Dump Trump at Convention

David French repeats a little know fact about delegates freedom to choose at the Convention:

Not a Single Republican Delegate Is ‘Bound’ to Donald Trump, by David French, National Review

A political party is its own organization; it can do anything it wants. There ain't nothing legally binding in primary elections -- those are in effect recommendations for who the candidate should be. If the party as a whole decides those recommendations are suicidal, it can (and should) disregard them and nominate whoever it wants to nominate.

Like it did in 1912 when a bloviant from New York, dismissed as an egomaniac by his detractors, swept through a slew of primary wins by large margins. The RP decided he wasn't the ideal choice and ran the Establishment guy from Ohio.

And they'll sign their own death certificate.

At this point it may be a matter of "pick your poison", because with Rump running at the head of the ticket, the Party may as well drink antifreeze.
While the GOP would really like to do this, it will lose them the election, no matter who they run in Trumps place. However, it may save some down ticket seats. As is, if those down ticket endorse Trump, they are cutting their own throats. And, if they don't, they are cutting their own throats. The GOP has put itself in an amazingly unique position.

I travel a lot of comment sections on boards. Here's the deal I'm seeing and you can see it even with the posters at the Daily Mail UK. This is buzzing every where.

The plan is this. If the Never Trump crowd fuck over Trump at the convention the Trump supporters will still go out en masse and write Trump in and then they'll go straight down and vote a solid Democrat ticket.

Not kidding. Solid D. They will punish Congress and the Senate big time and hand them over to the Democrats.

They will destroy the Republican Party. Good plan eh?

None of that makes a lick of sense, even if there actually was an organised movement to do so. Which there isn't.
While the GOP would really like to do this, it will lose them the election, no matter who they run in Trumps place. However, it may save some down ticket seats. As is, if those down ticket endorse Trump, they are cutting their own throats. And, if they don't, they are cutting their own throats. The GOP has put itself in an amazingly unique position.

I travel a lot of comment sections on boards. Here's the deal I'm seeing and you can see it even with the posters at the Daily Mail UK. This is buzzing every where.

The plan is this. If the Never Trump crowd fuck over Trump at the convention the Trump supporters will still go out en masse and write Trump in and then they'll go straight down and vote a solid Democrat ticket.

Not kidding. Solid D. They will punish Congress and the Senate big time and hand them over to the Democrats.

They will destroy the Republican Party. Good plan eh?
It ain't gonna happen. This all resentment and wild shooting. It's not serious talk.
While the GOP would really like to do this, it will lose them the election, no matter who they run in Trumps place. However, it may save some down ticket seats. As is, if those down ticket endorse Trump, they are cutting their own throats. And, if they don't, they are cutting their own throats. The GOP has put itself in an amazingly unique position.

The amazingly unique position of nominating a hugely popular, although polarizing, candidate. The SJW's on universities across America have pushed so far, there is a grassroots, populist uprising that is not even motivated solely, or chiefly by policy. Trump's support for enforcing the law resonated. It resonated because polls have consistently shown a plurality of Americans support immigration law enforcement. The GOP establishment were lock-step with the left on immigration. Trump's rise is much more to do with culture than policy.

Go ahead and continue believing Trump is just a aberration, talk to me in November.

It is not completely an aberration. The Whigs also self destructed by getting Zachary Taylor elected. Good ol' Zack was such a political outsider that he had never even voted in his life before being elected president. He was a war hero nominated and elected by an antiwar party. Then he up and died, elevating Millard Fillmore to the presidency. . Zack and Millard been such a disaster that the Whigs quietly dissolved and disappeared, wearing paper bags over their heads as they left . I see history repeating itself here.
While the GOP would really like to do this, it will lose them the election, no matter who they run in Trumps place. However, it may save some down ticket seats. As is, if those down ticket endorse Trump, they are cutting their own throats. And, if they don't, they are cutting their own throats. The GOP has put itself in an amazingly unique position.

The amazingly unique position of nominating a hugely popular, although polarizing, candidate. The SJW's on universities across America have pushed so far, there is a grassroots, populist uprising that is not even motivated solely, or chiefly by policy. Trump's support for enforcing the law resonated. It resonated because polls have consistently shown a plurality of Americans support immigration law enforcement. The GOP establishment were lock-step with the left on immigration. Trump's rise is much more to do with culture than policy.

Go ahead and continue believing Trump is just a aberration, talk to me in November.

It is not completely an aberration. The Whigs also self destructed by getting Zachary Taylor elected. Good ol' Zack was such a political outsider that he had never even voted in his life before being elected president. He was a war hero nominated and elected by an antiwar party. Then he up and died, elevating Millard Fillmore to the presidency. . Zack and Millard been such a disaster that the Whigs quietly dissolved and disappeared, wearing paper bags over their heads as they left . I see history repeating itself here.

Eh -- the Whigs were a mess by then but I don't think Taylor brought 'em down. They just could not come to terms with the question of slavery. Couldn't decide which way to go. The ones that agreed with Abolition went to the new Republican party, bringing their ideas of big government with them. Lincoln was one.
While the GOP would really like to do this, it will lose them the election, no matter who they run in Trumps place. However, it may save some down ticket seats. As is, if those down ticket endorse Trump, they are cutting their own throats. And, if they don't, they are cutting their own throats. The GOP has put itself in an amazingly unique position.

I travel a lot of comment sections on boards. Here's the deal I'm seeing and you can see it even with the posters at the Daily Mail UK. This is buzzing every where.

The plan is this. If the Never Trump crowd fuck over Trump at the convention the Trump supporters will still go out en masse and write Trump in and then they'll go straight down and vote a solid Democrat ticket.

Not kidding. Solid D. They will punish Congress and the Senate big time and hand them over to the Democrats.

They will destroy the Republican Party. Good plan eh?
It ain't gonna happen. This all resentment and wild shooting. It's not serious talk.

Cruz people are still at it. I doubt anything will happen but it is more than disturbing that even at this point in time there are certain segments of the Republican party who would rather hand the election to Hillary than to back Trump.

Ted Cruz partisans talk about staging delegate 'coup' at convention
Women Vote TRUMP Super Pac Launched!

The Washington Times ^ | 6/09/2016 | Jennifer Harper
Donald Trump has a new group of allies. Women Vote Trump, a new super PAC, was launched Thursday at the National Press Club by former tea party leader Amy Kremer, veteran Republican strategist Ann Stone, actress Stacey Dash and video bloggers Diamond and Silk, the wildly popular team who have supported Mr. Trump for months via YouTube and late-night TV appearances. “There are millions of women who support Donald Trump and we’re not standing in the shadows anymore. We won’t be pushed around by bullies who tell us who we are “supposed” to like. And we’re not going to keep...
While the GOP would really like to do this, it will lose them the election, no matter who they run in Trumps place. However, it may save some down ticket seats. As is, if those down ticket endorse Trump, they are cutting their own throats. And, if they don't, they are cutting their own throats. The GOP has put itself in an amazingly unique position.

The amazingly unique position of nominating a hugely popular, although polarizing, candidate. The SJW's on universities across America have pushed so far, there is a grassroots, populist uprising that is not even motivated solely, or chiefly by policy. Trump's support for enforcing the law resonated. It resonated because polls have consistently shown a plurality of Americans support immigration law enforcement. The GOP establishment were lock-step with the left on immigration. Trump's rise is much more to do with culture than policy.

Go ahead and continue believing Trump is just a aberration, talk to me in November.

It is not completely an aberration. The Whigs also self destructed by getting Zachary Taylor elected. Good ol' Zack was such a political outsider that he had never even voted in his life before being elected president. He was a war hero nominated and elected by an antiwar party. Then he up and died, elevating Millard Fillmore to the presidency. . Zack and Millard been such a disaster that the Whigs quietly dissolved and disappeared, wearing paper bags over their heads as they left . I see history repeating itself here.

Eh -- the Whigs were a mess by then but I don't think Taylor brought 'em down. They just could not come to terms with the question of slavery. Couldn't decide which way to go. The ones that agreed with Abolition went to the new Republican party, bringing their ideas of big government with them. Lincoln was one.

True, but the pattern is the same as today. The GOP is split between the radicals and the moderates, and I think that they are beginning to hate each other more than than hate us democrats.
While the GOP would really like to do this, it will lose them the election, no matter who they run in Trumps place. However, it may save some down ticket seats. As is, if those down ticket endorse Trump, they are cutting their own throats. And, if they don't, they are cutting their own throats. The GOP has put itself in an amazingly unique position.

The amazingly unique position of nominating a hugely popular, although polarizing, candidate. The SJW's on universities across America have pushed so far, there is a grassroots, populist uprising that is not even motivated solely, or chiefly by policy. Trump's support for enforcing the law resonated. It resonated because polls have consistently shown a plurality of Americans support immigration law enforcement. The GOP establishment were lock-step with the left on immigration. Trump's rise is much more to do with culture than policy.

Go ahead and continue believing Trump is just a aberration, talk to me in November.
We will.
David French repeats a little know fact about delegates freedom to choose at the Convention:

Not a Single Republican Delegate Is ‘Bound’ to Donald Trump, by David French, National Review

A political party is its own organization; it can do anything it wants. There ain't nothing legally binding in primary elections -- those are in effect recommendations for who the candidate should be. If the party as a whole decides those recommendations are suicidal, it can (and should) disregard them and nominate whoever it wants to nominate.

Like it did in 1912 when a bloviant from New York, dismissed as an egomaniac by his detractors, swept through a slew of primary wins by large margins. The RP decided he wasn't the ideal choice and ran the Establishment guy from Ohio.

And they'll sign their own death certificate.

At this point it may be a matter of "pick your poison", because with Rump running at the head of the ticket, the Party may as well drink antifreeze.
Running candidates like McCain or Romney is drinking anti-freeze. There's no point electing Republicans who rubber stamp the Democrat agenda.
David French repeats a little know fact about delegates freedom to choose at the Convention:

Not a Single Republican Delegate Is ‘Bound’ to Donald Trump, by David French, National Review

A political party is its own organization; it can do anything it wants. There ain't nothing legally binding in primary elections -- those are in effect recommendations for who the candidate should be. If the party as a whole decides those recommendations are suicidal, it can (and should) disregard them and nominate whoever it wants to nominate.

Like it did in 1912 when a bloviant from New York, dismissed as an egomaniac by his detractors, swept through a slew of primary wins by large margins. The RP decided he wasn't the ideal choice and ran the Establishment guy from Ohio.

And they'll sign their own death certificate.

At this point it may be a matter of "pick your poison", because with Rump running at the head of the ticket, the Party may as well drink antifreeze.
Running candidates like McCain or Romney is drinking anti-freeze. There's no point electing Republicans who rubber stamp the Democrat agenda.

I have no doubt that's what you said in 2012 and 2008 too. :rolleyes:
While the GOP would really like to do this, it will lose them the election, no matter who they run in Trumps place. However, it may save some down ticket seats. As is, if those down ticket endorse Trump, they are cutting their own throats. And, if they don't, they are cutting their own throats. The GOP has put itself in an amazingly unique position.

The assumption that Trump will beat Madam C. is more like a hope & prayer. That is why the Rep party man Hugh Hewitt is saying better get rid of Trump now. His Trumpism is all he knows - no philosophy, no principles except I Donald.

By the by I have been voting Republican, in this sad state of California, for more years than I can recall. But the stench of that lout is sickening.

Cannot blame him entirely though, the overweening ambition of the other 16 wannabees, who would not follow the noble Scott Walker and drop out, made it possible for Trump with 30 or 40% to look like a 'winner'.
obama endorsed Clinton. That means she lost. No candidate he endorsed has ever been elected.

It will be President Trump. Whether the RNC embraces reality or Trump is the first write in candidate to ever be elected is the only question.

Strom Thurmond was write-in (re-)elected to the Senate in 1952 after the SC Democratic Party kicked him off the ballot.
That takes a whole lot of lockstep mentality to get done. Rump isn't even close to that kind of lockstep except with his zombies --- not with the general public.

Sorry, that should have read "1954".
More recently Lisa Murkowski won her Senate re-election in 2010 after losing the Alaska primary.
As much as I despise Madam C. and her progressive ilk, unless polling in Sep & Oct show Trump within the margin of error I will not vote for him. Can he be trusted to appoint conservative judges to SCOTUS?

The main thing that is keeping me near the Never Trump realm is the ancient sage advice: "A noble end does not justify ignoble means." Trump is too egotistic, ignoble and loutish a medium to support.
While the GOP would really like to do this, it will lose them the election, no matter who they run in Trumps place. However, it may save some down ticket seats. As is, if those down ticket endorse Trump, they are cutting their own throats. And, if they don't, they are cutting their own throats. The GOP has put itself in an amazingly unique position.

I travel a lot of comment sections on boards. Here's the deal I'm seeing and you can see it even with the posters at the Daily Mail UK. This is buzzing every where.

The plan is this. If the Never Trump crowd fuck over Trump at the convention the Trump supporters will still go out en masse and write Trump in and then they'll go straight down and vote a solid Democrat ticket.

Not kidding. Solid D. They will punish Congress and the Senate big time and hand them over to the Democrats.

They will destroy the Republican Party. Good plan eh?
Actually, no

The both hate democrats, remember? So they vote out the politicians that betrayed them. Conservatives are good at replacing the pols they hate, so they don't have to vote a straight D ticket, ever!
The GOP is split between the radicals and the moderates, and I think that they are beginning to hate each other more than than hate us democrats.
You apparently are clueless about what happened on the Democrat side.
Did not see the debates, so I can only guess that it was spirited. However, it lacked the finesse of the GOP debates since there was do discussion about the candidate's sexual organs in the democratic debate.

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