Durham report released

Prove who hacked Hillary's illegal bathroom server. Was it only one hacker or several? Prove it.
Prove who hacked the DNC (Podesta's) emails. Was it only one hacker or several? Prove it.

There are many links that say different things about both server hacks. It doesn't matter because those hacks had nothing to do with the start of Operation Crossfire-Hurricane.
Crossfire-Hurricane was [b by Obama, Clapper, and Comey. The CIA setup a meeting with Papadope and Mifsud, Mifsud said that Russia had Hillary's emails, Papadope repeated that to some Aussie when drunk, and the rest is history.

The only take-away from the 2016 election interference is that the FBI Gestapo is still political when it should NOT be.

Fuck you. This has already been investigated and determined to be Guccifer 2.0. And Guccifer 2.0 has already been investigated and determined to be GRU.

YOU even posted a link to an article stating this. So go argue with your own sources if you don't believe your own sources.
The Durham Report proves that as FACT. Durham proved that the FBI Gestapo interfered in the 2016 election. Now we need Durham-2 to prove what the FBI Gestapo did to interfere in the 2020 election.


You're illiterate. Your own article doesn't claim Durham's report found that the FBI interfered with the election.

Only the people involved in the probe would know, like I pointed out previously, dim wit. Like Wray said they don't reveal 'sources and methods'

Since you admit you don't know, that means you made that up. Just as I said you did.

My own source was WAPO and it cited both the counter intelligence probe which started in April 2016 and the warrant to monitor Pges communications in October. You know that.

Correct, your own source says nothing about surveillance starting in April, 2016. As you've already admitted, you made that up.
Since you admit you don't know, that means you made that up.
You have no understanding of investigative methods.
Correct, your own source says nothing about surveillance starting in April, 2016.
It said a counter intelligence investigation was started which uses many of the investigative tools at the departments disposal, which would include everything short of needing a warrant, if they so desired.
3. The Steele Dossier was released online by buzzfeed. Hillary had to distract from her bathroom server and deleted emails, so she concocted the Russian Collusion hoax, even after she paid Russians for the Steele Dossier.

WTF does that have to do with your allegation about DOJ?

If anything DOJ screwed Clinton by making her investigation very public and Trump campaign investigation hush-hush.

Comey's firing letter from Trump admin doesn't say he screwed Trump during the election, it said he broke DOJ protocol when he publicly t-boned Hillary.
Prove who hacked Hillary's illegal bathroom server. Was it only one hacker or several?

You are seriously confused.

There has never been any evidence that ANYONE hacked Clinton's server.

DNC server was hacked along with Podesta's private email, both of which had emails to/from Clinton.
Actually, neither is... just declaring something a scandal doesn't make it so.

Then arrest every lobbyist in DC and every politician. You have yet to show where any "influence" was actually sold.
China isn't our enemy. You idiots might make her one, but she isn't. By being pretty good at his job.
Um, seriously, how much influence do you think a Vice President actually has? (The man hasn't worked since his dad became president.) Much less an ex-Vice President.

Except you have no proof of that. Let's be clear. Durham didn't indict ANYONE at the FBI.

Jared's business dealings are a lot slimier than Hunters, because Jared was actually serving in the Orange Shitgibbon's white house.
1. Hillary's illegal bathroom server was a crime and a scandal. Her paying Russians for dirt on Trump is a scandal and a fine.

2. Taking money from America's adversaries is a crime. Hunter is NOT a lobbyist, he's Pedo Joe's bagman.

3. In 2016 the FBI Gestapo broke FISA laws, ask the FISA court why there are no indictments

4. You have yet to post any link/data on Jarad's supposed slimy business dealings. Saying so isn't proof
Don't renominate Trump and you won't have a problem.
The bigger question is, what do the CIA and FBI know about Trump that makes them realize that he's a danger to the country?
They know that General Flynn was going to straighten their asses out. We all know how that turned out.
General Flynn is a dope for even talking to the FBI Gestapo.
Fuck you. This has already been investigated and determined to be Guccifer 2.0. And Guccifer 2.0 has already been investigated and determined to be GRU.
YOU even posted a link to an article stating this. So go argue with your own sources if you don't believe your own sources.
Thanks for proving my points. My link suggested/hinted but it was unproven. No one really knows who 2.0 was.
You're illiterate. Your own article doesn't claim Durham's report found that the FBI interfered with the election.
Read and learn

"The Durham report shreds the FBI and Justice Department for abandoning standards and ignoring the lack of evidence to launch and prolong the investigation. The report notes that the treatment of the unsubstantiated allegations in the Steele Dossier, funded by the Clinton Campaign, was “markedly different” from the government’s level of interest in Clinton’s campaign when it faced such allegations.
Durham’s report confirmed that the FBI ignored intelligence it received from “a trusted foreign source pointing to a Clinton campaign plan to vilify Trump by tying him to Vladimir Putin so as to divert attention from her own concerns relating to her use of a private email server.”
Durham noted that “The speed and manner in which the FBI opened and investigated Crossfire Hurricane during the presidential election season based on raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence also reflected a noticeable departure from how it approached prior matters involving possible attempted foreign election interference plans aimed at the Clinton campaign.”
You are seriously confused.
There has never been any evidence that ANYONE hacked Clinton's server.
DNC server was hacked along with Podesta's private email, both of which had emails to/from Clinton.
WTF does that have to do with your allegation about DOJ?
If anything DOJ screwed Clinton by making her investigation very public and Trump campaign investigation hush-hush.
Comey's firing letter from Trump admin doesn't say he screwed Trump during the election, it said he broke DOJ protocol when he publicly t-boned Hillary.
Read my post #1414, that should explain how the Obama admin used the CIA and FBI to knee-cap Trump's presidency.
Again, you don’t know what you are talking about, real Guccifer 1.0 got to the server back in the day, but there is not proof that he got specifically to the emails it stored. There has never been a public leak of emails from Clinton’s server.

G1.0 was charged with hacking Powell and other targets, never with hacking Clinton’s server.

Also note how your right wing link describes server as UNAUTHORIZED, while you keep using bs “illegal” term.
Read my post #1414, that should explain how the Obama admin used the CIA and FBI to knee-cap Trump's presidency.
It doesn’t, you are just full if shit at every turn.

Steely dossier was not DOJ product and it wasn’t leaked by DOJ, so there is no connection between you bringing it up and DOJ supposedly influencing election.
Again, you don’t know what you are talking about, real Guccifer 1.0 got to the server back in the day, but there is not proof that he got specifically to the emails it stored. There has never been a public leak of emails from Clinton’s server.
G1.0 was charged with hacking Powell and other targets, never with hacking Clinton’s server.
Also note how your right wing link describes server as UNAUTHORIZED, while you keep using bs “illegal” term.
Prove shit, don't type shit.
You have no understanding of investigative methods.

Sure I do. I also know when idiots are making shit up, as you are doing.

You already admitted you don't have a clue how they conducted their investigation into Page starting in April. That means anything you say as far as how they investigated is nothing more than you making it up.

It said a counter intelligence investigation was started which uses many of the investigative tools at the departments disposal, which would include everything short of needing a warrant, if they so desired.

All it said was they opened an investigation. It doesn't even say they started actively investigated him in April. Just that they opened an investigation.
Thanks for proving my points. My link suggested/hinted but it was unproven. No one really knows who 2.0 was.

Great, so now everyone here sees you're not only illiterate, you're a liar too. No, it doesn't suggest or hint who Guccifer 2.0 was. It says outright that Mueller's investigation determined who it was...

Special counsel Robert Mueller determined that Guccifer 2.0 was a front operated by Russia's Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff, or GRU.
Read and learn

"The Durham report shreds the FBI and Justice Department for abandoning standards and ignoring the lack of evidence to launch and prolong the investigation. The report notes that the treatment of the unsubstantiated allegations in the Steele Dossier, funded by the Clinton Campaign, was “markedly different” from the government’s level of interest in Clinton’s campaign when it faced such allegations.
Durham’s report confirmed that the FBI ignored intelligence it received from “a trusted foreign source pointing to a Clinton campaign plan to vilify Trump by tying him to Vladimir Putin so as to divert attention from her own concerns relating to her use of a private email server.”
Durham noted that “The speed and manner in which the FBI opened and investigated Crossfire Hurricane during the presidential election season based on raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence also reflected a noticeable departure from how it approached prior matters involving possible attempted foreign election interference plans aimed at the Clinton campaign.”


Holy fuck! :eusa_doh:

I point out you're illiterate and you prove me right again. Nothing you posted says Durham found the FBI interfered with the election.

You showed it says...

  • it claims the FBI lacked evidence to launch an investigation -- that's not stating the FBI interfered with the election.
  • it mentions there were unsubstantiated claims in the dossier -- that's not stating the FBI interfered with the election.
  • it mentions they treated those claims differently than at other times -- that's not stating the FBI interfered with the election.
  • it claims the FBI ignored a trusted source -- that's not stating the FBI interfered with the election.
  • it claims they were quick to investigate -- that's not stating the FBI interfered with the election.
  • it claims the investigation was based on inadequate intelligence -- that's not stating the FBI interfered with the election.
  • it claims the FBI handled that matter differently than the way they handled Russian interference into Hillary's campaign -- that's not stating the FBI interfered with the election.

Nothing you posted shows Durham claimed the FBI interfered with the election. You're out of your fucking mind. :cuckoo:


Your illiteracy worsens. That article doesn't state Hillary's server was hacked. It actually says it's never been publicly "confirmed" if it was hacked.

It then goes on to point out she was "indirectly" hacked by some of her email being found in Blumenthal's email account which was hacked.

It has long been suspected that Clinton's server, located in her home in Chappaqua, N.Y., might have been breached by hackers, but that has never been publicly confirmed.

But notes from a independent review, obtained by the FBI and released from "The Vault" on Friday, determined the Romanian hacker known as Guccifer breached a server for Clinton ally Sidney Blumenthal, who was passing information about Libya to the secretary of state, and Clinton's server was "indirectly" hacked likely as a result of the breach of Blumenthal's server.
1. Hillary's illegal bathroom server was a crime and a scandal. Her paying Russians for dirt on Trump is a scandal and a fine.
Um, no law against having your own server... and no law against doing Oppossition research.

2. Taking money from America's adversaries is a crime. Hunter is NOT a lobbyist, he's Pedo Joe's bagman.
Actually, he was a lobbyist. His company specialized in corporate governance and investment, and it was pretty good at what it does.

3. In 2016 the FBI Gestapo broke FISA laws, ask the FISA court why there are no indictments

Because you wingnuts gave the FISA courts massive powers because the scary Arabs scared you.

4. You have yet to post any link/data on Jarad's supposed slimy business dealings. Saying so isn't proof

I don't do links.
Unless I feel like it.

Because you wingnuts pretend you didn't see them, or reject them because they came from actual journalistic sources.

The House Oversight Committee has launched an investigation into a $2 billion investment by the Saudi government into a firm formed by Jared Kushner after he left the White House last year.

Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., wrote in a letter to Kushner that her committee is looking into the investment by the sovereign wealth fund of Saudi Arabia, which is controlled by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, into Kushner's firm Affinity.

They know that General Flynn was going to straighten their asses out. We all know how that turned out.
General Flynn is a dope for even talking to the FBI Gestapo.
Flynn was a crazy person, and Trump had to pardon him for his crimes.

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