Duck Dynasty?

Whatever Palin has to do with this

I guess she should of come out and said, if she had a son he'd look like Phil..then she'd be qualified to run the country I guess

She was mentioned in a post above.
I did not bring her up first.

yes I saw that...didn't see what that had to do with her experience in running the biggie dear
this thread is just another whiner session for the left
I posted this in another thread:
Does Phil Robertson (Duck Dynasty) Have and EEOC Case of Discrimination?
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How many conservatives have you heard say,

gay and black Americans have every right to object to what Phil Robertson said and believes, if they so choose?

That's all we've been hearing from faggots and blacks is WHINING and CRYING for the last FIFTY YEARS.

Where the fuck you been?
using your "broad brush" again to paint entire races asswipe. You're just like koshergrl in your overt idiotic racism. :tinfoil:
He wasn't speaking on A&E or for or as a representative of A&E he was giving his own personal opinions in a magazine interview as for the examples given the Dixie Chicks comments were given overseas while the country was at war if that had been done by someone with conservative political leanings I suspect the reaction would have been much the same the difference with Bashir was that his comments were scripted and aired on his show he was speaking as a representative of MSNBC If Phil Robertson had done the same and used the Duck Dynasty show to push that viewpoint then you could say the punishment was warranted.

I could care less what he says but ever heard of a contract?
And NO ONE stopped him from saying a damn thing. He can say what he wants to.
The dude has 80 million in the bank and more power to him.
But a real man, instead of a ZZ Top wannabe, stands behind what he says and would have told A & E TO FUCK THEMSELVES.
I say what I damn well please and if someone tells me to shut up I tell them to fuck themselves.
And I only have 2 million in the bank.
Robertson is a wimp, he backed down and does not back up what he says. A real man never does that.

Yeah, looks that way. BTW- you just described 007 ;) He promised to leave the forum if Obama won a 2nd-term and.....well..... he's still here :redface:
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I personally wouldn't have fired him, but it is within A&E's rights to do so. This isn't an issue of free speech.
The Gay Rights group GLAAD is suffering some of it's worst backlash from it's members in nearly half a decade. The uproar is a result of its successful campaign to have star Phil Robertson suspended from the show "Duck Dynasty" over alleged anti gay comments he made during an interview with GQ magazine.

The mindset is that gays automatically agree with everything GLAAD does. I'm sorry to those on the left that think all homosexuals agree with them at all times.

‘Duck Dynasty’ Fallout: GLAAD Reeling From Biggest Backlash in Years, Says Rep - The Wrap

Do you even watch Duck Dynasty?

Nobody has to watch Duck Dynasty to know what's going on here. Even the most casual observer can deduce the amount of intolerance being put on display by the network and gay rights activists. There's a bigger issue than just a TV show here.

IOW, no? You have no other investment here than just partisan BS.
When the likes of Palin, Fox entertainers, and others on the right perceive such issues as an “attack on free speech and freedom of religion,” they only demonstrate the ignorance common among many conservatives. Or it’s willful ignorance and demagoguery.

Most conservatives very much have a victim mentality.
And how are they doing that, exactly?

I mean, i know that you have the occassional preacher who wakes up next to boy hooker and a pile of Crystal meth, but that's really not the gays fault.
Well i never really cared about the peverse lifestyle. Knew it is a sin against God, but it was their lives. Now people like yourself are demanding everyone to accept them no matter what. Even obama are sending some gay atheletes to represent the united states.


Guy, here's the thing. You don't have a right to be a bigot.

Actually you're full of shit, as long as no laws are being broken he/she has every right to feel however they choose towards someone else or group they do not agree with.

That is unless you fucking libs plan on regulating thought too.
Once again, this was between Phil and A&E. If you're getting angry at the LGBT community because of what happened to Phil, you're wrong.

Then you haven't seen the lies the fagtivist are spewing, if I could have reached through the TV I would have strangled the lying freak Megan Kelly interviewed. He didn't spin the story he lied and cried about what would his 2 month old daughter think of him if she heard what Phil said. Give me a fucking break.

That was after A&E suspended Phil. The LGBT community was in no way involved with his suspension.

Really, that's not the way it's been reported and not the way the boi portrayed it on TV.
When the likes of Palin, Fox entertainers, and others on the right perceive such issues as an “attack on free speech and freedom of religion,” they only demonstrate the ignorance common among many conservatives. Or it’s willful ignorance and demagoguery.

Most conservatives very much have a victim mentality.

oh boy
Now you can't speak up on anything folks or you'll you be called, playing a victim
Some guy from a "reality" show said some stupid shit during an interview as a representative of the A&E network; so, A&E suspended him.

Cue drama.

Of course Palin and Fox had to pipe in calling his suspension an attack on free speech and freedom of religion.

But where were they when the Dixie Chicks practiced their right to free speech when they criticized the invasion of Iraq back in 2003? I don't recall Fox spending hours defending THEIR right to free speech after the group was boycotted and lost sponsorships and deals over their comments.

How about a more recent example?

After Bashir resigned over his comments about Palin, she went on Fox and said, "Those with that platform, with a microphone, a camera in their face, they have to have some more responsibility taken".

Shouldn't she have given that same advice to Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty? After all, he has a platform, a microphone, a camera in his face. Millions of people watch his show. He likely insulted some of them with his remarks. Shouldn't he be held to the same standards by the right-wing media as Bashir was? Bashir was punished. Why is it wrong to punish Phil?

This whole thing is so silly....and getting even sillier.
The only one playing a victim here is, GLAAD

And you people who support what they are doing

I hope this comes back to hurt both Glaad and A&E
Mentioning Sarah Palin is supposed to bring a knee jerk reaction and divert the conversation from how badly A&E fucked up, but how bad Sarah Palin is. Palin remains just as popular among conservatives as ever, maybe even more so.
The only one playing a victim here is, GLAAD

And you people who support what they are doing

I hope this comes back to hurt both Glaad and A&E

They are waiting for Phil Robertson to publicly apologize and meet with LBGTs to listen to how they feel.
"The liberty of discussion is the great safeguard of all other liberties."

This is not about Duck Dynasty for me. I tried to watch twice and couldn't get through more than 10 or 15 minutes.

It is about Political Correctness run amuck.

You are entitled to your own opinion...and to express it as part of the liberty of discussion which is supposed to be part of the foundations of this country....BUT only if it is an opinion shared by Liberals.

They are all about Control...and it shows more and more every day.

And here we see an example of conservative ignorance and the victim mentality.

The issue has nothing to do with ‘liberty’ or ‘control.’ Has the cast member been arrested, is he in jeopardy of some civil fine? Of course not – he remains at complete liberty to say what he wishes.

Moreover, there is no such thing as ‘political correctness,’ that’s a ridiculous myth contrived by the right. Private society is at liberty to admonish those who engage in speech or behavior perceived to be inappropriate. In fact, that’s how it’s supposed to be, private society making the determination, not the government or courts.
First the chik fil A national emergency, then the rw interior decorating national emergency (duplicate Churchill bust returned), and now THIS zany rw whine-fest :crybaby: over defending draconian (conservative) sky pixie beliefs? :eusa_eh:
This is what happens when the genes get screwed up and you get half a male and half a female in the same body. IE 'Histrionics'. Can't you see this dude and a hundred others like him prancing the Gladd office in their flannel 'Jammies' drinking hot chocolate? All Phil did was speak frankly about what gay men do with their penises to each other. It's not like it's a secret. Did he speak frankly about 'Bull-Dyke' Rachael Maddcow does to her 'wife'?
"The liberty of discussion is the great safeguard of all other liberties."

This is not about Duck Dynasty for me. I tried to watch twice and couldn't get through more than 10 or 15 minutes.

It is about Political Correctness run amuck.

You are entitled to your own opinion...and to express it as part of the liberty of discussion which is supposed to be part of the foundations of this country....BUT only if it is an opinion shared by Liberals.

They are all about Control...and it shows more and more every day.

And here we see an example of conservative ignorance and the victim mentality.

The issue has nothing to do with ‘liberty’ or ‘control.’ Has the cast member been arrested, is he in jeopardy of some civil fine? Of course not – he remains at complete liberty to say what he wishes.

Moreover, there is no such thing as ‘political correctness,’ that’s a ridiculous myth contrived by the right. Private society is at liberty to admonish those who engage in speech or behavior perceived to be inappropriate. In fact, that’s how it’s supposed to be, private society making the determination, not the government or courts.

Yeah ok, because you say so
man oh man, ugly

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