Eating their own. Dems accept fossil fuel donations.

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
A group of environmentalists, Bernie Sanders supporters and progressives is urging the Democratic National Committee to reverse its decision to allow donations from the fossil fuel industry.

In a letter Thursday, 20 groups told DNC Chairman Tom Perez that they were "alarmed and dismayed" at the committee's decision to reverse its prior stance that it would not accept donations from fossil fuel corporate PACs.

Groups who signed the letter include Greenpeace, 350 Action and People for Bernie.

"As you can surely understand, we were alarmed and dismayed to see the DNC reverse course after only two months," the letter read. "Taking a stand against the campaign contributions of fossil fuel executives, lobbyists, front-groups, and political action committees corrupting our democracy is a basic test of progressive leadership."

Green groups, Sanders supporters demand DNC end fossil fuel donations

Well, well, well, look at what we have here. What happened to that blue wave that was going to wipe out the Republican party? Seems to me that the DNC is getting desperate for funds and their supporters don't like it one bit.

This is like the RNC accepting donations from Planned Parenthood or the ACLU. If there is no reversal on this decision, how many will cast a protest vote for a Republican candidate? Hmmmm.


What a bunch of ignorant hypocrites. Socialists rave about the semi-socialist economy in Norway but they ignore the fact that Norway depends on the exploitation of oil fields in the North Sea. Barry Hussein spent eight years promising to "wean America off fossil fuel" while the rest of the world was gobbling it up.
What a bunch of ignorant hypocrites. Socialists rave about the semi-socialist economy in Norway but they ignore the fact that Norway depends on the exploitation of oil fields in the North Sea. Barry Hussein spent eight years promising to "wean America off fossil fuel" while the rest of the world was gobbling it up.

The word "hypocrite" doesn't exist in the world of liberals. The only time it applies is when it's about somebody else.

Last election had a lot of pissed off voters because of the Sander's scandal, and it looks like they are creating a new one for 2018. Then we will be treated to the many accusations on how the Republicans cheated the election.
A group of environmentalists, Bernie Sanders supporters and progressives is urging the Democratic National Committee to reverse its decision to allow donations from the fossil fuel industry.

In a letter Thursday, 20 groups told DNC Chairman Tom Perez that they were "alarmed and dismayed" at the committee's decision to reverse its prior stance that it would not accept donations from fossil fuel corporate PACs.

Groups who signed the letter include Greenpeace, 350 Action and People for Bernie.

"As you can surely understand, we were alarmed and dismayed to see the DNC reverse course after only two months," the letter read. "Taking a stand against the campaign contributions of fossil fuel executives, lobbyists, front-groups, and political action committees corrupting our democracy is a basic test of progressive leadership."

Green groups, Sanders supporters demand DNC end fossil fuel donations

Well, well, well, look at what we have here. What happened to that blue wave that was going to wipe out the Republican party? Seems to me that the DNC is getting desperate for funds and their supporters don't like it one bit.

This is like the RNC accepting donations from Planned Parenthood or the ACLU. If there is no reversal on this decision, how many will cast a protest vote for a Republican candidate? Hmmmm.

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If the Democrats ever made a sci-fi movie, they would be the ones creating Soylent Green feeding all of the old and dead people and babies they don't want to be reprocessed into fuel or food.
A group of environmentalists, Bernie Sanders supporters and progressives is urging the Democratic National Committee to reverse its decision to allow donations from the fossil fuel industry.

In a letter Thursday, 20 groups told DNC Chairman Tom Perez that they were "alarmed and dismayed" at the committee's decision to reverse its prior stance that it would not accept donations from fossil fuel corporate PACs.

Groups who signed the letter include Greenpeace, 350 Action and People for Bernie.

"As you can surely understand, we were alarmed and dismayed to see the DNC reverse course after only two months," the letter read. "Taking a stand against the campaign contributions of fossil fuel executives, lobbyists, front-groups, and political action committees corrupting our democracy is a basic test of progressive leadership."

Green groups, Sanders supporters demand DNC end fossil fuel donations

Well, well, well, look at what we have here. What happened to that blue wave that was going to wipe out the Republican party? Seems to me that the DNC is getting desperate for funds and their supporters don't like it one bit.

This is like the RNC accepting donations from Planned Parenthood or the ACLU. If there is no reversal on this decision, how many will cast a protest vote for a Republican candidate? Hmmmm.

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Hate to tell you this, I have looked at many campain finance reports and in most cases the same people donated to both candidates. I saw my first one back in 1988 and nothing has changed since. This bothered me then and it does now. Some sayings stay true for ever " He who has the gold rules!". I wish it we different but it is what it is! by the way Ray good after noon it has been a while since we talked. One good thing happening in Cleveland this year is the Browns defense looks for real for a change. Too bad that offense will likely lay an egg. The Indians still could be a threat in the play offs. We have had worse years in this state, there is some cause to be happy! Oh yeah I caught a fifteen pound catfish up at Port Clinton a couple of weeks ago. That thing put up one hell of a fight, it was a very good day! I was happy in Ohio for a change!

PS. Deer season starts soon, some more happy months in Ohio comin for me! Hope you have a great fall also!
A group of environmentalists, Bernie Sanders supporters and progressives is urging the Democratic National Committee to reverse its decision to allow donations from the fossil fuel industry.

In a letter Thursday, 20 groups told DNC Chairman Tom Perez that they were "alarmed and dismayed" at the committee's decision to reverse its prior stance that it would not accept donations from fossil fuel corporate PACs.

Groups who signed the letter include Greenpeace, 350 Action and People for Bernie.

"As you can surely understand, we were alarmed and dismayed to see the DNC reverse course after only two months," the letter read. "Taking a stand against the campaign contributions of fossil fuel executives, lobbyists, front-groups, and political action committees corrupting our democracy is a basic test of progressive leadership."

Green groups, Sanders supporters demand DNC end fossil fuel donations

Well, well, well, look at what we have here. What happened to that blue wave that was going to wipe out the Republican party? Seems to me that the DNC is getting desperate for funds and their supporters don't like it one bit.

This is like the RNC accepting donations from Planned Parenthood or the ACLU. If there is no reversal on this decision, how many will cast a protest vote for a Republican candidate? Hmmmm.

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Hate to tell you this, I have looked at many campain finance reports and in most cases the same people donated to both candidates. I saw my first one back in 1988 and nothing has changed since. This bothered me then and it does now. Some sayings stay true for ever " He who has the gold rules!". I wish it we different but it is what it is! by the way Ray good after noon it has been a while since we talked. One good thing happening in Cleveland this year is the Browns defense looks for real for a change. Too bad that offense will likely lay an egg. The Indians still could be a threat in the play offs. We have had worse years in this state, there is some cause to be happy! Oh yeah I caught a fifteen pound catfish up at Port Clinton a couple of weeks ago. That thing put up one hell of a fight, it was a very good day! I was happy in Ohio for a change!

PS. Deer season starts soon, some more happy months in Ohio comin for me! Hope you have a great fall also!

Well I don't pay attention to the Browns any longer and the NFL is not welcome in my home until they realize how un-American their policies are.

Yes it is true that many corporations donate to both parties albeit heavy on one side or the other. However fossil fuels have been the sworn enemy of the left for decades now. They vowed to get rid of the industry like DumBama tried to get rid of coal. To me, it shows desperation on their part. I think they must be hurting for money in a bad way.

I also think it will mirror the results for this next election. There simply is no "there" there. All these promises about a totally defeated Republican party are just not showing any signs right now. One would think that if such a blue wave existed, the DNC would be working 24/7 to organize the never ending funds. It's not happening.
A group of environmentalists, Bernie Sanders supporters and progressives is urging the Democratic National Committee to reverse its decision to allow donations from the fossil fuel industry.

In a letter Thursday, 20 groups told DNC Chairman Tom Perez that they were "alarmed and dismayed" at the committee's decision to reverse its prior stance that it would not accept donations from fossil fuel corporate PACs.

Groups who signed the letter include Greenpeace, 350 Action and People for Bernie.

"As you can surely understand, we were alarmed and dismayed to see the DNC reverse course after only two months," the letter read. "Taking a stand against the campaign contributions of fossil fuel executives, lobbyists, front-groups, and political action committees corrupting our democracy is a basic test of progressive leadership."

Green groups, Sanders supporters demand DNC end fossil fuel donations

Well, well, well, look at what we have here. What happened to that blue wave that was going to wipe out the Republican party? Seems to me that the DNC is getting desperate for funds and their supporters don't like it one bit.

This is like the RNC accepting donations from Planned Parenthood or the ACLU. If there is no reversal on this decision, how many will cast a protest vote for a Republican candidate? Hmmmm.

View attachment 212884

Hate to tell you this, I have looked at many campain finance reports and in most cases the same people donated to both candidates. I saw my first one back in 1988 and nothing has changed since. This bothered me then and it does now. Some sayings stay true for ever " He who has the gold rules!". I wish it we different but it is what it is! by the way Ray good after noon it has been a while since we talked. One good thing happening in Cleveland this year is the Browns defense looks for real for a change. Too bad that offense will likely lay an egg. The Indians still could be a threat in the play offs. We have had worse years in this state, there is some cause to be happy! Oh yeah I caught a fifteen pound catfish up at Port Clinton a couple of weeks ago. That thing put up one hell of a fight, it was a very good day! I was happy in Ohio for a change!

PS. Deer season starts soon, some more happy months in Ohio comin for me! Hope you have a great fall also!

Well I don't pay attention to the Browns any longer and the NFL is not welcome in my home until they realize how un-American their policies are.

Yes it is true that many corporations donate to both parties albeit heavy on one side or the other. However fossil fuels have been the sworn enemy of the left for decades now. They vowed to get rid of the industry like DumBama tried to get rid of coal. To me, it shows desperation on their part. I think they must be hurting for money in a bad way.

I also think it will mirror the results for this next election. There simply is no "there" there. All these promises about a totally defeated Republican party are just not showing any signs right now. One would think that if such a blue wave existed, the DNC would be working 24/7 to organize the never ending funds. It's not happening.
From what I have seen the money support is pretty even until they see who has a lead then it becaomes lobsided! I will make no predictions about November, I nplan to just let it happen. I am getting tired of the political game. My youngest graduates this year, then I am done. Fuck politics and the whole human race. I spent most my child hood in the wild alone, hunting and fishing. I did not even think about people very often. I am ready for that second childhood. There are no laws in the wild, I just do what I please! I am looking forward to the peice in ways unatural!

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