Dylan Mulvaney now wants to get pregnant

No, a woman would have a medical condition making her unable, many of which can be repaired.

Trans women (men) have no such conditions.

Hey, look at that! I actually educated one of you sick fucks. I didn't realize that was even possible to educate a worm. Twasn't long ago, you were claiming a woman who didn't have a child, or couldn't have a child, was not a woman.

And according to YOU, that means they're not a woman...

So, you cannot be Woman if you never risk death from childbirth...

You're a sick misogynistic fuck.

I tought you what a woman is. Kudos to me.

Every time an idiot refers to Mulvaney as a she or her, they ARE saying that they think he is a woman.

Females of mammals give birth, so by referring to him as a female, they are, indeed, saying that he can do so, too.

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
Hey, look at that! I actually educated one of you sick fucks. I didn't realize that was even possible to educate a worm. Twasn't long ago, you were claiming a woman who didn't have a child, or couldn't have a child, was not a woman.

I tought you what a woman is. Kudos to me.


Nope, you must have had another one of those wet dreams about me. Can’t blame ya, I’m hawt and classy.

The complete opposite of you.

And, as before, some women (and sadly for most) can’t have a child due to conditions that only effect women.

I’m a bit more honest than you.
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This thing is truly psychotic. Our society has gone into the depths of hell. How can any sane corporation hire something like this and not expect catastrophic results?

The poor dad
I'm sure he loves him but Oh boy

Every store I'm in bud light and mic ultra they still can't give it away

Good fer you former muricans
Nope, you must have had another one of those wet dreams about me. Can’t blame ya, I’m hawt and classy.

The complete opposite of you.

And, as before, some women (and sadly for most) can’t have a child due to conditions that only effect women.

I’m a bit more honest than you.

And according to you, such women are not women..

"you cannot be Woman if you never risk death from childbirth..." ~ a misogynist
This thing is truly psychotic. Our society has gone into the depths of hell. How can any sane corporation hire something like this and not expect catastrophic results?

@TommyTaint and Moonglow would hit it. They would make great Daddies for freaks. The spawn could be the next Zodiac Killer or Pee Wee Herman, or both.
And according to you, such women are not women..

"you cannot be Woman if you never risk death from childbirth..." ~ a misogynist

We all enjoy watching you flail like a fish caught on the shore

You must be lonely
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Your tepid connection to the English language is also amusing.

a: a bombastic extravagant speech
b: bombastic extravagant language

Well, good morning again…

I see you’re more angry than normal this…

I thought I’d add the …s for you on some incomplete sentences to make you feeble attempt at scoring points…

Hope you have a nice…

Well, good morning again…

I see you’re more angry than normal this…

I thought I’d add the …s for you on some incomplete sentences to make you feeble attempt at scoring points…

Hope you have a nice…

These cretins are motivated by pure fear. They absolutely HAVE to say the things that fall in line with their conditioning as running the risk of being shunned by the rest of the flock is just too great.

I can almost imagine the folks who meet at Davos one a year laughing as the slap each other on the back at what they have the unthinking believing in now.

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