Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

My standard is the actual count, the recount, the hand count, the forensic audits, and the electoral count.

Along with EVERY court case on the topic of voter fraud in 2020. Along with Trump's own Department of Justice, which found no evidence of fraud sufficient to overturn the election.

And Trump's own Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council & the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees.....which found this to be the most secure election in American history.

Your standard....is the My Pillow Guy.

Our sources are not equal.

Show us the evidence that every vote counted past 2 AM on November 4th, 2020......was fraudulent. You can't. Its a story you repeat to yourself, but it lacks evidence to support.

Which might explain your perfect record of failure in court.
Sorry turd, but you don't get to assume that a swindle was actually free and fair.

That's all you've done.
Sorry turd, but you don't get to assume that a swindle was actually free and fair.

That's all you've done.

Or...I've checked the actual election results rather than your imagination.

Its been a year. Show us the evidence that every vote counted past 2 AM on November 4th, 2020......was fraudulent.

You're still stuck at square one, clinging to a story you can't factually establish.
Or...I've checked the actual election results rather than your imagination.

Its been a year. Show us the evidence that every vote counted past 2 AM on November 4th, 2020......was fraudulent.

You're still stuck at square one, clinging to a story you can't factually establish.
You checked a swindle.

Who do you think you're fooling.
You checked a swindle.

Who do you think you're fooling.

Says you, citing your imagination. While I have the actual election results.

Our sources are not equal.
Now show us the evidence that every vote counted after 2AM on November 4th was fraudulent.

You're stalling because you have no such evidence. Nor ever have.
nobody said the outcome is determined solely by the VP, but the Consitution does make him the President of the Senate, and Congress has made a law allowing him to reject certain votes and not certify them.
It most definitely has not
Says you, citing your imagination. While I have the actual election results.

Our sources are not equal. Now show us the evidence that every vote counted after 2AM on November 4th was fraudulent.

You're stalling because you have no such evidence. Nor ever have.
Making impossible demands is a Dim election swindle specialty.
Only if you count all those dead people voting Democrat.

Holy non-sequitur, Batman!

I take it from that complete abandonment of the topic that you can't show us the slightest evidence that Obama and Biden 'knew' that a university passed DNS data to a lawyer?

Yeah, neither could anyone else.
Making impossible demands is a Dim election swindle specialty.
So you showing us evidence that every vote cast after 2AM on November 4th is 'impossible', huh?

You just admitted you can't back up your own claims.

Let's make sure we got this straight,
I give a donation to Donald Trump and I get doxxed , I give to Canadian Truckers and my bank puts a hold on my funds and I get labeled a insurrectionist but Hillary Clinton , her husband and her attractive daughter can put servers in Americas White House to spy on a president , they can also steal billion$ from the Haitian relief fund , lose $20 billion from the coffers of the State Dept while she's in charge and entertain the peodofiles in high places with their good buddy Jeff Epstein and the CIA , The FBI and the DOJ sit back and won't do a damned thing about a very obvious problem .
Nah ,there's no reason in the world for anyone to start getting devious and to take things into their own hands .
Plan .Plan.Plan and follow through because they aren't going to do what's needed
Hillary has two daughters?

It most definitely has not

Nope. It hasn't.

But the modern incarnation of a conservative is commited to fraud and authoritarianism. Fraudulent electors creating forged documents under the direction of Trump's lawyers in an attempt to overturn an election Trump lost.

All while claiming that the VP, all by himself, gets to ignore any electors he doesn't like.

So riddle me this, my little neo-fascists: Does that mean that Kamala Harris gets to ignore, say......all the electors from Texas, if she wants?
Yep. Anyone have no evidence to back the lie. You don't even remember what a lie is anymore.

They have an accusation. Ask them to back up their accusation with specific evidence, and they repeat their accusation.

The Big Liars are stuck at square one. They can't tell us what the 'real' vote tally is. Thus, how can they possibly 'know' that Trump won?

Even by the dipshit standards of their absurd conspiracy.....they fail.
There was no hack. Who told you this?
Wrong again, there are no allegations or charges of that in Durham's filing.

I could agree that the characterization of "hack" could be a semantic overstatement for the Executive Office of the President since Joffe / Neustar had full access to the EOP dedicated servers because of Neustar's DNS resolution contract. . . . But, there was other data spoken of in Durham's filing besides DNS traffic and what besides "hacking" explains any data interception or exfiltration from the health care company or Trump Tower or Trump Central Park West?

I could agree that the characterization of "hack" could be a semantic overstatement for the Executive Office of the President since Joffe / Neustar had full access to the EOP dedicated servers because of Neustar's DNS resolution contract. . . . But, there was other data spoken of in Durham's filing besides DNS traffic and what besides "hacking" explains any data interception or exfiltration from the health care company or Trump Tower or Trump Central Park West?

View attachment 601928
Nowhere in that does it talk about accessing a database or hard drive.

DNS lookups.

Addresses. Who was talking to who.

You're lying, Stumpy. Nothing in that legal document states that was the reason Hillary hired them.

Durham's filing says the entire Joffe / Neustar endeavor of "gathering derogatory information" scraping the White House servers and Trump Tower and Trump Central Park West and an unnamed health care company's servers was undertaken at the behest of, and for the benefit of the Clinton campaign. Joffe himself admitted that he was trying to please certain "VIP's" at Perkins Coie and the Clinton campaign.


The reason "Internet Company 1" "accessed EOP servers. (Eisenhower Executive Office Bldg) was that they were PAID to do so as in MAINTANENCE...dumbass

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