dumb whoopie strikes again

she like most blacks dontn realize that balck people were also put in death camps buy hitler.

Is it about "race" though? Depends on whether you see Jews as a race or a religion. To be attacked for choosing one or the other is ridiculous.
Those writtings were only about the Jews and not about the 30 million non-jews that were exterminated. Holocaust was not about race but the economic superiority of the Jews vs a crazed Nazi regime that was in a depression. Hitler first tried boycotts of Jewish businesses, firing Jews with high up jobs, confiscating their wealth, etc and when that did not work he chose to exterminate them and "them" could have been of any color with the same results but "them" happened to be Jewish. ABC owes Whoopie an apology and she should sue ABC. Tulsa was another Holocaust that was about wealth an not about race but they happened to be black. At the present blacsk are becoming too upity and are being attacked for the same reason. Like attacks against black colleges because as black becomes educated they can acquire wealth. White supremacists in action as was the nazi Germany
Those writtings were only about the Jews and not about the 30 million non-jews that were exterminated. Holocaust was not about race but the economic superiority of the Jews vs a crazed Nazi regime that was in a depression. Hitler first tried boycotts of Jewish businesses, firing Jews with high up jobs, confiscating their wealth, etc and when that did not work he chose to exterminate them and "them" could have been of any color with the same results but "them" happened to be Jewish. ABC owes Whoopie an apology and she should sue ABC. Tulsa was another Holocaust that was about wealth an not about race but they happened to be black. At the present blacsk are becoming too upity and are being attacked for the same reason. Like attacks against black colleges because as black becomes educated they can acquire wealth. White supremacists in action as was the nazi Germany
Thank you for showing your ignorance Stupidity and your racism, She said the Holocaust was about “ two White people fighting each other” Hitler declared the Jewish people to be a inferior race which he expressed in Meir Kampf . The Final Solution was about the extermination of every Single Jew I hope she does sue, She will be the laughing stock of every TV late Nite Show.
Thank you for showing your ignorance Stupidity and your racism, She said the Holocaust was about “ two White people fighting each other” Hitler declared the Jewish people to be a inferior race which he expressed in Meir Kampf . The Final Solution was about the extermination of every Single Jew I hope she does sue, She will be the laughing stock of every TV late Nite Show.

The Final Solution failed to tell the whole story also. What race were the 30 million Homosexuals Jehovah Witness, Disabled, Mentally ill, political opponents etc that were killed in the gas chambers? The first concentration camp was built for political opponents and not to kill Jews. Whoppie was right she just could not explain how it was not about race and killing 30 million non Jews was about "man's inhumanity against humanity"
Bet whoopi does not know hitler had a jewsih step father that beat on him . the main reason he turnesd his psychological thinking on jewish people/

The Final Solution failed to tell the whole story also. What race were the 30 million Homosexuals Jehovah Witness, Disabled, Mentally ill, political opponents etc that were killed in the gas chambers? The first concentration camp was built for political opponents and not to kill Jews. Whoppie was right she just could not explain how it was not about race and killing 30 million non Jews was about "man's inhumanity against humanity"
Nice try but no cigar. She denied that Hitler declared the Jews to be a inferior Race. She denied it had ANYTHING to do with the Jewish people. Joy Tried to explain to her Hitler’s goal was the extermination of the Jewish people and she denied it, Maybe you should research his book” The Final Solution”
Thank you for showing your ignorance Stupidity and your racism, She said the Holocaust was about “ two White people fighting each other” Hitler declared the Jewish people to be a inferior race which he expressed in Meir Kampf . The Final Solution was about the extermination of every Single Jew I hope she does sue, She will be the laughing stock of every TV late Nite Show.
She didn’t say it was about “ two white people fighting each other!” You’re as stupid as she is
she did racistly proclaim it was white and white crime
You’re correct! I wrote it fast! She said it was NOT about Race but a White on White Crime! Joy B tried to tell her it was Hitler trying to eradicate the Jewish people and she disagreed , Thr show is in NY where the Holocaust Museum (One In Washington $ is !! 🇮🇱
You’re correct! I wrote it fast! She said it was NOT about Race but a White on White Crime! Joy B tried to tell her it was Hitler trying to eradicate the Jewish people and she disagreed , Thr show is in NY where the Holocaust Museum (One In Washington $ is !! 🇮🇱
i mint on. whoppi is black suprem,acist black racist,.always saying anti white crap on the show.
What race as the 30 million others that died in the gas chambers. Homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, mentally ill, disabled, political opponents, etc??? The Nazis built the first concentration camp in 1933 as a place to detain (place-byforce) communists and other opponents to the Nazi Party. At the beginning of World War II, the Nazis began building more concentration camps where they could imprison “enemies of the state,” including Jews, Gypsies, and homosexuals, as well as prisoners or war. Many concentration camps functioned as labor camps, where inmates worked until they either starved to death or died of disease.
Timeline of the Holocaust: 1933-1945

She can deny it all she wants but the Main Goal of the Nazi Regime was the "ultimate goal must definitely be the removal of the Jews altogether "

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