Dumbness and xenophobia were baked into Trump’s speech

Ancient lion

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Nov 22, 2010
'He has already let America down'
Jill Abramson: The man does not seem capable of being magnanimous
Steven Thrasher: Dumbness and xenophobia were baked into Trump’s speech
Michael Paarlberg: It veered from religious pieties to dystopian hellscapes
Jamie Weinstein: A conservative isn’t heading into the White House. A populist is

The dumbness and xenophobia baked into Trump’s speech weren’t surprising. Perhaps more alarming was seeing Democratic leaders from Bernie Sanders to Hillary Clinton sitting there, silently, granting legitimacy to this idiotic ugliness.
'He has already let America down': the reaction to Trump's first speech as president

'He has already let America down'
Jill Abramson: The man does not seem capable of being magnanimous
Steven Thrasher: Dumbness and xenophobia were baked into Trump’s speech
Michael Paarlberg: It veered from religious pieties to dystopian hellscapes
Jamie Weinstein: A conservative isn’t heading into the White House. A populist is

The dumbness and xenophobia baked into Trump’s speech weren’t surprising. Perhaps more alarming was seeing Democratic leaders from Bernie Sanders to Hillary Clinton sitting there, silently, granting legitimacy to this idiotic ugliness.
'He has already let America down': the reaction to Trump's first speech as president

campaign speech redeux ... I'm SHOCKED !
Great Speech! If it offended you, it was an awesome speech.

The Neo Nazis of The Left, I hope will always be offended by people trying to do the right thing for The American People.

You should immigrate to Cuba or Mexico. I hear they are looking for people just like you.
Interesting, those comments were from a British publication. I wonder how Americans took it? I just listened to it online and was a bit amazed, it was what his rally fans asked for sans the wall. Anyone who has read me through the years, knows I am a 'hire American buy American' diehard, weird to hear Trump use those words. Check my signature. Mentally I'm still digesting it, but if you want to know who those words were directed to, check out 'The Gilded Rage: A Wild Ride Through Donald Trump's America' by Alexander Zaitchik.
'He has already let America down'
Jill Abramson: The man does not seem capable of being magnanimous
Steven Thrasher: Dumbness and xenophobia were baked into Trump’s speech
Michael Paarlberg: It veered from religious pieties to dystopian hellscapes
Jamie Weinstein: A conservative isn’t heading into the White House. A populist is

The dumbness and xenophobia baked into Trump’s speech weren’t surprising. Perhaps more alarming was seeing Democratic leaders from Bernie Sanders to Hillary Clinton sitting there, silently, granting legitimacy to this idiotic ugliness.
'He has already let America down': the reaction to Trump's first speech as president
What exactly did he say that you objected to?
Germany attacks President's speech for 'highly nationalistic tones'
Sigmar Gabirel added that the businessman had been elected as a result of "bad radicalisation" in the US. He added: Europe and Germany must stand together "to defend our interests."
Germany responds to Donald Trump's 'highly nationalistic' inauguration speech
His inauguration has been mired by controversy as protests took place around the world. In Washington, where the ceremony took place, protesters chained themselves to inauguration check points, to stop Trump supporters from entering. In some areas, clashes with the police brought out, resulting in gas cannisters being thrown, and some skirmishes.
'He has already let America down'
Jill Abramson: The man does not seem capable of being magnanimous
Steven Thrasher: Dumbness and xenophobia were baked into Trump’s speech
Michael Paarlberg: It veered from religious pieties to dystopian hellscapes
Jamie Weinstein: A conservative isn’t heading into the White House. A populist is

The dumbness and xenophobia baked into Trump’s speech weren’t surprising. Perhaps more alarming was seeing Democratic leaders from Bernie Sanders to Hillary Clinton sitting there, silently, granting legitimacy to this idiotic ugliness.
'He has already let America down': the reaction to Trump's first speech as president

I have not seen any sign of Trump being magnanimous yet.
'He has already let America down'
Jill Abramson: The man does not seem capable of being magnanimous
Steven Thrasher: Dumbness and xenophobia were baked into Trump’s speech
Michael Paarlberg: It veered from religious pieties to dystopian hellscapes
Jamie Weinstein: A conservative isn’t heading into the White House. A populist is

The dumbness and xenophobia baked into Trump’s speech weren’t surprising. Perhaps more alarming was seeing Democratic leaders from Bernie Sanders to Hillary Clinton sitting there, silently, granting legitimacy to this idiotic ugliness.
'He has already let America down': the reaction to Trump's first speech as president
and reported by half-baked journalists
Germany attacks President's speech for 'highly nationalistic tones'
Sigmar Gabirel added that the businessman had been elected as a result of "bad radicalisation" in the US. He added: Europe and Germany must stand together "to defend our interests."
Germany responds to Donald Trump's 'highly nationalistic' inauguration speech
His inauguration has been mired by controversy as protests took place around the world. In Washington, where the ceremony took place, protesters chained themselves to inauguration check points, to stop Trump supporters from entering. In some areas, clashes with the police brought out, resulting in gas cannisters being thrown, and some skirmishes.
That says a whole lot more about liberalism than it does Trump and conservatives. So again, what specifically do you object to?
As opposed to the EX-Narcissist In Chief, Trump only said 'I' 3 times during his entire speech. he said 'WE' 45 times.

I can see why snowflakes are foaming at the mouth and why Chucky Schumer just declared he is ready to fight trump - it is because Trump declared today and his Presidency to be about the American people and returning governance back to the people.

"Today's ceremony, however, has a very special meaning because today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people.

For too long, a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have bore the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered but the jobs left and the factories closed.

The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories. Their triumphs have not been your triumphs. And while they celebrated in our nation's capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land.

That all changes starting right here and right now, because this moment is your moment.

It belongs to you.

It belongs to everyone gathered here today and everyone watching all across America.

This is your day.

This is your celebration.

And this, the United States of America, is your country.

What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people.

January 20th, 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again."

Our govt has been a truly REPRESENTATIVE government for a LONG time. It was never more evident than when Nancy Pelosi declared that the American people had NO RIGHT to know what was in the ACA EDICT until it had passed into law.

Both parties have elevated themselves above the laws they pass and the Constitution. This last President violated both Constitution and Rule of Law constantly throughout his 8 years in office. Liberals hated / hate Trump because his win stripped them of the Presidency - control and power, and the GOP 'NeverTrumpers' hated him because he threatened the Status Quo and to put the power back into the hands of the American people. So YES, I can see why both of those hate Trump and absolutely HATE his speech.

Read President Trump's full, blistering inaugural speech, attacking Washington, promising 'America first'

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