Eastman: he devised a fringe legal theory to try to keep Trump in power, now he is on trial.

Bonkers has gone off into deep end unable to handle the truth. I have the full confession of the steal right here in print. Biden is a fraud.

omg omg omg the full confession !!! holy shit !!
then there must be fraud if you have the full confession of fraud !!!

Are fuckin retarded or something ???
Seriously you are as dumb and gullible as they come.

You never answered my question:
Are you claiming that Trump has this magic evidence that will show fraud and make him president, but every single court in America, and the Dept of Justice, and Dept of Homeland Security refuse to accept that evidence because they are "paid off" or "in on the steal" or "biased against Trump" ?????
Does the Biden Trump Crime Family concern you at all Mikey, or do you believe all the evidence against them is made up?

There, FIFY.

Well of course you think EVERY trump crime is made up. LOLLLOLL
And you can go after Biden when he is out of office.
After the Steele dossier anything is possible. :eusa_whistle:
No, I'm no possible relation to you.

Except for you.
You never answered my question, I have asked 100+ times, you are scared:

Are you claiming that Trump has this magic evidence that will show fraud and make him president, but every single court in America, and the Dept of Justice, and Dept of Homeland Security, and GOP election officials (and Ivanka Trump) refuse to accept that evidence because they are "paid off" or "in on the steal" or "biased against Trump" ?????
Nope. Nobody “knows” any such thing. Some people (you and others) merely assume it.

According to you. You aren’t exactly a soothsayer.


Of course he can. Whether he does or not remains to be seen.
Well, that's what I heard, and you can probably put it in the bank.

You just don't find it soothing, when I say it, but no, he's toast, and Yes, I am usually correct.

I will be voting for Chris Christie when I vote in the Republican Primary. You should too.

Yes. We will see.
Well, that's what I heard, and you can probably put it in the bank.
Nope. It is unadulterated speculation and I wouldn’t waste a penny in that bank.
You just don't find it soothing, when I say it, but no, he's toast, and Yes, I am usually correct.
Soothing is irrelevant. I don’t care what you happen to choose to want to believe. As for your claim of usually being correct; Evidence to the contrary notwithstanding. 👍
I will be voting for Chris Christie when I vote in the Republican Primary. You should too.
Not a chance. Maybe you should stick with the Democrap Primary.
Yes. We will see.

I know.
After the Steele dossier anything is possible. :eusa_whistle:
I'm curious if you know the origins, you know from the initial beginnings, of the Steele Dossier? I believe you do.

BUT IF you will acknowledge the origin of the Steele Dossier.
Nope. It is unadulterated speculation and I wouldn’t waste a penny in that bank.

Soothing is irrelevant. I don’t care what you happen to choose to want to believe. As for your claim of usually being correct; Evidence to the contrary notwithstanding. 👍

Not a chance. Maybe you should stick with the Democrap Primary.

I know.
You have no evidence to the contrary or otherwise on the accuracy of my choices.

Naw. I suspect the Democratic primary is sewn up, unless Joe gets sick or something big happens, so nobody on that side needs me to give a vote.
You have no evidence to the contrary or otherwise on the accuracy of my choices.
You have no evidence supportive of your claims. So, there’s that.
Naw. I suspect the Democratic primary is sewn up, unless Joe gets sick or something big happens, so nobody on that side needs me to give a vote.
I just read that the people who prop-up Potato know full well that he can’t be President. They allegedly seek to run him just to have the Presidency promptly handed-over to the other blithering Democrap Parody disgrace, HeelUp Harris.
You have no evidence supportive of your claims. So, there’s that.

I just read that the people who prop-up Potato know full well that he can’t be President. They allegedly seek to run him just to have the Presidency promptly handed-over to the other blithering Democrap Parody disgrace, HeelUp Harris.
Heck, I voted for him, and though his presidency has had absolutely no adverse effect on me and won't, I would still prefer a different choice. I was kind of hoping you guys might present one, but it has to be somebody that does not support Russia (so must support military aid to Ukraine). It cannot be somebody that supports The Big Lie, as I will not support people that fell for that, as it was false and had such a bad effect on the country, to this day. It cannot be somebody that wants to run on culture wars, as I'm sick of it, and the various cultures are not bothering me. It must not be somebody that will pardon the J6 attackers for their crimes, as law, order, personal restraint, and action against the country must have consequences. Obviously it will have to be somebody that actually will support the constitution and bear true faith and allegiance to same, which definitely rules out your boy. And it should be somebody that recognizes, what Donny did, without equivocation and his effects on the country and that once fine party. That lets out all that are too afraid of Donny to open their mouth. At the moment, that only leaves Chris Christie, who is currently in the "also ran" category, but he has my vote in the primary, at least for now.
Heck, I voted for him, and though his presidency has had absolutely no adverse effect on me and won't, I would still prefer a different choice. I was kind of hoping you guys might present one, but it has to be somebody that does not support Russia (so must support military aid to Ukraine). It cannot be somebody that supports The Big Lie, as I will not support people that fell for that, as it was false and had such a bad effect on the country, to this day. It cannot be somebody that wants to run on culture wars, as I'm sick of it, and the various cultures are not bothering me. It must not be somebody that will pardon the J6 attackers for their crimes, as law, order, personal restraint, and action against the country must have consequences. Obviously it will have to be somebody that actually will support the constitution and bear true faith and allegiance to same, which definitely rules out your boy. And it should be somebody that recognizes, what Donny did, without equivocation and his effects on the country and that once fine party. That lets out all that are too afraid of Donny to open their mouth. At the moment, that only leaves Chris Christie, who is currently in the "also ran" category, but he has my vote in the primary, at least for now.
If you want Chris Krispy, you’re obviously not concerned with a valid opponent to Potato.
If you want Chris Krispy, you’re obviously not concerned with a valid opponent to Potato.
I like who I like. I certainly do not dislike President Biden, anywhere near enough to vote for somebody that does not meet the standards of my last post. Un-American pieces of shit, I don't need. So, you can keep your rabble rousers, if that is what you want, but it will force independents to go with Joe in the general election, whether we wanted a choice or not.
This is how close we got to a REAL coup attempt. Forget Nixon & Co, who are choir boys compared to the Trump political machine. This trial is kind of flying under the radar, with all the noise over Trump’s own trial, but is every bit as important in what may end up coming to light.

“It is no overstatement that democracy stood on the precipice. Had Vice President Pence followed [Eastman’s] baseless advice … the country would have plunged into a ‘profound constitutional crisis,’” writes Duncan Carling of the California State Bar’s office of trial counsel in a pretrial brief. “[Eastman] and Trump’s plan violated our Nation’s most fundamental commitments to the rule of law and the orderly transition of power. And it rested upon transparently false claims of election fraud that continue to harm our democracy to this day.”

Eastman spent the final weeks of the Trump administration stoking false claims of election fraud in order to put pressure on GOP-led state legislatures to appoint alternate slates of presidential electors. In Eastman’s view, those alternate slates would form the basis of a dispute that only Pence could resolve Jan. 6, when he presided over the joint session of Congress to count electoral votes and finalize the results of the election.

But no state legislatures agreed to appoint those alternate electors. Instead, in five states, groups of pro-Trump activists signed false documents claiming to be legitimate presidential electors — but without the backing of their state governments, which had certified the results in favor of Biden. Eastman would ultimately change tack, arguing that the false electors presented enough of a controversy for Pence to decide which ones to count — or at the very least refuse to count Biden’s votes and call for a delay in finalizing the election to permit those GOP-run states to revisit the outcome.

Jacob and Pence fiercely rejected that strategy, which they contended would require violating several provisions of longstanding election law with no credible evidence to support reversing the outcome.

But Eastman, undeterred, fought with Jacob even as rioters — infuriated by Pence’s refusal to acquiesce to Trump’s pressure — ransacked the Capitol. Jacob testified to the Jan. 6 select committee about his interactions with Eastman, even as the riot raged, and his email correspondence with Eastman from that day formed some of the most compelling evidence about Eastman’s efforts. Jacob has also testified to a federal grand jury in Washington.
Oh yeah, I forgot about him. We'll be hearing more about him soon.
I like who I like. I certainly do not dislike President Biden, anywhere near enough to vote for somebody that does not meet the standards of my last post. Un-American pieces of shit, I don't need. So, you can keep your rabble rousers, if that is what you want, but it will force independents to go with Joe in the general election, whether we wanted a choice or not.
You voted for Brandon. So, that costs you any credibility on the topic.

You do realize that he and his policies all rely on authoritarianism. Don’t you?
Zzz. “Scared shitless?” Please. He is justifiably pissed off. But there’s no credible evidence that Trump is scared at all. Kelly certainly ain’t credible.
Zzz. “Scared shitless?” Please. He is justifiably pissed off. But there’s no credible evidence that Trump is scared at all. Kelly certainly ain’t credible.

John Kelley was Trump’s chosen Chief of Staff for 17 months, a hardline Marine Corps General who supported Trump’s signature policies on immigration, patriotism, and a strong defense. Working intimately with him on a daily basis, he knows Trump, while you are a nobody who only knows the image Trump projects to his followers.

Almost everybody in responsible positions who worked closely with Trump while he was governing came to see him as a charlatan who loves only himself and the image he projects to his benighted base.

Would you support the Democrats if they adopted the Eastman Memo strategy of allowing the V.P. to “fix” the Electoral vote so that Democrats can remain in the presidency … virtually indefinitely? Have you even bothered to read it?
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Oh yeah, I forgot about him. We'll be hearing more about him soon.
It has been very under the radar, but is calling an impressive array of witnesses.

From the OP article…

That’s because Eastman and the California State Bar have amassed witness lists that include figures who have rarely spoken publicly about Jan. 6 but may hold valuable evidence — including Eastman himself, who is listed as a potential witness by the state bar’s trial counsel and by his own defense team. Their lists also include other high-profile figures, like former Bush administration lawyer John Yoo and Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, who are slated to testify as experts about constitutional law or election administration.

Eastman’s list features Kurt Olsen, a lawyer who spoke with Trump multiple times on Jan. 6 and who helmed legal efforts to unravel the election results in multiple states; Peter Navarro, the former Trump trade adviser who authored discredited reports on election integrity during the final weeks of 2020; Kurt Hilbert, a lawyer who worked on Trump’s post-election litigation in Georgia; Linda Kerns, a lawyer who worked on Trump’s post-election lawsuit in Pennsylvania; former Georgia State Sen. William Ligon; Doug Logan, the CEO of far-right election “audit” firm Cyber Ninjas; and Russell Ramsland, who was involved with a review of voting machines in Antrim County, Michigan, that became the source of pro-Trump conspiracy theories.
The Democrats objected to the sitting of Trump's electors in 2017.
Really? I can find multiple incidences where one side or the other objected, but none were they prepared an alternate slate of electors, pressured tbe VP to overturn the results and incited a mob to stop the process. How exactly is it the “same”??
John Kelley was Trump’s chosen Chief of Staff for 17 months, a hardline Marine Corps General who supported Trump’s signature policies on immigration, patriotism, and a strong defense. Working intimately with him on a daily basis, he knows Trump, while you are a nobody who only knows the image Trump projects to his followers.

Almost everybody in responsible positions who worked closely with Trump while he was governing came to see him as a charlatan who loves only himself and the image he projects to his benighted base.

Would you support the Democrats if they adopted the Eastman Memo strategy of allowing the V.P. to “fix” the Electoral vote so that Democrats can remain in the presidency … virtually indefinitely? Have you even bothered to read it?
We all know who he was. Not exactly breaking news.

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