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Dying patients deny the coronavirus exists — right up until death

Just because some Dems were not responsible doesn’t mean that the guidelines are ineffective
LOL. These are not just "some dems"., these are the leaders who are setting the guidelines. There were also higher up medical professionals setting at that table with Newsom.
So what?! I don’t see how pointing out hypocrites diminishes the argument. We know how this things spreads. It’s not rocket science. The more contact people have the more it will spread. It’s pretty simple
No one said social distancing and mask wearing was 100% foolproof.
Which should tell you that we can not control this virus with or without a mask. People who practice the guidelines are dying too.
Haha. So let me ask. If nobody wore masks and if there were no guidelines or restrictions do you think I put death count would be higher lower or the same as it is today?

Think of all the old people who die of the flu each year. Many 1000's! If everyone would just wear masks all day everyday none of that would ever happen! It should be mandated immediately! We could save 75% of the over 800,000 people who die of the flu every year! Where the fuck was your concern for that before COVID19 came along? But now that it's a political issue you're right on top of it, aren't you.
Yes I am, because our country has been shut down for most this year and I’m sick of it. My questions is why jackasses like you insist on fighting it. You know how this thing spreads. If everybody could just act responsibly for a few weeks this virus would be gone... but nooooo assholes need to push back in the name of Liberty. Way too go!
Fu spreads
No one said social distancing and mask wearing was 100% foolproof.
Which should tell you that we can not control this virus with or without a mask. People who practice the guidelines are dying too.
Haha. So let me ask. If nobody wore masks and if there were no guidelines or restrictions do you think I put death count would be higher lower or the same as it is today?

Think of all the old people who die of the flu each year. Many 1000's! If everyone would just wear masks all day everyday none of that would ever happen! It should be mandated immediately! We could save 75% of the over 800,000 people who die of the flu every year! Where the fuck was your concern for that before COVID19 came along? But now that it's a political issue you're right on top of it, aren't you.
Yes I am, because our country has been shut down for most this year and I’m sick of it. My questions is why jackasses like you insist on fighting it. You know how this thing spreads. If everybody could just act responsibly for a few weeks this virus would be gone... but nooooo assholes need to push back in the name of Liberty. Way too go!

And the Flu spreads too. But it's not new and people are familiar with it...which is why the Democrats couldnt use it to spread fear and terror and skew numbers in all their owned mass media networks. That's the only thing I'm fighting. People like you will probably never see how bad you've been "had" and that this was exploited to get you to vote accordingly. Even my fucking in laws who live in "backward" little Peru all got it and got better quickly...just as if it was the flu. Meanwhile you're here trying to spread the shit you hear that just doesn't add up.
Dude it’s the whole fucking world not just democrats playing politics. Wake the fuck up

"Playing politics"...Sure. As in "bad guys have guns so good guys need them too". It's a dirty game. NO ONE will ever be president in this environment without firing shots at the the other side and playing dirty. Nobody except those willing to fight dirty will win. However, having to make a choice between one dirty player who lowers taxes, ends wars, and stands up to the globalists who want to own us and run against him....I'll take Player #1 EVERY TIME.

One real big difference between voting for Trump and voting for any of the other assholes of the past 30 years is people voted for a human being when they voted for Trump. An individual with his own ideas. A flawed individual like all of us, but still an individual. The alternative is voting for an organization. The United States of America is for the rights and the prosperity of the individual and we can't have that with people who want to assimilate everyone and everything into a global collective. THAT'S THE MAIN FUCKING PROBLEM. Globalists have an international understanding just like the mafia families had their "understandings". They are basically VERY big, VERY organized criminals who dwarf Trump in their global reach and global plans. I DON'T WANT THEM UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES EVER...TO HAVE CONTROL OVER THIS COUNTRY. They have been for over 30 years and have given our country away year after year after year. Trump started to pull us out of that. He may be a loudmouth, arrogant, not very articulate or salesmanly in his approach.... That's unfortunate, but considering the alternative of smooth-talking salespeople and lawyers like Obama, the Clintons, the Bushs and all their henchmen giving us away...I WILL TAKE TRUMP OVER ALL OF THEM. I WILL NOT SELL THIS COUNTRY OUT TO THOSE GLOBALIST SCUM UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.
Too bad, I kind of like globalism :)
The more contact people have the more it will spread. It’s pretty simple
Who told you that?

OH, that's right, the ones setting in a crowd of people with no masks.
That’s common sense dude. You catch a virus from being around people who are contagious. If you’re not around anybody then you won’t catch it. This is basic stuff. Are you really taking issue with it?
Story has been debunked.....oooops
How was it debunked? Cam you provide a link or more details? I’ve heard multiple interviews from nurses and doctors making similar claims. So what exactly has been debunked?

So where's your links to those interviews making the same claims?

This OP was started with one. Did you read it?

Sorry commie, you're the one that made this claim: My bold
I’ve heard multiple interviews from nurses and doctors making similar claims.
I simply asked for you to back them up. You seem to like to ask others for links, are you just being a commie hypocrite?

Yes and I pointed you to the nurse and interview in the OP. You feeling ok?

Poor little commie "the nurse" does not equal "multiple interviews from nurses and doctors". Are your language skills so lacking the you don't understand "singular" and "plural" terms? You used plural terms in the sentence I quoted, now you're tying to dismiss what you said. BTW, I feel fine, good enough to catch your lie and realize your intelligence seems to be declining by the second.

I apologize if I don’t feel like spending my time to look for links to videos of interviews I’ve seen on TV just so I can prove to an online troll that I’m telling the truth. If you don’t believe me then that’s fine. We have a link and video that this OP is based on. If you don’t want to drill down on that then fine but your little tactic just makes you look like you can’t debate the topic.

Well here's a clue commie, don't demand links from other people if you're not willing to provide them yourself. What you say has no more weight than anyone else, so if you make a lame assed claim, be prepared to back it up.

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That’s common sense dude. You catch a virus from being around people who are contagious. If you’re not around anybody then you won’t catch it. This is basic stuff. Are you really taking issue with it?
If G. Newsom, N. Pelosi, J. Biden, ain't scared, why should I be. I never was anyway, just saying.
That’s common sense dude. You catch a virus from being around people who are contagious. If you’re not around anybody then you won’t catch it. This is basic stuff. Are you really taking issue with it?
If G. Newsom, N. Pelosi, J. Biden, ain't scared, why should I be. I never was anyway, just saying.
I don’t think you should be scared. Who said anything about being scared? It’s about doing your part to slow the spread. Give our nurses and doctors a little relief
Story has been debunked.....oooops
How was it debunked? Cam you provide a link or more details? I’ve heard multiple interviews from nurses and doctors making similar claims. So what exactly has been debunked?

So where's your links to those interviews making the same claims?

This OP was started with one. Did you read it?

Sorry commie, you're the one that made this claim: My bold
I’ve heard multiple interviews from nurses and doctors making similar claims.
I simply asked for you to back them up. You seem to like to ask others for links, are you just being a commie hypocrite?

Yes and I pointed you to the nurse and interview in the OP. You feeling ok?

Poor little commie "the nurse" does not equal "multiple interviews from nurses and doctors". Are your language skills so lacking the you don't understand "singular" and "plural" terms? You used plural terms in the sentence I quoted, now you're tying to dismiss what you said. BTW, I feel fine, good enough to catch your lie and realize your intelligence seems to be declining by the second.

I apologize if I don’t feel like spending my time to look for links to videos of interviews I’ve seen on TV just so I can prove to an online troll that I’m telling the truth. If you don’t believe me then that’s fine. We have a link and video that this OP is based on. If you don’t want to drill down on that then fine but your little tactic just makes you look like you can’t debate the topic.

Well here's a clue commie, don't demand links from other people if you're not willing to provide them yourself. What you say has no more weight than anyone else, so if you make a lame assed claim, be prepared to back it up.
The OP is the link I’m backing up. The guy who said it was debunked hasn’t linked or explained shit. Me finding more examples to satisfy your little troll game is a waste of time. Now offer a little something and I’ll be happy to oblige. Let me chose your avatar for a week and agree to start a thread that is positive for The Left and negative on Trump. Deal?
Story has been debunked.....oooops
How was it debunked? Cam you provide a link or more details? I’ve heard multiple interviews from nurses and doctors making similar claims. So what exactly has been debunked?
You wont believe it anyway.......so carry on, put your mask on and shiver in place
I probably won’t but that doesn’t mean I’m not interested in seeing your source of intel. Why not show it?
You just made my point, you want to believe your political indoctrination so believe
I don’t give a shit about political indoctrination. I just follow facts and logic. So go ahead and make your case. I’d like to see what info you’ve seen that makes you say this article was debunked. Why are you trying so hard to avoid diving in?

He is basically calling this nurse a liar.

There is no reason for her to lie.

He said her claims have been debunked but he won’t post any evidence to show how she was debunked. I think he is taking notes from the Trump legal team.

hospital she worked atn has only had 6 deathes from wuhan and the record is unclear how many of those she attended....but hey it fits your template so it just has to be true

Ok good, now we are getting somewhere. You said it’s unclear if she attended to any COVID patients. That’s another way of saying that you don’t know. So what all that debunks her claims?

I never said she didn't attend any.....the dispute is whether all the right wingers went screaming into the night in denial. Other stuff she claimed they said which is even more wacko

I think it’s obvious that any claim that “all the right wingers” did anything would be easily considered hyperbolic and false. No group this size is monolithic. I don’t think that’s what she claimed though. You’re trying to salvage an argument, I get it, but why?

Just answering what was posted....why you trying to work out it.

You said her claims were debunked and you have yet to explain how. 6 people in her hospital with you admitting you don’t know who she treated is not a debunk... it’s a You’re full of shit

How many is many......did she attend all 6,,,,,how many were libs of those left maybe 1 might have said what she claimed but I doubt it and even if they did 1 isnt many and its not a story, sole purpose was to slander millions.
Story has been debunked.....oooops
How was it debunked? Cam you provide a link or more details? I’ve heard multiple interviews from nurses and doctors making similar claims. So what exactly has been debunked?
You wont believe it anyway.......so carry on, put your mask on and shiver in place
I probably won’t but that doesn’t mean I’m not interested in seeing your source of intel. Why not show it?
You just made my point, you want to believe your political indoctrination so believe
I don’t give a shit about political indoctrination. I just follow facts and logic. So go ahead and make your case. I’d like to see what info you’ve seen that makes you say this article was debunked. Why are you trying so hard to avoid diving in?

He is basically calling this nurse a liar.

There is no reason for her to lie.

He said her claims have been debunked but he won’t post any evidence to show how she was debunked. I think he is taking notes from the Trump legal team.

hospital she worked atn has only had 6 deathes from wuhan and the record is unclear how many of those she attended....but hey it fits your template so it just has to be true

Ok good, now we are getting somewhere. You said it’s unclear if she attended to any COVID patients. That’s another way of saying that you don’t know. So what all that debunks her claims?

I never said she didn't attend any.....the dispute is whether all the right wingers went screaming into the night in denial. Other stuff she claimed they said which is even more wacko

I think it’s obvious that any claim that “all the right wingers” did anything would be easily considered hyperbolic and false. No group this size is monolithic. I don’t think that’s what she claimed though. You’re trying to salvage an argument, I get it, but why?

Just answering what was posted....why you trying to work out it.

You said her claims were debunked and you have yet to explain how. 6 people in her hospital with you admitting you don’t know who she treated is not a debunk... it’s a You’re full of shit

How many is many......did she attend all 6,,,,,how many were libs of those left maybe 1 might have said what she claimed but I doubt it and even if they did 1 isnt many and its not a story, sole purpose was to slander millions.

So these questions of yours that you don’t know the answers to are your evidence of her claims being debunked? Is that all you got?
Spoken like a complete moron. Go to the front lines and do the hard work with all the risks and then come back and tell me it’s just their job.
No one is forcing them, yet.
You’re an idiot that lacks perspective. This year has pushed these saints well beyond their “job” requirements. Doesn’t sound you give a shit about them though.
You’re an idiot that lacks perspective. This year has pushed these saints well beyond their “job” requirements. Doesn’t sound you give a shit about them though.
Hey smart guy. This year has pushed a lot of people to do things they don't want to do, most notably, making LESS money. If they don't like their jobs, they can find a better one.
You’re an idiot that lacks perspective. This year has pushed these saints well beyond their “job” requirements. Doesn’t sound you give a shit about them though.
Hey smart guy. This year has pushed a lot of people to do things they don't want to do, most notably, making LESS money. If they don't like their jobs, they can find a better one.
God help you if they take your advice and you get sick. Man you are the epitome of a spoiled prick aren’t ya?!
Story has been debunked.....oooops
How was it debunked? Cam you provide a link or more details? I’ve heard multiple interviews from nurses and doctors making similar claims. So what exactly has been debunked?
You wont believe it anyway.......so carry on, put your mask on and shiver in place
I probably won’t but that doesn’t mean I’m not interested in seeing your source of intel. Why not show it?
You just made my point, you want to believe your political indoctrination so believe
I don’t give a shit about political indoctrination. I just follow facts and logic. So go ahead and make your case. I’d like to see what info you’ve seen that makes you say this article was debunked. Why are you trying so hard to avoid diving in?

He is basically calling this nurse a liar.

There is no reason for her to lie.

He said her claims have been debunked but he won’t post any evidence to show how she was debunked. I think he is taking notes from the Trump legal team.

hospital she worked atn has only had 6 deathes from wuhan and the record is unclear how many of those she attended....but hey it fits your template so it just has to be true

Ok good, now we are getting somewhere. You said it’s unclear if she attended to any COVID patients. That’s another way of saying that you don’t know. So what all that debunks her claims?

I never said she didn't attend any.....the dispute is whether all the right wingers went screaming into the night in denial. Other stuff she claimed they said which is even more wacko

I think it’s obvious that any claim that “all the right wingers” did anything would be easily considered hyperbolic and false. No group this size is monolithic. I don’t think that’s what she claimed though. You’re trying to salvage an argument, I get it, but why?

Just answering what was posted....why you trying to work out it.

You said her claims were debunked and you have yet to explain how. 6 people in her hospital with you admitting you don’t know who she treated is not a debunk... it’s a You’re full of shit

How many is many......did she attend all 6,,,,,how many were libs of those left maybe 1 might have said what she claimed but I doubt it and even if they did 1 isnt many and its not a story, sole purpose was to slander millions.

So these questions of yours that you don’t know the answers to are your evidence of her claims being debunked? Is that all you got?

Embellished equals a lie

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