Early Voting Indicates a Trump Win

Er, no.

PPP's newest North Carolina poll finds that Democrats are running up large leads already during early voting. Among those who say they've already voted, 63% say they cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton to only 37% for Donald Trump. Interestingly, less than half of a percent say they voted for Gary Johnson, which could be a sign that he won't end up getting that much more support than a normal third party candidate. The big Democratic advantage holds down ballot as well. Roy Cooper leads Pat McCrory 61-33 for Governor among those who have already voted, with Libertarian Lon Cecil at 1%. And Deborah Ross leads Richard Burr 52-34 for Senate, with Libertarian Sean Haugh at 7% among those who say they have already cast their ballots.​

Democrats Leading Big in NC Early Voting

"PPP's newest North Carolina poll finds that Democrats are running up large leads already during early voting. Among those who say they've already voted, 63% say they cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton to only 37% for Donald Trump."

Most Trump voters probably going to turn up in person on the day of the election, the Hillary voters most might have already voted before the day of the election then, and this early lead can very easily be overcome of course in that situation.
In the race to return mail-in ballots, Democratic voters have surpassed Republican voters, according to the latest data released by the state elections office.

The data shows that 210,734 Democratic voters submitted mail-in ballots compared to 210,707 Republican voters.

Although it's only a 27-ballot gap between the two groups of voters, Democrats have historically lagged far behind Republicans when it comes to absentee ballots. Democrats typically fare better with early in-person voting, which begins next Monday, while Republicans generally have stronger turnout on Election Day.​

Florida's Democratic voters outnumbering GOP voters in submitting mail-in ballots

From the linked article, the sections you didn't want to post?

"But Republican voters outpacing Democrats in absentee ballot requests"

"But Republican voters have, so far, requested more mail-in ballots than Democratic voters, according to the data compiled by the state Division of Elections.

GOP voters requested 981,773 ballots; Democrats asked for 941,157 ballots, and those with no major party affiliation have requested 504,518 ballots."

Also that 504,518 who have requested ballots, the Independents, how many of those are going to vote Trump or Hillary? Hillary is the incumbent, as the Democrats already control the White House, historically in elections, the Independents break toward the challenger and not the incumbent.
Oh, Lucy, you are harshing Toro's mellow.

Now he is going to have to get out the pipe....

The Democrats are supposed to win Florida and normally the Dems have a huge lead in early voters, but not this election as the Dems are behind in Florida and trailing in other battleground states. Early Voting Returns Point to GOP Enthusiasm Advantage

So why would Trump's campaign manager say that her candidate is currently losing to Democrat Hillary Clinton? While I admit to having no preference - our choices stink - what would make Conway say such a thing?

MIAMI — Donald Trump's campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, a longtime Republican pollster, admitted Sunday that her candidate is currently losing to Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Donald Trump’s campaign manager admits: ‘We are behind’
Conway is a professional pollster, so maybe she feels uncomfortable calling all her colleagues out for being the incompetent morons that they are, or perhaps she too is fooled by the oversampling being done in favor of the Democrats and genuinely thinks that her man is behind.

Most likely though she has her own internal polling showing Trump slightly winning a close race and she wants to push Trumpers to go out and vote in a close election while not galvanizing the Dems to do the same? "Why go out and vote Dems? You got it in the bag!" is her implicit message as well and that obviously works to her advantage.

This could be an example of why one should not spin so many lies; your own people run the risk of believing them and it could then come back and bite you in the ass.

Yeah, I considered those possibilities but maybe, just maybe, she actually believes her boss is behind.

I dont think she has a definite opinion either way as cerftainly she realizes that the people that end up voting for the two candidates is in complete flux from now till they cast their vote.

Meanwhile she and her candidate have to fight this notion that the election is already over.

our choices stink.
Only if you don't give a rat's ass if America survives or not.

Please STOP the irrational sky-is-falling BS. Neither candidate is an existential risk to the republic and neither will do us much good.

The Republic in Rome died effectively when Julius Caesar took over and collected all the power in Rome with his centurians in the city. The Senate was neutralized long before then.

The current situation is that our Congress has been neutralized and the POTUS has been ruling by decree for four years.

IF we have Hillary Clinton for eight more years, the loss of power in the Congress will be permanent.

Sure, we will still be a Republic....on paper.

If one doesn't mind losing his freedoms and rights then America may well look like the America one always thought it should look like.
In the race to return mail-in ballots, Democratic voters have surpassed Republican voters, according to the latest data released by the state elections office.

The data shows that 210,734 Democratic voters submitted mail-in ballots compared to 210,707 Republican voters.

Although it's only a 27-ballot gap between the two groups of voters, Democrats have historically lagged far behind Republicans when it comes to absentee ballots. Democrats typically fare better with early in-person voting, which begins next Monday, while Republicans generally have stronger turnout on Election Day.​

Florida's Democratic voters outnumbering GOP voters in submitting mail-in ballots

From the linked article, the sections you didn't want to post?

"But Republican voters outpacing Democrats in absentee ballot requests"

"But Republican voters have, so far, requested more mail-in ballots than Democratic voters, according to the data compiled by the state Division of Elections.

GOP voters requested 981,773 ballots; Democrats asked for 941,157 ballots, and those with no major party affiliation have requested 504,518 ballots."

Also that 504,518 who have requested ballots, the Independents, how many of those are going to vote Trump or Hillary? Hillary is the incumbent, as the Democrats already control the White House, historically in elections, the Independents break toward the challenger and not the incumbent.
Oh, Lucy, you are harshing Toro's mellow.

Now he is going to have to get out the pipe....


It's just common sense logic Jim sans propaganda and cherry-picking what you like and don't like.
The Democrats are supposed to win Florida and normally the Dems have a huge lead in early voters, but not this election as the Dems are behind in Florida and trailing in other battleground states. Early Voting Returns Point to GOP Enthusiasm Advantage

So why would Trump's campaign manager say that her candidate is currently losing to Democrat Hillary Clinton? While I admit to having no preference - our choices stink - what would make Conway say such a thing?

MIAMI — Donald Trump's campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, a longtime Republican pollster, admitted Sunday that her candidate is currently losing to Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Donald Trump’s campaign manager admits: ‘We are behind’
Conway is a professional pollster, so maybe she feels uncomfortable calling all her colleagues out for being the incompetent morons that they are, or perhaps she too is fooled by the oversampling being done in favor of the Democrats and genuinely thinks that her man is behind.

Most likely though she has her own internal polling showing Trump slightly winning a close race and she wants to push Trumpers to go out and vote in a close election while not galvanizing the Dems to do the same? "Why go out and vote Dems? You got it in the bag!" is her implicit message as well and that obviously works to her advantage.

This could be an example of why one should not spin so many lies; your own people run the risk of believing them and it could then come back and bite you in the ass.

"Most likely though she has her own internal polling showing Trump slightly winning a close race and she wants to push Trumpers to go out and vote in a close election while not galvanizing the Dems to do the same? "Why go out and vote Dems? You got it in the bag!" is her implicit message as well and that obviously works to her advantage."

The best thing to do yes, is to comment that your candidate is slightly behind, which further motivates your candidates supporters to physically go and vote on the day of an election.
Er, no.

PPP's newest North Carolina poll finds that Democrats are running up large leads already during early voting. Among those who say they've already voted, 63% say they cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton to only 37% for Donald Trump. Interestingly, less than half of a percent say they voted for Gary Johnson, which could be a sign that he won't end up getting that much more support than a normal third party candidate. The big Democratic advantage holds down ballot as well. Roy Cooper leads Pat McCrory 61-33 for Governor among those who have already voted, with Libertarian Lon Cecil at 1%. And Deborah Ross leads Richard Burr 52-34 for Senate, with Libertarian Sean Haugh at 7% among those who say they have already cast their ballots.​

Democrats Leading Big in NC Early Voting

"PPP's newest North Carolina poll finds that Democrats are running up large leads already during early voting. Among those who say they've already voted, 63% say they cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton to only 37% for Donald Trump."

Most Trump voters probably going to turn up in person on the day of the election, the Hillary voters most might have already voted before the day of the election then, and this early lead can very easily be overcome of course in that situation.
People say things to avoid being abused by leftists but in the voting booth maybe they do the right thing as Tilly pointed out above.
In the race to return mail-in ballots, Democratic voters have surpassed Republican voters, according to the latest data released by the state elections office.

The data shows that 210,734 Democratic voters submitted mail-in ballots compared to 210,707 Republican voters.

Although it's only a 27-ballot gap between the two groups of voters, Democrats have historically lagged far behind Republicans when it comes to absentee ballots. Democrats typically fare better with early in-person voting, which begins next Monday, while Republicans generally have stronger turnout on Election Day.​

Florida's Democratic voters outnumbering GOP voters in submitting mail-in ballots
Lol, that data is over a week old and the numbers now are:
Republican ballots turned in: 503,632 still out: 745,719 SUM = 1,249,351
Democrat ballots turned in: 483,019 still out: 762,780 SUM = 1,245,799
Independent ballots turned in: 188,191 still out: 393,073 SUM = 581,264 and Trump is in a big lead among independents in Floriduh 47% to 36% an 11% advantage.

Now far more Dems vote early than GOP, so the day of the election will be EVEN STRONGER FOR TRUMP!

Read the implications, dude, TRUMP WINS IN FLORIDUH!

Er, no.

PPP's newest North Carolina poll finds that Democrats are running up large leads already during early voting. Among those who say they've already voted, 63% say they cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton to only 37% for Donald Trump. Interestingly, less than half of a percent say they voted for Gary Johnson, which could be a sign that he won't end up getting that much more support than a normal third party candidate. The big Democratic advantage holds down ballot as well. Roy Cooper leads Pat McCrory 61-33 for Governor among those who have already voted, with Libertarian Lon Cecil at 1%. And Deborah Ross leads Richard Burr 52-34 for Senate, with Libertarian Sean Haugh at 7% among those who say they have already cast their ballots.​

Democrats Leading Big in NC Early Voting

"PPP's newest North Carolina poll finds that Democrats are running up large leads already during early voting. Among those who say they've already voted, 63% say they cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton to only 37% for Donald Trump."

Most Trump voters probably going to turn up in person on the day of the election, the Hillary voters most might have already voted before the day of the election then, and this early lead can very easily be overcome of course in that situation.
People say things to avoid being abused by leftists but in the voting booth maybe they do the right thing as Tilly pointed out above.

Exactly, many Trump supporters might be staying silent to any type of pollster or anyone who asks who are they voting for, when commenting that they're voting for Trump, the Leftists have illustrated how verbally abusive and also physically violent they're happy to get with people who support Donald Trump.

This also is why any poll cannot accurately show what is going to happen on the day of the election, how many silent Trump supporters are just going to vote without ever stating in a public situation that they're a Trump voter, I think there's many, many millions of those silent Trump supporters, some who like Trump and some who are voting Trump because they hate Hillary and the whole Clinton stuff, so they're Anybody But Hillary voting Trump.
I think I will just wait for the final vote count on election night if that's alright with everyone.

You must recite the pledge to worry about the election every minute of every day like a good patriotic American!

I will vote for Mr. Donald J. Trump for President of the United Sates of America tomorrow. I will vote for Congressmen to make sure President Donald J. Trump will have sufficient support in the Legislative Branch. I will vote for not retaining the fucking liberal judges in the state and in the districts. So, that's that.
I will vote for Mr. Donald J. Trump for President of the United Sates of America tomorrow. I will vote for Congressmen to make sure President Donald J. Trump will have sufficient support in the Legislative Branch. I will vote for not retaining the fucking liberal judges in the state and in the districts. So, that's that.

I normally vote for Republicans at the sate level and Democrat at local level, but this year I am voting a straight GOP ticket.
Toto voted for Mr. Trump also today.

He did? :eek-52:
Lol, this isnt Europe where only people vote, Lucy

We are so patriotic even our dead people vote for decades after passing away

We will have some American friends with us for your election day, six of them, four are for Trump, two were for Gary Johnson, but one now is for Trump, he texted the other day stating that Johnson can't win, so he's for Trump and the other one is now leaning Trump, this because his big concern is the American Supreme Court and he doesn't want those Justices that Hillary would appoint, he's what you'd refer to as a Constitutional Conservative.
We will have some American friends with us for your election day, six of them, four are for Trump, two were for Gary Johnson, but one now is for Trump, he texted the other day stating that Johnson can't win, so he's for Trump and the other one is now leaning Trump, this because his big concern is the American Supreme Court and he doesn't want those Justices that Hillary would appoint, he's what you'd refer to as a Constitutional Conservative.
Yeah that happens to third parties here in the USA.

As election day approaches in October, more and more of them dump the third party intentions and go for the closest major party nominee to their own heart.

Lol this is a fun election!

We will have some American friends with us for your election day, six of them, four are for Trump, two were for Gary Johnson, but one now is for Trump, he texted the other day stating that Johnson can't win, so he's for Trump and the other one is now leaning Trump, this because his big concern is the American Supreme Court and he doesn't want those Justices that Hillary would appoint, he's what you'd refer to as a Constitutional Conservative.
Many Libertarians will vote for their principles and stick with Johnson. They don't realize that on this election they can lose our 2nd Amendment rights as it will be very seriously damaged if not crippled but they will gain some drug legalization, what they can stick up to their asses when armed citizenry will be nonexistent, it will be taken away again. The patriot ones will vote for Trump to gain some time to regroup and avoid that disaster.

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