Durham report released

Huh? What was illegal? Who was charged with a crime?
Operations Razor and Crossfire-Hurricane were illegal (not predicated). Clinesmith falsifying evidence was illegal. Apparently applying the laws unequally is not illegal. Comey entrapping General Flynn was not illegal. The Biden's selling influence is apparently not illegal. Hillary's bathroom server was not illegal because of her "intent". But Republican's "intent" is ALWAYS illegal.
Durham confirmed that the FBI Gestapo is rogue and needs to be reorganized to protect whistleblowers, or defunded.
Mueller was a figurehead, nothing more. All of the political hacks under him (Weismann, et.al.) were democrats. Mueller didn't even know who FusionGPS was.
Barr said that the Trump investigations were NOT adequately predicated.
It is apparently not illegal to willfully be biased in applying the LAW.
Even when Clinesmith falsified evidence he got off easy.

Durham confirmed that the FBI Gestapo is a rogue law enforcement agency that needs to be reigned in to apply the laws apolitically.

Mueller got actual convictions... which is why Trump had to pardon all his lackeys at the end of his presidency.

Durham got one guy to plead to a misdemeanor.
Operations Razor and Crossfire-Hurricane were illegal (not predicated). Clinesmith falsifying evidence was illegal. Apparently applying the laws unequally is not illegal. Comey entrapping General Flynn was not illegal. The Biden's selling influence is apparently not illegal. Hillary's bathroom server was not illegal because of her "intent". But Republican's "intent" is ALWAYS illegal.
Durham confirmed that the FBI Gestapo is rogue and needs to be reorganized to protect whistleblowers, or defunded.

Clinesmith doctored an email to help obtain a FISA warrant to wiretap Carter Page.

But you said, "that report concluded that the FBI Gestapo illegally spied on Trump."

What's with your bait & switch from Trump to Page? Page wasn't even with the Trump campaign when he was wiretapped. So why are you lying about Trump being illegally spied on?
Mueller got actual convictions... which is why Trump had to pardon all his lackeys at the end of his presidency.
Durham got one guy to plead to a misdemeanor.
Mueller got convictions unrelated to "Russian Collusion", so the Mueller Investigation was a political witch hunt.
Which still speaks poorly for Trump's circle of associates.
Durham proved that the FBI Gestapo does NOT apply the Laws fairly.
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Mueller was a figurehead, nothing more. All of the political hacks under him (Weismann, et.al.) were democrats. Mueller didn't even know who FusionGPS was.
Barr said that the Trump investigations were NOT adequately predicated.
It is apparently not illegal to willfully be biased in applying the LAW.
Even when Clinesmith falsified evidence he got off easy.

Durham confirmed that the FBI Gestapo is a rogue law enforcement agency that needs to be reigned in to apply the laws apolitically.
Barr had the opinion that the investigation wasn’t properly predicated

The people making the decisions at the time without hindsight had a different opinion.

That’s all.
Clinesmith doctored an email to help obtain a FISA warrant to wiretap Carter Page.
But you said, "that report concluded that the FBI Gestapo illegally spied on Trump."
What's with your bait & switch from Trump to Page? Page wasn't even with the Trump campaign when he was wiretapped. So why are you lying about Trump being illegally spied on?
Once the FBI Gestapo gets a FISA warrant they can use the "two hop rule".
The director of the NSA warned Trump that the FBI Gestapo was illegally wiretapping him.

On March 4, 2017, just 43 days after taking office, President Donald Trump tweeted: “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!” The person who initially tipped off Trump (on Nov. 17, 2016) that communications from Trump Tower were being tapped was Adm. Mike Rogers, then-head of the National Security Agency (NSA).

What this means is that not only could the FBI listen in on a person who is under a surveillance warrant, like former Trump campaign aide Carter Page was, but that the FBI could also listen in on any phone conversations by those with whom Page was in touch or by those who were talking to people Page was talking to.
Once the FBI Gestapo gets a FISA warrant they can use the "two hop rule".
The director of the NSA warned Trump that the FBI Gestapo was illegally wiretapping him.

On March 4, 2017, just 43 days after taking office, President Donald Trump tweeted: “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!” The person who initially tipped off Trump (on Nov. 17, 2016) that communications from Trump Tower were being tapped was Adm. Mike Rogers, then-head of the National Security Agency (NSA).

What this means is that not only could the FBI listen in on a person who is under a surveillance warrant, like former Trump campaign aide Carter Page was, but that the FBI could also listen in on any phone conversations by those with whom Page was in touch or by those who were talking to people Page was talking to.


So your argument has now gone from, Trump was illegally spied on ... to ... Trump could have been spied on. :lmao:

And with zero proof he was actually spied on.

And with zero indictments of anyone "illegally spying on Trump."
Once the FBI Gestapo gets a FISA warrant they can use the "two hop rule".
The director of the NSA warned Trump that the FBI Gestapo was illegally wiretapping him.
This is false. The “two hop rule” applies to 702 data collection, and has nothing to do with title 1 FISA surveillance. These distinctions are really important but very people actually understand them.

This claim of the NSA director saying anything about illegal wiretapping is right wing mythology.
So your argument has now gone from, Trump was illegally spied on ... to ... Trump could have been spied on. :lmao:
And with zero proof he was actually spied on.
And with zero indictments of anyone "illegally spying on Trump."
1. What part of the NSA warned Trump that he was being spied on don't you understand. You need to read the links before posting nonsense.
2. zero proof? see #1
3. You'd need to ask the FISA court why no one was indicted.
This is false. The “two hop rule” applies to 702 data collection, and has nothing to do with title 1 FISA surveillance. These distinctions are really important but very people actually understand them.
This claim of the NSA director saying anything about illegal wiretapping is right wing mythology.
Stop typing shit and start proving shit.
Stop typing shit and start proving shit.
I was about to say the same to your sources.

You’ll notice the talk about “two hops” refers to metadata. Then your articles switch out metadata to active surveillance.

Those aren’t the same thing and the bait and switch demonstrates the dishonesty of your sources.
So you say but cannot show he was under surveillance. Funniest part -- your own link said he was being investigated. Nothing about surveillance until he was wiretapped in September. You're literally making shit up that's not supported by your own source AND you utterly failed to prove yourself right.

Data collection and analysis is one form of surveillance.
Except Mueller is a Republican, Rosen is a Republican, Barr is a Republican, etc.

And I'd take Durrrrham more seriously if he could back up his accusations with indictments or convictions.

He didn't indict one FBI player, and the two people he did indict, were acquitted by juries.

View attachment 788259
Enough of that shit. When it comes to fucking this country over Republicans are just as guilty. The scum at the top of the parties is no different at all.
1. What part of the NSA warned Trump that he was being spied on don't you understand. You need to read the links before posting nonsense.
2. zero proof? see #1
3. You'd need to ask the FISA court why no one was indicted.

Moron, you changed your position. Your posts are there. You literally went from claiming Trump was spied on to saying he could have been spied on.

As far the the NSA warning him... quote it...

As far as no one getting indicted, I don't have to ask anyone. It's because no crimes were committed.
Data collection and analysis is one form of surveillance.


You have no idea what, if any, surveillance was taking place. And of course, your own source never said what you lie about now. Your own source only mentioned surveillance starting in October, 2016.

Watch this...

Here are types of surveillance... which of these occurred between April and September, 2016? Post a link to corroborate your bullshit.

Moron, you changed your position. Your posts are there. You literally went from claiming Trump was spied on to saying he could have been spied on.
As far the the NSA warning him... quote it...
As far as no one getting indicted, I don't have to ask anyone. It's because no crimes were committed.
You apparently have short term memory issues. This link was posted 1,386, just above

Apparently "illegal spying" isn't a crime? Some people are "more equal" than others, huh?
Mueller got convictions unrelated to "Russian Collusion", so the Mueller Investigation was a political witch hunt.

Mueller was giving the broader mandate of investigating ALL Russian interference in the 2016 election, including conviction of 16 Russian Nationals.

Which still speaks poorly for Trump's circle of associates.
Um, you mean that the corrupt businessman who did business with America's Enemies MIGHT actually hang out with some shady ass people?
Durham proved that the FBI Gestapo does NOT apply the Laws fairly.

What is "Fairly".

Here's the thing. Even Durham Agreed that the potential of Russian interference in the election was a serious matter that should be looked into. His argument is that they should have done a preliminary investigation instead of a full investigation. Um... Okay. So everyone agrees this should have been checked out, it was just a disagreement in priority.

But don't you find it curious that a supposedly "innocent" Trump had to be dragged kicking and screaming through every step of the investigation? Compare that to Iran-Contra, where Reagan fully cooperated once the whole scheme kind of blew up and admitted his mistakes.
Mueller was giving the broader mandate of investigating ALL Russian interference in the 2016 election, including conviction of 16 Russian Nationals.

Um, you mean that the corrupt businessman who did business with America's Enemies MIGHT actually hang out with some shady ass people?

What is "Fairly".

Here's the thing. Even Durham Agreed that the potential of Russian interference in the election was a serious matter that should be looked into. His argument is that they should have done a preliminary investigation instead of a full investigation. Um... Okay. So everyone agrees this should have been checked out, it was just a disagreement in priority.

But don't you find it curious that a supposedly "innocent" Trump had to be dragged kicking and screaming through every step of the investigation? Compare that to Iran-Contra, where Reagan fully cooperated once the whole scheme kind of blew up and admitted his mistakes.
1. "Fairly" means investigating ALL Russian interference, including Hillary's "Steele Dossier" that she paid a fine for, but not a word in the Mueller Report. The democrat's on the Mueller team, and they were all democrats, only looked at potential Trump crimes. They gave democrats a pass.

2. Who else does business with America's enemies???? The fucking Biden Crime Family.

3. There was no legal basis for the full investigation, it was a $30,000,000 hoax to make Trump look bad every day on TV with creeps like Schiff and Pelosi saying they saw super-secret classified evidence. Then zero when the final report gets issued.

4. No I don't find it curious that Trump opposed a hoax investigation. I find it more curious that the Biden's obvious money laundering schemes gets a free pass by the FBI Gestapo. and the DOJ. Imagine if it was the Trump Family getting all that laundered money for selling influence.
"Fairly" means investigating ALL Russian interference, including Hillary's "Steele Dossier" that she paid a fine for, but not a word in the Mueller Report. The democrat's on the Mueller team, and they were all democrats, only looked at potential Trump crimes. They gave democrats a pass.
There’s nothing to investigate about the dossier because it’s not anywhere close to election interference.

Russia hacked the DNC. That happened. That is what the FBI started investigating.

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