Durham report released

This thread is about the Durham Report. That report concluded that the FBI Gestapo illegally spied on Trump and does NOT enforce US laws apolitically. The Mueller Investigation was started by people who hated Trump without justification. The FBI Gestapo needs to be defunded and rebuilt with adequate checks and balances.

Why do you keep posting ludicrous bullshit?

Report concluded nothing of the sort. Rosen, Trump’s handpicked Republican AG personally assigned Mueller, with bi-partisan support.

It found no political bias. It found that in fact Crossfire Hurricane and Muller investigation that extended out of it was properly predicated.

There is little in the report that Trump’s DOJ IG report didn’t cover.
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There’s nothing to investigate about the dossier because it’s not anywhere close to election interference.
Russia hacked the DNC. That happened. That is what the FBI started investigating.
1. Getting the FBI to investigate Trump for bullshit is election interdference. The FBI offered $1m if it could be verified. It couldn't. Hillary and the DNC paid RUSSIANS for dirt on Trump. That most certainly is election interference.

2. Russia did not hack the DNC, Guccifer and/or Guccifer 2.0 did. Prove anything otherwise. That is not what started the FBI investigating. The FBI started their election interference with operations Razor and Crossfire-Hurricane as concocted by Hillary, Crapper, Obama, and Comey.
Why do you keep posting ludicrous bullshit?
Report concluded nothing of the sort. Rosen, Trump’s handpicked Republican AG personally assigned Mueller, with bi-partisan support.
It found no political bias. It found that in fact Crossfire Hurricane and Muller investigation that extended out of it was properly predicated.
There is little in the report that Trump’s DOJ IG report didn’t cover.
You can type unproven LIES, or read the truth below

The report shreds the FBI and Justice Department for abandoning standards and ignoring the lack of evidence to launch and prolong the investigation. The report notes that the treatment of the unsubstantiated allegations in the Steele Dossier, funded by the Clinton Campaign, was “markedly different” from the government’s level of interest in Clinton’s campaign when it faced such allegations.
1. Getting the FBI to investigate Trump for bullshit is election interdference. The FBI offered $1m if it could be verified. It couldn't. Hillary and the DNC paid RUSSIANS for dirt on Trump. That most certainly is election interference.

2. Russia did not hack the DNC, Guccifer and/or Guccifer 2.0 did. Prove anything otherwise. That is not what started the FBI investigating. The FBI started their election interference with operations Razor and Crossfire-Hurricane as concocted by Hillary, Crapper, Obama, and Comey.
The investigation wasn’t election interference. For crying out loud, no one even knew it was going on. None of you can describe how the investigation interfered in the election, and I’ve been asking everyone I can.

Yes, it was Russia. Guccifer 2.0 was a phony persona created by the Russians to mislead people and it worked only on the most gullible morons because it was so bad of a fake.

And yes, that hack started the FBI investigation. It expanded to the Trump campaign when the FBI learned that Papadopolous had been flirting with Russian intelligence about hacked emails. That’s a good reason to start an investigation.
The investigation wasn’t election interference. For crying out loud, no one even knew it was going on. None of you can describe how the investigation interfered in the election, and I’ve been asking everyone I can.

Yes, it was Russia. Guccifer 2.0 was a phony persona created by the Russians to mislead people and it worked only on the most gullible morons because it was so bad of a fake.

And yes, that hack started the FBI investigation. It expanded to the Trump campaign when the FBI learned that Papadopolous had been flirting with Russian intelligence about hacked emails. That’s a good reason to start an investigation.
You are a LIAR.

Guccifer is a real person, he's currently sitting in jail.

If you fuckers weren't so goddamn ignorant you wouldn't know anything at all.
The investigation wasn’t election interference. For crying out loud, no one even knew it was going on. None of you can describe how the investigation interfered in the election, and I’ve been asking everyone I can.
Yes, it was Russia. Guccifer 2.0 was a phony persona created by the Russians to mislead people and it worked only on the most gullible morons because it was so bad of a fake.
And yes, that hack started the FBI investigation. It expanded to the Trump campaign when the FBI learned that Papadopolous had been flirting with Russian intelligence about hacked emails. That’s a good reason to start an investigation.
You keep typing unproven lies and think that makes them true. The FBI Gestapo needs to be defunded and rebuilt without political influences.
The report shreds the FBI and Justice Department for abandoning standards and ignoring the lack of evidence to launch and prolong the investigation. The report notes that the treatment of the unsubstantiated allegations in the Steele Dossier, funded by the Clinton Campaign, was “markedly different” from the government’s level of interest in Clinton’s campaign when it faced such allegations.
Durham’s report confirmed that the FBI ignored intelligence it received from “a trusted foreign source pointing to a Clinton campaign plan to vilify Trump by tying him to Vladimir Putin so as to divert attention from her own concerns relating to her use of a private email server.”
Durham noted that “The speed and manner in which the FBI opened and investigated Crossfire Hurricane during the presidential election season based on raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence also reflected a noticeable departure from how it approached prior matters involving possible attempted foreign election interference plans aimed at the Clinton campaign.”
You can type unproven LIES, or read the truth below

The report shreds the FBI and Justice Department for abandoning standards and ignoring the lack of evidence to launch and prolong the investigation. The report notes that the treatment of the unsubstantiated allegations in the Steele Dossier, funded by the Clinton Campaign, was “markedly different” from the government’s level of interest in Clinton’s campaign when it faced such allegations.

Where in any of that do you find that Crossfire Hurricane was not properly predicated and that Rosen, Trump's AG who assigned Mueller is a Trump hater?

Directly quote please.
Where in any of that do you find that Crossfire Hurricane was not properly predicated and that Rosen, Trump's AG who assigned Mueller is a Trump hater?
Directly quote please.
Its in post 1,408 if you read the last paragraph copied from the link
"Durham noted that “The speed and manner in which the FBI opened and investigated Crossfire Hurricane during the presidential election season based on raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence also reflected a noticeable departure from how it approached prior matters involving possible attempted foreign election interference plans aimed at the Clinton campaign.”
Its in post 1,408 if you read the last paragraph copied from the link
"Durham noted that “The speed and manner in which the FBI opened and investigated Crossfire Hurricane during the presidential election season based on raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence also reflected a noticeable departure from how it approached prior matters involving possible attempted foreign election interference plans aimed at the Clinton campaign.”

Where does it say it wasn't properly predicated?

Papadopoulos, a Trump campaign member, told Australian diplomat that Russia has Clinton's emails, then lied to FBI how he could possibly know that given that the breach was undisclosed to public.

This has officially opened the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.

What about this is not proper?

And let's again try to get you to answer: was Rosen, who assigned Mueller, a Trump hater?
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Where does it say it wasn't properly predicated?
Papadopoulos, a Trump campaign member, told Australian diplomat that Russia has Clinton's emails, then lied to FBI how he could possibly know that given that the breach was undisclosed to public.
This has officially opened the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.
What about this is not proper?
And let's again try to get you to answer: was Rosen, who assigned Mueller, a Trump hater?
You type shit without any proof. Even if Papadope said something, why didn't the FBI Gestapo just ask Papadope how he knew that? A bullshit 2nd hand statement is not adequate predication for an FBI Investigation. A better question was "why did Hillary have an illegal bathroom server with classified data on it?"

1. The post #1,410 statement itself said that the investigation was based on uncorroborated "intelligence", i.e. the Steele Dossier, which we know is all lies.
2. The investigation was a departure from prior standards, i.e. it was politically motivated.
You type shit without any proof. Even if Papadope said something, why didn't the FBI Gestapo just ask Papadope how he knew that? A bullshit 2nd hand statement is not adequate predication for an FBI Investigation. A better question was "why did Hillary have an illegal bathroom server with classified data on it?"

1. The post #1,410 statement itself said that the investigation was based on uncorroborated "intelligence", i.e. the Steele Dossier, which we know is all lies.
2. The investigation was a departure from prior standards, i.e. it was politically motivated.

Bullshit? Papadopoulos went to jail for it. Investigators DID ask and he lied about it, which is a crime. You are seriously clueless.

The way you try to go to Clinton whataboutisms just underscores it. Nothing about Clinton's Midterm Exam can address the question of predication of completely separate Crossfire Hurricane investigation.
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Bullshit? Papadopoulos went to jail for it. Investigators DID ask and he lied about it, which is a crime. You are seriously clueless.
The way you try to go to Clinton whataboutisms just underscores it. Nothing about Clinton's Midterm Exam can address the question of predication of completely separate Crossfire Hurricane investigation.
Papadope went to jail for 14-days for lying about when he spoke with CIA plant Professor Mifsud.

"Prosecutors say Papadopoulos was solicited by a professor with ties to Russian intelligence, Joseph Mifsud, who told the young Trump aide that the Russians possessed incriminating information about Hillary Clinton in the form of "thousands of emails" — before it was widely and publicly known that Russia had stolen Democratic emails.
Prosecutors say Mifsud arranged a meeting in London cafe between Papadopoulos and a young woman he falsely described as Russian President Vladimir Putin's niece."

Papadope and Trump were setup by the CIA and FBI Gestapo. Crossfire-Hurricane was an Obama, Clapper, and Comey setup.
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Papadope went to jail for 14-days for lying about when he spoke with CIA plant Professor Mifsud.

"Prosecutors say Papadopoulos was solicited by a professor with ties to Russian intelligence, Joseph Mifsud, who told the young Trump aide that the Russians possessed incriminating information about Hillary Clinton in the form of "thousands of emails" — before it was widely and publicly known that Russia had stolen Democratic emails.
Prosecutors say Mifsud arranged a meeting in London cafe between Papadopoulos and a young woman he falsely described as Russian President Vladimir Putin's niece."

Papadope and Trump were setup by the CIA and FBI Gestapo. Crossfire-Hurricane was an Obama, Clapper, and Comey setup.

So it was CIA/FBI that told Papadopolous that Russians have the Clinton emails, because they knew he would lie to them about it. :rolleyes:

So therefore Papadopolous didn't commit any actual investigative obstruction and therefore was wrongly convicted even though he fully admitted his guilt.

Can you quote Durham's report claiming such nutter-butter bullshit?
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So it was CIA/FBI that told Papadopolous that Russians have the Clinton emails, because they knew he would lie to them about it. :rolleyes:
So therefore Papadopolous didn't commit any actual investigative obstruction and therefore was wrongly convicted even though he fully admitted his guilt.
Can you quote Durham's report claiming such nutter-butter bullshit?
1. If you can read you would know that the CIA setup the meeting with Mifsud, and Mifsud told Papadope that the Russians had the Clinton emails.
2. Mifsud even had a gal who was supposedly Putin's niece at the "setup meeting".
3. Papadope lied about WHEN the meeting with Mifsud was. He told the FBI the meeting was before he joined the Trump team, when the FBI and CIA knew exactly when the meeting was because they set it up.
4. Papadope got 14 days in jail for being setup by the CIA and FBI. Not a real crime. Obama, Clapper and Comey setup the Crossfire-Hurricane "investigation".

Read the link in my post #1,414 it explains all about Papadope's being setup.
1. "Fairly" means investigating ALL Russian interference, including Hillary's "Steele Dossier" that she paid a fine for, but not a word in the Mueller Report. The democrat's on the Mueller team, and they were all democrats, only looked at potential Trump crimes. They gave democrats a pass.

She paid a fine for listing the expense under the wrong accounting code. Hardly a scandal.

2. Who else does business with America's enemies???? The fucking Biden Crime Family.
China isn't our enemy.
The Ukraine isn't our enemy.

you guys have been trying to get the goods on Hunter for five years now, and all you've come up with are "unflattering selfies".

3. There was no legal basis for the full investigation, it was a $30,000,000 hoax to make Trump look bad every day on TV with creeps like Schiff and Pelosi saying they saw super-secret classified evidence. Then zero when the final report gets issued.

Durham wasn't investigating the Mueller probe, he was investigating the initial Crossfire Hurricane probe.

Hey, do you think that if Trump had been collaborating with the Russians, they would actually TELL us? Of course not.

4. No I don't find it curious that Trump opposed a hoax investigation. I find it more curious that the Biden's obvious money laundering schemes gets a free pass by the FBI Gestapo. and the DOJ. Imagine if it was the Trump Family getting all that laundered money for selling influence.
I'm sure they already do and did. I'd like to take a look at Jared's deals with the Saudis, and why the Saudis got a pass on arranging a murder in Turkey.
1. Getting the FBI to investigate Trump for bullshit is election interdference. The FBI offered $1m if it could be verified. It couldn't. Hillary and the DNC paid RUSSIANS for dirt on Trump. That most certainly is election interference.
It would be if the story was actually widely disseminated BEFORE the 2016 election, which it wasn't.

If it had been, Trump would have lost and we'd all be better off today for it.
1. If you can read you would know that the CIA setup the meeting with Mifsud, and Mifsud told Papadope that the Russians had the Clinton emails.
2. Mifsud even had a gal who was supposedly Putin's niece at the "setup meeting".
3. Papadope lied about WHEN the meeting with Mifsud was. He told the FBI the meeting was before he joined the Trump team, when the FBI and CIA knew exactly when the meeting was because they set it up.
4. Papadope got 14 days in jail for being setup by the CIA and FBI. Not a real crime. Obama, Clapper and Comey setup the Crossfire-Hurricane "investigation".

Read the link in my post #1,414 it explains all about Papadope's being setup.

Your post #1414 quotes Durham report? NOPE.

So I insist that you quote Durham that Papadopolous incident wasn't a legitimate predicate for Crossfire Hurricane because it was supposedly setup by FBI themselves.
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She paid a fine for listing the expense under the wrong accounting code. Hardly a scandal.

China isn't our enemy. The Ukraine isn't our enemy.

you guys have been trying to get the goods on Hunter for five years now, and all you've come up with are "unflattering selfies".

Durham wasn't investigating the Mueller probe, he was investigating the initial Crossfire Hurricane probe.
Hey, do you think that if Trump had been collaborating with the Russians, they would actually TELL us? Of course not.

I'm sure they already do and did. I'd like to take a look at Jared's deals with the Saudis, and why the Saudis got a pass on arranging a murder in Turkey.
1. Hiring Russians to write dirt on Trump to give the MSM something to write about instead of her illegal bathroom server is TWO SCANDALS.

2. China is, Ukraine isn't, selling influence is a crime.

3. The FBI Gestapo has been covering up for Hunter for 5-years. So how does a Navy flunkout, druggie, get to be worth $230,000,000? Hint: by selling dad's influence

4. The CIA and FBI Gestapo setup Crossfire-Hurricane with Mifsud's meeting with Papadope. There was no basis for Crossfire-Hurricane, it was a Clapper-Comey setup

5. Jarad's legitimate business deals aren't the issue, the Biden Crime Family's mega-money for non-business deals is the issue.

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