Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

No spying? What alternate universe are you living in?

But hey, we see your standards....Potential law breaking is just fine as long as you can out run the statute of limitations....Right?

You'd never accept that if the roles were reversed here...
Im in the universe that actually understands what this story is about.

I brought up the statute of limitations mostly to disabuse you of the fact that indictments aren’t coming

Tell me what law was broken.
I’d love to hear your argument as to how this represents sedition or coup or whatever you want to call it.
I've already made my case.
You're the one disputing the facts with nothing to back up your statements.
Even the complicit Quisling Media is keeping their heads low on what is being exposed.
^^^ can someone lend that homo a pair? He needs them for several reasons.

For another, hopefully it will help him to stop lying about what Durham actually filed in his motion. "infiltrate" not being anywhere in it.
LMAO, Fido is triggered. I am married with two kids. You....well you do you, lapdog.

Here you go. Call the NY Post liars.
^^^ can someone lend that homo a pair? He needs them for several reasons.

For another, hopefully it will help him to stop lying about what Durham actually filed in his motion. "infiltrate" not being anywhere in it.
Your fellow Democrats want her investigated too, Fido.

Exploit means to take advantage of. Someone exploits the resources of their land. The executive took advantage of the data he had access to.

Exploit does not mean illegal.
If nothing was illegal then why was a criminal complaint filed? Please explain.
There are no statutes of limitations on sedition.

Hey, have you tried this link yet? Even Microsoft News is reporting it, and from what is reported, doesn't seem like limitations is even involved!

Even Microsoft and Billy Gates is opening his mouth, I would say Hilly has a problem!
If nothing was illegal then why was a criminal complaint filed? Please explain.
The criminal complaint is one count against Sussmann for not telling Baker he was working for Clinton.

Has nothing to do with how any of this data was obtained.

Why do I have to keep explaining basic facts about this case?
You're lying, gay ShortBus. I already explained to you that the word, "infiltrate," is nowhere in that motion. Yet you continue to quote Durham saying Clinton tried to "infiltrate" some servers.
Fido, please don't be angry with me because you suffer from ED. I quoted the NY Post.

And this looks like they tried to infiltrate to me. You?

Hey, have you tried this link yet? Even Microsoft News is reporting it, and from what is reported, doesn't seem like limitations is even involved!

Even Microsoft and Billy Gates is opening his mouth, I would say Hilly has a problem!
Send that info to Colfax_m. I'm sure that he'll come up with an excuse...
The criminal complaint is one count against Sussmann for not telling Baker he was working for Clinton.

Has nothing to do with how any of this data was obtained.

Why do I have to keep explaining basic facts about this case?
Wrong. The complaint alleges he lied to the FBI. So this to you doesn't mean to infiltrate? What word would you use please? Thank you.

Well for one, you're lying when you falsely claim Durham said Clinton tried to "infiltrate" servers when Durham never said that.

Here's what Durham did say:

"Tech Executive-1's employer, Internet Company-1, had come to access and maintain dedicated servers for the EOP as part of a sensitive arrangement whereby it provided DNS resolution services to the EOP," Durham's office wrote, using an acronym for the White House's Executive Office of the President.

"Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited this arrangement by mining the EOP's DNS traffic and other data for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump."

Now, who was the recipient of this information?

"Durham’s filing said Sussmann’s "billing records reflect" that he "repeatedly billed the Clinton Campaign for his work on the Russian Bank-1 allegations.

The filing revealed that Sussmann and the Tech Executive had met and communicated with another law partner, who was serving as General Counsel to the Clinton campaign. Sources told Fox News that lawyer is Marc Elias, who worked at the law firm Perkins Coie. "

And lastly, who was the "Tech Executive's" employer?

We don't know for sure yet, but a good bet is Facebook....

In one recent e-mail published by WikiLeaks, Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg (shown) is shown to have provided “research on gender and leadership by women” to the Clinton campaign. The e-mail, written by Hillary’s long-time associate (read: accomplice) Cheryl Mills, on February 20, 2015, lays out the plans for a meeting between Team Clinton and Sandberg. The relevant part of the e-mail says:

I have arranged for *Sheryl Sandberg and her researcher to be available on 5 March at 10am to step through the research on gender and leadership by women*. The HRC meeting begins at 11am.

Are you available then for such a meeting?

If so, who else should be included?



Sandberg and the Clintons go way back. She got her start during the days when Bill Clinton was president. She served as chief of staff to then-Treasury Secretary Larry Summers before leaving Washington to work at Google and then Facebook. She is one of a sizable number of tech executives to have endorsed Hillary and is listed as a “Hillblazer” for contributing $100,000 or more for Hillary for America, the Hillary Victory Fund, and/or the Hillary Action Fund. So her experience in data-mining and her commitment to Clintonian politics means that providing the Clinton campaign “research on gender and leadership by women” was an easy step for her. Her job at Facebook assuredly made it even easier."

If I were a liberal Dem on this board, I'd be careful about what you condone, or dismiss...Because when it becomes normal operation for this sort of bull shit, you won't be able to complain when it happens to your candidates....

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