Durham report released

I point out you're illiterate and you prove me right again. Nothing you posted says Durham found the FBI interfered with the election.

You showed it says...
  • it claims the FBI lacked evidence to launch an investigation -- that's not stating the FBI interfered with the election.
  • it mentions there were unsubstantiated claims in the dossier -- that's not stating the FBI interfered with the election.
  • it mentions they treated those claims differently than at other times -- that's not stating the FBI interfered with the election.
  • it claims the FBI ignored a trusted source -- that's not stating the FBI interfered with the election.
  • it claims they were quick to investigate -- that's not stating the FBI interfered with the election.
  • it claims the investigation was based on inadequate intelligence -- that's not stating the FBI interfered with the election.
  • it claims the FBI handled that matter differently than the way they handled Russian interference into Hillary's campaign -- that's not stating the FBI interfered with the election.
Nothing you posted shows Durham claimed the FBI interfered with the election. You're out of your fucking mind.
The FACT that the FBI Gestapo opened operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Razor against Trump with no evidence of wrongdoing is ELECTION INTERFERENCE
<against Trump> "during the presidential election season
based on raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence also reflected a noticeable departure from how it approached prior matters involving possible attempted foreign election interference plans aimed at the Clinton campaign.”
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Your illiteracy worsens. That article doesn't state Hillary's server was hacked. It actually says it's never been publicly "confirmed" if it was hacked.
It then goes on to point out she was "indirectly" hacked by some of her email being found in Blumenthal's email account which was hacked.
It has long been suspected that Clinton's server, located in her home in Chappaqua, N.Y., might have been breached by hackers, but that has never been publicly confirmed.
But notes from a independent review, obtained by the FBI and released from "The Vault" on Friday, determined the Romanian hacker known as Guccifer breached a server for Clinton ally Sidney Blumenthal, who was passing information about Libya to the secretary of state, and Clinton's server was "indirectly" hacked likely as a result of the breach of Blumenthal's server.
From the article you just referenced
An online persona known as Guccifer 2.0 claimed to be the hacker behind the breach of the Democratic National Committee computer network during the 2016 election. Guccifer 2.0 gave stolen emails from Democrats to WikiLeaks, which then published them.

The sentence above the one you just referenced.
Um, no law against having your own server... and no law against doing Opposition research.

Actually, he was a lobbyist. His company specialized in corporate governance and investment, and it was pretty good at what it does.

Because you wingnuts gave the FISA courts massive powers because the scary Arabs scared you.

I don't do links. Unless I feel like it. Why?
Because you wingnuts pretend you didn't see them, or reject them because they came from actual journalistic sources.
The House Oversight Committee has launched an investigation into a $2 billion investment by the Saudi government into a firm formed by Jared Kushner after he left the White House last year.
Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., wrote in a letter to Kushner that her committee is looking into the investment by the sovereign wealth fund of Saudi Arabia, which is controlled by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, into Kushner's firm Affinity.

Flynn was a crazy person, and Trump had to pardon him for his crimes.
1. Against the rules/Law. No law against oppo research? Like Trump's phone call to Z?

2. Comer either gets that form from the FBI that might implicate Pedo Joe, or not, we;ll see.

3. FISA is fine unless the FBI Gestapo abuses it

4. Kushner had left the WH, no indictment. meh.

5. Flynn was setup, Comey admitted it. Flynn should not have been so trusting of the FBI Gestapo. I'm glad Trump pardoned him. He didn't do anything wrong, just stupid. He said he "couldn't recall", but Hillary can say that hundreds of times without a problem.
The FACT that the FBI Gestapo opened operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Razor against Trump with no evidence of wrongdoing is ELECTION INTERFERENCE
<against Trump> "during the presidential election season
based on raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence also reflected a noticeable departure from how it approached prior matters involving possible attempted foreign election interference plans aimed at the Clinton campaign.”


Moron, you're making up shit now. Nothing in ...

"during the presidential election season based on raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence also reflected a noticeable departure from how it approached prior matters involving possible attempted foreign election interference plans aimed at the Clinton campaign.”

... says that interfered with the election.
From the article you just referenced
An online persona known as Guccifer 2.0 claimed to be the hacker behind the breach of the Democratic National Committee computer network during the 2016 election. Guccifer 2.0 gave stolen emails from Democrats to WikiLeaks, which then published them.

The sentence above the one you just referenced.

Retard, again... you said...

No one really knows who 2.0 was.

I proved that's bullshit with your own link. Mueller determined who Guccifer 2.0 was...

Special counsel Robert Mueller determined that Guccifer 2.0 was a front operated by Russia's Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff, or GRU.
Moron, you're making up shit now. Nothing in ...
"during the presidential election season based on raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence also reflected a noticeable departure from how it approached prior matters involving possible attempted foreign election interference plans aimed at the Clinton campaign.”

... says that interfered with the election.
Let me rephrase that sentence so you understand what it really says:
"during the 2016 presidential election season the FBI Gestapo misused Russian lies paid for by the Clinton campaign and the DNC (i.e. the Steele Dossier) as well as CIA planted lies (by Mifsud to Papadope) to illegally spy on the Trump campaign by misusing FISA warrants and the "two-hop rule". The FBI Gestapo launched Operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Razor in order to hurt the Trump campaign/presidency with lies about "Russian Collusion" in order to divert attention from Hillary Clinton's illegal bathroom server. The FBI Gestapo's actions constitute election interference by a US government agency in a way that never happened in prior elections. The FBI Gestapo's upper management texts prove that they hated Trump and anyone who would vote for him (aka smelly Walmart shoppers).

The FBI Gestapo's unpredicated investigations into Trump while covering up Hillary Clinton's crimes proves that the FBI Gestapo needs to be defunded and rebuilt with adequate checks to ensure they do NOT interfere in US politics.
Retard, again... you said...
No one really knows who 2.0 was.
I proved that's bullshit with your own link. Mueller determined who Guccifer 2.0 was...
Special counsel Robert Mueller determined that Guccifer 2.0 was a front operated by Russia's Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff, or GRU.
Guccifer 1,0 was arrested. Guccifer 2.0 was not arrested, the only point I made. Hillary's illegal email server was hacked. The DNC server was hacked. Podesta's email was hacked.

The only thing that mattered about 2016 was that Trump won and Hillary lost, in spite of the FBI Gestapo's and CIA's interference.
Trump's call involved Trump personally soliciting Zelenskyy to investigate a political rival.
aka "oppo research"? Like Hillary hiring Russians for the Steele Dossier "dirt"?

Trump wanted Z to investigate the "corruption" that Biden stopped. Too bad you associate corruption with the Bidens.
Let me rephrase that sentence so you understand what it really says:
"during the 2016 presidential election season the FBI Gestapo misused Russian lies paid for by the Clinton campaign and the DNC (i.e. the Steele Dossier) as well as CIA planted lies (by Mifsud to Papadope) to illegally spy on the Trump campaign by misusing FISA warrants and the "two-hop rule". The FBI Gestapo launched Operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Razor in order to hurt the Trump campaign/presidency with lies about "Russian Collusion" in order to divert attention from Hillary Clinton's illegal bathroom server. The FBI Gestapo's actions constitute election interference by a US government agency in a way that never happened in prior elections. The FBI Gestapo's upper management texts prove that they hated Trump and anyone who would vote for him (aka smelly Walmart shoppers).

The FBI Gestapo's unpredicated investigations into Trump while covering up Hillary Clinton's crimes proves that the FBI Gestapo needs to be defunded and rebuilt with adequate checks to ensure they do NOT interfere in US politics.

No matter how you try to spin it, other than publicly announcing they were reopening the investigation into Hillary's email server, they didn't interfere with the election. Nothing in the Durham report says they did. You're just making shit up because you want that to be true.
Guccifer 1,0 was arrested. Guccifer 2.0 was not arrested, the only point I made. Hillary's illegal email server was hacked. The DNC server was hacked. Podesta's email was hacked.

The only thing that mattered about 2016 was that Trump won and Hillary lost, in spite of the FBI Gestapo's and CIA's interference.

You're still lying. At this point, I don't think you're capable of being honest. That was not your point. In total contrast to what your own link said, you said...

No one really knows who 2.0 was.

That's complete bullshit.
aka "oppo research"? Like Hillary hiring Russians for the Steele Dossier "dirt"?

Trump wanted Z to investigate the "corruption" that Biden stopped. Too bad you associate corruption with the Bidens.


Yet more lies. I'm shocked. :icon_rolleyes:

Lie #1) Hillary didn't hire Russians. She hired a U.S. firm.

Lie #2) Trump didn't ask Zelenskyy to investigate the "corruption" Biden stopped. He asked him to investigate the "prosecution" Buden stopped. There was no such prosecution. He just wanted a political rival investigated to reduce the competition in the election.
The FACT that the FBI Gestapo opened operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Razor against Trump with no evidence of wrongdoing is ELECTION INTERFERENCE
<against Trump>

Papadopolous getting jail time for wrongdoing says you are full of shit.

No public knowledge of Crossfire-Hurricane investigation during 2016 election says you are full of shit.

Maybe it's time to ask yourself - why do you have to be full of shit to carry water for Trump?
So no, you cannot quote Durham report saying that Papadopolous was wrongly convicted and that Crossfire Hurricane investigation was not properly predicated.

Thanks for playing chum.

P.S. as a completely separate sidenote, nowhere does your NBCnews link say anything about Papadopolous supposedly being setup by CIA/FBI. It's just another one of your fantasies.

Here's a hint.

When you find yourself digging yourself into a hole, the first thing to do, is stop digging.
Yet more lies. I'm shocked. :icon_rolleyes:
Lie #1) Hillary didn't hire Russians. She hired a U.S. firm.
Lie #2) Trump didn't ask Zelenskyy to investigate the "corruption" Biden stopped. He asked him to investigate the "prosecution" Biden stopped. There was no such prosecution. He just wanted a political rival investigated to reduce the competition in the election.
What lies?
1. Hillary & DNC cash paid RUSSIANS for the Steele Dossier, via FusionGPS & Mr. Steele.
2. Biden didn't stop any corruption, Biden stopped the investigation into Burisma, Hunter's "cash cow". There was no further investigation into Burisma, Biden stopped it.
3. Correct. Trump wanted Z to investigate the prosecution Biden stopped. That is Trump doing his job.
Papadopolous getting jail time for wrongdoing says you are full of shit.
No public knowledge of Crossfire-Hurricane investigation during 2016 election says you are full of shit.
Maybe it's time to ask yourself - why do you have to be full of shit to carry water for Trump?
1. Papadope got 14-days for being setup by the CIA, meh.
2. Buzzfeed published it dumbass.
3. Why are we rehashing 2016 when Biden has a 30% approval rating?
1. Papadope got 14-days for being setup by the CIA, meh.
2. Buzzfeed published it dumbass.
3. Why are we rehashing 2016 when Biden has a 30% approval rating?
Be careful.

Rats get vicious when they're cornered.
1. Papadope got 14-days for being setup by the CIA, meh.
2. Buzzfeed published it dumbass.
3. Why are we rehashing 2016 when Biden has a 30% approval rating?

1. You can't cite Durham finding any setup, because you are full of shit. He committed wrongdoing, said as much and went to jail.

2. Buzzfeed published the Dossier, not existence of investigation during 2016 elections.

3. Moron, YOU are baselessly accusing DOJ of corruptly trying to influence 2016 election against Trump. YOU are talking about, so do you think it's too much to ask that you keep track of what you are saying and not complain when someone checks your bs?

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