Early Voting Indicates a Trump Win

How would you possibly know that?

Google is your friend.

CONFIRMED: Early Voting Data Shows Trump Lead - Ignore Trolls Who Say Otherwise

Early Voting In Florida Shows Trump Winning Election By Landslide

Will this hold up come election day?? Won't know that till Nov. 9th.

Not votes. Not votes. No votes have been counted. Stop being a moron.
You understand that they're going off of the party affiliation of the ballots turned in, right?

I know what they are doing. No votes have been counted.

And...Trump just said yesterday that he's winning. Humility my ass.
I said he needs humility. Read.

Right. And I said its crazy to think he will get it. He actually repeated the claim that he is winning today.
I think Marc Rubio and ted Cruz when behind the curtain to vote, will NOT vote for Trump and neither will Paul Ryan and a few others saying they support the Republican candidate, but in reality, they don't support Trump and don't want him in as President, they see HARM with him, dumped on the Republican Party... :D
You may be right; I dont know otherwise.

I do know that Hillary Clinton is a slave to the multinational corporations who could hang her out to dry if they wanted to at any time.

So she will NEVER tell them 'no'.

She cannot become President if this Republic is to remain a nation run by and for the People.
if the people, vote her in, then IT IS run by them....they chose her to run it for them.
Thats like saying that "the old retired couple really did want to put their house up as collateral for that aluminum siding."

Come on, C4A, you are not that stupid. A fraudulent offer is not binding.

We can survive four years of Hillary and the following President can clean up much of her mess after her, but I dont think it will come to that.


The ACA is blowing up as we speak, and it will turn Floriduh and many other swing states to Trump.
Donald has no plan at all to cover the 25 million getting healthcare through it. A HSA does nothing for them.....

Plus seniors are on Medicare already,

and Florida registered a bunch of new Hispanic voters....

I don't believe he can legitimately win Florida.....
Donald has no plan at all to cover the 25 million getting healthcare through it. A HSA does nothing for them.....
Plus seniors are on Medicare,
and Florida registered a bunch of new Hispanic voters....
I don't believe he can legitimately win Florida.....
The failure of Obamacare will enrage alot of retirees who depend on it, and the Hispanic vote is not necessarily going to go all Hillary, lol.

We will see.

It all depends on whether ALL Democrats are the partisan hacks that Hillary needs them to be.

I dont think that they are.
Donald has no plan at all to cover the 25 million getting healthcare through it. A HSA does nothing for them.....
Plus seniors are on Medicare,
and Florida registered a bunch of new Hispanic voters....
I don't believe he can legitimately win Florida.....
The failure of Obamacare will enrage alot of retirees who depend on it, and the Hispanic vote is not necessarily going to go all Hillary, lol.

We will see.

It all depends on whether ALL Democrats are the partisan hacks that Hillary needs them to be.

I dont think that they are.
seniors don't rely on the ACA, they have Medicare.

And whoever has ocare will not see their premiums go up, the subsidy picks up the increase in premiums.....
seniors don't rely on the ACA, they have Medicare.
And whoever has ocare will not see their premiums go up, the subsidy picks up the increase in premiums.....
Obamacare is CRASHING, and you really think it wont affect senior citizens when it finally does?

Are you serious?

What about the prescription gap coverage or the assisted living coverage or the Medicaid partr b assistance of Obamacare goes away?
seniors don't rely on the ACA, they have Medicare.
And whoever has ocare will not see their premiums go up, the subsidy picks up the increase in premiums.....
Obamacare is CRASHING, and you really think it wont affect senior citizens when it finally does?

Are you serious?

What about the prescription gap coverage or the assisted living coverage or the Medicaid partr b assistance of Obamacare goes away?
Why would they need to worry about that, it's not going away under Hillary, just fixed, but with Trump, it goes away completely and any benefits seniors may get from O-Care on their MEDICARE gets wiped out....why would seniors want Trump's plan of simply opening a health savings account?
Ever hear the word "replaced" anytime this past year???
replaced with what? A health Savings Account that these people can put money that they don't have, in to it, tax free, for their own health care costs? :lol:
Call me a potatoe, lol, but I am fairly sure that a heavily modified ACA is going to be the basis for the replacement system Trump is trying get put in place, along with other otions and open state borders for HI competition.
Ever hear the word "replaced" anytime this past year???
replaced with what? A health Savings Account that these people can put money that they don't have, in to it, tax free, for their own health care costs? :lol:
Call me a potatoe, lol, but I am fairly sure that a heavily modified ACA is going to be the basis for the replacement system Trump is trying get put in place, along with other otions and open state borders for HI competition.
How do you take away the State's power to regulate their own insurance market....?

As it stands right now, any insurance company can operate in any State, or all 50 states if they want to, and are willing to meet the insurance standards and rules and regs of each State.

NO ONE is stopping the Insurance companies from operating in any State, except, themselves.

So, what are these differences among the States that prevents insurance companies from choosing to operate in some States and not others? More importantly, why do some States feel their citizens need more protection in the Insurance markets than other States and are these protections truly important to their citizens or are they useless regulations that truly don't benefit anyone?

I don't see how this blanket, "allow the insurance companies to operate as businesses across State lines" would even work or be constitutional for the Feds to over rule what the State govts feel are important protections for their citizens?
And boy o Scan-31.jpg howdy doody are they leaving...
"NO ONE is stopping the Insurance companies from operating in any State, except, themselves."
How do you take away the State's power to regulate their own insurance market....?

As it stands right now, any insurance company can operate in any State, or all 50 states if they want to, and are willing to meet the insurance standards and rules and regs of each State.

NO ONE is stopping the Insurance companies from operating in any State, except, themselves.

So, what are these differences among the States that prevents insurance companies from choosing to operate in some States and not others? More importantly, why do some States feel their citizens need more protection in the Insurance markets than other States and are these protections truly important to their citizens or are they useless regulations that truly don't benefit anyone?

I don't see how this blanket, "allow the insurance companies to operate as businesses across State lines" would even work or be constitutional for the Feds to over rule what the State govts feel are important protections for their citizens?

Insurance firms in each state are protected from interstate competition by the federal McCarran-Ferguson Act (1945), which grants states the right to regulate health plans within their borders. Large employers who self-insure are exempt from these state regulations. The result has been a patchwork of 50 different sets of state regulations; the cost for an insurer licensed in one state to enter another state market is often high. A growing number of state legislators are interested in whether some states allow or facilitate the purchase of health insurance across state boundaries or from out-of-state regulated companies. NCSL's state health insurance research and tracking shows a gradually growing number of states (at least 21 as of fall 2016) and state legislators considering this idea during the past eight years and continuing to the present (listed below).

Note that “self-insured” or “self-funded” health coverage usually offered by large employers (especially with 500+ employees) is not regulated by states and is guided by the federal ERISA law, administered by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Federally authorized “health savings accounts” and accompanying High Deductible Health Policies (HDHPs) are exempt from much of state regulation, including some state mandates.
How do you take away the State's power to regulate their own insurance market....?

As it stands right now, any insurance company can operate in any State, or all 50 states if they want to, and are willing to meet the insurance standards and rules and regs of each State.

NO ONE is stopping the Insurance companies from operating in any State, except, themselves.

So, what are these differences among the States that prevents insurance companies from choosing to operate in some States and not others? More importantly, why do some States feel their citizens need more protection in the Insurance markets than other States and are these protections truly important to their citizens or are they useless regulations that truly don't benefit anyone?

I don't see how this blanket, "allow the insurance companies to operate as businesses across State lines" would even work or be constitutional for the Feds to over rule what the State govts feel are important protections for their citizens?

Insurance firms in each state are protected from interstate competition by the federal McCarran-Ferguson Act (1945), which grants states the right to regulate health plans within their borders. Large employers who self-insure are exempt from these state regulations. The result has been a patchwork of 50 different sets of state regulations; the cost for an insurer licensed in one state to enter another state market is often high. A growing number of state legislators are interested in whether some states allow or facilitate the purchase of health insurance across state boundaries or from out-of-state regulated companies. NCSL's state health insurance research and tracking shows a gradually growing number of states (at least 21 as of fall 2016) and state legislators considering this idea during the past eight years and continuing to the present (listed below).

Note that “self-insured” or “self-funded” health coverage usually offered by large employers (especially with 500+ employees) is not regulated by states and is guided by the federal ERISA law, administered by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Federally authorized “health savings accounts” and accompanying High Deductible Health Policies (HDHPs) are exempt from much of state regulation, including some state mandates.
What does ERISA law have to do with regulating health insurance companies????

The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) (Pub.L. 93–406, 88 Stat. 829, enacted September 2, 1974, codified in part at 29 U.S.C. ch. 18) is a federal law that establishes minimum standards for pension plans in private industry and provides for extensive rules on the federal income tax effects of ...
Employee Retirement Income Security Act - Wikipedia
Er, no.

PPP's newest North Carolina poll finds that Democrats are running up large leads already during early voting. Among those who say they've already voted, 63% say they cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton to only 37% for Donald Trump. Interestingly, less than half of a percent say they voted for Gary Johnson, which could be a sign that he won't end up getting that much more support than a normal third party candidate. The big Democratic advantage holds down ballot as well. Roy Cooper leads Pat McCrory 61-33 for Governor among those who have already voted, with Libertarian Lon Cecil at 1%. And Deborah Ross leads Richard Burr 52-34 for Senate, with Libertarian Sean Haugh at 7% among those who say they have already cast their ballots.​

Democrats Leading Big in NC Early Voting

"PPP's newest North Carolina poll finds that Democrats are running up large leads already during early voting. Among those who say they've already voted, 63% say they cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton to only 37% for Donald Trump."

Most Trump voters probably going to turn up in person on the day of the election, the Hillary voters most might have already voted before the day of the election then, and this early lead can very easily be overcome of course in that situation.

You know if people would at least give this guy a listen , instead of watching his speeches on MSM news in which they only get the cut and edited parts, which makes him sound terrible these useful idiots might actually have a light go off and like what he is saying.
Like how about the Middle Class would get a 35% tax credit. WTF is wrong with these morons who claim the total opposite of him.
My gawd they will say something honest has been cut and edited " Like project Veritas" example the abortion tapes, but yet when you tell these bozo's how msm cuts the bs on Trump suddenly taht isn't true.

This was a good speech of him

Call me a potatoe, lol, but I am fairly sure that a heavily modified ACA is going to be the basis for the replacement system Trump is trying get put in place, along with other otions and open state borders for HI competition.
Dan Quayle, is that you?
What does ERISA law have to do with regulating health insurance companies????
Probably the same thing that waterway canals have to do with duck ponds.

The federalis twist the laws to mean whatever the hell they want them to mean.

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