Dune - Arrakis - desert planet


Gold Member
May 3, 2017
Northern WI.

Looking for fans of Frank Herbert's epic sci-fi book series Dune which was followed by five sequels: Dune Messiah, Children of Dune, God Emperor of Dune, Heretics of Dune, and Chapterhouse: Dune.
Haven't read the book yet, the movie was pretty bad. It had potential but the whole whispering thing was no good. I think it could be remade today much better. The 1980s was the wrong decade for that movie.
Have read the first three several times, now read them as one book. Read God-Emperor but the series seemed to lose pizazz there.

Lynch's film version was a good visual try for the most part, but the story buried them and there were casting mistakes.

The Dune miniseries plain sucked, though it dealt with the story a tad more. Children of Dune mini was "better".

Even before I read Dune, I saw the the extended Lynch cut on WGN (Chicago TV station) first. This was the late 90's. I got hooked and started buying the paperbacks and reading them. It almost turned into an obsession with me. I'm not into the series written by Herberts son and Kevin Anderson. The scify video version, kept closer to the actual book dialogue but chose to disregard the more baroque imagery of the Lynch version. Costuming was too ostentatious and the acting didn't generate any praise or notice.

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