Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

because that's not how the game is played and it wasn't NECESSARY.


Post 998 crushes you. of course, thats why you ignored it.

The support of the people isn't a game. And the claim that Trump had the support of the people is provably false....as demonstrated by the popular votes in both elections going to Trump's opponent.
nobody said the outcome is determined solely by the VP, but the Consitution does make him the President of the Senate, and Congress has made a law allowing him to reject certain votes and not certify them.

The law make no such assertions about him rejecting any vote. Its simply never mentioned as a power the VP posseses. The power of JUST the VP to toss out any elector he doesn't like is imagined by Trump's attorney John Eastman as part of Trump's attempt to overturn the election.

Just like your fraudulent electors, who were neither duly appointed nor represented the States they claimed, coordinating with Trump's own attorney to send forged documents to the National Archive in an attempt -through fraud and lies- to overturn the election.

Just like your ilk attacked the capitol building and inflicted an insurrection upon this nation to prevent a peaceful transition of power and prevent the execution of constitutional duties under threats and acts of overwhelming violence.

Conservatives despise democracy. And did everything they could to overturn it.
Let's make sure we got this straight,
I give a donation to Donald Trump and I get doxxed , I give to Canadian Truckers and my bank puts a hold on my funds and I get labeled a insurrectionist but Hillary Clinton , her husband and her attractive daughter can put servers in Americas White House to spy on a president , they can also steal billion$ from the Haitian relief fund , lose $20 billion from the coffers of the State Dept while she's in charge and entertain the peodofiles in high places with their good buddy Jeff Epstein and the CIA , The FBI and the DOJ sit back and won't do a damned thing about a very obvious problem .
Nah ,there's no reason in the world for anyone to start getting devious and to take things into their own hands .
Plan .Plan.Plan and follow through because they aren't going to do what's needed
May I see this report.
“Intelligence community officials within the CIA forwarded an investigative referral on Hillary Clinton purportedly approving "a plan concerning U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers hampering U.S. elections as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server."

Let's make sure we got this straight,
I give a donation to Donald Trump and I get doxxed , I give to Canadian Truckers and my bank puts a hold on my funds and I get labeled a insurrectionist but Hillary Clinton , her husband and her attractive daughter can put servers in Americas White House to spy on a president , they can also steal billion$ from the Haitian relief fund , lose $20 billion from the coffers of the State Dept while she's in charge and entertain the peodofiles in high places with their good buddy Jeff Epstein and the CIA , The FBI and the DOJ sit back and won't do a damned thing about a very obvious problem .
Nah ,there's no reason in the world for anyone to start getting devious and to take things into their own hands .
Plan .Plan.Plan and follow through because they aren't going to do what's needed

So the executions and jury free imprisonment that your ilk are calling for is 'taking things into their own hands'?

Because that's just generic authoritarianism.
The law make no such assertions about him rejecting any vote. Its simply never mentioned as a power the VP posseses. The power of JUST the VP to toss out any elector he doesn't like is imagined by Trump's attorney John Eastman as part of Trump's attempt to overturn the election.

Just like your fraudulent electors, who were neither duly appointed nor represented the States they claimed, coordinating with Trump's own attorney to send forged documents to the National Archive in an attempt -through fraud and lies- to overturn the election.

Just like your ilk attacked the capitol building and inflicted an insurrection upon this nation to prevent a peaceful transition of power and prevent the execution of constitutional duties under threats and acts of overwhelming violence.

Conservatives despise democracy. And did everything they could to overturn it.
3 US Code Section 15 states what i said

"EXCLUSIVE: Clinton cornered: Hillary refuses to answer questions AGAIN about Durham revelation that she paid to spy on Trump campaign after arriving at daughter Chelsea's NYC home and going to Queens restaurant with film crew"​

"Hillary Clinton refused to answer questions about allegations that her allies spied on the Trump campaign as the controversy continued to engulf her Tuesday.

Clinton continued to stonewall questions later the same day as she and Chelsea emerged from a Filipino restaurant in Queens after approximately three hours during which they appeared to be filming.

Head down and blanking all enquiries mother and daughter headed back into the city flanked by their Secret Service detail."

Hillary IGNORES question about Durham claims she spied on Trump

"EXCLUSIVE: Clinton cornered: Hillary refuses to answer questions AGAIN about Durham revelation that she paid to spy on Trump campaign after arriving at daughter Chelsea's NYC home and going to Queens restaurant with film crew"​

"Hillary Clinton refused to answer questions about allegations that her allies spied on the Trump campaign as the controversy continued to engulf her Tuesday.

Clinton continued to stonewall questions later the same day as she and Chelsea emerged from a Filipino restaurant in Queens after approximately three hours during which they appeared to be filming.

Head down and blanking all enquiries mother and daughter headed back into the city flanked by their Secret Service detail."

Hillary IGNORES question about Durham claims she spied on Trump
You have to watch foreign media to see what’s going on.

Liz Cheney’s Husband Works At Law Firm Tied To Individuals Spying On President Trump​

"An alarming story broke this week that a law firm hired by the Clinton campaign spied on President Trump during his presidency. Durham’s investigation into the origins of the Russia probe led to the release of the report. Michael Sussman hired Lathan & Watkins LLP as legal counsel when he was indicted for lying to the FBI. He presented them with fake intelligence linking President Trump to the Alfa bank in Russia. As it turns out, Liz Cheney’s husband Phillip Perry is a partner in Lathan & Watkins LLP. This firm represented the Clinton campaign when it misrepresented facts to the FBI in order to get them to investigate President Trump."

Liz Cheney’s Husband Works At Law Firm Tied To Individuals Spying On President Trump

Biden Had Firm at Center of Trump Hacking Scandal on Campaign Payroll​

"The Biden campaign paid nearly $20,000 to a cybersecurity firm at the center of Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe.

The campaign paid Neustar Information Services in 2020 for accounting and compliance work, according to Federal Election Commission records. According to Durham, Neustar’s chief technology officer, Rodney Joffe, accessed sensitive web traffic data that the company maintained on behalf of the White House executive office in order to collect "derogatory" information about Donald Trump. Joffe allegedly provided the information to Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, who in turn gave it to the CIA during a meeting in February 2017. Durham charged Sussmann in September with lying to the FBI about his investigation of Trump.

The Biden campaign’s payments raise questions about whether Joffe continued snooping on Trump in the most recent election. The Biden and Clinton campaigns are the only two presidential committees to have ever paid Neustar, according to Federal Election Commission records. Biden’s campaign paid Neustar $18,819 on Sept. 29, 2020, the records show. The Clinton campaign paid the firm $3,000 in May 2015 for mobile phone services. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee paid $3,000 to Neustar in 2017. Neustar executives and staffers contributed $17,906 to Biden’s campaign, FEC records show."

Biden Had Firm at Center of Trump Hacking Scandal on Campaign Payroll - Washington Free Beacon
skylar said:
So the executions and jury free imprisonment that your ilk are calling for is 'taking things into their own hands'?

Because that's just generic authoritarianism.

i don't know that i've seen the call or executions/jury free imprisonment but let me tell you something bud. When one party systematically works to demonize and use a double standard of law against another group....when they plan re-education camps, loss of jobs, harassing our kids, do you think that second group has no right to redress?? OUR constitution says the people have a right and a duty to set things right and you better hope it does't get that far.

"EXCLUSIVE: Clinton cornered: Hillary refuses to answer questions AGAIN about Durham revelation that she paid to spy on Trump campaign after arriving at daughter Chelsea's NYC home and going to Queens restaurant with film crew"​

"Hillary Clinton refused to answer questions about allegations that her allies spied on the Trump campaign as the controversy continued to engulf her Tuesday.

Clinton continued to stonewall questions later the same day as she and Chelsea emerged from a Filipino restaurant in Queens after approximately three hours during which they appeared to be filming.

Head down and blanking all enquiries mother and daughter headed back into the city flanked by their Secret Service detail."

Hillary IGNORES question about Durham claims she spied on Trump
Hillary's not running her big fat lying mouth now, she's clammed up. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Man Dems are taking one right in the groin on this. The corrupt lying FAKE NEWS is exposed as liars. Multiple Dem leaders in congress are exposed. President Trump is VINDICATED and rubbing their noses in it. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:SUCK ON IT DEMS!
Her friday tweet did not age well...i'll bet she wishes she had kept her big lying mouth shut now after saturday. And where was bill with the Bag Lady? I don't think he wants to get within 3000 miles of her.

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