Duck Dynasty?

It is the fate of political factions - including, quite frequently, the Liberal camp - to fail to realize when they have pushed the Mainstream too far, and then they are inexplicably surprised when the Mainstream begins to push back - with push-back triggering a great wailing and gnashing of teeth and whiney-biotch behaviors.

This outspoken fellow isn't exactly 'mainstream', but what he says resonates with much of the Mainstream, and we're beginning to see just how far out of alignment LGBT activism is with that same Mainstream, and how much resentment they've accrued in recent times.

We are seeing Reaction... in both a literal and a political metaphorical sense... entirely predictable and understandable.
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This is all about the far left trying to silence anyone that opposes them.

Gays are upset over a word and that is the bottom line, they want to force the church to accept them via government laws and regulations. It is the very thing they claim they don't want the church to do them.

This is all about A&E not wanting Phil representing their network. Nothing more, nothing less.

The LGBT community had nothing to do with his suspension.
I'm done playing nice with anyone I think is pushing an agenda that is bad for the country. These mf's want to level accusations of racism or bigotry fine I wonder how they would feel if we demonstrated REAL racism or bigotry. I've been calm for the last 40 years watching liberal policies destroy our society, I'm done being calm.

I would like to know where it is written you have a right not to be offended. Hell I'm offended just about every time I leave my home. Women disregarding my safety by putting on makeup or people texting while driving, guys that wear their hats in restaurants, people who won't control their freaking kids. I could go on but you get the idea, so if these fag organizations want to act like a bully they can expect that every so often someone will punch back.

It's not being offended that bothers the gay political machine. It's the frank discussion of homosexuality, it's obvious contradictory purpose to the natural use of the body, normal organ functions and the susceptibility of the colon to putting HIV directly in the bloodstream. ie: they don't want people referring to gay sex in a manner that is nothing short of promotional...or else! They don't want to scare off youngsters that might experiment with and thereafter imprint themselves with the artificial orientation. Gotta keep the fresh "chicken" on the table.

I guarantee the most "offensive" thing about Phil Robertson's remarks to gays running the show was that little impressionable ears might have deduced after hearing them that "maybe I shouldn't try out anal sex".

Men have anal sex with women yet we do not hear about it constantly from the Rwer's.

You don't hear it because that is not the issue, you would like it to be the issue but it is not.
Once again, this was between Phil and A&E. If you're getting angry at the LGBT community because of what happened to Phil, you're wrong.

You mean that just because GLADD bitched a bitch in behalf of gays we shouldn't blame them? Really?
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Once again, this was between Phil and A&E. If you're getting angry at the LGBT community because of what happened to Phil, you're wrong.

Then you haven't seen the lies the fagtivist are spewing, if I could have reached through the TV I would have strangled the lying freak Megan Kelly interviewed. He didn't spin the story he lied and cried about what would his 2 month old daughter think of him if she heard what Phil said. Give me a fucking break.

That was after A&E suspended Phil. The LGBT community was in no way involved with his suspension.

Maybe just a little bit?

GLAAD has issued a statement condemning the remarks as "littered with outdated stereotypes and blatant misinformation."

Says GLAAD spokesman Wilson Cruz: "Phil and his family claim to be Christian, but Phil's lies about an entire community fly in the face of what true Christians believe. He clearly knows nothing about gay people or the majority of Louisianans — and Americans — who support legal recognition for loving and committed gay and lesbian couples. Phil's decision to push vile and extreme stereotypes is a stain on A&E and his sponsors who now need to re-examine their ties to someone with such public disdain for LGBT people and families."

GLAAD says it has reached out to A&E to see if the network stands behind Robertson's comments.
Then you haven't seen the lies the fagtivist are spewing, if I could have reached through the TV I would have strangled the lying freak Megan Kelly interviewed. He didn't spin the story he lied and cried about what would his 2 month old daughter think of him if she heard what Phil said. Give me a fucking break.

That was after A&E suspended Phil. The LGBT community was in no way involved with his suspension.

Maybe just a little bit?

GLAAD has issued a statement condemning the remarks as "littered with outdated stereotypes and blatant misinformation."

Says GLAAD spokesman Wilson Cruz: "Phil and his family claim to be Christian, but Phil's lies about an entire community fly in the face of what true Christians believe. He clearly knows nothing about gay people or the majority of Louisianans — and Americans — who support legal recognition for loving and committed gay and lesbian couples. Phil's decision to push vile and extreme stereotypes is a stain on A&E and his sponsors who now need to re-examine their ties to someone with such public disdain for LGBT people and families."

GLAAD says it has reached out to A&E to see if the network stands behind Robertson's comments.

So? No where in any statement from GLAAD do I see them asking that he be fired or even suspended as he has been? A simple statement that A&E does not stand by the opinions of their bigoted reality "star" seems like all they were asking for.
You noticed ehh ? :lol:

For people who hate Gay sex so much, they spend an awful lot of time thinking about it.

Kind of like the vegetarian who can't stop talking about Steak.

It's actually gays constantly trying to push their lifestyle on us.

And how are they doing that, exactly?

I mean, i know that you have the occassional preacher who wakes up next to boy hooker and a pile of Crystal meth, but that's really not the gays fault.
For people who hate Gay sex so much, they spend an awful lot of time thinking about it.

Kind of like the vegetarian who can't stop talking about Steak.

It's actually gays constantly trying to push their lifestyle on us.

And how are they doing that, exactly?

I mean, i know that you have the occassional preacher who wakes up next to boy hooker and a pile of Crystal meth, but that's really not the gays fault.
Well i never really cared about the peverse lifestyle. Knew it is a sin against God, but it was their lives. Now people like yourself are demanding everyone to accept them no matter what. Even obama are sending some gay atheletes to represent the united states.
Gosh, way too much information in this thread that I was in no way interested in knowing..... :eek:

I thought this "Ducks vs Chicks" thread was going to be about Duck Dynasty vs. The Dixie Chicks, and how the overwhelming responses for both groups are similar....only the whole Nation of republicans were demanding the Dixie Chicks livelyhood be destroyed for their comments.....

about free speech.......

hmmmmm, I guess not?
Interesting imagery, bro.

You noticed ehh ? :lol:

For people who hate Gay sex so much, they spend an awful lot of time thinking about it.

Kind of like the vegetarian who can't stop talking about Steak.

Actually I don't care what they do. I'm just sick of their whining about how oppressed they are. If they want to be treated like everyone else, maybe if they just shut the fuck up, they'll eventually reach that point.
Considering Duck Dynasty's season finale brought in 9.6 million viewers, I doubt the threat of 1 million boycotting A&E scares them much.

For every person of the one million who liked the Facebook A&E boycott, at least 10 more did not log on who agreed. So your numbers are deceiving just like the polls. I think A&E really needs to be worried...

Yeah yeah whatever. A&E has nothing to be worried about. The guy said some stupid shit as a representative of the network. He was punished. He should take the punishment like the man he claims to be.
It's actually gays constantly trying to push their lifestyle on us.

And how are they doing that, exactly?

I mean, i know that you have the occassional preacher who wakes up next to boy hooker and a pile of Crystal meth, but that's really not the gays fault.
Well i never really cared about the peverse lifestyle. Knew it is a sin against God, but it was their lives. Now people like yourself are demanding everyone to accept them no matter what. Even obama are sending some gay atheletes to represent the united states.


Guy, here's the thing. You don't have a right to be a bigot.
I'm done playing nice with anyone I think is pushing an agenda that is bad for the country. These mf's want to level accusations of racism or bigotry fine I wonder how they would feel if we demonstrated REAL racism or bigotry. I've been calm for the last 40 years watching liberal policies destroy our society, I'm done being calm.

Somebody should save this post for future evidence at this guy's trial
Phil was asked his opinion and h gave it. That's called free speech in America. There are 'gay-pride parades all over the country and the way some participants behave is disgusting. I don't want to watch them so I don't watch them.
If 'gays' don't like what Phil says don't listen to him. Easy.
Phil was asked his opinion and h gave it. That's called free speech in America. There are 'gay-pride parades all over the country and the way some participants behave is disgusting. I don't want to watch them so I don't watch them. If 'gays' don't like what Phil says don't listen to him. Easy.
Those Robertsons aren't dumb ducks. They figured out why A&E set up the interview with GQ knowing what questions were going to be asked.

Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson and family lash back at A&E | Mail Online

They were punishing them for not caving into the initial demand to stop the praying and the guns.

Sources within the close-knit Louisiana clan say they are convinced A&E are manipulating the controversial situation to bring them – and particularly Robertson – back into line after Television executives grew tired of the family pushing their deeply-held, Christian beliefs.
They also think the network could have done something to stop the controversial GQ article being made public, because an A&E representative was present during the interview with patriarch, Roberston, 67.

Now that's an interesting little factoid.
And how are they doing that, exactly?

I mean, i know that you have the occassional preacher who wakes up next to boy hooker and a pile of Crystal meth, but that's really not the gays fault.
Well i never really cared about the peverse lifestyle. Knew it is a sin against God, but it was their lives. Now people like yourself are demanding everyone to accept them no matter what. Even obama are sending some gay atheletes to represent the united states.


Guy, here's the thing. You don't have a right to be a bigot.

You don't have the right to not be bigoted against if your gay.

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