Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

He's the #1 geneticist in the WORLD.

And he so far hasn't found anything that discounts the existence of God. Go figure.
Oh, that's right. You're the one who thinks Christians should be excluded from certain professions.
He's the scientist slugging for your team. He always comes up with a religious conclusion. Religion has no business in science.
That has to be most Retarded Comparison in the History of this Debate... :lol:



It's a perfect comparison to a legal marriage and an illegal one.

If someone is a pedophile or a murderer and they want a straight marriage, yay, hooray let's make it happen asap.

If a law-abiding, tax paying gay person wants to get married, certain people with crooked moral compasses have a fit.

Theoretically, you are wrong. If a "convicted" murderer or pedophile wants to get married and they are in prison, they cannot get married. If they have served their sentence (thus paid for their crime and are right in the eyes of the law), they can get married; albeit reformed murderer and pedophile. So you see, your comparison is hardly accurate.

No it's perfectly accurate, and your illustration showed it.

A murderer doesn't become a non-murderer if he or she gets out of prison, they're still a murderer, same for pedophiles.

So anyone without a life sentence is convicted of those crimes and gets out, they can get married, but law abiding tax paying gays cannot.

Thankfully, american society, full of mostly religious people, is realizing how ridiculous that mindset is and are making the necessary corrections.
Here is how Collins, as a scientist and educator, currently summarizes his understanding of the universe for the general public (what follows are a series of slides, presented in order, from a lecture that Collins gave at the University of California, Berkeley in 2008):

Slide 1
Almighty God, who is not limited in space or time, created a universe 13.7 billion years ago with its parameters precisely tuned to allow the development of complexity over long periods of time.

Slide 2
God’s plan included the mechanism of evolution to create the marvelous diversity of living things on our planet. Most especially, that creative plan included human beings.

Slide 3
After evolution had prepared a sufficiently advanced “house” (the human brain), God gifted humanity with the knowledge of good and evil (the Moral Law), with free will, and with an immortal soul.

Slide 4
We humans use our free will to break the moral law, leading to our estrangement from God. For Christians, Jesus is the solution to that estrangement.

Slide 5
If the Moral Law is just a side effect of evolution, then there is no such thing as good or evil. It’s all an illusion. We’ve been hoodwinked. Are any of us, especially the strong atheists, really prepared to live our lives within that worldview?

Is it really so difficult to perceive a conflict between Collins’ science and his religion? And you think I'm crazy for being concerned about Dominionism.

The Strange Case of Francis Collins | Project Reason
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The problem with Collins is not that he’s religious. The problem is that Collins doesn’t just want to be a scientist who believes in God; he wants to give faith a scientific imprimatur. He says he wants to separate faith and science, to prove that belief in one need not entail disbelief in the other. But in fact he brings the two together, and conflates them.

Better to have as head of NIH, someone who believes in science, believes in religion, and believes in the difference between the two.
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I dont need science, or some crack pot.. Having talked to many of my friends, I believe you are born gay. Most of my friends knew something was different in grade school, and had figured out they were gay by junior high.
That has to be most Retarded Comparison in the History of this Debate... :lol:



It's a perfect comparison to a legal marriage and an illegal one.

If someone is a pedophile or a murderer and they want a straight marriage, yay, hooray let's make it happen asap.

If a law-abiding, tax paying gay person wants to get married, certain people with crooked moral compasses have a fit.

Theoretically, you are wrong. If a "convicted" murderer or pedophile wants to get married and they are in prison, they cannot get married. If they have served their sentence (thus paid for their crime and are right in the eyes of the law), they can get married; albeit reformed murderer and pedophile. So you see, your comparison is hardly accurate.

Actually they can get married. My friend's friend is marrying a convicted murderer in a few weeks who is Walla Walla State Prison.Do I think she is an idiot? Yes, but murderers can still get married.
I wonder if all these people who use the Old Testament to rationalize gay hating would also abide by the Old Testament rule that rape victims have to marry their rapist.

For the men in the room bashing homosexuality and citing the Old Testament, would you use the Old Testament as a guide if your daughter were raped?
He's the scientist slugging for your team. He always comes up with a religious conclusion. Religion has no business in science.

His science isn't tainted by religion. That's why he's the #1 GENETECIST IN THE WORLD. He's recognized by the scientific community as being the top scientist in his field. I'm sure it goes down with some difficulty for many of them.

Unfortunately, there are lots of ignorant bigots like yourself who would like to see them shut down. They are known as "fascists".
He's the scientist slugging for your team. He always comes up with a religious conclusion. Religion has no business in science.

His science isn't tainted by religion. That's why he's the #1 GENETECIST IN THE WORLD. He's recognized by the scientific community as being the top scientist in his field. I'm sure it goes down with some difficulty for many of them.

Unfortunately, there are lots of ignorant bigots like yourself who would like to see them shut down. They are known as "fascists".

Dr. Collins responds to the idea that his comments indicate there is no genetic component to homosexuality...

"It troubles me greatly to learn that anything I have written would cause anguish for you or others who are seeking answers to the basis of homosexuality. The words quoted by NARTH all come from the Appendix to my book “The Language of God” (pp. 260-263), but have been juxtaposed in a way that suggests a somewhat different conclusion that I intended. I would urge anyone who is concerned about the meaning to refer back to the original text.

The evidence we have at present strongly supports the proposition that there are hereditary factors in male homosexuality — the observation that an identical twin of a male homosexual has approximately a 20% likelihood of also being gay points to this conclusion, since that is 10 times the population incidence. But the fact that the answer is not 100% also suggests that other factors besides DNA must be involved. That certainly doesn’t imply, however, that those other undefined factors are inherently alterable.

Your note indicated that your real interest is in the truth. And this is about all that we really know. No one has yet identified an actual gene that contributes to the hereditary component (the reports about a gene on the X chromosome from the 1990s have not held up), but it is likely that such genes will be found in the next few years."​

Dr. Francis Collins

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Oh he says that genetics play a role in everything, including behavior, which includes sexuality.

But ultimately, he says, you make a choice what to do with your genetic wiring. There's nothing genetic that forces people to be gay. They may have a propensity to be gay, but they aren't HARDWIRED to be so.
Oh he says that genetics play a role in everything, including behavior, which includes sexuality.

But ultimately, he says, you make a choice what to do with your genetic wiring. There's nothing genetic that forces people to be gay. They may have a propensity to be gay, but they aren't HARDWIRED to be so.

If there is a genetic component (i.e. biological) then that is hardwired, that's what genetics is is the hardwired coding of our biological development.

The fact remains that you lauded Dr. Collins as the #1 Geneticist in the world in multiple posts - until, it appears that what he actually said isn't what you thought he said. :lol::lol:

Oh he says that genetics play a role in everything, including behavior, which includes sexuality.

But ultimately, he says, you make a choice what to do with your genetic wiring. There's nothing genetic that forces people to be gay. They may have a propensity to be gay, but they aren't HARDWIRED to be so.

Could say the same thing about you being straight.

You could be gay if you wanted to, maybe you wouldn't enjoy it, but you're not forced to be straight.

Is that what you guys mean when you say being gay is a choice? That even if you wouldn't enjoy the other lifestyle it's not forced on you? Kinda like how last night I chose to eat chicken wings instead of eating what my dog left in the yard?
But people have genetic propensities for everything, including violence. You still choose what to act on and what not to act upon.

There is a movement that says that gays can't "help" being gay. Well yes, they can. They choose to be gay, just as other people choose to be hetero. They may experience more homosexual urges than others, but almost any behavior can be modified, and pleasure absolutely can be a learned behavior.
Could say the same thing about you being straight.

You could be gay if you wanted to, maybe you wouldn't enjoy it, but you're not forced to be straight.

Ever hear of prison?

I've heard that somewhere around 99% of the inmates end up being homosexual...

BUT that's hardwired....

Is that what you guys mean when you say being gay is a choice? That even if you wouldn't enjoy the other lifestyle it's not forced on you? Kinda like how last night I chose to eat chicken wings instead of eating what my dog left in the yard?

Dr.hack strikes (out) again....
I have no idea what you're saying, it doesn't make sense.

That's okay, drdrock has no idea what he's saying either, so it's achieved equilibrium...

Not surprised such a simple post went a mile over your head, I'll give a kosher a break since I haven't seen so many of her posts proving she's stupid as I have with you.

When a girl is attracted to a girl or a guy attracted to a guy it isn't a choice, it's just how their brain naturally reacts to what's in front of them. I guess the sexual act itself is a choice, as it is with everyone, but I've never made the choice between getting it on with a dude or woman. It's been a choice between a woman or nobody.

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