"Dude, It Was Like Two Years Ago!!" Tom Veiter Dodges The Question


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Jay Carney said during a press conference over a year ago only one word was changed in Susan Rice's talking points.

The word "attack" was changed to "demonstration" by somebody.

Tom Veiter, the NSC spokesman, who seemed barely old enough to be in college, said he was in the situation room during the "attack", and Brett Baier of Fox News asked him who changed that word from attack to demonstration.

His response was; "Dude, it was, like, two years ago!"

Dude, this is like, what difference does it make, dude.

Well, it's clear they are purposely trying to forget who was responsible for the change, and they are attempting to distance the president from the decision by claiming they didn't know where he was because the little twerp said; "We didn't have a tracking device on him." It was unnecessary for him to be so smarmy about it. These assholes claim this is all just a phony scandal. If so, why are they still hiding the truth?

My first question after this interview to Tommy would be how could you forget about the one thing you guys have been dealing with for the last 20 months? Why the selective memory?

NSC Spokesman On Benghazi: Dude, That Was Two Years Ago - Business Insider

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFZMPe83i3E]Tommy Vietor on Benghazi: 'Dude...That Was Two Years Ago' - YouTube[/ame]
The guy was trying so hard to move along on the one important question, I really wonder who made the decision.

Was it Obama? Is that why they don't have anyone handy to throw under the bus for this decision?
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And of course the big 3 refuse to cover much about this other than "We've learned nothing new......"

Liberal Media Are Accessories to Benghazi Cover-Up | Media Research Center

ABC Refusing to Cover Obama Benghazi Lie | Media Research Center

CBS Evening News Ignores New White House Benghazi Emails | The Daily Caller

The CBS Evening News on Wednesday ignored one of the day’s top news stories: the revelation that White House aide Ben Rhodes — brother of CBS president David Rhodes — instructed Susan Rice to emphasize a false talking point about the 2012 terror attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

In a White House email chain recently obtained through a lawsuit by Judicial Watch, Ben Rhodes urged Rice “[t]o underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure or policy” ahead of her infamous appearance on several Sunday shows.

The decision by CBS to ignore the story made the network unique among the nightly news broadcasts.

ABC World News ran a lengthy segment on the revelations, saying the White House was “feeling the heat” and that the “email seems to call into question what the White House said about its role” in deceiving the public about the cause of the Benghazi attacks.

ABC’s Jonathan Karl was especially aggressive in his questioning of the White House Wednesday afternoon, grilling press secretary Jay Carney about the administration’s failure to be forthcoming.

Likewise, NBC Nightly News highlighted the new emails Wednesday night, with Brian Williams saying they “reveal more about the effort to get then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to assert on the Sunday morning talk shows that the attack on the U.S. Consulate was a result of a demonstration over an internet video and not a failure of administration policy.”

Read more: CBS Evening News Ignores New White House Benghazi Emails | The Daily Caller
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And of course the big 3 refuse to cover much about this other than "We've learned nothing new......"

Liberal Media Are Accessories to Benghazi Cover-Up | Media Research Center

ABC Refusing to Cover Obama Benghazi Lie | Media Research Center

CBS Evening News Ignores New White House Benghazi Emails | The Daily Caller

The CBS Evening News on Wednesday ignored one of the day’s top news stories: the revelation that White House aide Ben Rhodes — brother of CBS president David Rhodes — instructed Susan Rice to emphasize a false talking point about the 2012 terror attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

In a White House email chain recently obtained through a lawsuit by Judicial Watch, Ben Rhodes urged Rice “[t]o underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure or policy” ahead of her infamous appearance on several Sunday shows.

The decision by CBS to ignore the story made the network unique among the nightly news broadcasts.

ABC World News ran a lengthy segment on the revelations, saying the White House was “feeling the heat” and that the “email seems to call into question what the White House said about its role” in deceiving the public about the cause of the Benghazi attacks.

ABC’s Jonathan Karl was especially aggressive in his questioning of the White House Wednesday afternoon, grilling press secretary Jay Carney about the administration’s failure to be forthcoming.

Likewise, NBC Nightly News highlighted the new emails Wednesday night, with Brian Williams saying they “reveal more about the effort to get then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to assert on the Sunday morning talk shows that the attack on the U.S. Consulate was a result of a demonstration over an internet video and not a failure of administration policy.”

Read more: CBS Evening News Ignores New White House Benghazi Emails | The Daily Caller

1,160 (85%) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

Do you think these people would then - write anything NEGATIVE about a Democrat/Obama when 85% of the GAVE to the Democrats?
Do you think these people would then write anything POSITIVE about a GOP when 85% gave to Democrats?
It's old news
Sept was a long time ago
At this point what difference does it make

Watch for these chestnuts to surface to deflect from the new facts on the ground.
Old news. No one is paying attention. Whatever makes obama look good is patriotic.
And of course the big 3 refuse to cover much about this other than "We've learned nothing new......"

Liberal Media Are Accessories to Benghazi Cover-Up | Media Research Center

ABC Refusing to Cover Obama Benghazi Lie | Media Research Center

CBS Evening News Ignores New White House Benghazi Emails | The Daily Caller

The CBS Evening News on Wednesday ignored one of the day’s top news stories: the revelation that White House aide Ben Rhodes — brother of CBS president David Rhodes — instructed Susan Rice to emphasize a false talking point about the 2012 terror attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

In a White House email chain recently obtained through a lawsuit by Judicial Watch, Ben Rhodes urged Rice “[t]o underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure or policy” ahead of her infamous appearance on several Sunday shows.

The decision by CBS to ignore the story made the network unique among the nightly news broadcasts.

ABC World News ran a lengthy segment on the revelations, saying the White House was “feeling the heat” and that the “email seems to call into question what the White House said about its role” in deceiving the public about the cause of the Benghazi attacks.

ABC’s Jonathan Karl was especially aggressive in his questioning of the White House Wednesday afternoon, grilling press secretary Jay Carney about the administration’s failure to be forthcoming.

Likewise, NBC Nightly News highlighted the new emails Wednesday night, with Brian Williams saying they “reveal more about the effort to get then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to assert on the Sunday morning talk shows that the attack on the U.S. Consulate was a result of a demonstration over an internet video and not a failure of administration policy.”

Read more: CBS Evening News Ignores New White House Benghazi Emails | The Daily Caller

1,160 (85%) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

Do you think these people would then - write anything NEGATIVE about a Democrat/Obama when 85% of the GAVE to the Democrats?
Do you think these people would then write anything POSITIVE about a GOP when 85% gave to Democrats?

CBS News president David Rhodes is the brother of author (Ben Rhodes) of the email in question..... http://www.cbsnews.com/team/david-rhodes/

That kid looks like some weird shemale puppet from the TEAM AMERICA movie.

On the other hand, he's clearly MENSA material.

Seems pretty clear why the Magic Negro hired him.
dimocraps in here are ignoring this en masse.

No defense, no talking points, no attacks, no -- No Nothing.

Hive mind? I don't think so.

Coordination. No doubt about it.
dimocraps in here are ignoring this en masse.

No defense, no talking points, no attacks, no -- No Nothing.

Hive mind? I don't think so.

Coordination. No doubt about it.

I disagree.

When you see a thousand rats swimming away from a sinking ship, you would be mistaken to assume they had gotten together in advance and plotted to all do it together.
That kid looks like some weird shemale puppet from the TEAM AMERICA movie.

On the other hand, he's clearly MENSA material.

Seems pretty clear why the Magic Negro hired him.

Looks like a hand-puppet.
dimocraps in here are ignoring this en masse.

No defense, no talking points, no attacks, no -- No Nothing.

Hive mind? I don't think so.

Coordination. No doubt about it.

We're too busy yawning

At least liberals now admit they just don't care about the facts surrounding the death of four Americans by terrorists and the lies the administration put out afterwards.
Jay Carney said during a press conference over a year ago only one word was changed in Susan Rice's talking points.

The word "attack" was changed to "demonstration" by somebody.

Tom Veiter, the NSC spokesman, who seemed barely old enough to be in college, said he was in the situation room during the "attack", and Brett Baier of Fox News asked him who changed that word from attack to demonstration.

His response was; "Dude, it was, like, two years ago!"

Dude, this is like, what difference does it make, dude.

Well, it's clear they are purposely trying to forget who was responsible for the change, and they are attempting to distance the president from the decision by claiming they didn't know where he was because the little twerp said; "We didn't have a tracking device on him." It was unnecessary for him to be so smarmy about it. These assholes claim this is all just a phony scandal. If so, why are they still hiding the truth?

My first question after this interview to Tommy would be how could you forget about the one thing you guys have been dealing with for the last 20 months? Why the selective memory?

NSC Spokesman On Benghazi: Dude, That Was Two Years Ago - Business Insider

Tommy Vietor on Benghazi: 'Dude...That Was Two Years Ago' - YouTube

Yea, man, it was two years ago. So, like, why are we still waiting for answers, Dude?
Obama goes around making speeches that address cosmetic issues at the same time real events are swirling around him.

Russia shoots down two Ukrainian choppers, let's raise the minimum-wage.
Jay Carney said during a press conference over a year ago only one word was changed in Susan Rice's talking points.

The word "attack" was changed to "demonstration" by somebody.

Tom Veiter, the NSC spokesman, who seemed barely old enough to be in college, said he was in the situation room during the "attack", and Brett Baier of Fox News asked him who changed that word from attack to demonstration.

His response was; "Dude, it was, like, two years ago!"

Dude, this is like, what difference does it make, dude.

Well, it's clear they are purposely trying to forget who was responsible for the change, and they are attempting to distance the president from the decision by claiming they didn't know where he was because the little twerp said; "We didn't have a tracking device on him." It was unnecessary for him to be so smarmy about it. These assholes claim this is all just a phony scandal. If so, why are they still hiding the truth?

My first question after this interview to Tommy would be how could you forget about the one thing you guys have been dealing with for the last 20 months? Why the selective memory?

NSC Spokesman On Benghazi: Dude, That Was Two Years Ago - Business Insider

Tommy Vietor on Benghazi: 'Dude...That Was Two Years Ago' - YouTube

I think that Fox news ought to bring in the relatives of those who were killed and let's see how funny they think that is
Jay Carney said during a press conference over a year ago only one word was changed in Susan Rice's talking points.

The word "attack" was changed to "demonstration" by somebody.

Tom Veiter, the NSC spokesman, who seemed barely old enough to be in college, said he was in the situation room during the "attack", and Brett Baier of Fox News asked him who changed that word from attack to demonstration.

His response was; "Dude, it was, like, two years ago!"

Dude, this is like, what difference does it make, dude.

Well, it's clear they are purposely trying to forget who was responsible for the change, and they are attempting to distance the president from the decision by claiming they didn't know where he was because the little twerp said; "We didn't have a tracking device on him." It was unnecessary for him to be so smarmy about it. These assholes claim this is all just a phony scandal. If so, why are they still hiding the truth?

My first question after this interview to Tommy would be how could you forget about the one thing you guys have been dealing with for the last 20 months? Why the selective memory?

NSC Spokesman On Benghazi: Dude, That Was Two Years Ago - Business Insider

Tommy Vietor on Benghazi: 'Dude...That Was Two Years Ago' - YouTube

I think that Fox news ought to bring in the relatives of those who were killed and let's see how funny they think that is

Dude, what relatives????

Was somebody killed?? 4 people?

Dude, that was like, two years ago.

Btw, Dude, where's my car???
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