Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

Teach Ministries: To Educate Against the Consequences of Homophobia

Speaking at churches and other gatherings across the country, she seeks to persuade Christians to stop considering homosexuals as sinners.

She has no illusions that her role will sway wide swaths of public opinion. And she doesn't want to get into debates with those who disagree--not when they send her hate mail, not when they confront her, not when a pastor cuts her off during a speech at a church.

"You're not going to change people by debating them," said Wallner, 59, a former Wheaton resident who's coming back to the Chicago area next week for three speaking engagements.

Instead, she's content to focus on individuals.

"I think God changes people. I don't change people. I just tell my story," she said.

Even those who oppose Wallner's position concede that her story is a powerful one.

Raised outside of St. Louis as a fundamentalist Christian, Wallner, a registered nurse, in turn raised her eldest daughter, Anna, in a strict, Christian home that taught, among other beliefs, that being gay was a sin.

I first saw this woman's story in "For the Bible Tells Me So" - an amazing documentary for "he who has an ear, let him hear." If you're willfully deaf, then skip it.



So you are telling me that homosexuals introduce themselves to their "intended's" family as a possible future partner?

You are telling me that parents hope and wish their children will grow up to be homosexuals?

You are telling me that homosexuals are not hurting the family of their "intended", by seducing their child (no matter the age)?

Yes, gay people introduce their intended partners or spouses to their families.

Loving parents hope and wish their children will be healthy loving adults, whether they turn out to be gay or straight.

Gays are not hurting the families of their intended, by loving their partners.

Is that after they are already involved and the family has no choice but to accept the intended's decision?

Honoring thy mother and father is way different from honoring thy children.

How do you know if they are not hurting the families? All you can see is people presenting a face, that is trying to be supportive, not offending. How many parents do you hear "bragging" that their child is homosexual (say compared to a great athelete, or a songwriter, or a doctor, or a scientist, or a church leader, or a community volunteer)?

Hope the Lord sends some more of the Holy Spirit's gifts your way.
And that is hurting another...we have people who do that too...and that is hurting another and IS A CRIME.

Why do you want to compare what animals do in nature that are hurtful to others with those things found in nature that do not hurt others? Why be so deceitful?

"Hurtful"????? Have you ever watched an animal "homosexual union"? It is about dominance. There is nothing "loving" about it. When the one that has been dominated grows larger or the dominant one, gets old, the roles are reversed or the one that was dominated is seriously wounded or even killed. Please.

Actually, I'm not into watching I'll have to take your watchful word for it.

So, you are admitting that you don't know what you are talking about?
So you are telling me that homosexuals introduce themselves to their "intended's" family as a possible future partner?

You are telling me that parents hope and wish their children will grow up to be homosexuals?

You are telling me that homosexuals are not hurting the family of their "intended", by seducing their child (no matter the age)?

Yes, gay people introduce their intended partners or spouses to their families.

Loving parents hope and wish their children will be healthy loving adults, whether they turn out to be gay or straight.

Gays are not hurting the families of their intended, by loving their partners.

Is that after they are already involved and the family has no choice but to accept the intended's decision?

Honoring thy mother and father is way different from honoring thy children.

How do you know if they are not hurting the families? All you can see is people presenting a face, that is trying to be supportive, not offending. How many parents do you hear "bragging" that their child is homosexual (say compared to a great athelete, or a songwriter, or a doctor, or a scientist, or a church leader, or a community volunteer)?

Hope the Lord sends some more of the Holy Spirit's gifts your way.

Why don't you mind your own fucking business and stay away from gays and lesbians. Take that phoney Christian drivel and shove it.
You are dead wrong Doc.
The so called Christians, and my new found cousins here, on this board reject all of the old Testament EXCEPT comparing gays to dog fuckers.
They eat their BBQ hog sammiches, shrimp and cat fish galore. God stated it was abominable to do so but God had just put down his Redbook magazine and was only giving ceremonial advice.

If I remember correctly does not Leviticus call for death for someone the curses their parents.

I also believe there is a call that women are not to speak, teach or have authority over men - I wonder how that jives with Bachmann possibly being the Commander-in-Chief.

For those that claim to follow all laws laid out in the Bible I wonder how those work.


How many times must the Lord declare something sinful, before you believe Him?

Sin is between me and God, sin is between homosexuals and God, sin is between the prideful and God, sin is between the glutton and God.

"Sin" is not a function of the government.

Triple fail, and out.


You are not the Lord. A statement of "fail" with no evidence to the contrary, does not make it so. No "let it be written, let it be done" for you.

And last time I checked....neither are you.

I don't believe that I have "declared" anything on my own. I have given specific examples of where the Bible says that homosexual acts/lewdness/perversity/immoral sex are sinful.

You are the one saying the Lord is wrong.

You are not the Lord. A statement of "fail" with no evidence to the contrary, does not make it so. No "let it be written, let it be done" for you.

And last time I checked....neither are you.

I don't believe that I have "declared" anything on my own. I have given specific examples of where the Bible says that homosexual acts/lewdness/perversity/immoral sex are sinful.

You are the one saying the Lord is wrong.

You are one of the most hateful, anti-gay bigots I've seen in a long time.
So you are telling me that homosexuals introduce themselves to their "intended's" family as a possible future partner?

You are telling me that parents hope and wish their children will grow up to be homosexuals?

You are telling me that homosexuals are not hurting the family of their "intended", by seducing their child (no matter the age)?

Yes, gay people introduce their intended partners or spouses to their families.

Loving parents hope and wish their children will be healthy loving adults, whether they turn out to be gay or straight.

Gays are not hurting the families of their intended, by loving their partners.

Is that after they are already involved and the family has no choice but to accept the intended's decision?

Honoring thy mother and father is way different from honoring thy children.

How do you know if they are not hurting the families? All you can see is people presenting a face, that is trying to be supportive, not offending. How many parents do you hear "bragging" that their child is homosexual (say compared to a great athelete, or a songwriter, or a doctor, or a scientist, or a church leader, or a community volunteer)?

Hope the Lord sends some more of the Holy Spirit's gifts your way.

Love. Joy. Peace. Longsuffering. Gentleness. Goodness. Meekness. Temperance. Faith.

You're not batting so well there, slugger.
Why not? And if's not a sin.

Parents hope their children grow up to be happy. And if they are want the parents to reject them? How christian.

[qutoe]You are telling me that homosexuals are not hurting the family of their "intended", by seducing their child (no matter the age)?

Seducing? Oh please. Who seduces who? What about "fall in love"? Or don't you believe gay people can do that?


Honoring parents is not "Parents hope their children grow up to be happy." (that is the parents action). Honoring parents means doing things that make your parents "proud" (how many parents brag about their children being homosexual, and how many will not speak of it to strangers?)

How do you fall in love? Could it be ..... seduction? You are being dishonest. You are in denial that homosexual acts are sinful, even when it is clearly stated in the OT and in the NT.

I am not surprised that you would also, deny, doing these sins. I wish you well. I hope someday you will come to understand the Lord.

You've got a real religious hard on for gay people. WTF don't you leave us in peace?[/QUOTE]

Are you saying that homosexual acts are sinful? Otherwise, you are misrepresenting the Word of the Lord. I have a problem with people that think they know more than the Lord. You are participating in this thread, the same as I. Why don't you leave those of us that disagree with your lifestyle "alone"?
Seducing? Oh please. Who seduces who? What about "fall in love"? Or don't you believe gay people can do that?


Honoring parents is not "Parents hope their children grow up to be happy." (that is the parents action). Honoring parents means doing things that make your parents "proud" (how many parents brag about their children being homosexual, and how many will not speak of it to strangers?)

How do you fall in love? Could it be ..... seduction? You are being dishonest. You are in denial that homosexual acts are sinful, even when it is clearly stated in the OT and in the NT.

I am not surprised that you would also, deny, doing these sins. I wish you well. I hope someday you will come to understand the Lord.

You've got a real religious hard on for gay people. WTF don't you leave us in peace?

Are you saying that homosexual acts are sinful? Otherwise, you are misrepresenting the Word of the Lord. I have a problem with people that think they know more than the Lord. You are participating in this thread, the same as I. Why don't you leave those of us that disagree with your lifestyle "alone"?[/QUOTE]

That's exactly what I'm saying. There is nothing sinful in being gay. Stay the fuck away from gay people, bigot.

Turn your judgmentalness on yourself and your bigotry.
Teach Ministries: To Educate Against the Consequences of Homophobia

Speaking at churches and other gatherings across the country, she seeks to persuade Christians to stop considering homosexuals as sinners.

She has no illusions that her role will sway wide swaths of public opinion. And she doesn't want to get into debates with those who disagree--not when they send her hate mail, not when they confront her, not when a pastor cuts her off during a speech at a church.

"You're not going to change people by debating them," said Wallner, 59, a former Wheaton resident who's coming back to the Chicago area next week for three speaking engagements.

Instead, she's content to focus on individuals.

"I think God changes people. I don't change people. I just tell my story," she said.

Even those who oppose Wallner's position concede that her story is a powerful one.

Raised outside of St. Louis as a fundamentalist Christian, Wallner, a registered nurse, in turn raised her eldest daughter, Anna, in a strict, Christian home that taught, among other beliefs, that being gay was a sin.

I first saw this woman's story in "For the Bible Tells Me So" - an amazing documentary for "he who has an ear, let him hear." If you're willfully deaf, then skip it.

Threads are for presenting opinions/facts/evidence/links.
Why is it, when you cannot beat Christians over the head with: you are Christian, you should act like ...., that you then try to silence us?

Please, show us where the Lord rescinded His judgement where homosexual acts/lewdness/perversity/immoral sex as sins.
Teach Ministries: To Educate Against the Consequences of Homophobia

Speaking at churches and other gatherings across the country, she seeks to persuade Christians to stop considering homosexuals as sinners.

She has no illusions that her role will sway wide swaths of public opinion. And she doesn't want to get into debates with those who disagree--not when they send her hate mail, not when they confront her, not when a pastor cuts her off during a speech at a church.

"You're not going to change people by debating them," said Wallner, 59, a former Wheaton resident who's coming back to the Chicago area next week for three speaking engagements.

Instead, she's content to focus on individuals.

"I think God changes people. I don't change people. I just tell my story," she said.

Even those who oppose Wallner's position concede that her story is a powerful one.

Raised outside of St. Louis as a fundamentalist Christian, Wallner, a registered nurse, in turn raised her eldest daughter, Anna, in a strict, Christian home that taught, among other beliefs, that being gay was a sin.

I first saw this woman's story in "For the Bible Tells Me So" - an amazing documentary for "he who has an ear, let him hear." If you're willfully deaf, then skip it.

Threads are for presenting opinions/facts/evidence/links.
Why is it, when you cannot beat Christians over the head with: you are Christian, you should act like ...., that you then try to silence us?

Please, show us where the Lord rescinded His judgement where homosexual acts/lewdness/perversity/immoral sex as sins.

Leave gay people alone. If you think we're so "sinful" don't hang out with us or invite to your narrow minded church. Don't you have any other hobbies than gay bashing?
And last time I checked....neither are you.

I don't believe that I have "declared" anything on my own. I have given specific examples of where the Bible says that homosexual acts/lewdness/perversity/immoral sex are sinful.

You are the one saying the Lord is wrong.

You are one of the most hateful, anti-gay bigots I've seen in a long time.

Please, show me the "hate". While you are at it, show me a better way to live (since I am a bigot: superstitious or backward beliefs).
I don't believe that I have "declared" anything on my own. I have given specific examples of where the Bible says that homosexual acts/lewdness/perversity/immoral sex are sinful.

You are the one saying the Lord is wrong.

You are one of the most hateful, anti-gay bigots I've seen in a long time.

Please, show me the "hate". While you are at it, show me a better way to live (since I am a bigot: superstitious or backward beliefs).

1. You could stop focusing on the "sins" of others and work on your own, judmentalness and aversion to gay people.

2. If you think being gay is a sin, don't be gay.

3. Leave us in peace. That is what it means to be a Christian, a peacemaker.

4. Your hate shows up in your obsession with condeming gay people continuously. How many of your posts go into attacking gay people?
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Honoring parents is not "Parents hope their children grow up to be happy." (that is the parents action). Honoring parents means doing things that make your parents "proud" (how many parents brag about their children being homosexual, and how many will not speak of it to strangers?)

How do you fall in love? Could it be ..... seduction? You are being dishonest. You are in denial that homosexual acts are sinful, even when it is clearly stated in the OT and in the NT.

I am not surprised that you would also, deny, doing these sins. I wish you well. I hope someday you will come to understand the Lord.

You've got a real religious hard on for gay people. WTF don't you leave us in peace?

Are you saying that homosexual acts are sinful? Otherwise, you are misrepresenting the Word of the Lord. I have a problem with people that think they know more than the Lord. You are participating in this thread, the same as I. Why don't you leave those of us that disagree with your lifestyle "alone"?

That's exactly what I'm saying. There is nothing sinful in being gay. Stay the fuck away from gay people, bigot.

Turn your judgmentalness on yourself and your bigotry.[/QUOTE]

I still like you, Sky. I do try to stay away from gay people (or people in general). Where have I judged you? I have told you what is in the Bible. That is not my judgement. It is from the Lord. I have also told you that the Lord is merciful, and that I wish you the best. Because you, choose not to accept the Lord's Word, is not my fault. I can only tell you what is there. The Lord made homosexual acts a sin. His son, expanded that to lewdness/perversity/immoral sex as well. Why do you "hate" the messenger? I saw something out of Sirach about the sinner hanging onto anger. Jonah, did that too.
You've got a real religious hard on for gay people. WTF don't you leave us in peace?

Are you saying that homosexual acts are sinful? Otherwise, you are misrepresenting the Word of the Lord. I have a problem with people that think they know more than the Lord. You are participating in this thread, the same as I. Why don't you leave those of us that disagree with your lifestyle "alone"?

That's exactly what I'm saying. There is nothing sinful in being gay. Stay the fuck away from gay people, bigot.

Turn your judgmentalness on yourself and your bigotry.

I still like you, Sky. I do try to stay away from gay people (or people in general). Where have I judged you? I have told you what is in the Bible. That is not my judgement. It is from the Lord. I have also told you that the Lord is merciful, and that I wish you the best. Because you, choose not to accept the Lord's Word, is not my fault. I can only tell you what is there. The Lord made homosexual acts a sin. His son, expanded that to lewdness/perversity/immoral sex as well. Why do you "hate" the messenger? I saw something out of Sirach about the sinner hanging onto anger. Jonah, did that too.[/QUOTE]

What is this bullshit lately with people telling me they like me when they don't like anything about me or what's important to me?

Seems phoney.
Teach Ministries: To Educate Against the Consequences of Homophobia

I first saw this woman's story in "For the Bible Tells Me So" - an amazing documentary for "he who has an ear, let him hear." If you're willfully deaf, then skip it.

Threads are for presenting opinions/facts/evidence/links.
Why is it, when you cannot beat Christians over the head with: you are Christian, you should act like ...., that you then try to silence us?

Please, show us where the Lord rescinded His judgement where homosexual acts/lewdness/perversity/immoral sex as sins.

Leave gay people alone. If you think we're so "sinful" don't hang out with us or invite to your narrow minded church. Don't you have any other hobbies than gay bashing?

Now, I am "gay bashing"? I don't know you well enough to "bash" you. This thread was on Biblical truths (nothing to do with church). Why don't the "gay people" leave the rest of us alone? Don't you have any other hobbies besides gay promotion?
Threads are for presenting opinions/facts/evidence/links.
Why is it, when you cannot beat Christians over the head with: you are Christian, you should act like ...., that you then try to silence us?

Please, show us where the Lord rescinded His judgement where homosexual acts/lewdness/perversity/immoral sex as sins.

Leave gay people alone. If you think we're so "sinful" don't hang out with us or invite to your narrow minded church. Don't you have any other hobbies than gay bashing?

Now, I am "gay bashing"? I don't know you well enough to "bash" you. This thread was on Biblical truths (nothing to do with church). Why don't the "gay people" leave the rest of us alone? Don't you have any other hobbies besides gay promotion?

You phoney. This thread is about how ridiculous it is to use outdated old testament bs to discriminate against gay people.

I'm not "promoting homosexuality", I am in support of marriage equality. That is CIVIL marriage equality, so that gay people don't have to live as second class citizens.

I could give a shit whether you think I'm a sinner or not. I'm not even a fucking Christian, bozo.

You go on and on and on with this BS focusing on the sins of being gay, as if there were no other sins on earth.

Why don't you clean up your own act and leave us alone.

I don't think you like me at all. I think that is a phoney statment. You cannot say one positive thing about me.
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You are one of the most hateful, anti-gay bigots I've seen in a long time.

Please, show me the "hate". While you are at it, show me a better way to live (since I am a bigot: superstitious or backward beliefs).

1. You could stop focusing on the "sins" of others and work on your own, judmentalness and aversion to gay people.

2. If you think being gay is a sin, don't be gay.

3. Leave us in peace. That is what it means to be a Christian, a peacemaker.

4. Your hate shows up in your obsession with condeming gay people continuously. How many of your posts go into attacking gay people?

When people erroneously state that homosexual acts are not a sin against the Lord, I can show them where they are wrong. That is focusing on a false statement, that is intended to lead others away from the Lord. I have judged no one. I have wished them understanding of the Lord, and the best. I have spoken, openly of being a sinner, also. No hatred there.

Okay, I choose not to be gay.

There are many different types of Christians. As a person that has attacked Christianity, on several different threads, I do not feel you have any authority to declare what it "means" to be Christian.

What gay person have I attacked?

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