Ebola Proven In Medical Studies To Be Air Transmitted, The Studies They Do Not Want You To Read

Do you believe after reading this article Ebola can be Air Transmitted?

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I've been posting this information and linking information about this study from day 1. The anti-American scumbags view ebola as a *necessary* evil. They are going to say that it's no biggie (as they did) until they can no longer do that (as of today they're no longer saying it's no biggie). They are going to facilitate transmission (as they did) until the outcry is so great they can't do that any more (not quite yet) by which time, it will be here to stay.

They aren't going to stop it. They knew when they opened the borders that this was going to happen..despite the fact they jeered and guffawed when people SAID it was going to happen. The enterovirus68 that's coming across the border they initially claimed was no biggy, we just need to wash our hands more. Now they're saying "Oh yeah ebola is huge..and btw, the enterovirus..that's even bigger".

People who believe any of the pap generated by the CDC/WHO health organizations, or the admin or press citing their opinions, should be bitchslapped.
Who told you the enterovirus68 is coming from across the border? I'd like to see a link to that.
Proof Virus leaving U.S. children paralyzed did come from Central America - National Immigration Reform Examiner.com
We've had the virus in this country for decades before the immigrants arrived...and your source lacks any kind of information to support their accusation...like:

Do all countries in the world have some cases of this virus, including the USA?

And what exactly does ''some'' mean when they say those Nations had ''some'' cases of the virus when 25,000 were tested? SOME....like 1 case, 2 cases 5 cases or 2500 cases? What is ''some''? How unprofessional of them to not even quantify with a number or a percentage...sheesh.

And how many of the child refugees have this virus....?

If they are the ones causing this, certainly in their medical screenings, this 'virus' would have been detected?

And certainly this tabloid could have provided cases where the refugee children were sick first in any of those schools where others are getting sick....to prove their case....for goodness sakes....

You bought in to a tabloid propaganda article with no substance Gallant, surely you can discern this on your own without me having to spell it out for you?
I've been posting this information and linking information about this study from day 1. The anti-American scumbags view ebola as a *necessary* evil. They are going to say that it's no biggie (as they did) until they can no longer do that (as of today they're no longer saying it's no biggie). They are going to facilitate transmission (as they did) until the outcry is so great they can't do that any more (not quite yet) by which time, it will be here to stay.

They aren't going to stop it. They knew when they opened the borders that this was going to happen..despite the fact they jeered and guffawed when people SAID it was going to happen. The enterovirus68 that's coming across the border they initially claimed was no biggy, we just need to wash our hands more. Now they're saying "Oh yeah ebola is huge..and btw, the enterovirus..that's even bigger".

People who believe any of the pap generated by the CDC/WHO health organizations, or the admin or press citing their opinions, should be bitchslapped.
Who told you the enterovirus68 is coming from across the border? I'd like to see a link to that.
Proof Virus leaving U.S. children paralyzed did come from Central America - National Immigration Reform Examiner.com
We've had the virus in this country for decades before the immigrants arrived...and your source lacks any kind of information to support their accusation...like:

Do all countries in the world have some cases of this virus, including the USA?

And what exactly does ''some'' mean when they say those Nations had ''some'' cases of the virus when 25,000 were tested? SOME....like 1 case, 2 cases 5 cases or 2500 cases? What is ''some''? How unprofessional of them to not even quantify with a number or a percentage...sheesh.

And how many of the child refugees have this virus....?

If they are the ones causing this, certainly in their medical screenings, this 'virus' would have been detected?

And certainly this tabloid could have provided cases where the refugee children were sick first in any of those schools where others are getting sick....to prove their case....for goodness sakes....

You bought in to a tabloid propaganda article with no substance Gallant, surely you can discern this on your own without me having to spell it out for you?

How about vetting those coming into the nation and checking for diseases.

Or, perhaps you believe indigenous diseases aren't good enough.....

It wouldn't surprise me, after all,you had no problem voting for a man who endorsed infanticide.
Well, we know HEALTH workers are being infected. They are doctors like the ones brought here originally in those specially made ambulances. (Remember when the left said we were making too much if it since they are isolated, but then the same left seems to not care about the African that came here after he lied on the little questionnaire) He was not in a special ambulance and he coughed on God knows how many. He vomited all over his apartment complex and Jesse Jackson is down there today crying racism.

Now, what we have not been told by the MEDIA is how the doctors contracted the disease. I find that fascinating. Do we think they were not taking extra precautions? Do we think they licked faces of the infected? No, they were infected and we have not really been told how. Maybe speculation, but nothing concrete.

Yeah, let us not stop flights coming in from the region. Makes perfect sense. Meanwhile the surrounding African countries are not allowing people to come into their countries from Liberia or Sierra Leone. They must be really dumb.

It is telling when leaders of 3rd world nations are making more sense than the leader of ours. All for political expediency, he plays russian roulette with our citizens.

Meanwhile this other disease enterovirus d68 is said to have the same strain as the Honduras flu along with the same strain from other South American countries. Yeah, we are suppose to believe that it is a remarkable coincidence that this disease coincides with the mass organized bus loads of unaccompanied kids from those same countries.

Along with tiburculosis. Do not worry folks, the administration has assured us that none of those things came from the mass influx of organized illegals into this country.

It was an organized movement people. They came over here unaccompanied. They were children and they counted on the republicans protesting the fact that our laws were not being followed. They did it to set up the narrative they push daily. That republicans hate brown people and they are evil. All in this important election year.

Yeah, nothing to it. Those diseases have no connections, even though the reports show there is a link with the strain.

Worst president in history, is the worst president. He deserves to be charged with murder for the 10 children that have died of this disease.

Fucking left wing morons.

This has nothing to do with Obama, you fucking idiot, unless you think he is the dictator of international commerce, which is what this is about.

Money talks, and if there is an obscurity to the truth of transmission, it's because multi-national empires will be hobbled if international travel and commerce is obstructed.
When it comes to this nation, it has everything to do with Obama and his decision making about these sorts of things or is he the impotent President everyone see's him as, except when it comes to these specific things? Sending troops to the region is his and his administrations decision making, and so you were saying ?
I've been posting this information and linking information about this study from day 1. The anti-American scumbags view ebola as a *necessary* evil. They are going to say that it's no biggie (as they did) until they can no longer do that (as of today they're no longer saying it's no biggie). They are going to facilitate transmission (as they did) until the outcry is so great they can't do that any more (not quite yet) by which time, it will be here to stay.

They aren't going to stop it. They knew when they opened the borders that this was going to happen..despite the fact they jeered and guffawed when people SAID it was going to happen. The enterovirus68 that's coming across the border they initially claimed was no biggy, we just need to wash our hands more. Now they're saying "Oh yeah ebola is huge..and btw, the enterovirus..that's even bigger".

People who believe any of the pap generated by the CDC/WHO health organizations, or the admin or press citing their opinions, should be bitchslapped.
Who told you the enterovirus68 is coming from across the border? I'd like to see a link to that.
Proof Virus leaving U.S. children paralyzed did come from Central America - National Immigration Reform Examiner.com
We've had the virus in this country for decades before the immigrants arrived...and your source lacks any kind of information to support their accusation...like:

Do all countries in the world have some cases of this virus, including the USA?

And what exactly does ''some'' mean when they say those Nations had ''some'' cases of the virus when 25,000 were tested? SOME....like 1 case, 2 cases 5 cases or 2500 cases? What is ''some''? How unprofessional of them to not even quantify with a number or a percentage...sheesh.

And how many of the child refugees have this virus....?

If they are the ones causing this, certainly in their medical screenings, this 'virus' would have been detected?

And certainly this tabloid could have provided cases where the refugee children were sick first in any of those schools where others are getting sick....to prove their case....for goodness sakes....

You bought in to a tabloid propaganda article with no substance Gallant, surely you can discern this on your own without me having to spell it out for you?

How about vetting those coming into the nation and checking for diseases.

Or, perhaps you believe indigenous diseases aren't good enough.....

It wouldn't surprise me, after all,you had no problem voting for a man who endorsed infanticide.
At this time the up most precautions should be taken..
I've been posting this information and linking information about this study from day 1. The anti-American scumbags view ebola as a *necessary* evil. They are going to say that it's no biggie (as they did) until they can no longer do that (as of today they're no longer saying it's no biggie). They are going to facilitate transmission (as they did) until the outcry is so great they can't do that any more (not quite yet) by which time, it will be here to stay.

They aren't going to stop it. They knew when they opened the borders that this was going to happen..despite the fact they jeered and guffawed when people SAID it was going to happen. The enterovirus68 that's coming across the border they initially claimed was no biggy, we just need to wash our hands more. Now they're saying "Oh yeah ebola is huge..and btw, the enterovirus..that's even bigger".

People who believe any of the pap generated by the CDC/WHO health organizations, or the admin or press citing their opinions, should be bitchslapped.
Who told you the enterovirus68 is coming from across the border? I'd like to see a link to that.
Proof Virus leaving U.S. children paralyzed did come from Central America - National Immigration Reform Examiner.com

We don't need third world diseases in america.

With no border control there is no way to know WHO has entered or WHAT diseases, (drugs or weapons) they have. Cite all the "sources" you like. It doesn't change that fact....

Close the border.
I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ against this disease touching any readers or members of USMB or their families! I believe God to cover you people and your families from this wicked disease and that it will not touch you or your families! That is what I am praying today!

Uh, wouldn't Jesus be all about laying on hands to heal people with ebola. And wouldn't then he contract it so that if his blood then got on us, covering us, we'd get infected? :)

Jesus can heal through prayer - even over the internet - and he can protect through prayer over the internet too! I have already seen Him do it! My God can do anything! He is the One true God! He is the Lord God Almighty! The Blood of Jesus Christ is powerful! My God answers prayer! I know He does.

Oh. Well then we shouldn't be fearful of it now should we. We can just ask Jesus to heal people with it instead of limited their travel or locking them away somewhere.

Jesus left the building a long time ago.
And why did he do that, because the sinners didn't want him around anymore ? What does this say about this nation now ? Is it that the sinners who will do and say anything are now running the show these days ? WOW! Makes one feel real warm and fuzzy doesn't it ?
I've been posting this information and linking information about this study from day 1. The anti-American scumbags view ebola as a *necessary* evil. They are going to say that it's no biggie (as they did) until they can no longer do that (as of today they're no longer saying it's no biggie). They are going to facilitate transmission (as they did) until the outcry is so great they can't do that any more (not quite yet) by which time, it will be here to stay.

They aren't going to stop it. They knew when they opened the borders that this was going to happen..despite the fact they jeered and guffawed when people SAID it was going to happen. The enterovirus68 that's coming across the border they initially claimed was no biggy, we just need to wash our hands more. Now they're saying "Oh yeah ebola is huge..and btw, the enterovirus..that's even bigger".

People who believe any of the pap generated by the CDC/WHO health organizations, or the admin or press citing their opinions, should be bitchslapped.
Who told you the enterovirus68 is coming from across the border? I'd like to see a link to that.
Proof Virus leaving U.S. children paralyzed did come from Central America - National Immigration Reform Examiner.com

We don't need third world diseases in america.

With no border control there is no way to know WHO has entered or WHAT diseases, (drugs or weapons) they have. Cite all the "sources" you like. It doesn't change that fact....

Close the border.
Yes and then reopen when we have more sense than what we are exhibiting today. I am not a person who wants to hide within our own borders or to keep good people out, but we have two problems going on in this nation, and one of them is this idea by some that the whites in this nation need to pay for their ancestors transgressions, and if the people here whom wants that can't make that happen, then they want help from the outside to make it happen. The other problem we have is that we are being convinced that we must pay for our ancestors transgressions until those who are making us pay decide it is enough. I mean just listen to all the talk and so I ask what is one supposed to think ?
Yes and then reopen when we have more sense than what we are exhibiting today. I am not a person who wants to hide within our own borders or to keep good people out, but we have two problems going on in this nation, and one of them is this idea by some that the whites in this nation need to pay for their ancestors transgressions, and if the people here whom wants that can't make that happen, then they want help from the outside to make it happen. The other problem we have is that we are being convinced that we must pay for our ancestors transgressions until those who are making us pay decide it is enough. I mean just listen to all the talk and so I ask what is one supposed to think ?

Close and enforce the borders. No more immigration, legal or otherwise, for a certain period of years until we get this mess the left has created sorted out...

It has nothing to do with "hiding" or "keeping good people out" or any of that other negative language you use to describe the common sense practice of protecting our border from illegal infiltrators.
Yes and then reopen when we have more sense than what we are exhibiting today. I am not a person who wants to hide within our own borders or to keep good people out, but we have two problems going on in this nation, and one of them is this idea by some that the whites in this nation need to pay for their ancestors transgressions, and if the people here whom wants that can't make that happen, then they want help from the outside to make it happen. The other problem we have is that we are being convinced that we must pay for our ancestors transgressions until those who are making us pay decide it is enough. I mean just listen to all the talk and so I ask what is one supposed to think ?

Close and enforce the borders. No more immigration, legal or otherwise, for a certain period of years until we get this mess the left has created sorted out...

It has nothing to do with "hiding" or "keeping good people out" or any of that other negative language you use to describe the common sense practice of protecting our border from illegal infiltrators.
For a period of years eh ? Wow, the left sure has made a mess haven't they, and you say my language is negative ? LOL
For a period of years eh ? Wow, the left sure has made a mess haven't they, and you say my language is negative ? LOL
Negative language? The border is open, third world diseases are in america, no one knows how many people cross daily or who they are...or what they're smuggling. The whole process is "negative"...if you're an american citizen.

In a country that is run by leftists that just last month allowed 50, 000 children..CHILDREN..to walk..WALK across our border without their parents...not to mention all the other illegals that flood across...Yes..the ongoing mess is on the left.

If they REALLY wanted the border closed they could do it in a second..remember..like barry said, he has a pen(!) and he'll use it......when he WANTS to do something.
Currently, the CDC is maintaining that there MUST have been breaches of protocol in the cases where the people adhered to the rules dictated to them, and the protection dictated to them, as sufficient.

They're blaming health professionals for screwing up when they contract the disease..despite the fact that they can't identify where they screwed up.

The protocol is obviously not sufficient. I say let's put the CDC talking heads in the suits they declare are *sufficient*, without respirators, or better yet make them stand by in a room awash with virus WITHOUT any gear, like they did to that poor slob deputy in Texas, and see what shakes loose. Throw Obama in there with them.
I've been posting this information and linking information about this study from day 1. The anti-American scumbags view ebola as a *necessary* evil. They are going to say that it's no biggie (as they did) until they can no longer do that (as of today they're no longer saying it's no biggie). They are going to facilitate transmission (as they did) until the outcry is so great they can't do that any more (not quite yet) by which time, it will be here to stay.

They aren't going to stop it. They knew when they opened the borders that this was going to happen..despite the fact they jeered and guffawed when people SAID it was going to happen. The enterovirus68 that's coming across the border they initially claimed was no biggy, we just need to wash our hands more. Now they're saying "Oh yeah ebola is huge..and btw, the enterovirus..that's even bigger".

People who believe any of the pap generated by the CDC/WHO health organizations, or the admin or press citing their opinions, should be bitchslapped.
Who told you the enterovirus68 is coming from across the border? I'd like to see a link to that.
Proof Virus leaving U.S. children paralyzed did come from Central America - National Immigration Reform Examiner.com
We've had the virus in this country for decades before the immigrants arrived...and your source lacks any kind of information to support their accusation...like:

Do all countries in the world have some cases of this virus, including the USA?

And what exactly does ''some'' mean when they say those Nations had ''some'' cases of the virus when 25,000 were tested? SOME....like 1 case, 2 cases 5 cases or 2500 cases? What is ''some''? How unprofessional of them to not even quantify with a number or a percentage...sheesh.

And how many of the child refugees have this virus....?

If they are the ones causing this, certainly in their medical screenings, this 'virus' would have been detected?

And certainly this tabloid could have provided cases where the refugee children were sick first in any of those schools where others are getting sick....to prove their case....for goodness sakes....

You bought in to a tabloid propaganda article with no substance Gallant, surely you can discern this on your own without me having to spell it out for you?

How about vetting those coming into the nation and checking for diseases.

Or, perhaps you believe indigenous diseases aren't good enough.....

It wouldn't surprise me, after all,you had no problem voting for a man who endorsed infanticide.
Are you saying that these refugees WERE NOT screened for the diseases recommended by the CDC when these children had their Medical examination?

They were SCREENED for diseases PC, so where are you getting that they weren't?
I've been posting this information and linking information about this study from day 1. The anti-American scumbags view ebola as a *necessary* evil. They are going to say that it's no biggie (as they did) until they can no longer do that (as of today they're no longer saying it's no biggie). They are going to facilitate transmission (as they did) until the outcry is so great they can't do that any more (not quite yet) by which time, it will be here to stay.

They aren't going to stop it. They knew when they opened the borders that this was going to happen..despite the fact they jeered and guffawed when people SAID it was going to happen. The enterovirus68 that's coming across the border they initially claimed was no biggy, we just need to wash our hands more. Now they're saying "Oh yeah ebola is huge..and btw, the enterovirus..that's even bigger".

People who believe any of the pap generated by the CDC/WHO health organizations, or the admin or press citing their opinions, should be bitchslapped.
Who told you the enterovirus68 is coming from across the border? I'd like to see a link to that.
Proof Virus leaving U.S. children paralyzed did come from Central America - National Immigration Reform Examiner.com
We've had the virus in this country for decades before the immigrants arrived...and your source lacks any kind of information to support their accusation...like:

Do all countries in the world have some cases of this virus, including the USA?

And what exactly does ''some'' mean when they say those Nations had ''some'' cases of the virus when 25,000 were tested? SOME....like 1 case, 2 cases 5 cases or 2500 cases? What is ''some''? How unprofessional of them to not even quantify with a number or a percentage...sheesh.

And how many of the child refugees have this virus....?

If they are the ones causing this, certainly in their medical screenings, this 'virus' would have been detected?

And certainly this tabloid could have provided cases where the refugee children were sick first in any of those schools where others are getting sick....to prove their case....for goodness sakes....

You bought in to a tabloid propaganda article with no substance Gallant, surely you can discern this on your own without me having to spell it out for you?

How about vetting those coming into the nation and checking for diseases.

Or, perhaps you believe indigenous diseases aren't good enough.....

It wouldn't surprise me, after all,you had no problem voting for a man who endorsed infanticide.
Are you saying that these refugees WERE NOT screened for the diseases recommended by the CDC when these children had their Medical examination?

They were SCREENED for diseases PC, so where are you getting that they weren't?

Obama is all about ending America, and the simplest way is to end sovereignty/borders.

He will not close the borders, no matter the cost to American citizens.

He can do so because he has the support of folks like you.
The CDC has softsoaped the risk of ebola all along. The poor hospitals believed them, and now the hospitals and the nurses are going to get blamed for *not following protocol*...when they HAVE followed the precise protocol that has been given to them.
It's all really amazing, because the Dallas case wouldn't have even made it here if a travel band was in place from those areas in which he came from, I mean if only temporarily until the situation can be better assessed for the dangers involved. The so called commander and chief is a disgrace on this issue, because he is saying that trade or commerce is more important than a pandemic getting loose in America. I wonder how many people are willing to sacrifice their children, wives or husbands for the sake of trade or commerce with west Africa at this time or even them traveling here freely at this time ? Has the President gone mad, and has he lost his common sense, or did he have any to begin with ? Do people realize that a biological war with this nation or the idea of such a thing, just might be studied and learned by all of this ? Like Barney Fife said once "you got to NIP it Andy, just NIP it in the bud", and Barney may have been right to think in this way or who ever wrote that script for Barney in that show who thought in that way. I sit here and watched the documentary called "Appointment with Tokyo", and how we fought as Americans all the way to that capital city as Americans, and then I think about what has happened to America today, well it is literally.sickening.

How could we have sunk so low now ? When think about it all, it really is depressing.

I saw MacArthur aboard that battle wagon that was set for the surrender of Japan, and how he asked that we all Pray that the Lord would preserve the world in peace afterwards, but here we are now being oppressed by those who would tell us that we are not allowed to pray anymore like that in public speakings or to use God's name in the public any longer, but here it all is backfiring on them, yet they live constantly in denial whilst they oppress us at every turn now. They must work for the evil one, and if anyone hasn't figure that one out yet, then they are truly ignorant or just plain evil or just plain dumb.
For a period of years eh ? Wow, the left sure has made a mess haven't they, and you say my language is negative ? LOL
Negative language? The border is open, third world diseases are in america, no one knows how many people cross daily or who they are...or what they're smuggling. The whole process is "negative"...if you're an american citizen.

In a country that is run by leftists that just last month allowed 50, 000 children..CHILDREN..to walk..WALK across our border without their parents...not to mention all the other illegals that flood across...Yes..the ongoing mess is on the left.

If they REALLY wanted the border closed they could do it in a second..remember..like barry said, he has a pen(!) and he'll use it......when he WANTS to do something.

Yeah like trading deadly prisoners for a trader who walked off post (went A-wall) or attempting to make light the situation that happened at Fort Hood or the cover up in Benghazi saying it was a video, and on and on it goes etc. What A PEN that is or is it more like what a Pen Head they all are ?

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