Dylan Mulvaney Identifies as a 6 Year Old Girl

So far that thing has been a gay man, a 12 year old girl, a 6 year old girl, a woman that says he wants to be pregnant, and went from being gay to liking women.

That dude is the absolute biggest attention whore I can honestly say I've ever seen. His entire life has been about doing anything and everything possible to get attention to the point of it being very sad and psychotic.

But then again all trannies do it for the attention. That's why they can't act like a person, they have to constantly bring up they are a tranny because they have no real identity or able to just as a person get any attention.
But but but if you can identify as to who you want to be then where is the rule that you have to pick just one or that you can't change your mind every other month?
These are some of the best threads on the forum. You all whining about some dude that has zero impact on your life all the while giving him exactly what he wants.

It is almost as if you are being paid to keep his name being talked about
That is not true. All of the people that have zero impact in our lives are costing us 20% more in taxes if not in income easily. The issue is that at one time most people did not live out their fantasies and grunted through as troopers what the reality of life is. We are not Star Trek where we push buttons and food/drink materializes out of nothing. Advances in human rights is magnificent. And of course, humans when they get them become greedy as control over others is apparent.
That is not true. All of the people that have zero impact in our lives are costing us 20% more in taxes if not in income easily. The issue is that at one time most people did not live out their fantasies and grunted through as troopers what the reality of life is. We are not Star Trek where we push buttons and food/drink materializes out of nothing. Advances in human rights is magnificent. And of course, humans when they get them become greedy as control over others is apparent.

I just do not get how you can be drunk all day long and make these drunk postings.
Why are conservatives so obsessed with Mulvaney? Some are likely secretly homosexual and are fascinated with his schtick. Or something that rhymes with that.

It appears to me that the paid democrat shills have begun an orchestrated campaign with their marching orders being 'DERP DERP I never heard of Mulvaney until Republicans DERP DERP,' meanwhile, a simple search pulls up...

660 mentions of 'Mulvaney' on CNBC.com
1,160 mentions of 'Mulvaney' on MSNBC.com
1,398 mentions of 'Mulvaney' on CNN.com
18,800 mentions of 'Mulvaney' on Foxnews.com
237,000 mentions of 'Mulvaney' on Yahoo News
19,200,000 mentions of 'Mulvaney' on Google

And this is not even including Local and Nationwide television news programs, at least not separately from their online distributors.
I’ve heard more about this person from you guys’ threads than in any of the news I read. Why are you giving him so much attention?
Better question: why is the media? Why are the leftists?

We’re just reacting, which people are allowed to do when exalted craziness happens in public
660 mentions of 'Mulvaney' on CNBC.com
1,160 mentions of 'Mulvaney' on MSNBC.com
1,398 mentions of 'Mulvaney' on CNN.com
18,800 mentions of 'Mulvaney' on Foxnews.com
237,000 mentions of 'Mulvaney' on Yahoo News
19,200,000 mentions of 'Mulvaney' on Google

And the vast, vast majority of those are for Mick Mulvaney, not this guy

Such blatant dishonesty from you is not surprising at all.

It appears to me that the paid democrat shills have begun an orchestrated campaign with their marching orders being 'DERP DERP I never heard of Mulvaney until Republicans DERP DERP,' meanwhile, a simple search pulls up...

660 mentions of 'Mulvaney' on CNBC.com
1,160 mentions of 'Mulvaney' on MSNBC.com
1,398 mentions of 'Mulvaney' on CNN.com
18,800 mentions of 'Mulvaney' on Foxnews.com
237,000 mentions of 'Mulvaney' on Yahoo News
19,200,000 mentions of 'Mulvaney' on Google

And this is not even including Local and Nationwide television news programs, at least not separately from their online distributors.

When you add in the first name you get 7 results...

A non story about a pervert that a Bud Lite executive seemed to be attached to but hardly a current event.
Gayism Is Nothing More Than an Upper-Class Peculiarity

What do you expect from a Preppiette whose Daddy bought her that high position? She'd be a nobody in a free country, because free men would cut her off from Daddy's Money and connections at age 18. No one to pay for her expensive Ivy League degenerate-snob "education," no trust-funded lifestyle at that axis of evil.
It appears to me that the paid democrat shills have begun an orchestrated campaign with their marching orders being 'DERP DERP I never heard of Mulvaney until Republicans DERP DERP,' meanwhile, a simple search pulls up...

660 mentions of 'Mulvaney' on CNBC.com
1,160 mentions of 'Mulvaney' on MSNBC.com
1,398 mentions of 'Mulvaney' on CNN.com
18,800 mentions of 'Mulvaney' on Foxnews.com
237,000 mentions of 'Mulvaney' on Yahoo News
19,200,000 mentions of 'Mulvaney' on Google

And this is not even including Local and Nationwide television news programs, at least not separately from their online distributors.
It's hilarious all these loons never heard of the fruitloop and it's national news for nearly two months
He was never national news, and the backlash against Bud Light was mentioned only a few times on real news channels. Of course, the shit you consume makes this fruit loop front page news every day.
He was never national news, and the backlash against Bud Light was mentioned only a few times on real news channels. Of course, the shit you consume makes this fruit loop front page news every day.

This fruitloop is a buddy of your cult leader, Joe Biden.
I just do not get how you can be drunk all day long and make these drunk postings.
If I was an attorney I would tell you to collect your winnings which is considerable and stop pushing for total control. You are negative to the GDP with all included. A major reason why over half of the millennial males will never get married including the extreme feminism.

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