Ebola is going to bring us the Zombie situation eveyone has been fearing...

then again , might be different and not the old swine , bird flu or think it was Spanish influenza this time .

You really dont need to worry about ebola becoming a serious pandemic, because it kills too quickly to be super dangerous. The virus you have to worry about is one that takes weeks to kill you, because a virus like that can travel much more easilly. People with ebola are displaying symptoms extremely fast, so they arent likely to go on a trip across the world when they have blood coming out of their orifices. It has happened once or twice already, but it wont happen enough times to kill the world.

In the end, this virus wont kill more than 1,000-2,000 peopl world wide.

The incubation period seems to be up to three weeks. After symptoms death may occur within a week. On paper, this one is a killer. The up-side is that it isn't very contagious. Right now it is only contagious from when symptoms are showing to the time of getting well or burial.
Of course a problem for countries with low ability to treat people in isolation or where people socially rather take their chances with their families. Especially concerning burial - an ebola victim is a virus bomb.

My guess is that it will spread. Contained in some countries, causing problems in other. Estimate of 2k death seems low world-wide.

And the more infected, greater risk of getting mutations. This one would be really scary if it would turn airborne.

Very INFECTIOUS, not contagious:

There is no reason to assume that an exported case — be it to Lagos, a city of 17 million people, or any other place — will spark new outbreaks, because Ebola is not highly contagious.

Wait, Ebola is hard to catch?
Though the strain of Ebola in the current outbreak appears to kill 56% of the people it infects, to become infected in the first place, a person's mucous membranes, or an area of broken skin, must come into contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person, such as blood, urine, saliva, semen or stools, or materials contaminated with these fluids such as soiled clothing or bed linen. By contrast, respiratory pathogens such as those that cause the common cold or flu are coughed and sneezed into the air and can be contracted just by breathing or touching contaminated surfaces, such as door knobs. A pandemic flu virus can spread around the world in days or weeks and may be unstoppable whereas Ebola only causes sporadic localized outbreaks that can usually be stamped out.

Largest Ever Ebola Outbreak Is Not a Global Threat - Scientific American
Atlanta hospital ready to treatment Ebola patients - CNN.com

"It is a highly infectious virus that can kill up to 90% of the people who catch it, causing terror among infected communities," it says. The death rate in this outbreak has dropped to roughly 55% because of early treatment. There is also no vaccination against it.Humans contract Ebola through contact with the bodily fluids of infected animals or the bodily fluids of infected humans. MSF says that while the virus is believed to be able to survive for some days in liquid outside an infected organism, chlorine disinfection, heat, direct sunlight, soaps and detergents can kill it.
I hope this thing doesn't mutate.
By the time this administration knows anything is going on half the
population in the US is wiped out.
then again , might be different and not the old swine , bird flu or think it was Spanish influenza this time .

You really dont need to worry about ebola becoming a serious pandemic, because it kills too quickly to be super dangerous. The virus you have to worry about is one that takes weeks to kill you, because a virus like that can travel much more easilly. People with ebola are displaying symptoms extremely fast, so they arent likely to go on a trip across the world when they have blood coming out of their orifices. It has happened once or twice already, but it wont happen enough times to kill the world.

In the end, this virus wont kill more than 1,000-2,000 peopl world wide.

The incubation period seems to be up to three weeks. After symptoms death may occur within a week. On paper, this one is a killer. The up-side is that it isn't very contagious. Right now it is only contagious from when symptoms are showing to the time of getting well or burial.
Of course a problem for countries with low ability to treat people in isolation or where people socially rather take their chances with their families. Especially concerning burial - an ebola victim is a virus bomb.

My guess is that it will spread. Contained in some countries, causing problems in other. Estimate of 2k death seems low world-wide.

And the more infected, greater risk of getting mutations. This one would be really scary if it would turn airborne.

Ebola Reston may have been airborne, yes, the mutations are the danger. And there is a high chance Ebola is already in the US; warm, wet, forests areas are its habitat.

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