Durham report released

YOU said they had him under surveillance. Why are you running from that now? So between April, 2016 and September, 2016, what surveillance methods did they employ? Details, please....
So you now acknowledge I was right.

Thank you.
Russia hacks everything all the time. Don't confuse Russia with Guccifer.
Don’t confuse Guccifer with Guccifer 2.0

Guccifer was a Bulgarian hacker.

Guccifer 2.0 was Russian military intel (GRU)
Already did via Washington Post, the Mecca for truth for the left. You even misquoted my article for some form of personal gain for you......

Yet the seed was planted within the FBI before the election.
So who was it that paid, promoted the Russia narrative before and into Trump's administration....................and why?
The Post said nothing about a prior Page investigation. At least not one in early 2016.

You’re a fucking liar
The Post said nothing about a prior Page investigation. At least not one in early 2016.

You’re a fucking liar


Then, in March 2016, Trump named Page as one of his foreign policy advisers. The next month, counterintelligence officials opened an investigation of him.

Don’t confuse Guccifer with Guccifer 2.0
Guccifer was a Bulgarian hacker.
Guccifer 2.0 was Russian military intel (GRU)
Guccifer 2.0?? Not GRU, not sure who he is/was.

Let's get past Hillary, Trump and Biden and get back to a new wholesome America without the fucked-up politics.
1. OK, Trump is fair game. So why is asking for an investigation into obvious corruption (see Hunter's $80,000 a month no-show job at Burisma) a crime? It's not.

Because Trump solicited a foreign national to investigate Joe Biden for it.

Democrats exposed Trump to an unjust Mueller Investigation. Hillary's "Plan" was carried out by the democrats, MSM, and the FBI Gestapo.

Don't blame Democrats for Mueller. He was installed because of Republicans. And don't blame Hillary for Trump hiring people with Russian connections to work on his campaign; or for the Steele dossier which she neither hired Steele nor used his dossier.

2. Russia tries to hack everything all the time, its what they do. So what? Guccifer hacked the DNC server, not Russia. I gave you that link already.

It was Guccifer 2.0 which hacked the DNC and they were Russian. As far as Hillary's server being hacked, your own article says that was never confirmed and that it's likely some of her emails ended up on the dark web by hacking others who had email from her.
Twice now.

Now you acknowledge Page was under surveillance during that time period.

Thank you again........Have a nice day.


Your desperation is even funnier than your cowardice.

Imbecile, challenging you to prove your bullshit isn't bullshit is not acknowledging it isn't bullshit.

Where the fuck did you ever get such a retarded notion?

And I repeat again, you're still not answering the question? Last time I'll ask; for if you run away from answering a third time, then I know beyond any shadow of doubt, even you know Page was not under surveillance until October (which even you said yourself earlier)...

What methods of surveillance do you claim the FBI used on Page between April and September? Provide links with verifiable sources...

Then, in March 2016, Trump named Page as one of his foreign policy advisers. The next month, counterintelligence officials opened an investigation of him.

View attachment 787663

Carter Page’s July 2016 trip to Russia​

In early April 2016, shortly after Trump identified Carter Page as one of his five foreign policy advisers,35 the FBI opened a counterintelligence case against Page “based on his continued contacts with Russian intelligence officers,”36 which predated his involvement with Trump by at least three years.37 However, contrary to the Trump team’s accusations of politicized surveillance, Horowitz concluded that “there was limited investigative activity in the NYFO [New York field office] investigation between April 6 and the Crossfire Hurricane team’s opening of its investigation of Page on August 10.”38 Mueller’s conclusion that “Page’s activities in Russia—as described in his emails with the Campaign—were not fully explained,”39 likewise suggests that the FBI was not tracking Page in July 2016, when he traveled to Russia and met with multiple high-ranking Kremlin officials.40 The FBI did not pursue a FISA warrant until October 2016, by which point Page had left the Trump campaign.41

All you have pointed out is that Page was a shady character and that the FBI did very little investigation into him
Because Trump solicited a foreign national to investigate Joe Biden for it.

Don't blame Democrats for Mueller. He was installed because of Republicans. And don't blame Hillary for Trump hiring people with Russian connections to work on his campaign; or for the Steele dossier which she neither hired Steele nor used his dossier.

It was Guccifer 2.0 which hacked the DNC and they were Russian. As far as Hillary's server being hacked, your own article says that was never confirmed and that it's likely some of her emails ended up on the dark web by hacking others who had email from her.
1. What part of "investigating corruption" is a crime? It is not. I thought "no one is above the LAW"?????? The FEC didn't indict Trump, did they? ANS: NO. Provide credible links to support your response.

2. Yes we blame democrats for the Russian Collusion hoax, and the Mueller Investigation, and FBI Operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Razor. If you disagree post credible links.

3. Hillary and the DNC did in-fact hire Russians to make up dirt on Trump. That's real "collusion" with Russians.
Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee have agreed to pay $113,000 to settle a Federal Election Commission investigation into whether they violated campaign finance law by misreporting spending on research that eventually became the infamous Steele dossier.

4. Provide a link proving Guccifer 2.0 was Russians.

5. Hillary destroyed 30,000 subpoenaed emails and her iPhones. If you or I did that we'd still be in prison.
1. What part of "investigating corruption" is a crime? It is not. I thought "no one is above the LAW"?????? The FEC didn't indict Trump, did they? ANS: NO. Provide credible links to support your response.

2. Yes we blame democrats for the Russian Collusion hoax, and the Mueller Investigation, and FBI Operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Razor. If you disagree post credible links.

3. Hillary and the DNC did in-fact hire Russians to make up dirt on Trump. That's real "collusion" with Russians.
Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee have agreed to pay $113,000 to settle a Federal Election Commission investigation into whether they violated campaign finance law by misreporting spending on research that eventually became the infamous Steele dossier.

4. Provide a link proving Guccifer 2.0 was Russians.

5. Hillary destroyed 30,000 subpoenaed emails and her iPhones. If you or I did that we'd still be in prison.

I never said Trump colluded with Russia.

The FBI was warranted to start an investigation and it was Republicans who appointed Mueller.

Nope, Hillary and the DNC hired Fusion GPS, an American firm.

Your own link said Robert Mueller determined that Guccifer 2.0 was a front operated by Russia's Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff, or GRU. Either you didn't read your own link or you didn't understand it.

"I should add here that we found no evidence that any of the additional work-related e-mails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them." ~ James Comey
I never said Trump colluded with Russia.
The FBI was warranted to start an investigation and it was Republicans who appointed Mueller.
Nope, Hillary and the DNC hired Fusion GPS, an American firm.
Your own link said Robert Mueller determined that Guccifer 2.0 was a front operated by Russia's Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff, or GRU. Either you didn't read your own link or you didn't understand it.
"I should add here that we found no evidence that any of the additional work-related e-mails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them." ~ James Comey
1. Then you're the only democrat who didn't.
2. The FBI Gestapo had no predicate to investigate Trump, so said Durham and IG Horowitz. Operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Razor were Gestapo oversteps.
3. Hillary paid Russians for the Steele Dossier via Fusion GPS.
4. My link shows no such thing. LIAR.
5. Hillary deleted 30,000 subpoenaed emails.
Federal agencies did, however, retrospectively determine that 100 emails contained information that should have been deemed classified at the time they were sent, including 65 emails deemed "Secret" and 22 deemed "Top Secret". An additional 2,093 emails were retroactively designated confidential by the State Department.
What methods of surveillance do you claim the FBI used on Page between April and September?

What ever the Special Agent in charge of the counter intelligence probe decided was necessary to obtain evidence so they could get probable cause for a FISA warrant to electronically monitor his communications, which they did in October.

Carter Page’s July 2016 trip to Russia​

In early April 2016, shortly after Trump identified Carter Page as one of his five foreign policy advisers,35 the FBI opened a counterintelligence case against Page “based on his continued contacts with Russian intelligence officers,”36 which predated his involvement with Trump by at least three years.37 However, contrary to the Trump team’s accusations of politicized surveillance, Horowitz concluded that “there was limited investigative activity in the NYFO [New York field office] investigation between April 6 and the Crossfire Hurricane team’s opening of its investigation of Page on August 10.”38 Mueller’s conclusion that “Page’s activities in Russia—as described in his emails with the Campaign—were not fully explained,”39 likewise suggests that the FBI was not tracking Page in July 2016, when he traveled to Russia and met with multiple high-ranking Kremlin officials.40 The FBI did not pursue a FISA warrant until October 2016, by which point Page had left the Trump campaign.41

All you have pointed out is that Page was a shady character and that the FBI did very little investigation into him
You just supported my quote from WAPO that, indeed, after Trump announced Page was an advisor, in April, a counter intelligence probe was started.

Good job.
1. Then you're the only democrat who didn't.
2. The FBI Gestapo had no predicate to investigate Trump, so said Durham and IG Horowitz. Operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Razor were Gestapo oversteps.
3. Hillary paid Russians for the Steele Dossier via Fusion GPS.
4. My link shows no such thing. LIAR.
5. Hillary deleted 30,000 subpoenaed emails.
Federal agencies did, however, retrospectively determine that 100 emails contained information that should have been deemed classified at the time they were sent, including 65 emails deemed "Secret" and 22 deemed "Top Secret". An additional 2,093 emails were retroactively designated confidential by the State Department.

I am not the only Democrat to think that.

Another investigation found it was justified.

Again, Hillary paid a U.S. firm for opposition research. She didn't hire Steele. Fusion GPS hired him.

I didn't lie just because you're a fucking retard. This is the article you posted earlier which should have educated you with, An online persona known as Guccifer 2.0 claimed to be the hacker behind the breach of the Democratic National Committee computer network during the 2016 election. Guccifer 2.0 gave stolen emails from Democrats to WikiLeaks, which then published them. Special counsel Robert Mueller determined that Guccifer 2.0 was a front operated by Russia's Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff, or GRU.

Again, "I should add here that we found no evidence that any of the additional work-related e-mails were intentionally delete

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