EARTH TO JOHN KERRY: Didn't You Learn from the Last Time Egypt Did "Democracy" ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Two years ago, two complete numbskulls named Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama made the huge mistake (although on Obama's part it may have been deliberate) of hollering the word "Democracy" in the direction of Egypt. Well, When you shout out "Democracy !!", and "Free and Fair Elections" to countries with Islamic jihadist majorities, you get guess what ? >>> Islamic Jihad. Or it may be a country not with an Islamic jihadist majority, but where the Islamic jihadists (Muslim Brotherhood) have enough control over the electoral process to swing it their way.

In any case, we now have John Kerry foolishly advocating democracy in Egypt, which can do nothing but the same thing that occured when the 2 stooges hollered those words 2 years ago >> the Muslim Brotherhood in power, and the removal of those (like Mubarek 2 years ago) who kept the Muslim Brotherhood down (illegal) for 30 years.

Those who ignore the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it. Rather irritating to see a US Sect of State overseas, acting this dumb.

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