During GOP Debate, when RP asked about sick young man audience yells "Let him DIE!".

What I find humorous is that many that would say that the man should be left to die are ones who also choose to go without health insurance. I agree that if you choose to go without insurance and do so knowing you can afford it, then you probably shouldn't receive medical care that you can't pay for. The problem is that most people that go without insurance are ones who truly can't afford it. The truth is that many young people just aren't that astute when it comes to finances and having the types of insurance coverage they should. And we need to remember, there are a lot of really dumb people out there. This isn't a swipe at them, it is just a fact. Despite not being very bright, many of these people do work, but a lot of them are part of the working poor. Do we abandon them because they can't afford insurance? Is America now just for the well to do? Is this the America we want in the future?
We should never allow any America to die if they're uninsured, ever. Someone that needs life support or medical attention should get it no matter.

For a runny nose or for something stupid...Of course they should be expected to pay, but it's evil to let someone die if they can't pay. We're better then this.

No one is stopping you from writing them a check.

God knows you never would.
We should never allow any America to die if they're uninsured, ever. Someone that needs life support or medical attention should get it no matter.

For a runny nose or for something stupid...Of course they should be expected to pay, but it's evil to let someone die if they can't pay. We're better then this.

No one is stopping you from writing them a check.

God knows you never would.

Actually I think he does everytime he pays his ins. premiums or pays his taxes..... just sayin
By Sam Steinstein

A bit of a startling moment happened near the end of Monday night's CNN debate when a hypothetical question was posed to Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas).

What do you tell a guy who is sick, goes into a coma and doesn't have health insurance? Who pays for his coverage? "Are you saying society should just let him die?" Wolf Blitzer asked.

"Yeah!" several members of the crowd yelled out.
Video: GOP Tea Party Debate: Audience Cheers, Says Society Should Let Uninsured Patient Die

That is not what happened.
During the Republican Debate, Ron Paul was asked about a hypothetical young man without insurance who gets sick. Ron Paul said you have to live by your choices.

When the moderator asked, "So we should let him die?" and then the audience started wildly cheering, "Yea, let him die!".

And how many of those people in the audience were old and fat? Well, from what they were showing, most of them. How many have Medicare and Social Security? And they were cheering, "Let him die?" because he had no insurance?

I thought it was bad enough when they cheered when Rick Santorum talked about ending "Medicare".

These people are insane. What other explanation could there be?
You're so full of shit, you partisan fuckin' hack!

I just watched the debate, with my BOSE surround sound headphones. You can hear every detail, crystal clear......NOBODY SHOUTED OUT "LET HIM DIE", NOBODY!. One person said "YEAH" when Blizer asked Paul if we just let him die, the only other thing you hear is some people going shhhhhhhh to the guy. The crowd "wasn't wildly cheering and shouting", "let him die"

You're a fuckin' lying hack, bean. Nothing more!......And you're definitely one of the reasons Obama is going to lose. People are tired of the shit put out by scumbags like you. And only care about getting this country back on track, after Obama has completely trashed it.
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During the Republican Debate, Ron Paul was asked about a hypothetical young man without insurance who gets sick. Ron Paul said you have to live by your choices.

When the moderator asked, "So we should let him die?" and then the audience started wildly cheering, "Yea, let him die!".

And how many of those people in the audience were old and fat? Well, from what they were showing, most of them. How many have Medicare and Social Security? And they were cheering, "Let him die?" because he had no insurance?

I thought it was bad enough when they cheered when Rick Santorum talked about ending "Medicare".

These people are insane. What other explanation could there be?
You're so full of shit, you partisan fuckin' hack!

I just watched the debate, with my BOSE surround sound headphones. You can hear every detail, crystal clear......NOBODY SHOUTED OUT "LET HIM DIE", NOBODY!. One person said "YEAH" when Blizer asked Paul if we just let him die, the only other thing you hear is some people going shhhhhhhh to the guy. The crowd "wasn't wildly cheering and shouting", "let him die"

You're a fuckin' lying hack, bean. Nothing more!......And you're definitely one of the reasons Obama is going to lose. People are tired of the shit put out by scumbags like you. And only care about getting this country back on track, after Obama has completely trashed it.
You just posted that "And most likely done by dem's......It's right up the liberal's alley to pull such a stunt."
Now you say you didn't hear it. WTF
During the Republican Debate, Ron Paul was asked about a hypothetical young man without insurance who gets sick. Ron Paul said you have to live by your choices.

When the moderator asked, "So we should let him die?" and then the audience started wildly cheering, "Yea, let him die!".

And how many of those people in the audience were old and fat? Well, from what they were showing, most of them. How many have Medicare and Social Security? And they were cheering, "Let him die?" because he had no insurance?

I thought it was bad enough when they cheered when Rick Santorum talked about ending "Medicare".

These people are insane. What other explanation could there be?
You're so full of shit, you partisan fuckin' hack!

I just watched the debate, with my BOSE surround sound headphones. You can hear every detail, crystal clear......NOBODY SHOUTED OUT "LET HIM DIE", NOBODY!. One person said "YEAH" when Blizer asked Paul if we just let him die, the only other thing you hear is some people going shhhhhhhh to the guy. The crowd "wasn't wildly cheering and shouting", "let him die"

You're a fuckin' lying hack, bean. Nothing more!......And you're definitely one of the reasons Obama is going to lose. People are tired of the shit put out by scumbags like you. And only care about getting this country back on track, after Obama has completely trashed it.
You just posted that "And most likely done by dem's......It's right up the liberal's alley to pull such a stunt."
Now you say you didn't hear it. WTF
That was before I watched the debate.....I watched the replay at 11:00, and nowhere did ANYBODY say or do what the bean tried to claim.

And yes, if it actually had happened, I wouldn't put it past a lib to pull some dirty shit like that....Lib's are desperate nowadays, for obvious reasons. Their agenda is going down the damn tubes, Right along with this inept President, and rightfully so!
I thought Tea Party Republicans were supposed to be the compassionate Christian do-gooders? Where’s all that “charity” they like to talk about?

really? I thought they were all old, fat, white racists... like the liberals keep telling us.
By Sam Steinstein

A bit of a startling moment happened near the end of Monday night's CNN debate when a hypothetical question was posed to Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas).

What do you tell a guy who is sick, goes into a coma and doesn't have health insurance? Who pays for his coverage? "Are you saying society should just let him die?" Wolf Blitzer asked.

"Yeah!" several members of the crowd yelled out.

Video: GOP Tea Party Debate: Audience Cheers, Says Society Should Let Uninsured Patient Die

He circled around the question too. At first Ron was agreeing that he should die then he gets on a rant where he says churches should pay..

I think we should let the Tea Party die, they are not contributing to society either.

I think comments like that show an exceptional amount of ignorance. Just sayin'.
Maxine Waters ring a bell?

God bless Maxine Waters!

No... God Damn Maxine Waters...

By Sam Steinstein

A bit of a startling moment happened near the end of Monday night's CNN debate when a hypothetical question was posed to Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas).

What do you tell a guy who is sick, goes into a coma and doesn't have health insurance? Who pays for his coverage? "Are you saying society should just let him die?" Wolf Blitzer asked.

"Yeah!" several members of the crowd yelled out.
Video: GOP Tea Party Debate: Audience Cheers, Says Society Should Let Uninsured Patient Die

That is not what happened.

Of course it isn't. But it seems that many on the left prefer emotional hyperbole to honesty. Pity.
By Sam Steinstein

A bit of a startling moment happened near the end of Monday night's CNN debate when a hypothetical question was posed to Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas).

What do you tell a guy who is sick, goes into a coma and doesn't have health insurance? Who pays for his coverage? "Are you saying society should just let him die?" Wolf Blitzer asked.

"Yeah!" several members of the crowd yelled out.

Video: GOP Tea Party Debate: Audience Cheers, Says Society Should Let Uninsured Patient Die

Man, I'm not sure how you get through daily life. Everything is a friggen outrage for you. You must go around the Internet to every leftwing site to find one...kinda pathetic.
By Sam Steinstein

A bit of a startling moment happened near the end of Monday night's CNN debate when a hypothetical question was posed to Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas).

What do you tell a guy who is sick, goes into a coma and doesn't have health insurance? Who pays for his coverage? "Are you saying society should just let him die?" Wolf Blitzer asked.

"Yeah!" several members of the crowd yelled out.

Video: GOP Tea Party Debate: Audience Cheers, Says Society Should Let Uninsured Patient Die
Gee...HuffPoo...I'm shocked...NOT...nor by the idiotic lying spin by LaDorka.
By Sam Steinstein

A bit of a startling moment happened near the end of Monday night's CNN debate when a hypothetical question was posed to Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas).

What do you tell a guy who is sick, goes into a coma and doesn't have health insurance? Who pays for his coverage? "Are you saying society should just let him die?" Wolf Blitzer asked.

"Yeah!" several members of the crowd yelled out.

Video: GOP Tea Party Debate: Audience Cheers, Says Society Should Let Uninsured Patient Die

my first thought was, "Were these people plants".

My second thought is, why should that be the government's job? why not rely on charities?

Here's the underlying problem. Medical expenses are spiralling out of control because Government subsidizes them. Government already covers 100 million people and is directly responsible for half the medical expenses in this country.

And they sign the checks with no questions.

When my Brother-in-Law's aunt was in her final days, they paid for a visiting nurse. My sister figured out this woman was defrauding Medicare and the Insurance company by charging the same bottle of medicine to several patients. (Only a fraction of the bottle was used, but she was charged for a whole bottle.) She complained to both Medicare and the Insurance company. The insurance company investigated, Medicare could care less.
Not sure why anyone is surprised. Typical teapee belief system.

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