Durham report released

It would be if the story was actually widely disseminated BEFORE the 2016 election, which it wasn't.
If it had been, Trump would have lost and we'd all be better off today for it.
The FACT that the FBI Gestapo takes sides in US elections is the issue. That needs to be corrected before 2024.
Your post #1414 quotes Durham report? NOPE.
So I insist that you quote Durham that Papadopolous incident wasn't a legitimate predicate for Crossfire Hurricane because it was supposedly setup by FBI themselves.
My quote is that right-wing news outlet NBCnews.
If you want to read the entire Durham Report knock yourself out. I PROVED my point. You just type lies.
My quote is that right-wing news outlet NBCnews.
If you want to read the entire Durham Report knock yourself out. I PROVED my point. You just type lies.

So no, you cannot quote Durham report saying that Papadopolous was wrongly convicted and that Crossfire Hurricane investigation was not properly predicated.

Thanks for playing chum.

P.S. as a completely separate sidenote, nowhere does your NBCnews link say anything about Papadopolous supposedly being setup by CIA/FBI. It's just another one of your fantasies.
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You keep typing unproven lies and think that makes them true. The FBI Gestapo needs to be defunded and rebuilt without political influences.
The report shreds the FBI and Justice Department for abandoning standards and ignoring the lack of evidence to launch and prolong the investigation. The report notes that the treatment of the unsubstantiated allegations in the Steele Dossier, funded by the Clinton Campaign, was “markedly different” from the government’s level of interest in Clinton’s campaign when it faced such allegations.
Durham’s report confirmed that the FBI ignored intelligence it received from “a trusted foreign source pointing to a Clinton campaign plan to vilify Trump by tying him to Vladimir Putin so as to divert attention from her own concerns relating to her use of a private email server.”
Durham noted that “The speed and manner in which the FBI opened and investigated Crossfire Hurricane during the presidential election season based on raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence also reflected a noticeable departure from how it approached prior matters involving possible attempted foreign election interference plans aimed at the Clinton campaign.”
If it's a lie, then you've proven it to be a lie. If it's unproven, then it can't be considered a law.

Durham used unverified intelligence from Russian spies about Clinton as the bedrock of his allegations in his report. That should tell you something about his methodology.

I'm still trying to understand how the election was interfered with by the DoJ given they did not disclose the existence of the investigation publicly.
If you can read you would know that the CIA setup the meeting with Mifsud, and Mifsud told Papadope that the Russians had the Clinton emails.
According to who? That’s not what Durham reported.
You apparently have short term memory issues. This link was posted 1,386, just above

Apparently "illegal spying" isn't a crime? Some people are "more equal" than others, huh?

You've been duped again. Worldtribune.com is fake news...

Screenshot_20230524_160523_Samsung Internet.jpg

In reality, Mike Rogers, along with James Comey, testified before Congress. They said there was nothing to support Trump's claim that Obama wiretapped him in Trump Tower...

Mr. Comey also said for the first time that there was no information to support Mr. Trump's repeated claims that former President Barack Obama wiretapped him during the campaign. And National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers agreed with a questioner who contended it was "ridiculous" to suggest that the British intelligence service helped Mr. Obama get information about Mr. Trump's campaign, an allegation that the White House peddled at a press briefing last week by reading a report from a Fox News commentator.
1. Getting the FBI to investigate Trump for bullshit is election interdference. The FBI offered $1m if it could be verified. It couldn't. Hillary and the DNC paid RUSSIANS for dirt on Trump. That most certainly is election interference.

2. Russia did not hack the DNC, Guccifer and/or Guccifer 2.0 did. Prove anything otherwise. That is not what started the FBI investigating. The FBI started their election interference with operations Razor and Crossfire-Hurricane as concocted by Hillary, Crapper, Obama, and Comey.

You've been shown Guccifer 2.0 was Russia. You yourself posted a link to an article which said it was Guccifer 2.0 (GRU) which hacked the DNC.

That you continue to lie and deny that only serves to demonstrate that you're ineducable.
You are a LIAR.

Guccifer is a real person, he's currently sitting in jail.

If you fuckers weren't so goddamn ignorant you wouldn't know anything at allin educate.

At least you admit you're an imbecile who doesn't know the difference between Guccifer and Guccifer 2.0.
If it's a lie, then you've proven it to be a lie. If it's unproven, then it can't be considered a law.
Durham used unverified intelligence from Russian spies about Clinton as the bedrock of his allegations in his report. That should tell you something about his methodology.
I'm still trying to understand how the election was interfered with by the DoJ given they did not disclose the existence of the investigation publicly.
1. You must be on meds or drugs for this post. What's a lie and what's the Law? No clue wtf your 1st line is about.
2. Durham did not use unverified intelligence. He knew that the CIA setup Papadope with CIA asset Mifsud. Papadope was fed lies, and then got slammed for repeating them.
3. The Steele Dossier was released online by buzzfeed. Hillary had to distract from her bathroom server and deleted emails, so she concocted the Russian Collusion hoax, even after she paid Russians for the Steele Dossier.
You've been duped again. Worldtribune.com is fake news...

In reality, Mike Rogers, along with James Comey, testified before Congress. They said there was nothing to support Trump's claim that Obama wiretapped him in Trump Tower...
Mr. Comey also said for the first time that there was no information to support Mr. Trump's repeated claims that former President Barack Obama wiretapped him during the campaign. And National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers agreed with a questioner who contended it was "ridiculous" to suggest that the British intelligence service helped Mr. Obama get information about Mr. Trump's campaign, an allegation that the White House peddled at a press briefing last week by reading a report from a Fox News commentator.
The issue was that the FBI Gestapo surveilled the Trump campaign via the bogus FISA warrants and the "two hop rule".
Those are the facts.
You've been shown Guccifer 2.0 was Russia. You yourself posted a link to an article which said it was Guccifer 2.0 (GRU) which hacked the DNC.
That you continue to lie and deny that only serves to demonstrate that you're ineducable.
Prove who hacked Hillary's illegal bathroom server. Was it only one hacker or several? Prove it.
Prove who hacked the DNC (Podesta's) emails. Was it only one hacker or several? Prove it.

There are many links that say different things about both server hacks. It doesn't matter because those hacks had nothing to do with the start of Operation Crossfire-Hurricane.
Crossfire-Hurricane was setup by Obama, Clapper, and Comey. The CIA setup a meeting with Papadope and Mifsud, Mifsud said that Russia had Hillary's emails, Papadope repeated that to some Aussie when drunk, and the rest is history.

The only take-away from the 2016 election interference is that the FBI Gestapo is still political when it should NOT be.
Why should they address your paranoid delusions?
The Durham Report proves that as FACT. Durham proved that the FBI Gestapo interfered in the 2016 election. Now we need Durham-2 to prove what the FBI Gestapo did to interfere in the 2020 election.
You have no idea what, if any, surveillance was taking place.
Only the people involved in the probe would know, like I pointed out previously, dim wit. Like Wray said they don't reveal 'sources and methods'
Your own source only mentioned surveillance starting in October, 2016.
My own source was WAPO and it cited both the counter intelligence probe which started in April 2016 and the warrant to monitor Pges communications in October. You know that.
Nothing burger except the whole Russia collusion was manufactured by Hillary.
1. Hiring Russians to write dirt on Trump to give the MSM something to write about instead of her illegal bathroom server is TWO SCANDALS.

Actually, neither is... just declaring something a scandal doesn't make it so.

2. China is, Ukraine isn't, selling influence is a crime.
Then arrest every lobbyist in DC and every politician.

You have yet to show where any "influence" was actually sold.

China isn't our enemy. You idiots might make her one, but she isn't.
3. The FBI Gestapo has been covering up for Hunter for 5-years. So how does a Navy flunkout, druggie, get to be worth $230,000,000? Hint: by selling dad's influence
By being pretty good at his job.

Um, seriously, how much influence do you think a Vice President actually has? (The man hasn't worked since his dad became president.) Much less an ex-Vice President.

4. The CIA and FBI Gestapo setup Crossfire-Hurricane with Mifsud's meeting with Papadope. There was no basis for Crossfire-Hurricane, it was a Clapper-Comey setup

Except you have no proof of that. Let's be clear. Durham didn't indict ANYONE at the FBI.

5. Jarad's legitimate business deals aren't the issue, the Biden Crime Family's mega-money for non-business deals is the issue.
Jared's business dealings are a lot slimier than Hunters, because Jared was actually serving in the Orange Shitgibbon's white house.

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