Durham report released

Biden got the Ukraine prosecutor investigating Hunter's cash cow Burisma's corruption fired.
Trump wanted UKRAINE corruption investigated before sending US aid.
Specifically Trump wanted an investigation announced, which would be Trump trying to influence the election.

The DoJ wasn’t investigating Biden because there was no evidence of corruption. The president had ulterior motives.
Specifically Trump wanted an investigation announced, which would be Trump trying to influence the election.

The DoJ wasn’t investigating Biden because there was no evidence of corruption. The president had ulterior motives.
Influence an election???
Just like what's going on NOW with endless investigations and lawsuits against Trump????
You're not only a PATHETIC contrarian, you are a fucking HYPOCRITE!!!!
I guess Durham forgot to mention this conspiracy theory, huh.
Mifsud was the CIA plant who told Papadope that Russia had Hillary's emails, at a meeting with "Putin's niece".
When Papadope told some Aussie that, the FBI investigations and Operations Crossfire-Hurricane/Razor started, on a false/fake premise. All a setup.
Specifically Trump wanted an investigation announced, which would be Trump trying to influence the election.
The DoJ wasn’t investigating Biden because there was no evidence of corruption. The president had ulterior motives.
Ukraine announcing an investigation shouldn't affect Biden, should it?? If so, why?
The DOJ/FBI only investigates Republicans.
What lies?
1. Hillary & DNC cash paid RUSSIANS for the Steele Dossier, via FusionGPS & Mr. Steele.
2. Biden didn't stop any corruption, Biden stopped the investigation into Burisma, Hunter's "cash cow". There was no further investigation into Burisma, Biden stopped it.
3. Correct. Trump wanted Z to investigate the prosecution Biden stopped. That is Trump doing his job.

Lie #1) Nope, they didn't. And your lies won't change that. They paid a U.S. firm for opposition research.

Lie #2) Biden did not stop any investigation since Burisma was not being investigated. While there was an open investigation, Viktor Shokin was not pursuing it. In fact, he spent 2 years protecting the owner of Burisma, not prosecuting him. In fact, it was Shokin's replacement who did go after Zlochevsky and prevailed on tax related charges.

Lie #3) It is not the president's job to solicit a campaign contribution from a foreign national. That's a crime.
1. Papadope got 14-days for being setup by the CIA, meh.
2. Buzzfeed published it dumbass.
3. Why are we rehashing 2016 when Biden has a 30% approval rating?

Buzzfeed published it after the election. You're a special kind of stupid to the Buzzfeed publishing it, influenced the election.

30 must be conservative math for 42.

Screenshot_20230526_085939_Samsung Internet.jpg
Mifsud was the CIA plant who told Papadope that Russia had Hillary's emails, at a meeting with "Putin's niece".
When Papadope told some Aussie that, the FBI investigations and Operations Crossfire-Hurricane/Razor started, on a false/fake premise. All a setup.
Notably absent in this or any other article you’ve linked is any evidence that Misfud was a “CIA plant”.

Durham forgot to mention it?
No it wasn't you lying sack of SHIT!!!!
He asked for them to look into the BIDEN CORRUPTION THAT WAS HAPPENING!!!!!!
You fucking demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies are perpetual LIARS!!!!! :eusa_hand:


False, there was no such "BIDEN CORRUPTION"
Doesn't matter, it was all PAID FOR BULLSHIT DISINFORMATION!!!!
All LIES paid for by your queen of evil HILLARY CLINTON!!!

Of course it matters. I get facts don't matter to you, but facts still matter.
Ukraine announcing an investigation shouldn't affect Biden, should it?? If so, why?
The DOJ/FBI only investigates Republicans.
When people hear you’re under investigation, they assume you’ve done something wrong. That’s why DoJ rules state they don’t announce investigations unless they’re pressing charges.

Announcing an investigation into Biden was intended to harm his campaign the same way the FBI harmed Clinton’s campaign by announcing the e-mail investigation was reopened right before the election.
"These are not the droids you are looking for."
*waves hand*


Don't just say it, prove it... prove Shokin was actively investigating anyone associated with Burisma...

this is where you run to your escape pod.
Lie #1) Nope, they didn't. And your lies won't change that. They paid a U.S. firm for opposition research.
Lie #2) Biden did not stop any investigation since Burisma was not being investigated. While there was an open investigation, Viktor Shokin was not pursuing it. In fact, he spent 2 years protecting the owner of Burisma, not prosecuting him. In fact, it was Shokin's replacement who did go after Zlochevsky and prevailed on tax related charges.
Lie #3) It is not the president's job to solicit a campaign contribution from a foreign national. That's a crime.
1. Yep they did. Hillary campaign money went to Russians to pay for the Steele Dossier, not directly, but via FusionGPS & Christopher Steele. Russian Collusion?

2. Biden bragged that he got Shokin who was investigating Burisma fired. Burisma was paying Hunter $80,000 a month for a "no-show" job.
"The fired prosecutor at the center of the Ukraine controversy said during a private interview with President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani earlier this year that he was told to back off an investigation involving a natural gas firm that was linked to Joe Biden’s son, according to details of that interview that were handed over to Congress by the State Department’s inspector general Wednesday."

3. Investigating corruption in Ukraine is not a campaign contribution. Got a link to the FEC to back that up? I don't see the FEC even commenting on it.
When people hear you’re under investigation, they assume you’ve done something wrong. That’s why DoJ rules state they don’t announce investigations unless they’re pressing charges.
Announcing an investigation into Biden was intended to harm his campaign the same way the FBI harmed Clinton’s campaign by announcing the e-mail investigation was reopened right before the election.
Provide a LINK proving that Trump wanted a Ukrainian investigation of Biden. I call bullshit, aka a LIE.
"Son of bitch, they fired him."

That doesn't prove Shokin was actively investigating Burisma. Better luck next time.
Buzzfeed published it after the election. You're a special kind of stupid to the Buzzfeed publishing it, influenced the election.
30 must be conservative math for 42.
WTF is this post about? Edit it to prove when buzzfeed published the Steele Dossier, and what that table is about.
1. Yep they did. Hillary campaign money went to Russians to pay for the Steele Dossier, not directly, but via FusionGPS & Christopher Steele. Russian Collusion?

2. Biden bragged that he got Shokin who was investigating Burisma fired. Burisma was paying Hunter $80,000 a month for a "no-show" job.
"The fired prosecutor at the center of the Ukraine controversy said during a private interview with President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani earlier this year that he was told to back off an investigation involving a natural gas firm that was linked to Joe Biden’s son, according to details of that interview that were handed over to Congress by the State Department’s inspector general Wednesday."

3. Investigating corruption in Ukraine is not a campaign contribution. Got a link to the FEC to back that up? I don't see the FEC even commenting on it.

1. That's not what you said. You said Hillary paid Russians. She didn't. You lied.

2. Prove Shokin was actively investigating Burisma or Zlochevsky...

3. It's a crime to solicit campaign help from a foreign national.

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