Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

Not surprised such a simple post went a mile over your head, I'll give a kosher a break since I haven't seen so many of her posts proving she's stupid as I have with you.

When a girl is attracted to a girl or a guy attracted to a guy it isn't a choice, it's just how their brain naturally reacts to what's in front of them. I guess the sexual act itself is a choice, as it is with everyone, but I've never made the choice between getting it on with a dude or woman. It's been a choice between a woman or nobody.

Well yeah, 143,000 inmates in California prisons prove that.

They were all born gay.....
Not surprised such a simple post went a mile over your head, I'll give a kosher a break since I haven't seen so many of her posts proving she's stupid as I have with you.

When a girl is attracted to a girl or a guy attracted to a guy it isn't a choice, it's just how their brain naturally reacts to what's in front of them. I guess the sexual act itself is a choice, as it is with everyone, but I've never made the choice between getting it on with a dude or woman. It's been a choice between a woman or nobody.

Well yeah, 143,000 inmates in California prisons prove that.

They were all born gay.....

There's straight, gay, and bi-sexual.

If you're a man willing to do stuff sexually with another dude's shlong, then you aren't straight, you're at minimum bi.
There's straight, gay, and bi-sexual.

If you're a man willing to do stuff sexually with another dude's shlong, then you aren't straight, you're at minimum bi.

Funny how all these men can go 20 or 30 years only interested in pussy, get locked in the joint and suddenly discover that they were born gay - until they get out, that is.....
Regardless how interesting this debate may be as to the nature of homosexuality, it is nonetheless rhetorical and legally irrelevant.

However one ‘becomes homosexual,’ by nature or choice, states and local jurisdictions are enjoined from enacting discriminatory measures against gays or restricting their equal access to the laws:

Respect for [equal protection of the law] explains why laws singling out a certain class of citizens for disfavored legal status or general hardships are rare. A law declaring that in general it shall be more difficult for one group of citizens than for all others to seek aid from the government is itself a denial of equal protection of the laws in the most literal sense. "The guaranty of `equal protection of the laws is a pledge of the protection of equal laws.'" Skinner v. Oklahoma…

Romer v. Evans (1996)

So feel free to carry on the debate, however legally moot.
I still like you, Sky. I do try to stay away from gay people (or people in general). Where have I judged you? I have told you what is in the Bible. That is not my judgement. It is from the Lord. I have also told you that the Lord is merciful, and that I wish you the best. Because you, choose not to accept the Lord's Word, is not my fault. I can only tell you what is there. The Lord made homosexual acts a sin. His son, expanded that to lewdness/perversity/immoral sex as well. Why do you "hate" the messenger? I saw something out of Sirach about the sinner hanging onto anger. Jonah, did that too.

What is this bullshit lately with people telling me they like me when they don't like anything about me or what's important to me?

Seems phoney.

I am sorry, Sky. It is a Johnboy and Billy thing (southern rock morning program). It is a fun way to tell someone that you like to mess with them. You are fun, even if I disagree with a lot that you say.

I don't know shit about "Johnboy and Billy". So you're saying it's FUN to be an asshole to others.

Don't give me that "we're friends" bullshit. We're not friends.

Is drinking drano fun?[/QUOTE]

Where did I say we are friends? Speaking of being a _____ to others, have you ever read your rants against Christians?

The Bible says what it says. You declare something different that it is labeled in the Bible. You have no authority in what the Lord holds as sin. Yet, you try to blur the Bible to those that do not know it.

Grew up with a large extended family, and messing with each other was part of life. Don't hang with them much, they are similar to you: they want to tell you how you should be (even when they can tell my life is happier than theirs), but don't want to hear about where they have shortcomings. Funny, now that I think about it, most of them are angry, miserable people, too. I have not threatened you in any way. I have told you that I hope you are welcomed into heaven. I also told you that He is a just Lord, and that both of us will be punished for our sins. You disagree. Why does that upset you so?
1. You could stop focusing on the "sins" of others and work on your own, judmentalness and aversion to gay people.

2. If you think being gay is a sin, don't be gay.

3. Leave us in peace. That is what it means to be a Christian, a peacemaker.

4. Your hate shows up in your obsession with condeming gay people continuously. How many of your posts go into attacking gay people?

When people erroneously state that homosexual acts are not a sin against the Lord, I can show them where they are wrong. That is focusing on a false statement, that is intended to lead others away from the Lord. I have judged no one. I have wished them understanding of the Lord, and the best. I have spoken, openly of being a sinner, also. No hatred there.

Okay, I choose not to be gay.

There are many different types of Christians. As a person that has attacked Christianity, on several different threads, I do not feel you have any authority to declare what it "means" to be Christian.

What gay person have I attacked?
Well, you have that in common with Muslims.

I believe I can demonstrate that many muslims "attack", "rape", "mutilate", and "murder" homosexuals. I do not have that in common with muslims, but don't let the truth get in the way of a good story.
Neuroscience researchers found that the brains of homosexual men and heterosexual women were more symmetrical than the brains of heterosexual men and homosexual women. A similar difference emerged when the researchers looked in particular at the amygdala, a brain region associated with emotional reactions. Heterosexual women and homosexual men had more connections between their right and left amygdala and more connections with other brain regions than did homosexual women and heterosexual men.

Scientists have spent decades looking for brain differences between homosexual and heterosexual people and since the early 1990s have been finding anatomical distinctions in regions associated with sexual behavior. The new study suggests broader brain differences between homosexual and heterosexual men and women, even in regions not linked to sexual attraction.

The Gay Brain? Neuroscientists find evidence that homosexuality is hard-wired « playthink

Did they say if that was from years of "pretending" to think like the opposite sex? Or did they leave that out of their studies? Behavior modification, environment, genetics can all affect how someone developes. Were these considered, or was it an agenda driven study.
Published in the October edition of the journal Molecular Brain Research, the UCLA discovery suggests that sexual identity is hard-wired into the brain before birth and may offer physicians a tool for gender assignment of babies born with ambiguous genitalia.

University of California - UC Newsroom | Brain May 'Hard-Wire' Sexuality Before Birth




Though honestly, I don't think the argument has EVER been about babies with ambiguous genitalia (I know, there are so many of those). That's a medical condition. Homosexuality is not a medical condition.

2003 - and? SO??! Because yeah, things change every day, and there may have been a new study just last week!

Provide citations, or shut your mouth.

Where was all your proof that the Lord declared homosexual acts not sinful? Just sayin' .....
He's the scientist slugging for your team. He always comes up with a religious conclusion. Religion has no business in science.

The Lord wrote the laws of science. When He told us how He made the earth, it was from first hand knowledge. There are many scientific tidbits through out the Bible. Now you want to declare the Lord doesn't know science? The Creator that put life together and created us in His image? Such anger Sky, don't you like your life?
Here is how Collins, as a scientist and educator, currently summarizes his understanding of the universe for the general public (what follows are a series of slides, presented in order, from a lecture that Collins gave at the University of California, Berkeley in 2008):

Slide 1
Almighty God, who is not limited in space or time, created a universe 13.7 billion years ago with its parameters precisely tuned to allow the development of complexity over long periods of time.

Slide 2
God’s plan included the mechanism of evolution to create the marvelous diversity of living things on our planet. Most especially, that creative plan included human beings.

Slide 3
After evolution had prepared a sufficiently advanced “house” (the human brain), God gifted humanity with the knowledge of good and evil (the Moral Law), with free will, and with an immortal soul.

Slide 4
We humans use our free will to break the moral law, leading to our estrangement from God. For Christians, Jesus is the solution to that estrangement.

Slide 5
If the Moral Law is just a side effect of evolution, then there is no such thing as good or evil. It’s all an illusion. We’ve been hoodwinked. Are any of us, especially the strong atheists, really prepared to live our lives within that worldview?

Is it really so difficult to perceive a conflict between Collins’ science and his religion? And you think I'm crazy for being concerned about Dominionism.

The Strange Case of Francis Collins | Project Reason

So a man speaks and you believe? When the Lord speaks, you doubt?:cuckoo::cuckoo:
I wonder if all these people who use the Old Testament to rationalize gay hating would also abide by the Old Testament rule that rape victims have to marry their rapist.

For the men in the room bashing homosexuality and citing the Old Testament, would you use the Old Testament as a guide if your daughter were raped?

First off, please list anywhere that I showed hatred against homosexuals.
Second off, I prefer the Book of Jubilees version of how Dinah's brothers dealt with a rapist.
Third off, was it a sin to rape in the OT? Imagine, it still is. Why do you declare the Lord's declaration void? By what authority do "you" over rule the Lord's plan?
You "hate" homosexuals if you don't agree, against all science, that they can't help themselves when it comes to their gayness.

You "hate" homosexuals if you don't agree that the definition of marriage should be altered to mean something completely different from what it does mean, so that they can partake of all the benefits, without actually fitting the description of the word as it stands now.

You "hate" homosexuals if you don't swallow their agenda hook, line and sinker.
I have no idea what you're saying, it doesn't make sense.

That's okay, drdrock has no idea what he's saying either, so it's achieved equilibrium...

Not surprised such a simple post went a mile over your head, I'll give a kosher a break since I haven't seen so many of her posts proving she's stupid as I have with you.

When a girl is attracted to a girl or a guy attracted to a guy it isn't a choice, it's just how their brain naturally reacts to what's in front of them. I guess the sexual act itself is a choice, as it is with everyone, but I've never made the choice between getting it on with a dude or woman. It's been a choice between a woman or nobody.

Attraction, is not action. So you "chose" a woman or nobody? You actually used reason to make a decision over with who you would have sex? Do you think homosexuals are void of this "reason" because you keep telling us that "they cannot choose".

Ask anyone that has ever been in love for decades if they had to work at staying in "love". If they are honest they will tell you, YES. Ask them if they have ever been "attracted to anyone else. If they are honest, they will tell you YES. They made a conscious decision to stay with their partner. Homosexuals do have a choice, and the ones that are sexually active, chose to be that way.
Regardless how interesting this debate may be as to the nature of homosexuality, it is nonetheless rhetorical and legally irrelevant.

However one ‘becomes homosexual,’ by nature or choice, states and local jurisdictions are enjoined from enacting discriminatory measures against gays or restricting their equal access to the laws:

Respect for [equal protection of the law] explains why laws singling out a certain class of citizens for disfavored legal status or general hardships are rare. A law declaring that in general it shall be more difficult for one group of citizens than for all others to seek aid from the government is itself a denial of equal protection of the laws in the most literal sense. "The guaranty of `equal protection of the laws is a pledge of the protection of equal laws.'" Skinner v. Oklahoma…

Romer v. Evans (1996)

So feel free to carry on the debate, however legally moot.

So please walk down the street and point out all the gay people. Since they are their own "class", they should be readily identifiable. You know, particular religions are found in their house of worship. Gender can be determined "scientifically". Race, can be recognized to the three main groups: negroid, caucazoid, and mongoloid. So tell us how we seperate the homosexuals and recognizes them, so that we do not discrimminate. If you cannot do that, it is a SCAM.

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