Eastman: he devised a fringe legal theory to try to keep Trump in power, now he is on trial.

We all know who he was. Not exactly breaking news.
There is evidently neither old news nor “breaking news” that will ever cause you to question your hero Donald Trump. No surprise there.

What about the “Eastman Coup Memo” as strategy to remain in power? Should V.P. Harris and the Democrats adopt it in 2024?
Really? I can find multiple incidences where one side or the other objected, but none were they prepared an alternate slate of electors, pressured tbe VP to overturn the results and incited a mob to stop the process. How exactly is it the “same”??
Did you miss 3 years of trying to get rid of a POTUS started by a fake FBI document, fake impeachments and now an indictment representing unequal justice?
There is evidently neither old news nor “breaking news” that will ever cause you to question your hero Donald Trump. No surprise there.
Surprisingly, your feeble-minded speculation doesn’t, in fact, qualify as a meaningful piece of this conversation. :itsok:
What about the “Eastman Coup Memo” as strategy to remain in power? Should V.P. Harris and the Democrats adopt it in 2024?
Nice rhetorical flourish. Still meaningless, though.
Did you miss 3 years of trying to get rid of a POTUS started by a fake FBI document, fake impeachments and now an indictment representing unequal justice?
Nothing fake about the impeachments or the indictments.
Nothing fake about the impeachments or the indictments.
One party impeachment, never Trumper indictment, unequal treatment. A committee headed by Trump haters. Withholding exculpatory evidence and false imprisonment of pro Trump protestors.
It has been very under the radar, but is calling an impressive array of witnesses.

From the OP article…

That’s because Eastman and the California State Bar have amassed witness lists that include figures who have rarely spoken publicly about Jan. 6 but may hold valuable evidence — including Eastman himself, who is listed as a potential witness by the state bar’s trial counsel and by his own defense team. Their lists also include other high-profile figures, like former Bush administration lawyer John Yoo and Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, who are slated to testify as experts about constitutional law or election administration.

Eastman’s list features Kurt Olsen, a lawyer who spoke with Trump multiple times on Jan. 6 and who helmed legal efforts to unravel the election results in multiple states; Peter Navarro, the former Trump trade adviser who authored discredited reports on election integrity during the final weeks of 2020; Kurt Hilbert, a lawyer who worked on Trump’s post-election litigation in Georgia; Linda Kerns, a lawyer who worked on Trump’s post-election lawsuit in Pennsylvania; former Georgia State Sen. William Ligon; Doug Logan, the CEO of far-right election “audit” firm Cyber Ninjas; and Russell Ramsland, who was involved with a review of voting machines in Antrim County, Michigan, that became the source of pro-Trump conspiracy theories.
Wow. This just gets wider and wider. No wonder the investigations are taking so long. And Eastman isn't running for President, so they can take their time with him.

I wouldn't be surprised if everyone AROUND Trump is convicted, while he somehow gets off.

Just like the Mob.
Of course there is. Both impeachments were political theater without true substance.

The NYC indictment is pure nonsense.

And Smith’s Florida indictment seems to have zero merit supporting it.

To summarize: "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?…It's, like, incredible."
To summarize: "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?…It's, like, incredible."
To summarize:

When you need to quote some (admittedly stupid) hyperbole to “make” a “point,” you clearly have no point.
Nah. I disproved your failed effort to make a point.
Trump and Russia: Trump’s campaign had documented contacts with Russian officials at a time when multiple intelligence sources confirmed Russian interference in our election process. While a necessary investigation insufficient evidence to support a criminal charge of collusion, there was plenty of evidence to support obstruction and lying and multiple criminal indictments and convictions. NOT impeachable, I might add, but if he had just been honest in the first place, it would have been over and done with rather quickly. Teflon Trump was never condemned, not even for his open support of Putin over American evidence to the contrary.

Trump and Ukraine: attempted extortion of a foreign leader by withholding promised aid already approved by Congress, in order to “find something” on a personal political rival. Abuse of power for personal purposes at the very least. Even a number of Republicans were distinctly uncomfortable over this, and spoke out against it but stopped short of anything further. Teflon Trump walked and then proceeded to take vengeance on identified whistle blowers who spoke out, such as Vindman, where he interfered in the normal chain of command to force a denial of a recommended military promotion. One of the rare moments when I feel the conduct from start to finish was impeachable.

Jan 6….documented evidence of attempts to overturn an election and keep Trump in power, a violent attack on the Capitol, what more needs be said? Indictments, clear evidence on multiple fronts of attempted interference, jury convictions, convictions, one thing after another. Fully impeachable by any normal standards. Teflon Trump remains fully supported by his base.

To summarize: "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?…It's, like, incredible."
Trump and Russia: Trump’s campaign had documented contacts with Russian officials at a time when multiple intelligence sources confirmed Russian interference in our election process.
Face reality. That whole Russia Russia Russia thing blew up in your collective faces as the canard it always was.

But feel free to cling to it. 😎
Face reality. That whole Russia Russia Russia thing blew up in your collective faces as the canard it always was.

But feel free to cling to it. 😎
No, not really. How many indictments and convictions did Durham secure?

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