Early Voting Indicates a Trump Win

Many Libertarians will vote for their principles and stick with Johnson. They don't realize that on this election they can lose our 2nd Amendment rights as it will be very seriously damaged if not crippled ...

Then they are fucking idiots.
We will have some American friends with us for your election day, six of them, four are for Trump, two were for Gary Johnson, but one now is for Trump, he texted the other day stating that Johnson can't win, so he's for Trump and the other one is now leaning Trump, this because his big concern is the American Supreme Court and he doesn't want those Justices that Hillary would appoint, he's what you'd refer to as a Constitutional Conservative.
Yeah that happens to third parties here in the USA.

As election day approaches in October, more and more of them dump the third party intentions and go for the closest major party nominee to their own heart.

Lol this is a fun election!

It's a strange election also.

One of our American friends, his Grandmother, her first vote was in 1948 for Thomas E. Dewey and 68 years later in 2016 she's voting for Donald Trump.

Thomas E. Dewey - Wikipedia

He said his Grandmother campaigned in 1948 for Dewey and has a photographic picture album of her campaigning, he said she said he can bring this with him, if he takes care of it, so this will be good because we like all those old pictures.
I will vote for Mr. Donald J. Trump for President of the United Sates of America tomorrow. I will vote for Congressmen to make sure President Donald J. Trump will have sufficient support in the Legislative Branch. I will vote for not retaining the fucking liberal judges in the state and in the districts. So, that's that.

You then can reward yourself with an ice cream Banana Split darling :smoke:

I will vote for Mr. Donald J. Trump for President of the United Sates of America tomorrow. I will vote for Congressmen to make sure President Donald J. Trump will have sufficient support in the Legislative Branch. I will vote for not retaining the fucking liberal judges in the state and in the districts. So, that's that.

You then can reward yourself with an ice cream Banana Split darling :smoke:

Thank you sweetheart. Please take no offense but could I trade that in for a case of bier?
I will vote for Mr. Donald J. Trump for President of the United Sates of America tomorrow. I will vote for Congressmen to make sure President Donald J. Trump will have sufficient support in the Legislative Branch. I will vote for not retaining the fucking liberal judges in the state and in the districts. So, that's that.

You then can reward yourself with an ice cream Banana Split darling :smoke:

Thank you sweetheart. Please take no offense but could I trade that in for a case of bier?

Of course :smoke:
Can't do it that would cut in on my not giving a shit about stuff time.
Then dont whine when the inevitable happens with a Clinton victory, Sherlock.

Of course this for the Hillary supporters.

You need to vote also, so don't forgot to go and vote on the day of the election :smile:


That's not funny, Lucy!

Everyone knows it is on November 10th!

You know I just looked and you're correct.

Hillary supporters remember to go and vote on the day of the election :smoke:

Can't do it that would cut in on my not giving a shit about stuff time.
Then dont whine when the inevitable happens with a Clinton victory, Sherlock.

Of course this for the Hillary supporters.

You need to vote also, so don't forgot to go and vote on the day of the election :smile:


That's not funny, Lucy!

Everyone knows it is on November 10th!

You know I just looked and you're correct.

Hillary supporters remember to go and vote on the day of the election :smoke:

You guys need to stop listening to the mainstream media everyone knows the election has been moved to Black Friday November 25th in order supress the minority vote.
Can't do it that would cut in on my not giving a shit about stuff time.
Then dont whine when the inevitable happens with a Clinton victory, Sherlock.

Of course this for the Hillary supporters.

You need to vote also, so don't forgot to go and vote on the day of the election :smile:


That's not funny, Lucy!

Everyone knows it is on November 10th!

You know I just looked and you're correct.

Hillary supporters remember to go and vote on the day of the election :smoke:

You guys need to stop listening to the mainstream media everyone knows the election has been moved to Black Friday November 25th in order supress the minority vote.
Clever man!
In the race to return mail-in ballots, Democratic voters have surpassed Republican voters, according to the latest data released by the state elections office.

The data shows that 210,734 Democratic voters submitted mail-in ballots compared to 210,707 Republican voters.

Although it's only a 27-ballot gap between the two groups of voters, Democrats have historically lagged far behind Republicans when it comes to absentee ballots. Democrats typically fare better with early in-person voting, which begins next Monday, while Republicans generally have stronger turnout on Election Day.​

Florida's Democratic voters outnumbering GOP voters in submitting mail-in ballots

From the linked article, the sections you didn't want to post?

"But Republican voters outpacing Democrats in absentee ballot requests"

"But Republican voters have, so far, requested more mail-in ballots than Democratic voters, according to the data compiled by the state Division of Elections.

GOP voters requested 981,773 ballots; Democrats asked for 941,157 ballots, and those with no major party affiliation have requested 504,518 ballots."

Also that 504,518 who have requested ballots, the Independents, how many of those are going to vote Trump or Hillary? Hillary is the incumbent, as the Democrats already control the White House, historically in elections, the Independents break toward the challenger and not the incumbent.

Republicans usually outpace Democrats mail in ballots.

In both Florida and NC, the pace at which Republicans have over Democrats requesting mail-in ballots is lagging 2012.

However, Democrats are lagging 2012 in Iowa and Wisconsin.
Er, no.

PPP's newest North Carolina poll finds that Democrats are running up large leads already during early voting. Among those who say they've already voted, 63% say they cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton to only 37% for Donald Trump. Interestingly, less than half of a percent say they voted for Gary Johnson, which could be a sign that he won't end up getting that much more support than a normal third party candidate. The big Democratic advantage holds down ballot as well. Roy Cooper leads Pat McCrory 61-33 for Governor among those who have already voted, with Libertarian Lon Cecil at 1%. And Deborah Ross leads Richard Burr 52-34 for Senate, with Libertarian Sean Haugh at 7% among those who say they have already cast their ballots.​

Democrats Leading Big in NC Early Voting

"PPP's newest North Carolina poll finds that Democrats are running up large leads already during early voting. Among those who say they've already voted, 63% say they cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton to only 37% for Donald Trump."

Most Trump voters probably going to turn up in person on the day of the election, the Hillary voters most might have already voted before the day of the election then, and this early lead can very easily be overcome of course in that situation.
People say things to avoid being abused by leftists but in the voting booth maybe they do the right thing as Tilly pointed out above.

Exactly, many Trump supporters might be staying silent to any type of pollster or anyone who asks who are they voting for, when commenting that they're voting for Trump, the Leftists have illustrated how verbally abusive and also physically violent they're happy to get with people who support Donald Trump.

This also is why any poll cannot accurately show what is going to happen on the day of the election, how many silent Trump supporters are just going to vote without ever stating in a public situation that they're a Trump voter, I think there's many, many millions of those silent Trump supporters, some who like Trump and some who are voting Trump because they hate Hillary and the whole Clinton stuff, so they're Anybody But Hillary voting Trump.

There is no evidence that this is the case. It's a nice narrative, but it didn't happen in the primaries when Trump won. Trump actually underperformed his poll numbers in the primaries by about 1%. So there is no reason to think that the general election will be any different.

In fact, there could be just as many Hillary supporters who don't want it known that they're supporting her as there are for Trump.
Gotta love all these proclamations of a Trump landslide. Sounds so much like 2012. Well, sent by ballot in yesterday, have done my duty as a citizen, now I'll just sit back and watch the show until 9Nov16. Then have fun on this board reminding our 'Conservatives' how they once again screwed up by living in a pretend universe.
I honestly don't know if Trump will win. Every Trump supporter collectively cringed when he threatened to sue his accusers. He just can't control that stupid flapping thing on his face and he continually puts his personal battles ahead of the interests of his campaign.

If Donald Trump loses, it will be because he's the most vain, selfish asshole I've EVER seen run for president.

Just saying.
I honestly don't know if Trump will win. Every Trump supporter collectively cringed when he threatened to sue his accusers. He just can't control that stupid flapping thing on his face and he continually puts his personal battles ahead of the interests of his campaign.

If Donald Trump loses, it will be because he's the most vain, selfish asshole I've EVER seen run for president.

Just saying.

This was a very winnable election for the Republicans.

Most of the other 16 Republican primary candidates would have beaten Hillary. The country doesn't want her, but the Republican party picked the easiest candidate for Hillary to run against.

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