Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

The criminal complaint is one count against Sussmann for not telling Baker he was working for Clinton.

Has nothing to do with how any of this data was obtained.

Why do I have to keep explaining basic facts about this case?

Did you read the indictment? Regardless of how the data was obtained, do you find it just a tad bit disingenuous that those doing the investigation for Sussman lied and purposely leaked the lie to the media regarding this Russian bank account? This is how the false Russian/Trump narrative got legs. Many believed it because the MSM wanted so much for it to be true that they failed to do their due diligence as actual journalists. You and many others fell for it and to this day still haven't figured out that you were lied to. The level of ignorance is quite amazing really.
I've already made my case.
You're the one disputing the facts with nothing to back up your statements.
Even the complicit Quisling Media is keeping their heads low on what is being exposed.

Hey Doc, look at the link I left from Microsoft and Billy boy(Leftist) Gates reporting on what Durham has.

Now then, this is where it get very interesting, lol------------> In the report, it says when Obama and Biden were informed about what Hilly was doing, it was done in the presence of Obama's National Security team.

Now scratch your head a little, then do this-------------> Look up Obama's National Security team, and see who they are, lol........and where they came from in 2016!

Interesting, yes-)

But wait, it gets better! Now, look of Diaper Joe, and see how many of them are in high positions in the Biden Administration!

Wanna know why paid DNC posters are screaming and making poo? Now you know why-)
If Russia, or China had done this, we'd be at war with them right now, the draft fully implemented, and many of you would be going off to die, that is how damaging this act of treason was, it had to have involved Obama, Biden, Rice, all of them, do you understand? Instead of a peaceful transfer following 2016 election, they launched a war against America and her lawful president!

Hey Doc, look at the link I left from Microsoft and Billy boy(Leftist) Gates reporting on what Durham has.

Now then, this is where it get very interesting, lol------------> In the report, it says when Obama and Biden were informed about what Hilly was doing, it was done in the presence of Obama's National Security team.

Now scratch your head a little, then do this-------------> Look up Obama's National Security team, and see who they are, lol........and where they came from in 2016!

Interesting, yes-)

But wait, it gets better! Now, look of Diaper Joe, and see how many of them are in high positions in the Biden Administration!

Wanna know why paid DNC posters are screaming and making poo? Now you know why-)
Comet Ping Ping and Podesta Bros needs a thorough investigation and so do these Pakistani Hackers and Seth Rich’s Death and Assange needs to be set Free and should testify about The Podesta Emails and Seth Rich!
I’d use the word that the filing used. Access.

Was anything they submitted to the FBI or DoJ fabricated?
"Exploited his access"...aka infiltrate. Yes the FISA warrant was based on lies. And that is stated. Inference and narrative meaning they tried to conjure something that wasn't true.



I’d use the word that the filing used. Access.

Was anything they submitted to the FBI or DoJ fabricated?
7. In his meeting with Agency-2 employees, the defendant also made a substantially similar false statement as he had made to the FBI General Counsel. In particular, the defendant Case 1:21-cr-00582-CRC Document 35 Filed 02/11/22 Page 4 of 13 5 asserted that he was not representing a particular client in conveying the above allegations. In truth and in fact, the defendant was representing Tech Executive-1 – a fact the defendant subsequently acknowledged under oath in December 2017 testimony before Congress (without identifying the client by name). APPLICABLE LAW 8. The Sixth Amendm
"Exploited his access"...aka infiltrate. Yes the FISA warrant was based on lies. And that is stated. Inference and narrative meaning they tried to conjure something that wasn't true.

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No. Not infiltrate. He already had access to all this information. It’s what he does. He didn’t infiltrate anything.

This has absolutely nothing to do with any FISA warrant.
Im in the universe that actually understands what this story is about.

I brought up the statute of limitations mostly to disabuse you of the fact that indictments aren’t coming

Tell me what law was broken.
Could be the Espionage act...But we will have to wait to see.
Hey Doc, look at the link I left from Microsoft and Billy boy(Leftist) Gates reporting on what Durham has.

Now then, this is where it get very interesting, lol------------> In the report, it says when Obama and Biden were informed about what Hilly was doing, it was done in the presence of Obama's National Security team.

Now scratch your head a little, then do this-------------> Look up Obama's National Security team, and see who they are, lol........and where they came from in 2016!

Interesting, yes-)

But wait, it gets better! Now, look of Diaper Joe, and see how many of them are in high positions in the Biden Administration!

Wanna know why paid DNC posters are screaming and making poo? Now you know why-)
Excellent. You also have to ask how Seth Rich and Assange and The Pakistani Hackers all tie in to this.
Did you read the indictment? Regardless of how the data was obtained, do you find it just a tad bit disingenuous that those doing the investigation for Sussman lied and purposely leaked the lie to the media regarding this Russian bank account? This is how the false Russian/Trump narrative got legs. Many believed it because the MSM wanted so much for it to be true that they failed to do their due diligence as actual journalists. You and many others fell for it and to this day still haven't figured out that you were lied to. The level of ignorance is quite amazing really.
What lie? The connections between Trump tower and Alfa bank were not fabricated. They occurred.
No. Not infiltrate. He already had access to all this information. It’s what he does. He didn’t infiltrate anything.

This has absolutely nothing to do with any FISA warrant.
100% they are related. EXPLOITED and LIED to the FBI. To me those are serious charges. I believe this means to infiltrate. If I work for the US Govt and then spy on them and sell the data to China, then I 100% infiltrated. As I was a spy. As was this person by your own statement. He had access and then unlawfully delivered it to parties that should not have had it.

This is the precise definition and exactly what happened here.

enter or gain access to (an organization, place, etc.) surreptitiously and gradually, especially in order to acquire secret information.

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