Duck Dynasty?

Thread fail. The ones currently crying and trying to get someone removed is the lgbt community.

There is PLENTY of intolerant behavior by both sides.

America has become a nation of thin skinned pussies
How many conservatives have you heard say,

gay and black Americans have every right to object to what Phil Robertson said and believes, if they so choose?

rodeo clown doing a skit

the selfie

and the beat goes on

no one's playing a victim. the discussion has been about A&E

why must you lie?
Then you haven't seen the lies the fagtivist are spewing, if I could have reached through the TV I would have strangled the lying freak Megan Kelly interviewed. He didn't spin the story he lied and cried about what would his 2 month old daughter think of him if she heard what Phil said. Give me a fucking break.

That was after A&E suspended Phil. The LGBT community was in no way involved with his suspension.

Maybe just a little bit?

GLAAD has issued a statement condemning the remarks as "littered with outdated stereotypes and blatant misinformation."

Says GLAAD spokesman Wilson Cruz: "Phil and his family claim to be Christian, but Phil's lies about an entire community fly in the face of what true Christians believe. He clearly knows nothing about gay people or the majority of Louisianans — and Americans — who support legal recognition for loving and committed gay and lesbian couples. Phil's decision to push vile and extreme stereotypes is a stain on A&E and his sponsors who now need to re-examine their ties to someone with such public disdain for LGBT people and families."

GLAAD says it has reached out to A&E to see if the network stands behind Robertson's comments.

So now GLAAD represents the entire LGBT community? Cool, I guess that means the KKK represent all conservatives, and pedophile preists represent the entire Catholic church.

Or maybe we shouldn't try to blanket an entire demographic based the actions of a few within it.
How many conservatives have you heard say,

gay and black Americans have every right to object to what Phil Robertson said and believes, if they so choose?

omg, are they stupid they don't know that already?
good grief
we see who's playing victims...and you are just fine in keeping it stirred up
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Notice Phil Robertson didn't make the rounds apologizing. He didn't do the expected Paula Deen thing.

The Robertsons simply cannot be hurt by the likes of GLAAD! They are very wealthy, do not have a lavish lifestyle and there is only one of the product they sell and they have it. It's not like if someone wants a duck call they can get another kind. They have acres of land in the Louisiana backwoods. Maybe the gays will mince out there for a protest. Between the gators, snakes and hunting accidents one or two might get back.

There are plenty of other duck call makers. But I'd be willing to bet Duck Commander sets record sales this year. I'd go out and buy one even if I didnt hunt.

There might be other duck call makers but there is only one that exactly reproduces the call of a duck and they have it. If anyone in the world wants a duck call that makes that sound, they have to buy a Duck Commander.

Not to be confrontational but thats BS. I've used all kinds of calls over the years and theirs really dont work any better then the others. It's all in HOW you use it.
You dont just blow through them.
There ain't no hills where they live so they ain't hillbillies. Just hygienically challenged white trash.

How many multi-million-dollar companies have YOU built from nothing?

Nothing shall come from nothing, I speak anon.~ King Lear

I built a business, but I never aspired to be filthy rich. You only need so much in life, too much is a sin.
Ahhh. How much is too much? Let me guess -- more than you have, less than the Robertson's have.
As usual you phony conservatives are in full deflect mode. The gays did the same think Robertson did; spoke their minds. It was a corporation (A&E) who took action and suspended Robertson. And because so many of you so called conservatives are actually corporate ass kissers, you want to blame anyone but the corporation.
By the way, Phil Robertson is a pompous ass.
I dare any gay to openly speak out against GLAAD's agenda and see how long it takes for the gay mafia to squash that gay person into oblivion, ridicule them and run them out on a rail publicly. Very different from the "control mechanisms" that the KKK etc. do not have on other conservatives in this day and age. The lavender mafia is the new "good old KKK" when it comes to brutal tactics and blind objectives.

Considering Duck Dynasty's season finale brought in 9.6 million viewers, I doubt the threat of 1 million boycotting A&E scares them much.

For every person of the one million who liked the Facebook A&E boycott, at least 10 more did not log on who agreed. So your numbers are deceiving just like the polls. I think A&E really needs to be worried...

Yeah yeah whatever. A&E has nothing to be worried about. The guy said some stupid shit as a representative of the network. He was punished. He should take the punishment like the man he claims to be.

Yes, A&E does have something to be worried about. Actually, my numbers were probably a little off. The true numbers reflect more likely 100 people who didn't log onto Facebook and like the "Boycott A&E" page, that felt the same way. So that would be closer to 100 million who are at least interested in boycotting A&E. I for one will not watch A&E until they issue an apology.
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The Gay Rights group GLAAD is suffering some of it's worst backlash from it's members in nearly half a decade. The uproar is a result of its successful campaign to have star Phil Robertson suspended from the show "Duck Dynasty" over alleged anti gay comments he made during an interview with GQ magazine.

The mindset is that gays automatically agree with everything GLAAD does. I'm sorry to those on the left that think all homosexuals agree with them at all times.

In the fallout over Wednesday’s suspension of “Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson by A&E for anti-gay and racist remarks, GLAAD is experiencing record levels of backlash.

“In the five-and-a-half years I’ve worked at GLAAD, I’ve never received so many violently angry phone calls and social media posts attacking GLAAD for us speaking out against these comments,” the media watchdog organization’s vice president of communications Rich Ferraro told TheWrap.

He said those reactions range from those who simply believe as Robertson believes to those who feel that GLAAD and A&E’s actions limit the reality star’s free speech.

“I don’t think this is about the first amendment,” Ferraro said. “I feel it’s more about the America we live in today. That is one where Americans, gay and straight, are able to speak out when people in the public eye make anti-gay and racist remarks.”

‘Duck Dynasty’ Fallout: GLAAD Reeling From Biggest Backlash in Years, Says Rep - The Wrap

Do you even watch Duck Dynasty?
Sarah Palin, scary shit that she would have been one step away from leading the free world.
She does not even understand and know the United States Constitution.
Amazing the ignorance of the right wing religious kooks.
I have seen a thousand and one comments that "A & E violated Phil Robertson's 1st Amendment Rights of free speech"

Uh, a little lesson for the dumb masses here about The Constitution:

Whatever Palin has to do with this

I guess she should of come out and said, if she had a son he'd look like Phil..then she'd be qualified to run the country I guess, or Glaad should of said someone should crap in Phils mouth and piss in his eye
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He wasn't speaking on A&E or for or as a representative of A&E he was giving his own personal opinions in a magazine interview as for the examples given the Dixie Chicks comments were given overseas while the country was at war if that had been done by someone with conservative political leanings I suspect the reaction would have been much the same the difference with Bashir was that his comments were scripted and aired on his show he was speaking as a representative of MSNBC If Phil Robertson had done the same and used the Duck Dynasty show to push that viewpoint then you could say the punishment was warranted.
The Gay Rights group GLAAD is suffering some of it's worst backlash from it's members in nearly half a decade. The uproar is a result of its successful campaign to have star Phil Robertson suspended from the show "Duck Dynasty" over alleged anti gay comments he made during an interview with GQ magazine.

The mindset is that gays automatically agree with everything GLAAD does. I'm sorry to those on the left that think all homosexuals agree with them at all times.

In the fallout over Wednesday’s suspension of “Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson by A&E for anti-gay and racist remarks, GLAAD is experiencing record levels of backlash.

“In the five-and-a-half years I’ve worked at GLAAD, I’ve never received so many violently angry phone calls and social media posts attacking GLAAD for us speaking out against these comments,” the media watchdog organization’s vice president of communications Rich Ferraro told TheWrap.

He said those reactions range from those who simply believe as Robertson believes to those who feel that GLAAD and A&E’s actions limit the reality star’s free speech.

“I don’t think this is about the first amendment,” Ferraro said. “I feel it’s more about the America we live in today. That is one where Americans, gay and straight, are able to speak out when people in the public eye make anti-gay and racist remarks.”

‘Duck Dynasty’ Fallout: GLAAD Reeling From Biggest Backlash in Years, Says Rep - The Wrap

Do you even watch Duck Dynasty?

Nobody has to watch Duck Dynasty to know what's going on here. Even the most casual observer can deduce the amount of intolerance being put on display by the network and gay rights activists. There's a bigger issue than just a TV show here.
No. I only pointed at his stupidity and amazement that we never heard of this card carrying liberal icon. Try and keep up.
Then you can't really claim to be enlightened, can you?

Of course I can silly rabbit. Its in my signature. Enlightened doesn't mean you know someone. Enlightened means you know things that matter. Whoever this person is does not matter. I'm sure she is nice since she is a liberal but she really doesn't matter to me.
Well, that's handy, isn't it?

"I'm enlightened because I say I am."
He wasn't speaking on A&E or for or as a representative of A&E he was giving his own personal opinions in a magazine interview as for the examples given the Dixie Chicks comments were given overseas while the country was at war if that had been done by someone with conservative political leanings I suspect the reaction would have been much the same the difference with Bashir was that his comments were scripted and aired on his show he was speaking as a representative of MSNBC If Phil Robertson had done the same and used the Duck Dynasty show to push that viewpoint then you could say the punishment was warranted.

I could care less what he says but ever heard of a contract?
And NO ONE stopped him from saying a damn thing. He can say what he wants to.
The dude has 80 million in the bank and more power to him.
But a real man, instead of a ZZ Top wannabe, stands behind what he says and would have told A & E TO FUCK THEMSELVES.
I say what I damn well please and if someone tells me to shut up I tell them to fuck themselves.
And I only have 2 million in the bank.
Robertson is a wimp, he backed down and does not back up what he says. A real man never does that.

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