and influence children in a most pyschologically abusive way.

IMHO, the gay agenda is nothing but an organized expression of the classic pedophile grooming process. There is a group of wealthy gay men funding and urging cooperation on a grand scale: the lavender mafia you hear so much about. You hear about them precisely because they exist. Even gays themselves who object to what's happening with respect to influencing children are quickly silenced by leadership that thinks nothing of utilizing blackmail to gain objectives. It is a mass effort to reach children in a very inappropriate way, under the radar of their guardians and by gaining their trust. It consists of undiagnosed, and therefore unaware people who are corraling together under a kneejerk compulsion to find more and younger sexual partners...urged and cheered on by wealthy funders and powerful influencers. It is glossed over and passed off as a "legitimate civil rights concern".

Play acting man and wife is not a sign of mental stability folks. Neither is the game of pretend/delusion that ends in you amputating healthy body parts and organs to become a frankenstein monster. When you can't cope with reality, you shouldn't be elevated to icon status. You should be laying on a couch in a psychoanalyst's office.

We've made a big mistake and the numbers of folks are lining up to say "this far and no farther"... It's not just a mild irritation. It is much much bigger than that.

When a gay cabal forcibly took over the APA in the 1970s, people were stunned and shocked that its scientific ruling principle was not long after summarily discarded without even a vote from the Governing Board. They predicted what was happening today would come to fruition. And so it has. When the undiagnosed take over the controls of the highest officies of mental health [and elsewhere], there are going to be problems. And so it has come to pass.
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I would like to know where it is written you have a right not to be offended. Hell I'm offended just about every time I leave my home. Women disregarding my safety by putting on makeup or people texting while driving, guys that wear their hats in restaurants, people who won't control their freaking kids. I could go on but you get the idea, so if these fag organizations want to act like a bully they can expect that every so often someone will punch back.
I would like to know where it is written you have a right not to be offended. Hell I'm offended just about every time I leave my home. Women disregarding my safety by putting on makeup or people texting while driving, guys that wear their hats in restaurants, people who won't control their freaking kids. I could go on but you get the idea, so if these fag organizations want to act like a bully they can expect that every so often someone will punch back.

It's not being offended that bothers the gay political machine. It's the frank discussion of homosexuality, it's obvious contradictory purpose to the natural use of the body, normal organ functions and the susceptibility of the colon to putting HIV directly in the bloodstream. ie: they don't want people referring to gay sex in a manner that is nothing short of promotional...or else! They don't want to scare off youngsters that might experiment with and thereafter imprint themselves with the artificial orientation. Gotta keep the fresh "chicken" on the table.

I guarantee the most "offensive" thing about Phil Robertson's remarks to gays running the show was that little impressionable ears might have deduced after hearing them that "maybe I shouldn't try out anal sex".
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I would like to know where it is written you have a right not to be offended. Hell I'm offended just about every time I leave my home. Women disregarding my safety by putting on makeup or people texting while driving, guys that wear their hats in restaurants, people who won't control their freaking kids. I could go on but you get the idea, so if these fag organizations want to act like a bully they can expect that every so often someone will punch back.

It's not being offended that bothers the gay political machine. It's the frank discussion of homosexuality, it's obvious contradictory purpose to the natural use of the body, normal organ functions and the susceptibility of the colon to putting HIV directly in the bloodstream. ie: they don't want people referring to gay sex in a manner that is nothing short of promotional...or else! They don't want to scare off youngsters that might experiment with and thereafter imprint themselves with the artificial orientation. Gotta keep the fresh "chicken" on the table.

I guarantee the most "offensive" thing about Phil Robertson's remarks to gays running the show was that little impressionable ears might have deduced after hearing them that "maybe I shouldn't try out anal sex".

Men have anal sex with women yet we do not hear about it constantly from the Rwer's.
Why did Jesus and God not speak anything about hermaphrodites? Maybe the Bible does not because it was not written by God, but humans.

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