Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

It's a perfect comparison to a legal marriage and an illegal one.

If someone is a pedophile or a murderer and they want a straight marriage, yay, hooray let's make it happen asap.

If a law-abiding, tax paying gay person wants to get married, certain people with crooked moral compasses have a fit.

Theoretically, you are wrong. If a "convicted" murderer or pedophile wants to get married and they are in prison, they cannot get married. If they have served their sentence (thus paid for their crime and are right in the eyes of the law), they can get married; albeit reformed murderer and pedophile. So you see, your comparison is hardly accurate.

Actually, you are wrong.

In the 1987 case of TURNER v. SAFLEY, the Supreme Court of the United States determined that a prisoners right to enter into Civil Marriage could not be usurped simply because they are incarcerated.

"In support of the marriage regulation, petitioners first suggest that the rule does not deprive prisoners of a constitutionally protected right. They concede that the decision to marry is a fundamental right under Zablocki v. Redhail (1978), and Loving v. Virginia (1967), but they imply that a different rule should obtain "in . . . a prison forum." Petitioners then argue that even if the regulation burdens inmates' constitutional rights, the restriction should be tested under a reasonableness standard. They urge that the restriction is reasonably related to legitimate security and rehabilitation concerns.

We disagree with petitioners that Zablocki does not apply to prison inmates. It is settled that a prison inmate "retains those [constitutional] rights that are not inconsistent with his status as a prisoner or with the legitimate penological objectives of the corrections system." The right to marry, like many other rights, is subject to substantial restrictions as a result of incarceration. Many important attributes of marriage remain, however, after taking into account the limitations imposed by prison life. First, inmate marriages, like others, are expressions of emotional support and public commitment. These elements are an important and significant aspect of the marital relationship. In addition, many religions recognize marriage as having spiritual significance; for some inmates and their spouses, therefore, the commitment of marriage may be an exercise of religious faith as well as an expression of personal dedication. Third, most inmates eventually will be released by parole or commutation, and therefore most inmate marriages are formed in the expectation that they ultimately will be fully consummated. Finally, marital status often is a precondition to the receipt of government benefits (e. g., Social Security benefits), property rights (e. g., tenancy by the entirety, inheritance rights), and other, less tangible benefits (e. g., legitimation of children born out of wedlock). These incidents of marriage, like the religious and personal aspects of the marriage commitment, are unaffected by the fact of confinement or the pursuit of legitimate corrections goals.

Taken together, we conclude that these remaining elements are sufficient to form a constitutionally protected marital relationship in the prison context.... "​

So at the end of the day "If a "convicted" murderer or pedophile wants to get married and they are in prison, they cannot get married." is incorrect, they can get married in prison. So it is correct to say that in some States murderers and phedophiles have more of a right to marriage then law abiding, US Citizen, consenting adult same-sex couples when it comes to Civil Marriage.

The thread is now returned to it's normally scheduled posting.


Apparently, common sense doesn't exist in prison system, either.
He's pointing out that you blindly pick and choose which parts of the Old Testament to take with 100% seriousness and which parts you completely reject, anyone with common sense can see that you're picking and choosing in order to justify your hate.

What did Christ say about homosexuality?

What did he say about treating people the way you wanted to be treated and loving your fellow person? These are the parts of the New Testament that you sadly reject as well.

Find another prophet, Jesus isn't the only one out there.

Sermon on the Mount......Jesus was just joking.

You mock the Lord and want to tell us (US population) to take "you" seriously over your rights? Get back to us when you can quiet the seas, calm the storm, and walk on water, sooner.

I am not the one who belittles the Sermon on the Mount. IMO, the finest thing about Jesus' teachings....and daily trashed by the Right wing.
Of the few times that homosexuality is referred to in the Bible, it's considered an abomination, not a sin.

The only sins that I'm currently aware of are the ones in the 10 Commandments.

You puritanical assholes need to slow yer fucking roll.

Yes, and homosexual acts break at least three of the 10 Commandments. You were saying.....


Name the three.
Of the few times that homosexuality is referred to in the Bible, it's considered an abomination, not a sin.

The only sins that I'm currently aware of are the ones in the 10 Commandments.

You puritanical assholes need to slow yer fucking roll.

Yes, and homosexual acts break at least three of the 10 Commandments. You were saying.....


Name the three.

Seconded. Here, let me help.

Ten Commandments - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Of the few times that homosexuality is referred to in the Bible, it's considered an abomination, not a sin.

The only sins that I'm currently aware of are the ones in the 10 Commandments.

You puritanical assholes need to slow yer fucking roll.

Yes, and homosexual acts break at least three of the 10 Commandments. You were saying.....


Name the three.

Bearing false witness (pretend to be a "friend", when you intend to have a sexual relationship) to the family of the intended
Honor thy father and mother (what parent declares they can't wait for their child to be a homosexual)
Covet thy neighbors, child (adult or otherwise): you are taking something (possible child joining of two families that would strengthen the families) that had you been open about your intentions, the family would have discouraged the relationship from the beginning.
And the anti-gay drone goes on and on and on and on and on........

Good lord, tell me about it.

Being gay cannot be unnatural. Were it unnatural, it would not occur in nature. Hello.

Hello, in nature, some mothers eat their young. Are you suggesting we adopt that because it is "natural"?

And that is hurting another...we have people who do that too...and that is hurting another and IS A CRIME.

Why do you want to compare what animals do in nature that are hurtful to others with those things found in nature that do not hurt others? Why be so deceitful?
Yes, and homosexual acts break at least three of the 10 Commandments. You were saying.....


Name the three.

Bearing false witness (pretend to be a "friend", when you intend to have a sexual relationship) to the family of the intended


Honor thy father and mother (what parent declares they can't wait for their child to be a homosexual)


Covet thy neighbors, child (adult or otherwise): you are taking something (possible child joining of two families that would strengthen the families) that had you been open about your intentions, the family would have discouraged the relationship from the beginning.

Good lord, tell me about it.

Being gay cannot be unnatural. Were it unnatural, it would not occur in nature. Hello.

Hello, in nature, some mothers eat their young. Are you suggesting we adopt that because it is "natural"?

And that is hurting another...we have people who do that too...and that is hurting another and IS A CRIME.

Why do you want to compare what animals do in nature that are hurtful to others with those things found in nature that do not hurt others? Why be so deceitful?

Because he can't admit that being gay is natural, or there goes the whole ballgame.

Name the three.

Bearing false witness (pretend to be a "friend", when you intend to have a sexual relationship) to the family of the intended


Honor thy father and mother (what parent declares they can't wait for their child to be a homosexual)


Covet thy neighbors, child (adult or otherwise): you are taking something (possible child joining of two families that would strengthen the families) that had you been open about your intentions, the family would have discouraged the relationship from the beginning.


Triple fail, and out.
Good lord, tell me about it.

Being gay cannot be unnatural. Were it unnatural, it would not occur in nature. Hello.

Hello, in nature, some mothers eat their young. Are you suggesting we adopt that because it is "natural"?

And that is hurting another...we have people who do that too...and that is hurting another and IS A CRIME.

Why do you want to compare what animals do in nature that are hurtful to others with those things found in nature that do not hurt others? Why be so deceitful?

"Hurtful"????? Have you ever watched an animal "homosexual union"? It is about dominance. There is nothing "loving" about it. When the one that has been dominated grows larger or the dominant one, gets old, the roles are reversed or the one that was dominated is seriously wounded or even killed. Please.

Name the three.

Bearing false witness (pretend to be a "friend", when you intend to have a sexual relationship) to the family of the intended


Honor thy father and mother (what parent declares they can't wait for their child to be a homosexual)


Covet thy neighbors, child (adult or otherwise): you are taking something (possible child joining of two families that would strengthen the families) that had you been open about your intentions, the family would have discouraged the relationship from the beginning.


So you are telling me that homosexuals introduce themselves to their "intended's" family as a possible future partner?

You are telling me that parents hope and wish their children will grow up to be homosexuals?

You are telling me that homosexuals are not hurting the family of their "intended", by seducing their child (no matter the age)?
Bearing false witness (pretend to be a "friend", when you intend to have a sexual relationship) to the family of the intended



Covet thy neighbors, child (adult or otherwise): you are taking something (possible child joining of two families that would strengthen the families) that had you been open about your intentions, the family would have discouraged the relationship from the beginning.


So you are telling me that homosexuals introduce themselves to their "intended's" family as a possible future partner?

Why not? And if's not a sin.

You are telling me that parents hope and wish their children will grow up to be homosexuals?

Parents hope their children grow up to be happy. And if they are want the parents to reject them? How christian.

[qutoe]You are telling me that homosexuals are not hurting the family of their "intended", by seducing their child (no matter the age)?[/QUOTE]

Seducing? Oh please. Who seduces who? What about "fall in love"? Or don't you believe gay people can do that?
Hello, in nature, some mothers eat their young. Are you suggesting we adopt that because it is "natural"?

And that is hurting another...we have people who do that too...and that is hurting another and IS A CRIME.

Why do you want to compare what animals do in nature that are hurtful to others with those things found in nature that do not hurt others? Why be so deceitful?

Because he can't admit that being gay is natural, or there goes the whole ballgame.

I NEVER said that being homosexual was not natural. This thread was about Biblical sin. Homosexual acts are a sinful temptation, just like many other temptations. It is, we, as individuals, that must decide if we cave to temptation or fight it.
Homosexual activists have chosen to surrender to temptation. Then they want everyone else to tell them how great they are for surrendering. I disagree. I have demonstrated how homosexual acts are against the Lord, and that those acts are sinful.

I am still waiting for those that mock Christians to show book, chapter and verse where the Lord rescinded homosexual acts as sinful.
Bearing false witness (pretend to be a "friend", when you intend to have a sexual relationship) to the family of the intended



Covet thy neighbors, child (adult or otherwise): you are taking something (possible child joining of two families that would strengthen the families) that had you been open about your intentions, the family would have discouraged the relationship from the beginning.


Triple fail, and out.


You are not the Lord. A statement of "fail" with no evidence to the contrary, does not make it so. No "let it be written, let it be done" for you.
Bearing false witness (pretend to be a "friend", when you intend to have a sexual relationship) to the family of the intended



Covet thy neighbors, child (adult or otherwise): you are taking something (possible child joining of two families that would strengthen the families) that had you been open about your intentions, the family would have discouraged the relationship from the beginning.


So you are telling me that homosexuals introduce themselves to their "intended's" family as a possible future partner?

You are telling me that parents hope and wish their children will grow up to be homosexuals?

You are telling me that homosexuals are not hurting the family of their "intended", by seducing their child (no matter the age)?

Yes, gay people introduce their intended partners or spouses to their families.

Loving parents hope and wish their children will be healthy loving adults, whether they turn out to be gay or straight.

Gays are not hurting the families of their intended, by loving their partners.
Hello, in nature, some mothers eat their young. Are you suggesting we adopt that because it is "natural"?

And that is hurting another...we have people who do that too...and that is hurting another and IS A CRIME.

Why do you want to compare what animals do in nature that are hurtful to others with those things found in nature that do not hurt others? Why be so deceitful?

"Hurtful"????? Have you ever watched an animal "homosexual union"? It is about dominance. There is nothing "loving" about it. When the one that has been dominated grows larger or the dominant one, gets old, the roles are reversed or the one that was dominated is seriously wounded or even killed. Please.

Actually, I'm not into watching I'll have to take your watchful word for it.



So you are telling me that homosexuals introduce themselves to their "intended's" family as a possible future partner?

Why not? And if's not a sin.

You are telling me that parents hope and wish their children will grow up to be homosexuals?

Parents hope their children grow up to be happy. And if they are want the parents to reject them? How christian.

[qutoe]You are telling me that homosexuals are not hurting the family of their "intended", by seducing their child (no matter the age)?

Seducing? Oh please. Who seduces who? What about "fall in love"? Or don't you believe gay people can do that?[/QUOTE]


Honoring parents is not "Parents hope their children grow up to be happy." (that is the parents action). Honoring parents means doing things that make your parents "proud" (how many parents brag about their children being homosexual, and how many will not speak of it to strangers?)

How do you fall in love? Could it be ..... seduction? You are being dishonest. You are in denial that homosexual acts are sinful, even when it is clearly stated in the OT and in the NT.

I am not surprised that you would also, deny, doing these sins. I wish you well. I hope someday you will come to understand the Lord.
So you are telling me that homosexuals introduce themselves to their "intended's" family as a possible future partner?

Why not? And if's not a sin.

You are telling me that parents hope and wish their children will grow up to be homosexuals?

Parents hope their children grow up to be happy. And if they are want the parents to reject them? How christian.

[qutoe]You are telling me that homosexuals are not hurting the family of their "intended", by seducing their child (no matter the age)?

Seducing? Oh please. Who seduces who? What about "fall in love"? Or don't you believe gay people can do that?


Honoring parents is not "Parents hope their children grow up to be happy." (that is the parents action). Honoring parents means doing things that make your parents "proud" (how many parents brag about their children being homosexual, and how many will not speak of it to strangers?)

How do you fall in love? Could it be ..... seduction? You are being dishonest. You are in denial that homosexual acts are sinful, even when it is clearly stated in the OT and in the NT.

I am not surprised that you would also, deny, doing these sins. I wish you well. I hope someday you will come to understand the Lord.[/QUOTE]

You've got a real religious hard on for gay people. WTF don't you leave us in peace?

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