Durham report released


To issue the warrant, a federal judge concluded there was probable cause to believe that Page was a foreign agent knowingly engaging in clandestine intelligence for the Russian government. The initial 90-day warrant was subsequently renewed three times.

Washington CNN
January 23, 2020

The Justice Department has declared invalid two of the four surveillance warrants against former Trump campaign associate Carter Page, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court said Thursday.

The acknowledgment to the surveillance court is the latest fallout from December’s scathing inspector general report, which faulted the FBI for a series of misstatements and omissions in the applications to get secret court warrants to eavesdrop on Page.

The Justice Department’s concession to the court means the department now believes, at a minimum, the surveillance of Page should have ended after the second warrant expired in early 2017.
“After the second warrant expired”

The first two had none of these issues

Thank you for clearing that up.
“After the second warrant expired”

The first two had none of these issues

Thank you for clearing that up.
The first bogus warrant was issued and used in October 2017, then extended three other times.
The courts slapped FBI saying the Page communication surveillance should of ended after the expiration of the second bogus warrant. They are saying there was no justification for the 3rd and 4th warrants.
All the information from the surveillance was quarantined.

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