Eastman: he devised a fringe legal theory to try to keep Trump in power, now he is on trial.

And you haven’t yet said a word about the Eastman Memo and all the associated strategies to “fix” the Electoral Vote for Trump..
Read the thread rules for going off topic... I didn't take it off topic the OP did.... and it was on page 4...
Inside of Trump's Mar A Lago private residence with secret service agents there 24-7... yes... its sure a lot more secure than Joe's garage don't ya think?... Joe wasn't even allowed to bring them home when he was Obama's VP... interesting how quiet the Obama's are isn't it?..
not really because Biden had nothing documents of minor classification that he mistakenly had brought home. They were not a threat to anything.

Trump had ultra top secret classified documents that he stole, then hid, then lied about, then tried to cover up, then showed to people, the refused to give back and got arrested over.

Are you too stupid to see the distinction?
Me thinks you are
not really because Biden had nothing documents of minor classification that he mistakenly had brought home. They were not a threat to anything.

Trump had ultra top secret classified documents that he stole, then hid, then lied about, then tried to cover up, then showed to people, the refused to give back and got arrested over.

Are you too stupid to see the distinction?
Me thinks you are
Not one time has anyone said what type of documents Joe had or even Trump's documents for that matter... so you are a liar... I know Trump was able to get a third party to review his documents and last I heard he had found nothing overtly concerning mostly mementos and pictures and empty folders... stuff for a presidential library....
Not one time has anyone said what type of documents Joe had or even Trump's documents for that matter... so you are a liar... I know Trump was able to get a third party to review his documents and last I heard he had found nothing overtly concerning mostly mementos and pictures and empty folders... stuff for a presidential library....
what !
say what !!!!
It has been proven that Trump had the highest level security documents specially marked and labeled.

the truth scares you. You are scared of the truth.
what !
say what !!!!
It has been proven that Trump had the highest level security documents specially marked and labeled.

the truth scares you. You are scared of the truth.
Of what? I'm not the one making the accusation you dumb MFer, YOU are the one claiming he WASN'T! So PROVE it, Bonkers!

Not only is that a lie, but what does one court case have to do with another, you stupid shithead???

Oh, so, your claim is that if Biden had Biden-appointed judges that they would all side with Biden because they are crooks too?

Just as it has been debated for 60 years whether Lee Harvey Oswald really killed JFK? Or maybe it was the CIA? Or maybe it was a Russian plot? Evidence like that, dummass?
What a crock of shit! Oswald? Jesus
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Everything I posted is directly from the judges themselves. They wrote that they saw the evidence and it was bull shit. To say they didn't see the evidence is just a lie, because we have the court documents that clearly show they did.

You never answered my question:
Are you claiming that Trump has this magic evidence that will show fraud and make him president, but every single court in America refuses to accept that evidence because they are "paid off" or "in on the steal" or "biased against Trump" ?????
What are you fuckin stupid or something??
you're just too weak to accept he lost.
You’re talking to crazy people
pretty much all accurate and fact based reporting says the same thing. He took the most sensitive documents.

The documents, according to the indictment, included details about U.S. nuclear weapons, spy satellites and the U.S. military. They were produced by the Pentagon and arms of the U.S. intelligence community, including the CIA, the National Security Agency, the National Reconnaissance Office and other agencies.

Here are some of the documents mentioned in the indictment:
- A document marked TOP SECRET//[redacted]/[redacted]//ORCON/NOFORN that the indictment says concerned "nuclear capabilities of a foreign country."
ORCON means that the material in the document cannot be disseminated outside the U.S. government department that originated it without prior approval.

- A document marked SECRET//FORMERLY RESTRICTED DATA that the indictment says concerned "nuclear weaponry of the United States."
According to a Department of Energy training guide, the Formerly Restricted Data, or FRD, classification is used for materials downgraded from a higher classification that relate "primarily to the military utilization of atomic weapons."
Examples of FRD provided by the guide includes quantities of nuclear weapons in the U.S. stockpile, warhead yields and their locations.

- A document marked TOP SECRET//SI//NOFORN//FISA that the indictment says concerned "military capabilities of a foreign country and the United States, with handwritten annotation in black marker."
NOFORN means the document cannot be shared with a foreign government. FISA refers to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and means the material is from intercepted communications.

- Six top-secret documents marked TK, standing for Talent Keyhole, a classification for materials related to U.S. spy satellites.

The indictment says these documents concerned the military capabilities of foreign countries.

He's toast. dead to rights, caught red handed with the most serious documents possible.
The whole thing will be interesting. I have heard they have phone taps and video. We won't know, except for leaks for a long time, as Donny's #1 priority is to stall for time. I don't know if he can get two years worth of stalling or not.
I hope they had proper warrants for any phone taps.

And it’s not uncommon for any criminal case defense attorney to enjoy delay.

Why would any candidate in Trump’s shoes want to be forced to a trial before the election?
I hope they had proper warrants for any phone taps.

And it’s not uncommon for any criminal case defense attorney to enjoy delay.

Why would any candidate in Trump’s shoes want to be forced to a trial before the election?
Me too. I suspect they did, as they already figured out they were being given the run around.

They will delay as possible, but everybody knows he did most of what is charged. He does not stand a chance in the General, but may very well make it, so no Republican contender will have a chance. He can't win, so he will be the spoiler again of the Republican Party, which is actually a shame, as he is without a doubt, the shittiest Republican since Nixon.
Me too. I suspect they did, as they already figured out they were being given the run around.

They will delay as possible, but everybody knows he did most of what is charged.

Nope. Nobody “knows” any such thing. Some people (you and others) merely assume it.
He does not stand a chance in the General,
According to you. You aren’t exactly a soothsayer.
but may very well make it, so no Republican contender will have a chance.
He can't win,

Of course he can. Whether he does or not remains to be seen.
Everything I posted is directly from the judges themselves.

Yeah? So WTF does any of that crap prove, Bonky? Nothing, shithead. It proves NOTHING about the cases or the nature of the evidence or the crime of stealing an election as proven a hundred times over, all it speaks to is ONE comment one or two judges made which you cherry-picked like a needle out of a haystack. Worthless. Had those same judges found in Trump's favor, you would be right now declaring them as all worthless, Trump-picked, Trump-puppet sycophants working for MAGA.
Yeah? So WTF does any of that crap prove, Bonky? Nothing, shithead. It proves NOTHING about the cases or the nature of the evidence or the crime of stealing an election as proven a hundred times over, all it speaks to is ONE comment one or two judges made which you cherry-picked like a needle out of a haystack. Worthless. Had those same judges found in Trump's favor, you would be right now declaring them as all worthless, Trump-picked, Trump-puppet sycophants working for MAGA.

It clearly shows Trump has no evidence at all. It proves there was no fraud and Trump is lying like a bitch.

Nobody has presented real and credible evidence of fraud at all, and every single court in America has ruled Trump has no evidence at all

Deal with it !!!
Obviously you can't man up and deal with it !!!!

ya see if you want to claim the election was stolen, you need this little thing called credible evidence. Trump has none, just lies that you gullible sheep believe. pathetic

You going Bonkers, Bonky? I have TONS of proof the election was rigged, mountains of it collected over the years, not to mention the ADMISSION of rigging it by those who did it in bold national print.

But thanks for sharing this moment of triggering as you snap under the weight of the fact that Joe Biden wasn't elected, and will never see a second term. Even democrats don't want the old shitbag.
You going Bonkers, Bonky? I have TONS of proof the election was rigged, mountains of it collected over the years, not to mention the ADMISSION of rigging it by those who did it in bold national print.

But thanks for sharing this moment of triggering as you snap under the weight of the fact that Joe Biden wasn't elected, and will never see a second term. Even democrats don't want the old shitbag.
you have tons of fabricated bull shit, and crybaby lies. None of which held up in court at all and was laughed at by some judges.

You epitomize a pathetic sheep. If some retard tells you some lie you want to hear, that's it you believe it. You got played like a sucka.

You have no case at all, because you have no credible evidence at all. Worse still AG barr said no evidence of fraud at all, Ivanka trump said no fraud, and even all of Trump's lawyers are being censured for lying to the courts and admit there was no fraud, they just made it up.

You got played, that's what happened.
sucks to be you

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