Ebola Proven In Medical Studies To Be Air Transmitted, The Studies They Do Not Want You To Read

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I forgot that you're functionally illiterate.

I'm saying it. We've had a 112 percent increase in incidence of this (previously) rare virus, that just happens to coincide with the flood of undocumented, sick, untreated children flooding across our borders and being released into our communities..and our schools.

"Professor of medicine and medical director of Doctor Radio at New York University’s Langone Medical Center Dr. Marc Siegel wrote this in Slate magazine:

"As many as 50,000 children, mostly from Central American countries… are not being detained for the purpose of identifying illness, with Immigration and Customs Enforcement relying on self-report of symptoms, and many have already been sent to other states, where disease can spread.

Predictably, the medical community and the CDC are blaming the spread of this “rare” virus on seasonal allergies and the start of the school year. "

Rather than daring to suggest that illegal children could be the source and quarantining – or better yet, rounding up and sending home -- “unaccompanied minors,” health officials are recommending hand-washing, avoiding other sick children, covering noses and mouths when sneezing and coughing, as well as “having a game plan” if a child with asthma suddenly turns blue and can’t breathe.

Instead of playing the politically-correct denial game, would it be so wrong to suggest that the emergence of a new strain of childhood virus could be a result of the 112% increase in the numbers of new “unaccompanied minors” streaming into the country, carrying with them diseases either new, rare, or altogether eradicated from the U.S. for decades?

Articles The Invasion of Enterovirus EV-D68

"When a case of H1N1 swine flu was diagnosed in late June, 2,000 flu vaccines were flown in. Since it takes two to three weeks for a vaccine to confer protection, more cases of flu are likely within the centers. It is also possible that the disease will spread to the local community and beyond.
"Drug-resistant tuberculosis also appears to have spread, with several counties in southern Texas reporting twice the usual average number of cases. TB is a disease that needs to be carefully monitored and screened for, a prospect that is not possible under the current circumstances.

"Dengue fever, a potentially deadly mosquito-borne disease that causes fatigue, pain in the bones and muscles, and fever, and infects close to 100 million people worldwide every year, has been detected this year in southern Texas for the first time since 2005. Illegal immigrants, possibly from Mexico, are a likely source. If infected mosquitoes begin to breed here, we could see more outbreaks.

"There have been reports of measles and chicken pox at the centers, both of which are highly contagious and can spread to other children who aren’t vaccinated."

The fact of the matter...immigrants always bring disease with them. It's asinine to pretend they don't.

The difference between progressives and the rest of humanity...progressives will LIE about this fact, and accuse others of lying when they say there is a risk..despite the fact that they know it's true.

Why is this?

The only reason is that they are okay with the spread of disease. Which isn't news to me. Progressives are ALWAYS anti-health, anti-medicine, anti-science..unless they can find a way to distort those things to justify killing others.

"calling it a crisis and working to contain it are two different things. It is clear that the CDC needs to be more involved immediately to help identify, treat, and contain emerging diseases. Putting a cone of secrecy around the health concerns of 50,000 children helps neither those who are sick nor those who are placed at risk."

Children crossing border illegally A possible public health crisis from detention centers.

Thanks for telling me you said it. That means I dont have to feel bad about ignoring the rest of your long winded post. You do realize that the virus has been around and documented since 1962 right? With your logic that means the reason I just stubbed my toe is because the sun came up today. Somehow i always stub my toe when the sun is up therefore its the suns fault?
Yeah, the same people who said that the CDC was LYING about the low risk of ebola are the ones who say the wave of undocumented is going to be a problem.....primarily the people who have worked with the diseases are the ones who think the current measures to prevent spread of disease are laughable.
I forgot that you're functionally illiterate.

I'm saying it. We've had a 112 percent increase in incidence of this (previously) rare virus, that just happens to coincide with the flood of undocumented, sick, untreated children flooding across our borders and being released into our communities..and our schools.

"Professor of medicine and medical director of Doctor Radio at New York University’s Langone Medical Center Dr. Marc Siegel wrote this in Slate magazine:

"As many as 50,000 children, mostly from Central American countries… are not being detained for the purpose of identifying illness, with Immigration and Customs Enforcement relying on self-report of symptoms, and many have already been sent to other states, where disease can spread.

Predictably, the medical community and the CDC are blaming the spread of this “rare” virus on seasonal allergies and the start of the school year. "

Rather than daring to suggest that illegal children could be the source and quarantining – or better yet, rounding up and sending home -- “unaccompanied minors,” health officials are recommending hand-washing, avoiding other sick children, covering noses and mouths when sneezing and coughing, as well as “having a game plan” if a child with asthma suddenly turns blue and can’t breathe.

Instead of playing the politically-correct denial game, would it be so wrong to suggest that the emergence of a new strain of childhood virus could be a result of the 112% increase in the numbers of new “unaccompanied minors” streaming into the country, carrying with them diseases either new, rare, or altogether eradicated from the U.S. for decades?

Articles The Invasion of Enterovirus EV-D68

"When a case of H1N1 swine flu was diagnosed in late June, 2,000 flu vaccines were flown in. Since it takes two to three weeks for a vaccine to confer protection, more cases of flu are likely within the centers. It is also possible that the disease will spread to the local community and beyond.
"Drug-resistant tuberculosis also appears to have spread, with several counties in southern Texas reporting twice the usual average number of cases. TB is a disease that needs to be carefully monitored and screened for, a prospect that is not possible under the current circumstances.

"Dengue fever, a potentially deadly mosquito-borne disease that causes fatigue, pain in the bones and muscles, and fever, and infects close to 100 million people worldwide every year, has been detected this year in southern Texas for the first time since 2005. Illegal immigrants, possibly from Mexico, are a likely source. If infected mosquitoes begin to breed here, we could see more outbreaks.

"There have been reports of measles and chicken pox at the centers, both of which are highly contagious and can spread to other children who aren’t vaccinated."

The fact of the matter...immigrants always bring disease with them. It's asinine to pretend they don't.

The difference between progressives and the rest of humanity...progressives will LIE about this fact, and accuse others of lying when they say there is a risk..despite the fact that they know it's true.

Why is this?

The only reason is that they are okay with the spread of disease. Which isn't news to me. Progressives are ALWAYS anti-health, anti-medicine, anti-science..unless they can find a way to distort those things to justify killing others.

"calling it a crisis and working to contain it are two different things. It is clear that the CDC needs to be more involved immediately to help identify, treat, and contain emerging diseases. Putting a cone of secrecy around the health concerns of 50,000 children helps neither those who are sick nor those who are placed at risk."

Children crossing border illegally A possible public health crisis from detention centers.

Thanks for telling me you said it. That means I dont have to feel bad about ignoring the rest of your long winded post. You do realize that the virus has been around and documented since 1962 right? With your logic that means the reason I just stubbed my toe is because the sun came up today. Somehow i always stub my toe when the sun is up therefore its the suns fault?

If you weren't functionally illiterate, you would have noticed the links and the quotes to authorities in my *long winded* post. I didn't need to say anything, my sources said it for me.

But that's the thing about being functionally illiterate. You're too illiterate to understand that you need to read to understand.
Three of the four HORSEMEN are afraid of it!

I forgot that you're functionally illiterate.

I'm saying it. We've had a 112 percent increase in incidence of this (previously) rare virus, that just happens to coincide with the flood of undocumented, sick, untreated children flooding across our borders and being released into our communities..and our schools.

"Professor of medicine and medical director of Doctor Radio at New York University’s Langone Medical Center Dr. Marc Siegel wrote this in Slate magazine:

"As many as 50,000 children, mostly from Central American countries… are not being detained for the purpose of identifying illness, with Immigration and Customs Enforcement relying on self-report of symptoms, and many have already been sent to other states, where disease can spread.

Predictably, the medical community and the CDC are blaming the spread of this “rare” virus on seasonal allergies and the start of the school year. "

Rather than daring to suggest that illegal children could be the source and quarantining – or better yet, rounding up and sending home -- “unaccompanied minors,” health officials are recommending hand-washing, avoiding other sick children, covering noses and mouths when sneezing and coughing, as well as “having a game plan” if a child with asthma suddenly turns blue and can’t breathe.

Instead of playing the politically-correct denial game, would it be so wrong to suggest that the emergence of a new strain of childhood virus could be a result of the 112% increase in the numbers of new “unaccompanied minors” streaming into the country, carrying with them diseases either new, rare, or altogether eradicated from the U.S. for decades?

Articles The Invasion of Enterovirus EV-D68

"When a case of H1N1 swine flu was diagnosed in late June, 2,000 flu vaccines were flown in. Since it takes two to three weeks for a vaccine to confer protection, more cases of flu are likely within the centers. It is also possible that the disease will spread to the local community and beyond.
"Drug-resistant tuberculosis also appears to have spread, with several counties in southern Texas reporting twice the usual average number of cases. TB is a disease that needs to be carefully monitored and screened for, a prospect that is not possible under the current circumstances.

"Dengue fever, a potentially deadly mosquito-borne disease that causes fatigue, pain in the bones and muscles, and fever, and infects close to 100 million people worldwide every year, has been detected this year in southern Texas for the first time since 2005. Illegal immigrants, possibly from Mexico, are a likely source. If infected mosquitoes begin to breed here, we could see more outbreaks.

"There have been reports of measles and chicken pox at the centers, both of which are highly contagious and can spread to other children who aren’t vaccinated."

The fact of the matter...immigrants always bring disease with them. It's asinine to pretend they don't.

The difference between progressives and the rest of humanity...progressives will LIE about this fact, and accuse others of lying when they say there is a risk..despite the fact that they know it's true.

Why is this?

The only reason is that they are okay with the spread of disease. Which isn't news to me. Progressives are ALWAYS anti-health, anti-medicine, anti-science..unless they can find a way to distort those things to justify killing others.

"calling it a crisis and working to contain it are two different things. It is clear that the CDC needs to be more involved immediately to help identify, treat, and contain emerging diseases. Putting a cone of secrecy around the health concerns of 50,000 children helps neither those who are sick nor those who are placed at risk."

Children crossing border illegally A possible public health crisis from detention centers.

Thanks for telling me you said it. That means I dont have to feel bad about ignoring the rest of your long winded post. You do realize that the virus has been around and documented since 1962 right? With your logic that means the reason I just stubbed my toe is because the sun came up today. Somehow i always stub my toe when the sun is up therefore its the suns fault?

If you weren't functionally illiterate, you would have noticed the links and the quotes to authorities in my *long winded* post. I didn't need to say anything, my sources said it for me.

But that's the thing about being functionally illiterate. You're too illiterate to understand that you need to read to understand.
None of your links say the virus is coming from across the border. If it does instead of typing a dissertation simply quote it so everyone can see where it says the virus is coming from outside the US instead of inside. If you can...please provide the quote that explains what is the difference between humans inside the US vs outside.
I didn't type a dissertation, but I accept that your disability makes reading difficult.

Almost all of my post is cut and paste, you poor halfwit.

"In Latin America as in other regions, HRVs and HEVs account for a substantial proportion of respiratory viruses identified in young people with ILIs"...

The scientists that you loons are always whining about all recognize that we are at risk of infection of a variety of diseases from undocumenteds.

The only people who deny this are progressive nutbags, who don't give a shit if people die or not.

Virology Journal Full text Human rhinoviruses and enteroviruses in influenza-like illness in Latin America
Oh. Well then we shouldn't be fearful of it now should we. We can just ask Jesus to heal people with it instead of limited their travel or locking them away somewhere.

Jesus left the building a long time ago.

Only if he wanted too
Jesus said where two or more are gathered in His Name He is there. Jesus is most definitely on this board. Whether he likes it or not.


Exodus 23:25
Worship the LORD your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you,
I understand the sentiment but the bible has been proven to be fairytales based on historical events.

Good luck with that. If I was a betting man, which I am, I'm fairly confident you wont make that bet if you live to see the Chaplain read you your last rites. Like my old man, you may just cry Jesus name for forgiveness in the 11th hour.

Just a hunch

I don't know about the army's training, but would imagine they were training for CBR as well........Protocols for Biological Warfare would be very similar to a deadly virus outbreak............

The military does have training on how to stop the spread of biological weapons, which I'm sure have now turned to training for virus containment.

If you are trying to Isolate a region, and people try to get out anyway and risk possible spread then it would be reasonable to detain those trying to flee a restricted zone. And this being done to prevent further spread of the disease.
I wonder how long it will take this regime to declare restricted zones from which no one will be permitted to move, if this, or some other disease, becomes epidemic in the US? Will they be as reluctant to declare territory within the US and close off all unauthorized movement to and from as they are to quarantine the Ebola hot zones in Africa?

I'm not a medical examiner, or medical professional. It shows how the experiment was done. The pigs were infected.....Monkeys were placed in the cages. The monkeys contracted the disease, and then they did the autopsies on the pigs and Monkeys showing where the Ebola had spread and gave percentages of damaged organs due to the virus.

In the other article, it stated that they put Monkeys in the cages and monkeys infected with the virus in similar surroundings without the same results as used on pigs.

The pigs snort and they say have a better capability to blow out the heavy droplets than other animals.....namely the monkeys.

But it does show that a sneeze of an infected person could spread it.

Why do I believe this...........Anyone who hasn't ever had a POWER SNEEZE where you sneezed so hard that you splattered out as a result of the sneeze, I would consider unworthy of the truth. And I'd think if someone sneezed that blew out onto anything........chair...armrest with the disease could infect anyone touching that surface.
Is it common for people with Ebola to sneeze? Like it would be common for a person with a cold or the flu to sneeze...I'm not certain that is the case with people infected with Ebola?

Also, passing the disease through being close to a pig that snorts out the bodily fluids or close to a human with the disease that sneezes out fluids, does not mean it is an airborne passing disease, right?

And how long does the virus live on a surface? 1 day? 1 hour? two weeks? 6 months, before dying?

What kills it on surfaces? Bleach? Vinegar?

Do you truly believe the nurse in France wasn't all suited up, when she saw the known patient with ebola, or did she catch it, before the patient was identified as having it???

Letting the virus spread in those countries in Africa with the bulk of the cases, is MORE of a threat to us than you seem to give consideration...

we could stop flights from Africa, but we would also need to stop all the cargo ships from there entering our ports, and we would need to stop all airlines from coming to the USA, all ships, all trains from across the border, because who is to say some one like that nurse in France couldn't come here to the USA.... other countries obviously already have a case or two, just like the usa, and if in the USA it could rapidly spread then in France and all countries in the world, it could spread as well....

basically, stopping travel from just those countries is not a guaranteed protection for us....and doesn't help with getting the aid to these sick people over there....

WE need to focus on the experimental cure drug and in finding a vaccine....that is our best bet in surviving or rather nipping in the bud, a possible worldwide epidemic....imo.
Here are a couple of sources. Apparently, the Ebola virus can survive outside the host from hours to weeks, depending on circumstances.
How long does Ebola survive outside the body Ebola
Q As on Transmission Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever CDC
A few hours on a dry surface..up to 3 days in liquid. And it jumps species, it always has. It's one of the things that makes it difficult. It mutates FAST.
I've been posting this information and linking information about this study from day 1. The anti-American scumbags view ebola as a *necessary* evil. They are going to say that it's no biggie (as they did) until they can no longer do that (as of today they're no longer saying it's no biggie). They are going to facilitate transmission (as they did) until the outcry is so great they can't do that any more (not quite yet) by which time, it will be here to stay.

They aren't going to stop it. They knew when they opened the borders that this was going to happen..despite the fact they jeered and guffawed when people SAID it was going to happen. The enterovirus68 that's coming across the border they initially claimed was no biggy, we just need to wash our hands more. Now they're saying "Oh yeah ebola is huge..and btw, the enterovirus..that's even bigger".

People who believe any of the pap generated by the CDC/WHO health organizations, or the admin or press citing their opinions, should be bitchslapped.
Who told you the enterovirus68 is coming from across the border? I'd like to see a link to that.
Proof Virus leaving U.S. children paralyzed did come from Central America - National Immigration Reform Examiner.com
BTW..this is what happens when a country has ebola running rampant:

Elections cancelled:

Ebola-ravaged Liberia nearing collapse cancels national elections Hot Air
Maybe not in time for this Nov, but it's been suggested that our Chicken-in-Chief will declare marshal law and cancel the 2016 elections with less provocation than a national pandemic, featuring multiple diseases.

Yep, Obama is going to put you and koshergrl in the FEMA camp! LOL!
Its funny how every official talking point about Ebola lists body fluids that carry the disease, but they fail to mention mucus.

Here is the what the CDC site states:
  • blood or body fluids (including but not limited to urine, saliva, sweat, feces, vomit, breast milk, and semen) of a person who is sick with Ebola
Transmission Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever CDC

All it takes is someone sneezing.
Its funny how every official talking point about Ebola lists body fluids that carry the disease, but they fail to mention mucus.

Here is the what the CDC site states:
  • blood or body fluids (including but not limited to urine, saliva, sweat, feces, vomit, breast milk, and semen) of a person who is sick with Ebola
Transmission Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever CDC

All it takes is someone sneezing.

I think the fact that its not in your lungs or respiratory system has a lot to do with the CDC not mentioning mucus.
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Site with the supposed study is a conspiracy site. Historically, not the most credible source for such information.
It's absolutely amazing that any sensible human being, especially a supposedly educated American, would believe that the government actually wants an ebola outbreak in America and thus is deceiving the public about the disease. These people seem to have no ability to think rationally.

"....amazing that any sensible human being, especially a supposedly educated American, would believe that the government actually wants an ebola outbreak in America and thus is deceiving the public about the disease."

What's heartening about being a conservative is that events constantly reinforce our beliefs.....for example what we said about Obama....

Now this: government constantly lies to the public about diseases...if the lies support Leftwing ideology.
Case in point, Surgeon General Everett Koop.... and others, swearing that AIDS was a heterosexual disease and would sweep the nation.
'The spread of the disease among a wider population was just a matter of time.'

Koop, a Republican btw, sent out 114 millions of copies of a pamphlet warning all Americans about AIDS.

Yup....government lies.
Liberals....always surprised because of the ideological A.D.D.
Site with the supposed study is a conspiracy site. Historically, not the most credible source for such information.
It's absolutely amazing that any sensible human being, especially a supposedly educated American, would believe that the government actually wants an ebola outbreak in America and thus is deceiving the public about the disease. These people seem to have no ability to think rationally.

"....amazing that any sensible human being, especially a supposedly educated American, would believe that the government actually wants an ebola outbreak in America and thus is deceiving the public about the disease."

What's heartening about being a conservative is that events constantly reinforce our beliefs.....for example what we said about Obama....

Now this: government constantly lies to the public about diseases...if the lies support Leftwing ideology.
Case in point, Surgeon General Everett Koop.... and others, swearing that AIDS was a heterosexual disease and would sweep the nation.
'The spread of the disease among a wider population was just a matter of time.'

Koop, a Republican btw, sent out 114 millions of copies of a pamphlet warning all Americans about AIDS.

Yup....government lies.
Liberals....always surprised because of the ideological A.D.D.

Outta get a Congressman to sponsor a Bill to make a Surgeon General's Day like President's Day in honor of Dr. Koop.
Site with the supposed study is a conspiracy site. Historically, not the most credible source for such information.
It's absolutely amazing that any sensible human being, especially a supposedly educated American, would believe that the government actually wants an ebola outbreak in America and thus is deceiving the public about the disease. These people seem to have no ability to think rationally.

"....amazing that any sensible human being, especially a supposedly educated American, would believe that the government actually wants an ebola outbreak in America and thus is deceiving the public about the disease."

What's heartening about being a conservative is that events constantly reinforce our beliefs.....for example what we said about Obama....

Now this: government constantly lies to the public about diseases...if the lies support Leftwing ideology.
Case in point, Surgeon General Everett Koop.... and others, swearing that AIDS was a heterosexual disease and would sweep the nation.
'The spread of the disease among a wider population was just a matter of time.'

Koop, a Republican btw, sent out 114 millions of copies of a pamphlet warning all Americans about AIDS.

Yup....government lies.
Liberals....always surprised because of the ideological A.D.D.

Outta get a Congressman to sponsor a Bill to make a Surgeon General's Day like President's Day in honor of Dr. Koop.


As in you're "Outta" your mind?

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