Eastman Reiterates Support For Full Insurrection


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Well....one thing you can say about this guy..is that he's a consistent traitor. Given that he's one of the likely co-conspirators in Trump's latest trial, you'd think he might STFU..but no:

Eastman Reiterates Support For Full Insurrection

In an interview released on Thursday, John Eastman restated that he’s an unreconstructed believer that the 2020 election was stolen by the left.
The interview was recorded before Special Counsel Jack Smith charged President Trump with four counts related to his efforts to reverse the 2020 election. Though Eastman does not appear in the indictment by name, his attorney confirmed to multiple media outlets that the document refers to him as “Co-Conspirator 2.”
Eastman has not been charged with a crime, and his lawyer said last month that he planned to send a letter to state and federal officials investigating Jan. 6 explaining that Eastman committed no crimes.

Eastman made the stunning remarks, which appear to repeat the suggestion that overthrowing the government is a legitimate means to stop what Eastman described as “the modern left wing,” in the last of a series of interviews with Klingenstein. Part one, published in June, addresses Eastman’s belief that the election was stolen. Part two covers what Eastman saw as the legal remedy, while part three asks, as Klingenstein put it, “should you and the president have pursued that legal remedy?”
Eastman said in the interview that his own actions and statements during the run-up to January 6 had been mischaracterized, and at one point claimed that Trump himself read a series of academic law review articles about the Electoral Count Act to brush up on the relevant law.
But it’s the threat that Eastman sees the left as posing which runs through the interview. He at one point describes it broadly as an attempt to “completely repudiate every one of our founding principles,” and in more detail as an attack on everything from sexual and gender norms to gas stoves. He warns of “OSHA telling me what kind of chair I can have in my home office.”
Eastman dropped specific claims of voter fraud in the third interview, and instead pivoted to claims that government agencies had worked to thwart the 2020 election and would do the same in 2024. He cited the Twitter Files, as well as claims that the intelligence suppressed information about Hunter Biden’s laptop.
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Well....one thing you cans say about this guy..is that he's a consistent traitor. Given that he's one of the likely co-conspirators in Trump's latest trial, you'd think he might STFU..but no:

Eastman Reiterates Support For Full Insurrection

In an interview released on Thursday, John Eastman restated that he’s an unreconstructed believer that the 2020 election was stolen by the left.
The interview was recorded before Special Counsel Jack Smith charged President Trump with four counts related to his efforts to reverse the 2020 election. Though Eastman does not appear in the indictment by name, his attorney confirmed to multiple media outlets that the document refers to him as “Co-Conspirator 2.”
Eastman has not been charged with a crime, and his lawyer said last month that he planned to send a letter to state and federal officials investigating Jan. 6 explaining that Eastman committed no crimes.

Eastman made the stunning remarks, which appear to repeat the suggestion that overthrowing the government is a legitimate means to stop what Eastman described as “the modern left wing,” in the last of a series of interviews with Klingenstein. Part one, published in June, addresses Eastman’s belief that the election was stolen. Part two covers what Eastman saw as the legal remedy, while part three asks, as Klingenstein put it, “should you and the president have pursued that legal remedy?”
Eastman said in the interview that his own actions and statements during the run-up to January 6 had been mischaracterized, and at one point claimed that Trump himself read a series of academic law review articles about the Electoral Count Act to brush up on the relevant law.
But it’s the threat that Eastman sees the left as posing which runs through the interview. He at one point describes it broadly as an attempt to “completely repudiate every one of our founding principles,” and in more detail as an attack on everything from sexual and gender norms to gas stoves. He warns of “OSHA telling me what kind of chair I can have in my home office.”
Eastman dropped specific claims of voter fraud in the third interview, and instead pivoted to claims that government agencies had worked to thwart the 2020 election and would do the same in 2024. He cited the Twitter Files, as well as claims that the intelligence suppressed information about Hunter Biden’s laptop.
Eastman is “traitorously” paraphrasing Thomas Jefferson? Is that the gist of this idiotic OP?

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Well....one thing you cans say about this guy..is that he's a consistent traitor. Given that he's one of the likely co-conspirators in Trump's latest trial, you'd think he might STFU..but no:

Eastman Reiterates Support For Full Insurrection

In an interview released on Thursday, John Eastman restated that he’s an unreconstructed believer that the 2020 election was stolen by the left.
The interview was recorded before Special Counsel Jack Smith charged President Trump with four counts related to his efforts to reverse the 2020 election. Though Eastman does not appear in the indictment by name, his attorney confirmed to multiple media outlets that the document refers to him as “Co-Conspirator 2.”
Eastman has not been charged with a crime, and his lawyer said last month that he planned to send a letter to state and federal officials investigating Jan. 6 explaining that Eastman committed no crimes.

Eastman made the stunning remarks, which appear to repeat the suggestion that overthrowing the government is a legitimate means to stop what Eastman described as “the modern left wing,” in the last of a series of interviews with Klingenstein. Part one, published in June, addresses Eastman’s belief that the election was stolen. Part two covers what Eastman saw as the legal remedy, while part three asks, as Klingenstein put it, “should you and the president have pursued that legal remedy?”
Eastman said in the interview that his own actions and statements during the run-up to January 6 had been mischaracterized, and at one point claimed that Trump himself read a series of academic law review articles about the Electoral Count Act to brush up on the relevant law.
But it’s the threat that Eastman sees the left as posing which runs through the interview. He at one point describes it broadly as an attempt to “completely repudiate every one of our founding principles,” and in more detail as an attack on everything from sexual and gender norms to gas stoves. He warns of “OSHA telling me what kind of chair I can have in my home office.”
Eastman dropped specific claims of voter fraud in the third interview, and instead pivoted to claims that government agencies had worked to thwart the 2020 election and would do the same in 2024. He cited the Twitter Files, as well as claims that the intelligence suppressed information about Hunter Biden’s laptop.
he's working the insanity angle.
trump brushing up on relevant law:

Well....one thing you can say about this guy..is that he's a consistent traitor. Given that he's one of the likely co-conspirators in Trump's latest trial, you'd think he might STFU..but no:

Eastman Reiterates Support For Full Insurrection

In an interview released on Thursday, John Eastman restated that he’s an unreconstructed believer that the 2020 election was stolen by the left.
The interview was recorded before Special Counsel Jack Smith charged President Trump with four counts related to his efforts to reverse the 2020 election. Though Eastman does not appear in the indictment by name, his attorney confirmed to multiple media outlets that the document refers to him as “Co-Conspirator 2.”
Eastman has not been charged with a crime, and his lawyer said last month that he planned to send a letter to state and federal officials investigating Jan. 6 explaining that Eastman committed no crimes.

Eastman made the stunning remarks, which appear to repeat the suggestion that overthrowing the government is a legitimate means to stop what Eastman described as “the modern left wing,” in the last of a series of interviews with Klingenstein. Part one, published in June, addresses Eastman’s belief that the election was stolen. Part two covers what Eastman saw as the legal remedy, while part three asks, as Klingenstein put it, “should you and the president have pursued that legal remedy?”
Eastman said in the interview that his own actions and statements during the run-up to January 6 had been mischaracterized, and at one point claimed that Trump himself read a series of academic law review articles about the Electoral Count Act to brush up on the relevant law.
But it’s the threat that Eastman sees the left as posing which runs through the interview. He at one point describes it broadly as an attempt to “completely repudiate every one of our founding principles,” and in more detail as an attack on everything from sexual and gender norms to gas stoves. He warns of “OSHA telling me what kind of chair I can have in my home office.”
Eastman dropped specific claims of voter fraud in the third interview, and instead pivoted to claims that government agencies had worked to thwart the 2020 election and would do the same in 2024. He cited the Twitter Files, as well as claims that the intelligence suppressed information about Hunter Biden’s laptop.
The only "traitors" are those who endorse the Democrat scheme to steal the government
Well....one thing you can say about this guy..is that he's a consistent traitor. Given that he's one of the likely co-conspirators in Trump's latest trial, you'd think he might STFU..but no:

Eastman Reiterates Support For Full Insurrection

In an interview released on Thursday, John Eastman restated that he’s an unreconstructed believer that the 2020 election was stolen by the left.
The interview was recorded before Special Counsel Jack Smith charged President Trump with four counts related to his efforts to reverse the 2020 election. Though Eastman does not appear in the indictment by name, his attorney confirmed to multiple media outlets that the document refers to him as “Co-Conspirator 2.”
Eastman has not been charged with a crime, and his lawyer said last month that he planned to send a letter to state and federal officials investigating Jan. 6 explaining that Eastman committed no crimes.

Eastman made the stunning remarks, which appear to repeat the suggestion that overthrowing the government is a legitimate means to stop what Eastman described as “the modern left wing,” in the last of a series of interviews with Klingenstein. Part one, published in June, addresses Eastman’s belief that the election was stolen. Part two covers what Eastman saw as the legal remedy, while part three asks, as Klingenstein put it, “should you and the president have pursued that legal remedy?”
Eastman said in the interview that his own actions and statements during the run-up to January 6 had been mischaracterized, and at one point claimed that Trump himself read a series of academic law review articles about the Electoral Count Act to brush up on the relevant law.
But it’s the threat that Eastman sees the left as posing which runs through the interview. He at one point describes it broadly as an attempt to “completely repudiate every one of our founding principles,” and in more detail as an attack on everything from sexual and gender norms to gas stoves. He warns of “OSHA telling me what kind of chair I can have in my home office.”
Eastman dropped specific claims of voter fraud in the third interview, and instead pivoted to claims that government agencies had worked to thwart the 2020 election and would do the same in 2024. He cited the Twitter Files, as well as claims that the intelligence suppressed information about Hunter Biden’s laptop.
That guy should hope he doesn't get hung by his thumbs.
Well....one thing you can say about this guy..is that he's a consistent traitor. Given that he's one of the likely co-conspirators in Trump's latest trial, you'd think he might STFU..but no:

Eastman Reiterates Support For Full Insurrection

In an interview released on Thursday, John Eastman restated that he’s an unreconstructed believer that the 2020 election was stolen by the left.
The interview was recorded before Special Counsel Jack Smith charged President Trump with four counts related to his efforts to reverse the 2020 election. Though Eastman does not appear in the indictment by name, his attorney confirmed to multiple media outlets that the document refers to him as “Co-Conspirator 2.”
Eastman has not been charged with a crime, and his lawyer said last month that he planned to send a letter to state and federal officials investigating Jan. 6 explaining that Eastman committed no crimes.

Eastman made the stunning remarks, which appear to repeat the suggestion that overthrowing the government is a legitimate means to stop what Eastman described as “the modern left wing,” in the last of a series of interviews with Klingenstein. Part one, published in June, addresses Eastman’s belief that the election was stolen. Part two covers what Eastman saw as the legal remedy, while part three asks, as Klingenstein put it, “should you and the president have pursued that legal remedy?”
Eastman said in the interview that his own actions and statements during the run-up to January 6 had been mischaracterized, and at one point claimed that Trump himself read a series of academic law review articles about the Electoral Count Act to brush up on the relevant law.
But it’s the threat that Eastman sees the left as posing which runs through the interview. He at one point describes it broadly as an attempt to “completely repudiate every one of our founding principles,” and in more detail as an attack on everything from sexual and gender norms to gas stoves. He warns of “OSHA telling me what kind of chair I can have in my home office.”
Eastman dropped specific claims of voter fraud in the third interview, and instead pivoted to claims that government agencies had worked to thwart the 2020 election and would do the same in 2024. He cited the Twitter Files, as well as claims that the intelligence suppressed information about Hunter Biden’s laptop.

The California Bar doesn't think much of Eastman either.

Please meet the next Attorney General....if God Forbid, trump is ee-elected in 2024.

Trump is going to have to demonstrate more courage and confidence that his extremist boys will turn out to his call.

Eastman is setting the example for Trump.

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