Durham Investigation Ends After 3 Years Of Searching, $40 Million Spent, And Nothing Found

I hear ya, easy, but just comparing to two investigations in terms of prosecutions, confessions, convictions and that was under a Republican Attorney General, picked by trump, with most of the guilty, being trump insiders and far outnumbering the Durham charges and convictions.
Dims are never prosecuted, but often proven extremely guilty of severe crimes. The truth is out, everyone now knows what really happened and that is all we can hope for on the good guy side.
Funny - you call someone a 'whiny bitch' while telling people to move on ... while defending proven criminals and traitors who are still criminally obsessed with 'Get Trump' 7 years later.

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Look dude, we are on post #69 of the Durham ends three years of Searching thread. Who have I defended here? Nobody. That's who. Perhaps, (which is typical of you) you can't let go of past meeting, other thread. Is there any way you could deal with yourself and come out of yourself long enough to stay on topic, instead of chasing the bones of history, conquests lost and won, and threads of old where you thought you did not get your say with or against me in particular, so now make use of this current events thread to plea to be heard and engaged on your pain, instead of the topical discussion, two different OP's brought to the board in the here and now, due to it own news worthiness. I was a youth leader. I have indulged young ones, but we are adult and have adult limits.
Obviously NOT the proven criminals and Traitors ... snd snowflakes ... obsessed with 'Get Trump' 7 years later.

(How the hell do you figure 'it evens out'? Mental instability obviously doesn't disqualify you from being a Mod)
Calm yourself. Just think, Durham,... Durham,... Durham,... Yes! This is what we have be waiting for, and now the report will be out soon. The great Don promised, this great prosecutor would get to the bottom of it, and now he has, or at least to the end of it, which is something to celebrate in itself.
Quit being an anti-American asshole.
Oh, that's good. But, doubt I met you in the halls or saluting the flags entering countless Battalion, Brigade and Corps headquarters in this country and others, because you volunteered once, never turning back and somebody trusted you being sent or called for specifically to do some of your country's specialized business. No need for you to thank me. Was glad to do it. Thank you for the checks that keep coming, because I did my part.
It was moot, since the DOJ moved to Dismiss.

He was never convicted of anything.


You lie again. It was not moot because the DoJ filed a motion to dismiss as the judge never granted that motion. It was moot because Trump pardoned Flynn. Flynn's guilty plea was still standing when Trump pardoned him.
I never claimed he did charge her with "Russian collusion"

I only expected Durham to find out how the Russian hoax was started, now we know...it was a success.

I don't expect you all to accept it, just like you didn't accept the Mueller investigation
lol its fun seeing Trumpers trying to rewrite history the minute one of their sham investigations produce ZERO

Much of what was proven untrue about the Steele dossier was found out by the same agency you folks claim is the Deep State....the FBI......Durham uncovered nothing......

This is as much of a disaster as the 8 or 9 Benghazi investigations that only vindicated Hillary....

What's even funnier is the investigation lasted twice as long as the Mueller investigation...and costed more money..at least the Muller investigation paid for itself.
I never claimed he did charge her with "Russian collusion"

I only expected Durham to find out how the Russian hoax was started, now we know...it was a success.

I don't expect you all to accept it, just like you didn't accept the Mueller investigation

It was known for years that Hillary retained Perkins Coie legal services, who hired Fusion GPS, who hired Christopher Steele. Durham didn't uncover that, you dolt. Durham was searching for crimes and did not find Hillary or Obama committed any. And Mueller already determined there was no Russian collusion by Trump. Durham didn't uncover that either.

Face reality... the Horowitz/Durham investigation was a waste of tens of millions of dollars.
Dims are never prosecuted, but often proven extremely guilty of severe crimes. The truth is out, everyone now knows what really happened and that is all we can hope for on the good guy side.
Are you saying Republicans when in charge, ineffectually and stupidly waste their time, unable to prove your charges and get convictions against those mean Democrats, but now everybody knows the truth but it just didn't amount to as much or have the affect, you wanted compared with the many on your side, convicted even by Republicans in front of Republican judges and with the aid of Republicans on the inside admitting and giving testimony to their crimes as well as giving information against their fellow republican? Tells me one thing, for sure. Picking allegiance by party is politics is stupid, but if ever suspected or charged with a crime, never hire a Republican lawyer. They obviously aren't worth a shit, except on TV or the courthouse steps.
Are you saying Republicans when in charge, ineffectually and stupidly waste their time, unable to prove your charges and get convictions against those mean Democrats, but now everybody knows the truth but it just didn't amount to as much or have the affect, you wanted compared with the many on your side, convicted even by Republicans in front of Republican judges and with the aid of Republicans on the inside admitting and giving testimony to their crimes as well as giving information against their fellow republican? Tells me one thing, for sure. Picking allegiance by party is politics is stupid, but if ever suspected or charged with a crime, never hire a Republican lawyer. They obviously aren't worth a shit, except on TV or the courthouse steps.
Oh come on. Plenty of proof for terrible crimes, never any punishment. You want to blame Republicans for that go right ahead. Again, the truth is out and that is what matters to those who value the truth.
My face when Trumpers think I give a fuck if Hillary, Biden or Obama is sentenced to prison due to a felony conviction...


The face of a Trumper when Trump is so much as given a parking ticket.....


You folks really do be living vicariously thru a fucking politician who doesn't give a fuck about you.... willing to make yourself look like utter clowns defending any and everything that politician does...

No matter if the president is an R or D -- I am still going to support expanding medicare/social security, strengthening labor rights, you know...ACTUAL POLICIES...I'll leave that cheerleading for politicians shit to you little girls...
The one hypocritival comment that sums up the left's criminally obsessed crusade is Conservatives being told to 'forget the past' WHILE proven criminal trators are STILL criminally engaged in 'Get Trump' SEVEN YEARS LATER'.

Either you are for uphding the Constitution or you aren't.

Either you are for Rule of Law enforcement or you aren't.

Either you are for equal justice or yiu aren't.

Every time the left / Democrats are exposed / caught committing crimes / treason the same ones who have been criminally going after Trump for 7 years say 'Forget the past & move on' and continue to seek to justify and excuse the Democrats' / Lefts' CONTINUED on-going crimes and obsession.
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Oh come on. Plenty of proof for terrible crimes, never any punishment. You want to blame Republicans for that go right ahead. Again, the truth is out and that is what matters to those who value the truth.
Oh, well thank you very much. I'll try to remember that. Have a nice day.
The one hypocrutival comment that sums up the left's criminally obsessed crusade is Conservatives being told to 'forget the past' WHILE proven criminal trators are STILL criminally engaged in 'Get Trump' SEVEN YEARS LATER'.
Like I said.....


On May 13, 2019, then-Attorney General Bill Barr let it be known that at Donald Trump’s “request,” he was conducting an investigation into the origins of the Russia investigation. To conduct this investigation, Barr appointed his very own special prosecutor, U.S. Attorney John Durham. For the next three-and-a-half years, Republicans made confident predictions that “Bull” Durham was going to be the man to finally “lock ‘er up.” Surely Durham, unleashed with no deadline, budgetary limit, or constraint on where he looked, would prove conclusively that every conspiracy theory pushed by Trump was true.

But after more than three years and more than $40 million spent, Durham managed to produce just a single charge: accusing Democratic-linked attorney Michael Sussmann of lying to the FBI for not revealing secondhand connections to Hillary Clinton’s campaign when talking to them about Donald Trump’s Russia dealings. In May, a jury found Sussman not guilty of the ridiculous charge.

Unlimited investigation with no budgetary constraints, or time limit?

How much money and time have Drmocrats wasted over the last 7 YEARS on FAILED criminal scandals, coup attempts, Impeavhnent attempts, hearings, investigations, 'we got him this time' dissapointments that have accomplished nothing but snowflake tears and mental breakdown causing Democrats and liberal extremist sheep to literally run out into the streets and scream at the sky?


This obsessive, criminal, treasonous Democrat crusade has gone on much longer than Durham's investigation and has probably cost 3 times as much money with less factual / solid results.
It was known for years that Hillary retained Perkins Coie legal services, who hired Fusion GPS, who hired Christopher Steele. Durham didn't uncover that, you dolt. Durham was searching for crimes and did not find Hillary or Obama committed any. And Mueller already determined there was no Russian collusion by Trump. Durham didn't uncover that either.

Face reality... the Horowitz/Durham investigation was a waste of tens of millions of dollars.
what wasn’t known is they hired the russian agent. or that obama did as well
lol its fun seeing Trumpers trying to rewrite history the minute one of their sham investigations produce ZERO

Much of what was proven untrue about the Steele dossier was found out by the same agency you folks claim is the Deep State....the FBI......Durham uncovered nothing......

This is as much of a disaster as the 8 or 9 Benghazi investigations that only vindicated Hillary....

What's even funnier is the investigation lasted twice as long as the Mueller investigation...and costed more money..at least the Muller investigation paid for itself.
what did i rewrite?

how did mueller’s probe pay for it self?
Flynn plead guilty.

Durham didn't uncover anything. The only thing he proved was that Clinesmith made a typographical error on a warrant application.
He plead guilty to telling the FBI he didnt have contact with his Russian counterpart during the transition from the Obama to Trump Administrations. In other words he plead guilty to a process crime, not any actual real crime.

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