Earthquake in So. Cal.

It's kinda weird, but yesterday, my windows were rattling something fierce but nothing was moving...and I have lots of suncatchers hanging there. Nothing swayed. Nothing moved. But my window was rattling like crazy. Hubby said " I bet an earthquake is gonna hit soon. Those were plates sliding". And sure a rolly polly happened.
Apparently there were a couple of small ones earlier that I wasn't aware of. I still prefer taking my chances with an earthquake than a hurricane or tornado. At least we don't get wet and shit doesn't come flying through your windows.
i am about 10 miles from La was nice shaker.....they closed the rides down at Disney for precaution...the 5ers dont bother me.....its the 6ers and better that are the oh shit kind.....that 6.7 in Northridge back in 94 was a fucker....
I felt it as a gentle rolling. At first I thought I was getting dizzy, then I saw things swaying and knew it was an earthquake.

Do not go outside during an earthquake. There are falling objects outside. Get under a table, which is better than a door frame. If your tall furniture is not fastened to the wall, keep them away from your bed or chairs.

Lucy Jones at Caltech says that the last few earthquake free years was very unusual. We might be moving into a more earthquake prone time. I kind of expect a really big one in the near future, partly because of the ones we have had, and the calm of the last few years.

What frightens me more than earthquakes is liberal reaction to those earthquakes. Liberals will blame everything from fracking to global warming. If we all turn off the heat, stop going anywhere, and stop eating meat, we can stop earthquakes.

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